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Show f A Daily Thought The Deseret News A 'The student of mankind is ast&pished at two things: How much the ignorant, know ahj how tittle the learned know. Soutberfi'iCros. Daily to, .Tour Home Is Delivered For Only 13e Wtrk I FOUNDED 1850 ALT LAKE CITY WEDNESDAY UTAH JANUARY 14 1931 -- EIG lITY-FIRS- YEAR T -- BLOODED SHEEP On Pedestrians Tunnel Project S.LINSPRING lamboxriHe -- I: GtyOrdersBids MEN MEET IN L INCREASES Solon Hurls State OpefallOIl Challenged SAURIES OF i Costs Increase Press Association At EMPLOYES I.03 Per Capita CITY; r Out $20,000. BACKER S- (or to Advertisement Breed err Select City a Center of Industry. Tbs --annual convention of the. American Ramboulllet Sheepbrd- er a association va til be held-l- n Salt) roretrilrt a pedestrian tunnel under South Temple at J was aurhorled by the titr commission Wednesday. There mas some talk of doing the work on city account. with hand Iaboc.bul this has been whanrinnlpd The estimated cost of the tunnel U 55.004. The board of education has appropriated 11.500. Treasurer Gets Advance Of $40 Month; Raises Total $1,320. Places Report Bill of 1929 at streets - $9,267,378. HAMMOND Col born Detective Chot a small portionof a huge pile of checks on file In the at police liadqtartcrs. The checks are stamped with Ins' or No X't". loMiffk-ie.it- funds, or no acoant. Ttiesc checks were . accepted in goodfaitfi by SaltLaL merchants mho djw arc "whirling money J ao of Comniissionei Char.ti NJenr, tne city commission vvod.t stay voted Increases In a- lo ail of the seven employes of the c t treasurers department. J Parlj White, treasure!, received the largest increase. $40 per month, nukm his pay $3W f1101111 peI, j T K Horn dputj, received an 1 has increase of $10 per mQnttw- On mot.on- - The operation of the government of the stats of Liah In iV:9 react. l Lake concurrently with the annual YLi, it j. ;.e4. a.Pftr .i aputc . jjs i of wr lS-National Livestock show. T compare wta anlf the maxinvOm of labor t I $8. 4 1 in Hrt?. t?TI cost of ru This announcement was made, which represents mng the state was $9,. 87,37$ for by C X. Arnet, of Den-- Wednesday about.SLTOO cost. of lhe ' ver. prszs. president and manager of the, t This is shown in a report toion. Intermountain Livestock Marketing 4. by Charles T. Frisk, deputy stat'd association, who is also president .... nVr,onv x r.crjv of the Bamboutto, associat.cn JUr treasurer, copies of which were sent to the, department oi coa legislators and pres- ViastungiOB. D J. Thc, 0,hcr wo male fmpioyf, ; mg the annual moot growers conThe report includes a kuraruary ideuta am! officials of all wn-vention. said that approximatel-3.9- O and A G Brain.1 it,y never Jif from1 woul3 felt quite of thc financial statistics ot in. but he has attend delegates tatj, retened advances cf 515 per oharlc-same ns oratorical that fiscal state i Stales and ' the of for United omn pa. the ending' all parts ra year t)e baEjS 0f pay to v Canada. (June 3, 1929 The per capita fig I'teratcd his debut into political Uf fi;., pfr mon!h. 2e T- -e ures for 19:4 are based on an apd puolic speaking some Since its organization the Kam- women employed in thc ;rn-- .t estimated population' of 49 !"0 years ago m Tooele county bouillet association ha3 held evtrv Sudden De&tH of .Mrs. MilUe Let1' Mrs ( Ltahs farmed governor was a ,Ma,. Lrovnar.d Mrs Erma H Costs. convention in Chicago at the sam Operation tune as the International Livestock sl DinOS&UI The payments for operation ami that time merely another yout iftCOYCTCr cam ca.ncd increases ot show. The Salt Lake. meeting t ill maintenance of the general d'- - mining engjieer from the midtn j;ti ,, j now be paid 513a jniil ' 1 tah wrest to : to Inclined , rather nio-'lb Ui Tlrst to break an ay from basniul, r aniounted ComCI AS Shock. partmenta ,.f I ttle abevt &nd, th&n 68 $1 much, $9 267 or this proeeedure, and many impor 37$, per , menb vaii onie adjURf This tnctudies 53.71 