Show PRESIDENT TO 10 SEE l hilt ThU Morning to Cooperate Uh lii Parents In III Or Kojs 1115 GirK irI D H II called a 1 meeting this morning of or tilt the on children to ho make ar arrangements for the of ot the Living Flag 1 a 11 and a n program for the tue entertainment t of or President Taft when he ho cornea comen h hee here ro tho latter part of ot the the month for fo C t this afternoon In lila Ills hIl In the tho city elt und and county build buildIng Ing The names of o the persons on the committee ore are or I as a follows follow folo President J 1 T Kingsbury 1 State Hupt A C Nel Nelson son Kon Chief Chic of o Police P 8 R i M ii Barlow Prin Principal cipal Irl George Gcorge A Eton Principal II n H 11 1 Supervisor John S 8 Welsh Su Suo Supervisor Supe pe lor William Wilam A elI Supt U UW UW p W Supt G M 1 Mumford Supt Supt John Hansen Jr apt ept Joseph n II 1 Caine apt William lIlal C O Webb ebb and Tru Truant Ir Irant i ant nt Officer Alma Ahna C e Clayton Claylon |