Show A Physic physicians la a statement yorktown ark jan IL 11 leland williamson Will lainson ba M D i one of our cleverest physicians has made mada a statement endorsing doraine dodds kidney pills and saying that he be uses them in Us his dally daily practice in preference to tiny any other kidney medicine ills hla statement has created a profound sensation as it Is some what unusual lor for a physician to pull LOT endorse anything in the shape ot of a patent medicine dr williamson says after twenty years yeara practice in a sickly and mal arlous country I 1 have come to the conclusion that it Is always best to use the remedy that will relieve and cure my patients whether ethical or not 1 I have used sed dodds kidney pills with uniform success in the various forms of kidney disease pain in the back gout rheumatism inflammation and congestion of 0 the kidney and all kindred diseases I 1 always prescribe dodds kidney pills in such cases and can testify that they invariably restore the kidneys to their normal state stale and thereby relieve the blood of accumulated poisons producing prompt and effective cures |