T0 appor- aif. a mintng engineer and njtf taitt itrns of" reorgamzaton wtlH Ct-mployes during the be affected ttonmentg. for education to- thcj public speaker. hut this Is eperi r o' he The death on1 We whero lived theat Mr. Arm, it pointed visions d. Mrcur, of tnf4 jrst .pcr-aSminor cull cffclitig an cnand j In 1928 the comparative per capital mas manager nt 85 139 dnu-mecent Karl Ur4S the superintendent Last of Tmeifth per Douglass, "proximately thai - i" J v,r breeders of registered Kambouiilet Tshep Hve in - the and It is expected the convention, , ?u, I ! i- -t -- j- I Dol f, -- mak-011- DEFIES j . i - 'V TO UNSEAT HIM wVfVJ 1 z --Time- Ha Come to 5ct lleTliif Problem Say - -- ' Hurricane Man. A vigorous comeback In the bal-(t- ic over the seating of legislator who hoM other public office was made by Representative David cd h Dies In Salt Lake Htr' Hurricane. Washington ountj. Wednesday morning: in an ss iftt r to the I As. sociaMon. organTZation of country opn fJL Mr letter said, 4Tour presunuLhlv xn rood f!rR,openly and publicly inaugn-rat'- d a campaign in defense of the rcTerence to the elmbHtty ot members of the a.Agisl.tWire a fmeMrOrttcfrg si section six. of our state constitution. in deference to your request allcandidates for the legis. that lature comp'v with the sad at l n e4 , ,.u Preview Of Oratorio Shown S. L. i dt ng thf . .2wr-sua discussed jear, nas -- not consti-tyurn- ' av.tm,Tu - Republican counties in the stall E John Bowman said' he wor!d Cf general department" interest and outside of his own town of IK,Major c n. "'ovement :on foot toi- Was Dcrn known little di ime as ilercur were The outlaws $11,520,110 jnd increa.. in salane. depart- net shock to, totals include all tnc jaments frf He ofdeciare9-- he approached the v wr HeW howefr ihit trton through the year, whether made from Cl ixlKr mU9l adorn tromH-itintH Miintv frrr. at ' prs HirachUs assciatronr ut-that-a$ ' tah-Pre- nevvwpa - -- FOES p ro v j resigned as president of the board town of Hurrt- of the oftjcunes cane upon receipt ofThy ceriiflcats of election to the House of repre-ntatiV- f'S from Washington coun- - ta,g..i.te T1, I ICII1 A., vUw ohr ty ArVs tot poiogies. rTo the knowledge of your governing thc issuing of bad otiatton, dur said request for c. eckR Detective Colborn hold a compliance with the said Ski Tournament has not been Tusday with memeYs of.ulIona requirement the complied with. 4 now be- asoc ution, and another meet wholly in Sound ren- - ing ts rchluied for week Heve that 1 am nett within my 'at nhuh umo legifeative com- - rights as a citizen of Utah to Film. Colborn has on jfilcmlttee mil be appointed to draft pertfuIK call upon jour honorable association to make good jour pub- " A preview of th Round thousands of thrs' worthless slprtlv proposed amendments fnm e'erk of th Colborn Is urging that the prbttauonr of extreme regard .pnrtmrTi r. ranging m f taken of the rend t.on $ 160 pTr monfh TheWj,tch resulted comphoations v hf u, of the constitution-- or upon faal. chock .. Messiah bv the Sa.i UKT Ora- and he U Jound to bo dtatisfl-i- i .Domjl to U 500, and the fack-- i Rnne ot tou.bg V 1 an operation -n 01 re quiring to do- - that r-Part Pn Jur Siva of Ibe payments for funds In the bank are Insuftieient ,nt. et" f torio society m the Ta lernvete rllfy.( j t0 a when the treasurers merrily on LaKe ZalrZ, n ad came to 7 ake n!w ST 5714 manent public even 2 a apolope raised sum. and nominal mafe at. be cm" for Doc Jou In 13 h made :50 investiga thc improvements d ordmrv 1, was shown ;JS datb OccurredHnm inch failure- -' bav.ng more ,h the tot.t o .met. in.! (burned a meeting bl, r at noon Wednesday and 4n lbs elicck detail alone.' from a misdemeanor to a felon , rvouiawi he , n Posted before hand r 77 the of that bcorss and in eluding 'Those" for 'permanent' Im-- i arrest. preaemaUon rn"tholrung reeemiy oy a. & Brest. HebeT ent to the county jail on a cheek in court be pritna urant, city offi-- i he studied at the 'university