OCR Text |
Show 'UM LOVe Low. Jr, A-- F, Tlngev. Benjamin D. Black, James fort C. Brim lev PUBLIC LANDS w, c. ra.es! HOUSE 1' . i mu '"'W ' I.AM- SALT NEWS Di.SKKM-- MTY ' WEDNESDAY - e'1 n NAMES BOMSD r ; nsen.-Isra- iK riy el ai . &r tien-nlo- j. . r- nT j: C8, - OFFICERS NAMED BYYfOOLMEli ni , FOR YEAR J 1931 I'-- T.n-ge- v x iwa - iSiS'conir NormalLife Span FALSE TEETH Years 140 a, IoRin;.hl Bfif,-powd- irv ' Z'T. g unte-Aprl- - was-edlt- ' FREE FREE I tn--- e, e. ac-'.u- . t' - n a to te - eitac) IftHN mtraTgarrM,ri,h'i ,..:,n0rr"acLho;ns M. ANNAN gtoebn ftiU11WIljAOr?. art-th- L.D.Ss GARMENTS i rCannonou,TaioC He explains that the toll- - Hons Of cells which form the vsr-,us human organs are automatic- renewed about every seven j yoars dur-youth-an- il adult life, Ulir'IUPW lUltlUV - n fco-- i- he continuer, ih, period all injurious agencks, such as quep.ly quoted In various edltqr d cold of th' moisture or bAcria no longer be lgorou"lyombsttcd .Sono( Uqww q tanumi thf1 He oldest on of Goarge The la. failing organism r ucuoibs and wo succumb 0 Carmon and Xlliaabeth Hoagland, warn- - lvfrn in 1B57 h(s fatliei a.t v'laustion... tf our normal April 6 ttut Jlme be ng of mission to wearekillei" , otsTh editorial staff.' . BLANKETS Desrct Nssi 0f lt mf dnabl He ie also survived by Freaidinc Q j na - Xinoio -- V ,,- , Utah-fc.in- o Her. - kt ... - . rce'-sia- --: 7hr. valara SWEATERS lt eater. v w 3.00 SHIRTS pro-gra- Mea'a OrrM sr flawaet abtrta. tl colors awl slses, flO vil-a- ca 79c Calhv-Jbee- 1 Loui-onn- jo! GARMENTS 'Mew, a.w, aa rt und-'po- Cla-en- cr dicub tbjv-est- Clar-.ene- ound-dcad- Mo-1- Half Price- ,- Many 'Things Most-Articl- One-Thir- 2 SATUED AydLASLQAYJGREAIiORU G.SAi.EJ AYEAR J.-- - tftfrr Me Usl 38e Xetks IAS awe Pelih Crrcw .... talbtc Olhf Pws guaH tl$e Fltrh IC3 Uld TmIc ( OM, renwm MENS -HATS -- All Shade's, Styles and Stycs. VALUES UP TO $10.0 iN , . See Trfstrieal ire -- V P. II. A (a, PeraiNe SV 3r -- Yrk irc. for 3V ic r, r V7e . Rc ia lam TOR ' 1141 I. r c Y MflUie-nMC- WkNT-- rertRiii vr-.;,-3le DHTIRKV Ale 2lr XV 3fe .... ( ream My .... .... lAMCLLE W,SyF far .. !e-- 2 uUP vvirai.i AK ILL SEC . , C5EF MVR. To Pur TAe. kbgcm Om SEMATcR SCHMCJ-O2 CAM TCmisT JltiAT OL GAL ARGUMQ My PiNCfcR. .AMU ta 15 year- - Tkaradny Only Everybodys $aVV TEMPLE SALT LAKE CITY 130,132 UTAH 55S5ST?nP!8Pi" ce. Get high quality that wifJast at low prices 23e 85c that won't . . . buy nowj Spend not when you may 5pare ; spare not vhen ybu must spend. In ether words, let --the Classified Ads he your guides in buying. ...41c .. 25 c your Florsheim Shoes for ...18c r , Rc Padlwnt'niaapfcate 3V fslyrerine Bwppaaitaelea ,,,ito t.dl l.tgatd Anns .. 30a. Lae 4 reaty I H . . KeeKat's ld f apele 3e . v. . . . . IIA Hgy'a Hair HeaftW 1 Pint Batkina: . r, tWk r h. D. 9. Bare T pa rat BLOW krrarciii (ad ll'et f4l F Hale Tania . I3e 1ST Sir te FlorsheimShoe,Store 1V' 3Se I, WXe rlr IV 164 South Main Street - Keep your eye on these ads and your money in your pocket! (We I -- SV By Billy De Beck rTOP x COMMAklUNCHj'.V tA MOUSSE V1 sOGG Ic at NVIftVIECi v T:a GOiSiJJA HC0 AM 3 adara 25 kathkh Aapirln , Barden 'a Malted MHk dc kvaa'a Liniment 25c Raatnrd Cerate Wi $2.98 The Prisoner. Me Te PAZ'krF'T ... SSf Mlatletae Wt Kakfi, far See Ranee VVO MHIVHH VTIIV I'KTI REX FOB MIK, LAMCiJLLt. ZiTZ1' MAMt aqout'U veto . I We . , Wp Henna Ban ...j. ,2V S5e 25e W matin Tn 9 Lallan. .... .31c Kay AV KarmoliS ..a. IWe . BARNEY GOOGLE yw , . gc Pywl JStr Taafji Brink JMf WWf 35e Ie Meia 3e .Vle I . eiki-ak- 23f 4algale Reloa fw4 Ftre$ Milk (Mh Otftfar I'olUh SOc A D, 8. Hepatic Wvrmp e 1 3.V .. 