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Show vlTSJtUf Afnsg&?vM3ii m yv up '"v-.- i "?" W- - 4 , J ' r , r 'Zf t f i. a V . I DESERET THE SALT LAKE CITY NWS . ' . JANUARY 14 1931 WEDNESDAY, REJECT COAST PROPOSITION ON MODIFIED PLAYER DRAFT A JORS TO Long,CourtActionhoomsOverrSigning":otSchmeling' s Manager tor Fight With Stribling Arena Wrestling Program Completed? C. L. Must Yield T 6 Terms ofBig Leagues Utah Fighter Going Great In East Defeat Fails To Piritos(reater -- j&r Experience May Illinois Subsidiary T akesjO ver Match For Garden. by New lls Conklin N1, As Fight Card J Hy Sharman Not Worried j 0yer .Date. With JaiiyU. yoric the. coaching of BU. ln- , Miss Bushey. football teams nave, v arj ajj . col-leg- And-xh- m ll- -t ThUrsdar, boip arc and their toda e werA t, clean- - n hev flgureto do, heir tr?t wo-- j Darn has beenj guing in over thi ,00 pound reason, and in his Dr Carl Sarpohs. h ed bj vr aon 4 accept a w ru;- WILCEY MOORE The Ca-s- t fcax - -- bfeefi-muc- ' 1 RL hOX HOPEFrL iTH Wijcy Jioore to pay tha role of "iron man on th - b buggUIb the lie ogut s Tr ould have L a ill They dealing with the Major leagues or wiih leagues of tlieir own and they are weak enrd becau H takes them too long to find 6ut where they-stan- d and what they will have to do. carries Assoc i,b mT n a i to da.. i h& Amru thear lur a recoT toa tnc the mtch E'pn at vdfs, it Jorb, learned In it gh g tnaos-picioe- the nearing xelgntatwuicli inan-user- atitudt opponents wiL? hard fought, rnggrwrthe-rcr?".jrwaw d when jjiat endure la and training wlarlvhl Ti,E ClUe Wb tC'-r lose, comfctenty proeilOj when morning ing Thw Deaoret AA ter lire, ts "uncoird'oZ4; and - b3sd r oc the trfns ihi have Ik n otf r TQUKa-Jsfc- U. (CPA) ho checied lA.uUo.rvty, out of England Lhr were no more opponent for nuu on that Side 6t the Auirjiii, Scarcely s a more cojtd have c.io'-etht s'sndpont tintrom of prof ta4e tmiuoyiaUrQt, to th s codtu-- j There is noijungly goyj card ifithcr entirf loy pi ir jdiviott ctkerv KfTTir of AlUJccy a good fightet and a fair attraction at t, lae Jersey bJiJdog: has. been ahsaCt jrom the middleweight realm eo long that he is little mo thin a mmo7 holds me till. though he e I,eten ar. tl of Haney a ml Before , Ira o ff 1511, bj Hw Hegtiestule EVY ni a I n ev enter, Dern aad Stadle PmtO, are taper- The es promotes (Copjngnt PjghT Las been lined up jn readings for one pf the big sessions A of the season. cojjced4 now that 1? tha iragaftrhad perfected an of their own. lnsiad of raatins affairs to a con- 1M AA'mifcea and vor,re at spasmodic In H- - , , iTtha inajsi. It Is w that tha major taereement with the &X-ihbL- Jn the boxers N n'V probable " aM ) News.) Ranking Changed. tr J In Game Except Walker - j e i . H it Ke TTcKas "f the Read!!' IclJh 1)YvO;axence Rowland proto- tOorsTlht l'31 by Tha Defert ialj.y 4he inUrnational up -- No Good Middleweight -j gram. Navy Jau. 14 I IN S ) beoa feared and respected oppon-- ; W non notable vie- illifelehiaXhcy-havSthmeUng e and ha Stribling issTTHmo CmTu 1ook-5- ? "Xd forward todvy to plAimg In an ame. The bag with the hoaxy wMht title trauon one pretty generally for tiii neil,as .. . regarded C tb . strongest. if not Inc ightfeit months, other' 3UdtRon stiongejyt. m the country the a Squire Garden words, Ingram haand been ho has made of competent coach corporiticn an New York cast as much of his material a have cuieh could male, apprehensive at the meetmg of men ork the New Cbanipionjdilp tram to lioimp ruining god sdvertLuue only that need to be advertisei6n this afternoon ed. Otherwise save for the sat Mtmhti frfactftoa of the fludenls, alum- of YORK, Handicap Dem - fawrence it PernT TfCTOKTFORAWc 4V, Hurt Len Harvey Boston Red SoxPlan Comeback With Wiley Moore to Help on Mound. Pacific P11015!'