water department wnnid of provemento .were of Nephl. president of the Debt Ootslanding, ciais. Secretary Gus P. Back man, ulh"pak'oraVnir th agrlcuUurar tremendous load to the eitv." .misdemeanor charges, and eight evidence of guit It also is pro -au a TV.. - - a a., , Tj'a hn CRAmw and others ynajrunancccasarv In thcLafr1 ot Sait Lane, thst a Cooper Commerce Albert Bou.lciurU.Oflfgtg'tdin j wnfrtsrTWkrrr from out ail the tate pl tor entto the state prison, but e th unseating of Re present rector oratorio a whiLh later studied at. the Iowa state col-- 1 oh apace. .game Abo a gos had board D but and a number ef ojlher invited doge spookoro til" " 'Hammond, of Moab, and also at the Umversrty fOhwas for highways The remedy Is being sought 'worthless check Is drawn to ber of pfoplo file in and thy count. would be made by guests. Th valuation of '(Grand he took Ith ugh the legislature by was time to open it It was the t rst successful sound of Montana whereFrom I thtifj. the Pres tah Association. Mr. thought to In Utah valorem ad subject 100 to.erty degree. j. j film ever taken inside the Taber- 1802 he was Gibson is president of the assocla-itie- n thi The a fellow of pnnee-- t taxa,,on va 5700.705 :95 nacle. and was taken by Joe Ruc- ten - Co: Mrsapokej and wss nmount mining levied state taxes engineer per. secretary. of and did Special Ho 60t up. knee wobbling rt- - joung ker, Paramount ace cameraman, work university Mill Support Hammond, for Professor Scott of that IS ::2 295. ind'the "per" capita levy but who accompanied the Byrd expediwith political eal in hi hear 510 51. Tn 1425 the P- -r I institution capita move Such a would be expected tion to the South pole. urg Into hi oration W ith On Oet. 20 1903. he married levy wa 5i 63 and In 1917 56.96 It required 170 000 watts of elec- Pearl. political observers said ,to be reBrvan William passion. Jennings C Goetecbius. of Alder. ferred to the bouse committee on The juvenile court tricity to lake theniclure. and was will be exhorted the audience to Ik election ltl. '.,rKlnJf Fty, ths largest electric lighting , Job! guided by the principles of li's1 hereafter be brought to youthcl00' Mr. Hlrschl explained that where ouil of th- - Hollywood D1mtT.Ii9nV(,l'elT.i!li5ht to place their confidence Ir t party ful in probationers thetr a year ago- there, had been more asaged 1? c-according to Paramount off ctalsvj LI? JV - Three ReDiiInstitutions Kearns Ed. the J. Mn. homes, or jilaces where they The work was performed by local or less agitation, on the part of A hart j t Finally he tvas through PlttRb'rKh- - aad are placed fcy tho county for and supply bouses. the press association, he said the Jmrm "' Ismuttenng of applause disturb thU mtsaion that he Vs th The opening part give a brief matter never was brought to a to boarding, a will accord!, new There be a meeting of th!tbe Quiet. g Tabernacle and shows fiklVtnniL d'.co.'T of. UI!,TOauisake and ward adult head bv being presented to the story policy H L. announced class leader by off The silence sounded a little Gee. chief probation o'flcer. House of representatives. Lak- -I color .nd the Ing IT?. found and now contaWeTin ,n newly initiated ora - Now-th- at Heretofore been probauunera including North and South-tostepped off the platform. auJ jarf of PrlMdenCHelrj ULran.OSanStlle Carnegie Museum. rave been been Directors of three Salthac Cu renewed Mr Hirschl added, he required to Tho annual fanuarjwalked along the isle..Lie declar. s meeting of th' Dr C. cLreme tgen Lres.dent .nl Douglas had gone 1ninto eastern'1' at I eport ntated Interval T m. he on feels at were tanks matter should the woman th one to that 7,30 man. a s omen orloc' counted without rejected auxiliary of the the Orainrin seven children. The rest wuv the office of the chief probaU ool (.rowers' association, was hbl chance at the annual meeting ol thrvhed out and settled. He said flor of. ,he Bhop butld-UnHus Backnlan. cxccuUve cv'rcta MmDsaur d,g out ,he wU'ction of tion officer hat he had resigned as a members vacant seats now on exhibitioh at the Wednesday afternoon In tho H Pa Sorkbolders' Tuesday afternoon of the Chamber of Commerce The new policy will make The entire board of I tah, with 31 rs Ed J. Kearr's' Ltah of the Hurricane town, board ot Ltan. He uPr'1eJ The next scene., a "long shot "J h.!!. . fcate National bank was cause that the certain court be of, his personal desire to be in charge. 