25 irenm ... x hains Breaker fa 3 for 3Sr V g-Talmn ranfer . ire XV f Vrtr' hatif tlrk .. sic awe AV kyer I Alrohol 1e Rbhig Mhlg Tablet He 35c 50s .... 7e WwperW , SV yMl Wemp "V Rnntine'a lneene Sir 31c part SHEEP GOATS Blaca 18 IfSTOTT ! monthslo come at this Sale-pri- -- for Theres no easier way to Less. d ef men tm k. 35c Talaea DRUG CO. Closing Out Everything hark D. y. a.M WOOL SOCKS e Mtl-jdi- rt LAST OH IT BUSINESS: WEEK t L S1.98 -- VAN dowble Mtle alar, is BIAHKETS SHOES eid-voul- A Oaf lot mf IgiVI fovhlr. aat- Ine bauafk part vaol blanket a, IX.VI lalar- a- FLORSHEIM h. aid S1.00 his-a.n- - heai r A.ratal.. 1 B03TAX--1IYS1-- all seal Nises fraaiJM ,ta 30. lses S1.49 1 MrVrtdCnt at bays Oar has-jris- 'he styles. 69 c Can-no- h, saadat mb tsa ati ll 810 r t -- atera Me mN o ' X . mms ad -- 1 blaa- - Ptald $1.00 Bishop S I verier-a brother, and Emilv ( full aUter, and hv U foPovung half brothers and Vthk J , Angus J Joseph of ing Preston J Angcloa, Karl J , Ur M JTPam T 1 1 Edwin Healer C Julv leTh- orda.ne.rib KichardaQjCaxmoaMraw Mrs. Amolii C Chan he eff.i. of bn teamed the bfrlain, Louis T T Brlghdm of ' prlntet at she Deseret YYHlard'T, and UduttT' n g ' called to C. Veslsn Grace Mr. tn be letf !ako Yrac. T CoUlna and T, onie ug . US1, and armed in. Mr, s t'era C bhurp t Mrt Lheipool, Kngland on the J7th Joftn Winder, Clawson iliord Afcer laboring in th London L Mylc, 35c J At ew lit lit wrlckt Lb.K. Oaracilt TJVr raiara . TWWo eu' r ladiM Men L'anlel Cannon, Emmelin. . C PIM'TAn1 It III I I K Martinc.au, Uavendh W t mron now in Zurich Fwiucrand on illjlluAfN IjL1 1 V 1! government Ka'henre busineA, AbranamJL tVffNp I H If fI lippO CMeKay, pf Delta, It Cannon of II fnnnon. David aa tbuCrfasejrins vitality, but poln.sH o.it that with the advance of age N1 klaljl (ljLL w ashington. .D. C, John Q If, and of Washington, and Thvodoro rental afo iv 'ermlnates L. Cannon finds r : -oof nbo U son. Jr t'harj. s CL nly'1 s a tornes , wiour xrpomon----- . n George W. LeBaron Seth Allen, IV merce for the ex .Hot emeu n- -jagd. ,'L' 1 t'-H c. Cat Will w. Hoy- thatirc '1 1. .,1 .. i to it- - la to We Inow that this re. 'nent affvrdd during the con. Iin tile "rot. 1. He w .. )n ite-C- c HIGHWAYS AND BRIDGES K'.J put into ef f ,;ed Horace f. Richardr chairman x,nt'on Mw' dcf.on of upon ! : djr our Krtc W. Ilybtrg, Stth Alien, George of the world v. t r a: has rv d will me. I ,he(.e rs of tC l anltain the vital- W, Okerlund. haul K Hcr Wan. Bonker ScOT$ LQCR an oD r of i i Herrin Bur P& of th fciai. as understand tnp itv of nil the cells i of bode the k r ePost No C. TIolbrooK John S. Woodbuiy , o the American .ssuee involved Icm n Wool H Q! Charles R. Dalton, John JS. Bun-Hu Pcial chemja YV andJaorgkis or- the nion Sugar romps py ergeiitifiaiM(u.e!it,ot lac Cor..U ninl:ig the-u- ttr 11 UCHOOL and ,h Amalganiai-- d Suear tom- - t(l( liar. INDUSTRIAL , Claud Anderhqn, chairman; Joint system ty western wool grow- pny st Lrighun C,i , tor rigid economy., German mission, where he labored SPAIN SHIPS GOLD f be having stale employees who H. Kemp. George AaRler. vears and was audito- - of- tai..Lr In of thetrj bort time in the norm German DFNA'ER (lV-stb sRtannr f i Vt devote full man lime loi , SANTANDER, Spa n, Jan1 14 Maw , r the ie, timer J aii.f sec- for ror.fereme was paid iver ar' ley Edward he Afterwards C E b f gn,f mr ' mai j com. unit to thelr iohs Vletroia, Pan Cfeter C. Peterson, David IIirscM ucl of tne mission w ,th head- - (AP) Spam today shipped rt ntary ur.m. ' ,h' Con.inenUl National- afty t Oj.,J. Ijf. J by proie-- ,ing the rights of t ( n f,,- - three yearr. nua'-terat Berne Swiexerland 1 000,00 pounds In gold to LonINSURANCE AND ltfctL Lu- - ldent - U!llent m the j.rench J addiess-from infringi rec,ntl b.en uncovered la the m! f nallv Succeeded P- - F.Oos in don in accordance with the a'f.urMr leoinmon people TATE Eli J Clnyson. ihnrmii ibank a pioneer Wool man, j o , j,ra Wilford C Brimlev, H Claude An- v. fpr aiabilixation h the a j0in. meeting of 440 wool - Huggins I, theIRpr. - d. ,icv of the mission. fen ac'i.e and'iuents of wealth ini P0"fL n,r'1i penver nll(r;.r cc up ed the latter position peseta. rroreinr G.,M Miller Lester Spelt 3r0wf r, held In their honor a' the teeau-- of I..S execcin-- thiiiiv has1 4 la having thenoteducational Fntersitvof GolGrado -demon.Horace equali-t He tem of our state ra .,nn only L. Richards, T njr,t The inanuser pt Is called MemTUhfihibeT of Ce:n nl fee fVr-- Ileal' .1 extended m t t.mc as f (j or a Ting, v oire Sur Tp "LoUfslanST aoif Throws The wooimen were guests oli .r of NOr!5 Weber Make high und onrgiia, aid where needed n IRRIGATION r. Clark considerable light on the history -hr nd on J.iiu ouncil rmniberhlp DTTchainnan. W C. Cates. Char.(o!he chamb. of French condition of I. 'ah fillh, C. 'pete-iocGeoign A. Fuller. U Edwin Trof Place and Dr Rich- -' the when 1 rea-liI Burgon, Lester spencer, Geos ard Hochdoerf.r of the romance! W. Okerlund. James W. Carr, jfO- n-i vied gWj;,ean.s bng.UeC.!r:, .0;d5 of the univers ty, with' Subway, in New Voffe languagthe aid of Erwin S. Mgyer of The! New Tor' NEW JH Y'iRK HNS) history department and Prof Eu-aJCDi.CIs Tm7'Sninef Glasf Window a new eu,bays now under gene Barker of the University of wool men repair and grad erq uj Will E. Johnion John demon, Offered to Any Church cuiiSxrucion. ill be much quittfr.jTexas hav jnade a translation oft John H Kemp. John M. tneir fleece will they receive the j t 'lr'oUoing the reports of its oan.th' document. thh, product Mills. Jnmea W. Carrigan. Frank G. full value of theirAnv beaut ful xng,nen the Transit Commission Little is Known of the early declared. speaker cooperative Eastman. s of three in the from outside ndov document adwee gia that tuwi g esperta'ory except in M. Miller. marketing aeenty dealing LABOR George ons, wh ch aas offered bv the device to eliminate noise from t sas given the Jibrarv, together Ed wool unprepared for fhe market chairman: David Self .StanleyHorslfamous ac'- - ht new transportation system. ; Crauft;ee cannot hope for success according at jaith many other books and