Show DONALD C THOMPSON FINALLY CAPTURED I v I a IK lj 17 ne rho police lollee of or at ati 1 i I Ines throughout tho limo Unit l 11 t it t md nd army were lid ad v wi Vt ot 1 t I i Inv If r the Ihl rapture In Norfolk I hi n id ll f r il 24 4 years t d tin un I h police e charge chae lifts lias loft loll a I trail trait of or worthless checks th II extending g from New York to Lo Lol Angeles Posing as all a I first lieutenant of It the th United Stales artillery corps url and wear wearing ing log the th natty aU uniform of an Rn officer ut u r that rank the Ihl police say R lie be has ha de defrauded II defrauded merchants In many minty nf or the large citify by b means man of or checks and up to the time of or his hili arrest In Norfolk cleverly covered his tracks Immediately upon hla hi capture Inspector tor to McCafferty Mcafferty of or the New York de detective detective bureau made first claim for or him lint nud M fl or win who van leas wa sent pent nt to Norfolk to 10 bring the prin In oner back H Is expected t today with the pseudo I eudo army arm officer omeera a |