9 shows thw mammoth organ Itt lie:P,jdUing of J informed at an time maj nfheir! J of the A feature of the session was thc and the directors will meet W ednts- - sure of campling- - with i background wlththc cho r of 1 for the election of of- - stitutional provision In that regard, surroundings home fe and exhibit and displai, which eu- - 'Y at singing the opening refrain H add'd his belief that now is whllc Dr- - Douglass work In the general environment o'jouth-fu- l ' w circled the four walls of the lad.ee Geers. , Then follow cloRe-- i Hallelujah The directors or (the time to perfect a determination are. delinquents of at fosil bone wa s not-- ! dependents. the hotel, during tut ups, panoramas of the entire chor- - vjeovery parlor, .. is announced the ciues'toji J. Grant John K 'Ben-'o- f 18 The plan Incidently, Mr, us. and the closing chcrus of The J5. ld rtot consider meeting Community singing was. Heber call for a good deal of ad?Mf Charles W. Ntblej. James G Htrschl asserted, he intends to led by Mrs. Delbert Chtpraan. Messiah" (this hts major contribution to T ence Henrv He ditional some McEwan. additherMcronaldone! had what is G, Pft Bepresentattve Hammond tn Paramount Sound News is now work, and singing war followed by She'G- Waldemar Can Cott. adhering to hi seat In the legis- tional expense. of the finest private perhaps collections1 "fight, address of Mra Kearnea showing 'The Mesg.ah" in its rur-re- of w a hattte ever The quesuoa Ivins. botanical specimens. new releases in more than . Introduced thirother olc f '0r'x'fth,rt'-Durlng.X'ecenvber the court atcphen'L. ' tararetf. Revenues Jump handled case involving 1U the association, who wjth hersei' B'Chards Arthur Winter. George arises-J 600. Pubiix theatre and 4b )vr Survhingaa Tnswidow- - and a Wfl Willard lIo-Spencer. 6.4 R. 4 2.660 Earl 8mith. Jor-a were more -, two elected ably lulls other theatres Jn bojs. glrja and Douglass. Fu- $ 1 40,4 1 3.50, Payable Heiner. Orval Wr. Adam. United Ktats alone, reaching f?crirrah5ements Kave not yet Troubles of 108 persons mho at the convention last vear. i font jfv Madsen and W j& Larry B. Potter Cage - - audience of more then 66.600 - been .completed cams Mrs. Kearnes discussed tho aims?hard sintotbm Jurisdiction 4of Bills . Negligible 060 pereon. Besides this great1 tho court meye settled unoffi- - and objective of the associationi - lf m.aJ Goes Before City Court WocKholders voted the same dL movie audience, the film wUl be mas cially. while the court auxiliary which were eduratiorai Despite Continental X- larger expenditure. Salt Jn the current - Paramount Ac3Ce JufaCtlCal to economical social Features railed and uon under recifa!e settle, Lak aLled to rftam 1118 1634 which require member to know of dcppndncy m 78cass antAW" squad St th Fair- cy ('police I -been cateoiated that to reach J cortmr to the final summary of 1 WOriQ ddVS disthe monthly summarj afbges, to encoura?, mont 249 south State, hotel, Th are officers E bP Samuel J through newspaper ,h' yer' Cosriff. and maga-- r closes. Fj port Brighter . xine advert sing the sident, fcE. A. Culbertson, vice ?" ,cha7w f ,r57,inl5' artK nn I jfflrIJ,uNichons, auditor. Wednesday, w 59.000 060 LCStHiP ab? Total relrenae of the city took a audience would reaulre an adver-- f Outlook. to encourage th eating of tsidentH Eugene GUe. vice presi- - !,lal and naI d ':ioa F, he c F ' vice . i nt.J . Grm. frm (jump of 5140.415 50, giving the' expenditure of 5750 000. n lamb, by careful preparation .. , president and a - (Ring public sa'ety building cash