pa- wards, P. H. Goggin, Wm. C to a New ork c lurch m o MrCosgriff Kiom now on, however, the rvork pers, bv an early engineer of thel t c$j ey rfof tT.frunafinS thr unnecearj jrat rhotostaLc copies have been! MrCoc griff scored sviems neirmry tf- hc d rnnrhcra Mill LIVESTOCK John M and part of no.c& n the underground tube will sent to Washington and to Pans in, David marketing wool on E L BurgOr cjni act. hr3rH chairman l e j a estite Crabtree a ?s-ror basts H undrr by group of experts an effortwf trace its history. studied, Neff. Charles R. Dalton, Israel consignment n Major General one of the large research iab-- j Plans ad policies of th daj. The first he f&ted is pow-thEsplin. a contract said oratorBs tinder with the are He by the writer gambling and the econd ver xrri pxccuor' of MANUFACTURING AND COMname of Ljtta t'rabde 'on the commission for which the board of.taMs with a crneral condemna- the grower VSoodru'f. little better since MERCE Ashael . II window can eavilv be temovd estrmate has appropriated $i bOO jt on of nr woo in wool with the French E lames Miller of Mile. competition chairman; 1 nglct Noiseless turnstiles and speclaljklng He thru Mr Cos- - nd is anxious to Five th bra in- R Bens. John E. Johnson George owned by the consignee dcuse8r plans for Jl window t wne church which means gbriff ceOuFasted the lack-o- f for overcoming fsuXtvithe FYcnrh occupation of 'thfi d W Okerlund.-- bv e m grading and t. the wilt be considered on ditionai woo! at of the Mississippi appreciate MILITARY AFFAIRS C jcouMic posts handling The window which wa durnc! f 3 of the the Special Ojirc of the handling of I lah atrengthen.n Nealen, chairman. B L Da-- t, tho ngegs. Mfs Joan T!Slmghat of New ug He told tne wool growers to dw , mat'ilal for roadbed and walls bile. Benjamin D. Black. York. b deiMcta was stone and of wool In An AND be SMELTING the Item dealers studied which MINING gard account averts the angel the Nw ork church bev. based portly on experiments made bf the author wassxpeiiM) James B Wilson chairman. Mil thov cxpained the wool would have 'Used bv for the pur " name of th1 ac'r 4 was In London and continental sub- - haec of a , thousand negroes to toiV D. painK Harry Nightingale Ho be regiadcd at the market H Claude Anderson. John C j U csiern wool under the present nsented upon it work for the colonists. wa9 ss sent to market is m sr Miles E londitlon. he sard with an ct- PENITENTIARY tllr-ga-- d r. clvalrman. to length anl finr- John M- - Mill 'Ward C. Holbrook, P. H Goggin ncs Man. w no suffer most in time Niels Fueal David Hirschi. David of depression is the produce! o' Neff The wool grovvrr jraw materal DVIiE-DAVIDS- ON Pt'BLIC BllLDINGS ANDiare inemded in this cat'gorv Mr W GROUNDS Kric Ryberg iCogriff concluded his rem.irks tv Miles E Miller Niels stating the financial condition cf chairman Below PoNfctfitc and Across Street North From New house Hotel Pupal. Milton D. faine, Wilford C wool growers was relatively good Brimley. They can hope to pull through th . PUBLIC HEALTH SH Alien proenj depression if the will keep B. Cardon. MrsA. Jthu.r guptiifiea witftrn tfrtftT'tnroTrew r.rtrnian ieIFply-tha- : 19J1 for about ten month. Before returning home he visited the principal cities on the European