Show PLACED ED DYNAMITE IN MINE 1 I 1 sensational testimony before coro ners berle jury at butta but the inquest over ever the bodies of samuel olson and fred ditel who were wera killed hilled by an explosion january januar y 1 in what Is termed the legal raise ot of the pennsylvania mine owned by the th amalgamated copper company as tho the result of an alleged underground dynamite clash between the amalgamated miners and those employed by F augustus heinze was concluded at butte friday evening after the coroners jury had listened to SIX at esch each ot of which vol testimony morY was wag introduced albert Frain le He heinzel inzes ent gave gave sensational testimony acknowledging knowl dg having ordered tho the dynamiting biting of the tapes slopes lor for tho the solo sole purpose ot of keeping boitt tho the A amalga riga P mated men frank claimed he did not know that the united states court had bad issued an order permitting an inspection spec tion to tie be made hy by the amalgamated superintendent frank also ad emitted that his men left holes but he did not linow know how bow ninny many the verdict ot of the jury was that the men were killed by the explosion pt of a L laree large quantity at 0 giant powder ilk by persons persona unknown that the level a hero the explosion occurred la Is under the control and being used and worked by what la Is termed the johnstown mining company and that some person or persons having access to the said bald SOO foot level of the rams mine and the michael devitt claim tiers the person or persons causing this explosion |