Show BEAR RIVER SOILS comprehensive TREATISE AND DIAGRAMS ISSUED BY BUREAU OF SOILS uninteresting ARTICLE advance sheets showing work done in bear river valley by jensen and are out by charles A jensen and A T I 1 continued from last issue I 1 1 MALADE I lain FINE S SOIL the malade fine soli soil consists of fine sand without much change in texture to a depth of 6 feet it is located along the hanks banks of bear river and extends from a point 2 miles south of bear river city north to Collin the surface of the individual areas is usually level but the more typical are usually raised above the surrounding land A few local local areas occur below the bear river eni embankments ank ments next to the stream itself the malade fine sand has been formed from materials mater ilis deposited by bear river during overflows mainly before the channel reached its present depth some of these fine sand areas occupy high forelands for elands along the river the soil as a whole is well drained and free from alkali the malade fine sand is well adapted to any crop suited to the climate of the valley and especially to sugar beets b beets under irrigation MALADE SANDY LOAM the inia malade lade sandy loam consists of about 12 inches of fine sandy loam underlain to 5 feet with a cour course se sandy loam often containing a high per of clay and this in turn is underlain to a depth of 6 feet with a find sandy loam or jane fine sand the surface foot is usually quite loose in texture but below that the soil is generally very compact the type is located on the east cast side of bear river adjacent to that stream ind and extends from corenne rt h to bear river city city the surface s u is level but higher than the surrounding land the sandy loam occupying the forelands for elands along the river the type cyp e owes its origin to depos its from bear river during overflows it is well drained and free from at al hall lacall this soil is well adapted to any crop grown growa in the area and is one of the best soils for sugar beets when irrigation is practised practiced it was dry I 1 farmed to some extent before the east sid 10 canal wm was built GRAVELLY LOAM Th the bingham eDingham gravelly loam con fists of a fine sandy loam loam or loamy sand containing considerable gravel especially in the subsoil the gravel varies in size from fine gravel to fragments 3 or 4 inches in diameter As mapped in this area the gravel usually reaches the surface but may be from one to two feet below in some places there is very little interstitial soil this being the case where the slopes are deepest and the water action greatest the type is located on the east side of the valley along the slopes of the mountains A few isolated areas occur in other parts of the valley the soil is well drained and free from alkali kali I 1 the bingham gravelly loam has been formed entirely from wash from the hills and aind mountains and numerous small deltas have been formed by the intermittent streams the largest delta area on which wha the he city ot briglia brigham is I 1 located occurs at the th mouth of boxelder Box elder creek the type is important owing to its to fruit and truck farming and js is devoted largely to orchard consisting of apples pears pea ches acs apricots plums and cherries small fruits especially strawberries ind and raspberries rasp berries irles and considerable luan of vegetables are grown these hese often being cultivated as in crops in the orchards JORDAN CLAY the jordan clay consists of about 12 inches of clay or clam clain loam to within 6 feet with stiff tenacious gray or yellow clay asio casio nally a thin stratum of fine sand 31 sand is found which may occur at my any depth between the second and sixth toot foot sections this type occurs at the lower limit tit athe the mountain slopes on the east 1 side 51 1 or of the valley in the southern township p and extending recent lake bottom of great salt lake it is low lying often wet or poorly drained and contains considerable soluble salts it is and in origin and is of no value except for pasturage during the summer SALT LAKE LOAM the salt lake loam consists of from ato to 3 feet of loam very fine in texture and grading into clay loam and underlain to 6 feet with fine sandy loam fine sand or sandy loam the type is found only in the lake continued on page three |