continent, having beg Joined by hie . Heres Good News wife, in whose company he returned homo June fa, 18S2, after an Don't allow, your fatso teeth to absence of about three yeara. or slip when you eat, talk e- In thp following October .confer-Jua- t drop sprlnkla a little KLIN' BY KINGSBUKr SMITH. As long as these glands .are them- - nee he --ww appointed to act ,ate Th,g lm prove -youf International News second couftselorJo Presiding 8taft are e'Res young constantly they forma a perfect comfo 1 U reaung new cella op William B. Preston a Cbtrespondent) holds and your plate, to . LONDON Every person who Unfortunately, as age advances. rhich he neck'd umil f'l-'snUthat they feel and act I'ke-- dies what is commonly known as, these glands themseliea grow-ol- d oLrl rour own teeth. A lari, p.ekhcbl: Ogden I.s s.nur cost 81y se at "At this critical moment of our nd from fictober. 1192. until the!0 KLNG ages of seventy and ntenty hotl. out of the war with Spain.1'. G.tes you months of been killed, for the normal dura-- , life those who a Lh- hot to aucAdv. comfort evable mouth tn chief he tion of life la one faupd)ed wandlxunih hav but one way out. It 19. -rconsists - of replacing the w orn-oof the forty years. Th.a w the latest assertion of glafnds w II h young and active ones back as managing editor two years e Dr berge Voronoff, the tamous1 'This has been accomplished 9gO. Wa War AolnnicAr. gland and "rejutenation sptciai-- i More than 2,400 grafts made In all ist, who explains,, tit an article in1 parts of tfie world have Justified Having been prominently con- jthe London Dispatch, why he . mv prevision, iieves one can and should live to individuals, some now ninety, who Utah since 1194, he enlisiyd a a were grafted at the eighty-threIhe age of 140 volunteer for the war. and In May THURSDAY AND life appear younger than they were at1 1190, was comralss.oned lieuten- ,' At Mxtyr"-T- ie writes, FRIDAY sixly-flvof cavalry, serving as with more active ileer become beautiful jshould and minds, m Florida until mutred out Unjoyable than eveV because we yigaious bodies and life at toll We want you to 'call in iarti richer than ever, malerUUL, tivlIT. t the close of hostilities "The- struggle -- for existence morally-an- d and see the big savings Colonel Pannoti and his wif-- , mentally. p fiercer-thaever before end1 Airs Annie Weils Cannon "At that Urn. the mind I you can make on your by long experience and at I am happy in having supplied, brsted their golden Wedding an- last ripe for great labors tn men and women with the most! mveraary last M.nvh II. They purchases here, so we will scifnoe, art or politics. Vet it Is precious of gifts vital energy., were married id leSO give absolutely free to precivelyhat thla'ume that we must - youth of hody and youth of nund tr cannon also has been an-- a each person who bujs fearful- And d have every lor In public .prepare to die.