Show marshal cheal had three girt brought to him theother night by a t farmer who resides in tho south w estern western part of town they were A to J I 1 Z charged barged with entering the farmers farmer s melon patch and stealing and destroying ying melons this Is only on one e case of the kind out ot of many we are informed that there are a great number of our young people both boys and girls that make a nightly nightly practice of entering the orchards and fields of fruit growers and far farmers ners taking whatever strikes their i ancy an id in many i cases doing irreparable damage these these girls gills that we refer to here were full grown eighteen or twenty years old it is a shame that they should be so lacking in morais morals and good manners as to indulge in that sort of thing and I 1 we have it from the officers that diligent watch will hereafter for these r marauders marauders and they will be givin given the full fuli extent of of the thelah law govi berning such cases no matter who they are or where they cor come e fr from nl we commend this determination to prosecute this liecty thievery and shall do all that we can to throw light upon the actions of those who persist in disregarding the rights and property of others |