Amicab,e settlement 6f Interna- - corporation cash receipt from' The Parley' Canvon ski tour- aa cooking and by serving it when calmer Those arrested with Potter wer f naraent. In which Alf Engen roker;,nal problems, with a world lea- - eneral taxes, license fee. fine vAr povible. Bonnie King. Georgia Cook. Don -- the mrortdJ Price on Utah egg in New York 55J64 of 3u4.9l. record 247 onar problem, andTllingTee ithBis Mrs. In announced Kearnes th with a world . Copgriff H P Pah an U v vif Rupl, Frank Robies and Lucill foot jump. New Yeaf',dav. .o also league resorting to The ,j4tanding warrant at tbie'have strengthened several cents a) ' intlon of the auxiliary to w,. J Gilra... C I CistlV Mr mi Parrv. The cas against th King Bhown in .the current- - Paramount 'it. end of the year were insignificant .dozcLdunnth enfr .V re1 v to Lamb and mon'h havt Saturday, woman wa dismissed on motion' S55-day. 4 2. g ejiast is when Gust. only street .. thT C thc dissatisfied The city had at the end of 1029,1 Georg ound new at ths CapitoTnea-- l adopted unTeraIT t re Tb'o Messiah film is btngjnalln ha actually taken out arms Jootatandtng warrants which total-- . tlecun cniiraU-coudiUoimprovement to ) psidemiraddrc-wa8-nshown in all three of the'Publlx was declared to b the 554 000 more than in the. business and industria cond.ions jm CdtaHty jGer.firal hospilaL badly, fowed by reports from method ' ar a ' Y theatre the Paramount. Capitol of salvation for modernonly Tear, whirh means that declared Benjamin Brown. dtrctor crushed as the result of being p.n- - local auxiliary chapters. hradyf nation's The u kD' h,e c lus". o t h rfa o'! Bibles Tnd "and Victory as an added 'feature Pierre de lavnux director r. ta, n.a "L' In was amouat Turn-1 Pen tree a late toder thelthl on then adjourned for a falling of market, for th, Utah Boullr, of of the current program. y information office of lhel,ed 70 he current year for a'tnlle th8 C,ah Joh" 7. faCtory jJcS Ptxiducera Cooperative association of Nations, who spoke to!ment' rnett. S1 ' student and faculty members in Salt Lake "ednesday. The accident Tivj s tnfssed Spencer. K. lha 1 nivermty of I tah at an aa-ofcaahierj WUlard Gust, who he- - i on. unable1 Mr. .Brown came fo Utah TAKE ADVANTAGE Smith assistant William In cashier; wmbiy KingsburyHaidoes-da- . hi. New Torn headquarters to de-- l MrEwan, assistant cashier. the of The directors ar Mr Grant, Mr.1 liver one of the principal address- - slump of & tree about 20 feet tail Pointing to the record the League e Aaahel -- H Woodruff, Lewta before Ivna, the annual Nations has already made meeting ofiand 2 2 feet m diameter, and RADIO SPECIALS of TrJJe Cannon, Mr, Bonnelt. Willard the Ltair Poultry association Jan.jwas finishing the job with an ax m ehjht qr ten cases where war hjr 1 Cannon,-ArTT 7 to 2 at the New house hotel. was actually breaking out. more Winter, the tree crashed down on w here It was Tho advance In New Y'ork egg .him. Fleldirjf Smith, WUjjird-I- L fimttb considered, and still W Charles Ts Mr Spencer, Mr. cited Prices Nibley Brown pos-by is many more dispute which might j Exide-Batteries Itive indication that the wheels . . VirCoft Ashby Snow. arc Waldtnnirr have led to war. M. do Ltnnz David V, Honella and Orval W, the nation's business and Industry LO5tHlg LfftSu Victim the League to be on & pracfriends that wear long Adam are gaining momentum. The gentice I working bagix. The followlnjf were retained as Reported Just Fair and well. "They make a1 eral Improvement is lessening unThe main Idea I would like you officer of the 8ate Bank nf Fbrk employment. Increasing the pur-- , people to understand la that there Robert 6. son of 5Ir and N Friendly, president. J3d-good impression when Citj-is now In all the principal councoaslng .power of consumer! and' Mrs. Irvin Jacob, IL Micht1362 Jacob of S Hills, vibe president. HFred on tries of the world an overwhelming egg prices, the visitor ran avenue who was serloustv in- reacting . 