- - What-flvilre $2.00 or more. a Gift leg that their It rev nraT bo Ptov Chinch life and is at iH.. prent jcondwon. hr cnrai remejuber Xhat n it lor g ti 10 ihcTr n&tunmrmit-:ihe- u a ynmbor of Box FREE, valued, 23c ftnd ixsstbt9 1 Hvtratonger.ihat obo fortyA7yarif ofTht RrTTrf Borit tv of Laa poaseaa thia Xoely $1.00. ear, Church , feplacmg the worn-ou- t parts pf Pur,Ung CoU.nti Can net . w- chairman; Ernest Madsen, lee S.! O' Nebeker, PUBLIC PRINTING Wilford i C. Brimley, chairman, Kric W. Kjr- -i bore Frank G Eastman ! PUBLIC UTILITIES lohn K. H John Woodburj. chairman. Kemp, Wm, C Horsley, C. Clar- ence NealenEii j. uiavaon, George M Miller. F.C'ark Callmter. , , AND RESOLUTIONS ME W Mr S. Tanner, revision, decrying tn, uae ot lbe'''!lif W. D. Hammond, John rhatrman; term "radical M Mills REVENUE AND TAXATION thirty' . Lhairmanahlpa o( commit David lltrschi, chairman, James teea. Frank G, Eastman, Mrs. Reus, The committees follow; A. J. Lowe, Jr, James B. Wilson,! AORICLLTLRE Niels Fugkl, W. Le Baron. Ernest Mad- chairman! Charles K. Dalton. Lee George S. M. Jorgi H. Es-- t i-- v 4e fepencer, Benjamin D. Black. sen, Horace L. Blc hards, Saul E. Her. plin. A 8. Tlngeyt'Ashael H. Wood- -' ruff, Horace L. Ru hards. James i George A- - luller. Joseph S. Ca rrigan P. C. Peterson, Jr., James W RULES AND JOINT RULES R. Be us, James W. Camgan, tin-es- t Frank G. Eastman, chairman, B t Madsen. AWPROFRIATIONS George A. L. Dart, A. 6 Tingcv. F EEjf, ETC SALARIES, , Fuller, chairman; William C. Hors-USaul E. Hyer, P, H, Coggin, C George W D.Okerlund.Lee chairman, Nebc-ke8. Black, Benjamin Marence Nealen. Ernest Madsen, George H. Miller, F, Clark Cal- - STATE MENTAL HOSPITAL ; lisur. Milesn E.i Miller,m. John, , Mr A. dNLow'. Jr rhairimm; KM u.t,ns Hammord. Lee Clayson, T' Lrl' D' m BANKING xhairmgn; A.1V Woodruff, Burgon, Harry Nightingale, L. ii AND TNIVEKSTTT STATE Lardon, David Hlrachi, Allen a AG Kiel LTURAL COLLEGE T Mr Edu. H. Esphn. vhairman: Farmer, Hooper COHPORATFN-- P. H C.ogSin. rlsrail IR A A. HUGGINS. Cahoon. Charles C , Pe- - f chairman: George Okerlund tfrwn wilm.r J Maw, Erie J For Strict cator J s Will L. Hoyt, Lee S NcUe- Tanner, T. Clark CoHwUr, W. c iRybcig, Economy. Weber Attorney Active Id. B. Cardon. EDUCATION S M. JorR- ns' n. In Civic Church chairman: John M Mills, Charhs Ward C Holbrook of Hooper I C, Petersen, T. J Tingey. Ward C Affairs. H Holbrook, Mrs. H 8 Tannei, Li., vouny farmer prosptOus J. Clayson. John 8. AAoodbury, , Is6f t nr txrtj on eaxsold. tho rael H. Esplm tf Drgliam A. Holbioi-A ;i 'cs yeraloFTi-ELECTIONS George W I.e irtjt a Goe . Bouiii i i.V lie list just fiM ,ej . on. chatrmanr-WnTTaC. IJorsliy ouog ac ,c m'n.u-- i -- .",),is I Mrs Leonard Cahoon ( tital t4 coin s to ENGRC188INU Mrs. Leonard cararTr t time from - ,1STT1?''coum5n4,oar1 ih. iMauro foi f Se Cahoon, chairman, Jdmcs H lieub Is a student of go. er Cdur tv Mrs A. J. Lowe, Jr JK has Uf n f hair Mr. Holbrook srnment and UixaUon. He respof FISH AND t.h.MK T. man of tfourTv On i fContlnued ivnm 4 to chairman; Joseph S t.emrA & ,rd led h.s ra" F the contm.sMon and sent in a propsSca -- FOR ASSEMBLY 14 Voronoff, Gland Specialist, Says Whos Who in the Legislature. . JANUARY c coM5 woe. LuBjter SVMAIcR FOR ' ) P URtivcA OF WHOMIS. Solti Arc IT I'S X CAfeLS r AGVsl ,?? if Xfj 6gaga keep old sefaGcppc, C'AQfM'M LON Z E8-WI- r GET jAJ v weiJ from zir EB3i!gCaiS rcm oflte OFAl. -- B f, omiwmd &23U5MA fONERS IJEMAIMS f VIRTUALLY A PRISONER Xs , in Tfe. SENATE'S HCMC. ' WHILE- COMES W! Ccmc , us? eoceic, LKter- ME S CXyaiH. "VJ 7Le yk A ' J Ml v 'Mh d'lK I 1 . |