'installed. They 14 cashier, Conna Tuggle, opinion, not only in favor of peace, urd In a coasting accident Tueacashier. r continue but In favor of the Idea that peace It,..?f-rd-pr.lc- e tren'? .u.more day afternoon, Wed- was of the board of direcMembers reported ta possible, Atwater-Ke- nt he said. the actual Increase nesday to be In a fair condition significant Although . tors are: Mr. Friendly, George XV every day. of several cents s dozen would n nations are still suspicious of esch Holy Cross hospital Umbeurne, Mr." Hills. Sherman Indicate, since it comes at a time SO-In beautiful Kiel other. M.to de Lanux stated that it Th on Thirwas boy coasting Fargo. Laarence Cinow. George when egr prices normally decline teenth East street when his sled him the majority In favseemed 43 PIECE SET S Krueger, James K. electric Sharp. Paul or of peace in all the nations Is 'able.8jube.all Usually the price peak In a normal crashed Into a fire hydrant, causH. Hunt and Edward EL Jenkma. IMPARTED so overwhelming that the suspiu reached Just before Christ- ing a frontal fracture of the 'kull 4 HIT S3 9 cions of others can be overcome. mas, but in 1920 th market hit a and the severing o fan artery. Those pacifist who are arguing record low just prior to the holDown and Only on which the child was roast. idays is not designated os a coast d war. are wasting their time. he JI a Wyek. Mr. Brown doe not expect any lng lane. 471 . Male. Was. SCO ing said "People are already convinced A great jump in egg pricea for sevNator set of genuine Imrh.r, ,re no'hard-io-wasiothi llatln that peace la the only course. when you own a Maytag The av- eral months tot cqmc. Present pric- many others will die a slow death . . . service for china ported 51 -de Lenux declared that the takes btrt-- an out-th4 ha ea hour; insaid- - will weed BOISE Jan. tx persons. Unusual value. e The (APTtOTwplenisiT their flock failing by League settled slf the disputes by efficient and unorganized produc-er- a reason Mr Brown For this ss E4SY T8IWSarbitration It does not. contrary all over ihq rn"'rT h"t the In the low a 'bidder introduced to consoLdaie four f ,r a lra! washing If It to public PPinhn enorce Its ml fatalities are expected to be heav- for the poultry men who weather Into Jwo, Goernor doesn t sell Maytag itself, don t keep it mg with war It would resort to iest In the great producing sections the storm, production will drop0 Off C. Ben Ross on his own initiative war only If th troublesome naof the mid west and lightest In gnd the Utah poultry men most of Tuesday consolidated two offic.es tion rfu-- d utterly to consider arUtah.-- Thousands of poultry men In who are expected toby appointing his private secre. 135 SO. STATE. survive, will BATTERIES bitration, and artu&Uy took up th east and middle' states wilf drop igain be assured of handsome tary. Parker Carver tp th. post 311 . Stale St. rma in combat. eras, list the 1 it purchasingagenti of picture suddenly andTta. stump-speakin- cu-fJ- g le V as-ia- constt-mectiT- Also.-Appear- ig n-- rerrs , o-- -- was-Erd- Cipltolrg I ' Tn-'lli- - ' e- of-th- , hi' prop-tna.ter- 's ss-m- sed r rarch Carne-workme- n ifti - g'-'- a artP4 .0 ;ch 1 , -- Juvenile Court Changes Policy On Probations , !SaItLakeBauk Fixes 4Lamb Dayn Select Directors Wool Auxiliary Salt Lake Stakes Call Adult Meeth 1 e j -- w . ;'r,f, wgh:dttur o.L. V d th' Lityr imsies Year s Business On Cash Basis 1 I up-T- he , - j - Price of Utah Eggs 21-.a dcac-tarm- 1 Increase- Iir N. YJ -- rirr . 9 6 vinvauj Tree Falls, Crushes , Salt Lake Resident .. v- ''r bv1-Hrre- 19 C vts,t!e" ktt-Pa- wlvinL pajr-ffag- from-lilra- Buy a Cattery That Wears Well During DINWOODEYS DIAMOND ANNIVERSARY. SALE NOW ON - , ... ar first C (B lb. nr Wa. 183,00 er The-stre- -- 95 SalePrice SI 3950 Eg-n- to make it AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. Idaho Governor Reduces udes CONVENIENCE h erage-wa?hi- Exibe WESltRN .. DHIVOODEYS Furniture Co. ta two-hou- to The Maytag Shop 1 h ' t |