? ViStH announce! Boer on Hod Sox Muff, xp&ctng to cut some figure In LricaUastfie atHWeon. rs fcilfr i. i In., , "pt ,Pi with the majors, wo oa some ir.odif'cations It wan out! tbeTnait f .a 'Jot tn are not ie,rrtaol6 organizations the, migsested agreement.The changes offered bv osork nee?e2 Tb J J rep rutaLve rcoeived in solemn d'gnly by- tut. by his Anwricai f vjms tUC AGO, Jao. H- w. b0 re- - J r0ciiet afternoon and the Garden in a bu.aAr man bg fLows and th IS T. sports, wmiv. tuo of I bound to fight to fix upoh an opponent, ferred back to the soar bigff. iliumin - ,lhls mejgbt Dern wul give away flicker, prrldat el tb attempt colleges piQpors nng and then if In wins to battle ate the mu eoiUgiatc sk.es for a poundage to Pino who wiP stae earn ra. These w rc ihcai-rahgp-gat and at th sain time woud td by th major leagues was noi l nmWa Ihai rhe anwrtwttoa byw brief swson and then g've wa to ayoup -- ig ,r 22o for the Fridaj 1 not b too much of au obstacle CTUI? ments.madt jcsterda and the-ifootoail sjS- - imbroglio ohor forrudoptcd TinUl afrfrTrhkTm!TgsYtrlSgrt& Ike maur liiiiif. aro the arrangements tei lunr inlg'toins, ithe Cornishman to. sumiouat. The en 4opg and careful consderation ft ThepcpoJ I vot km Ikt to two. Me will bo up agftinst another Dern dow-Vince o I to cs he does not like and may not field was narrowed Ther has been iro rernt leis-- 1 clah, MlnitcapsU, reftniof to Tte. in th.s match. Pin-jthard opponent Tb uwlviln v4H oc beDunde and Ace H ilcns. Tnats lotion, on whsh hHh maor fiean iviuford of the I oTvcr-dthan agrto 10 is even more experienced tntv-fore t aerrpt lb mayor lewswe Of course it was opened In a pretty good tipotr In the were so tirmly unted.Tbv Ororfia, leagues ;of Ctah j having champion, nrl) draft jthe prouW proposal bet after Good CHics. Xiew. would be taken ht re thot the !m.or leagues ahouli know by this fouthU season said: ""Deliver that the vet vu tokeg elel alt over America and in ,, there had u lodged i.crmau oesttoo Vo acsia anvthirg (iir bca tb us frmn tluintpimhip footdoing: a prima Illegally ar countries dplaviev they wasting foreign itrauy donna act and that hr probibl worth wliile m s ght there migh NbmittM. ball teams, and then went on his vaunted prowess, as a wrestle- t p t ma d ffort M nh- hare been some weeping and wail- would go through vith-j.- h to my Uiat championship ami IAh r iotenGon in, the vcncb In these travcis change Dunover defeat by bout Harvey's 3mg and thoul h win be ling all tle stress ami strain they Manley has encountfrrd s' giad to lntr mref ( arn ra. involve were nuisances and that Soc hai plenty of good ptKher. possible st'ie ofwrest!irg nd ha oT as 8lftho1hIntoa-nySeff himself Carey Out Of It. all lie asked of the Bulldogs' become ued to adappft .no suh n . by major li??!L much in sight ,o, him s Mi When Fchmeling and fetnbUng every season was to win tlieir to even- poenble rtuation that 'ubsb had'he b'een'ihTwmo" hat? lhf, Hould were signed lite jrsttrlay for a due and proper share of victord - winn. ng game m.ght develop An a wrehng The total number of plavers. race 41 .uon Juno titular bout, with the winner ies, Paul math. ani woiked oftener use -t to toera Intend The to powe-the allowed play garden tai a a to fneet tarneia in bepuhihfi the Know- - His Grip. ai5r more Harvev but tbev at up develop, and al innings ih&u any other Madison PfjuTre it ird W mjrpora GOOD KFXORD, The Iocl entry m this match 'agei ,st the same old prob no 4n j,ave ben werk d upon at polnv raant tion of Illmoi3as ntmpd i ro- eppenent and may expect some slugregard to an exvtr-- , ,ha h'-- l i on between major ha to pi H A ba k with Dundee, promoter with fit milk fund ill- - VZ LCH has UfcQ the Na,v part glng trorn th out eld which wl1! TncO under iho admimslra- inena. wt New York The man who te8i Shade Hogs tm. Umited to cont.es ls in season th with Earl Wbij, sart a a Dave shad lx bang- Of cou-e- , signed for the Garden interests txoit of Bill Ingram a due aharound his home town. There is Tom Oliver and the newcomer. Rye, noth eg mg around and would TbeT ouccwlevl so well that was not William!' Carev, bead of proper share of victories won. o, little doubt that Ira possesses who made a lot o' home runs down. better than ob- - more Annate get trto a he ring tive meeting of the majQt the New YoifcGarden corporation. coach whom the Navy wrestling skill: than south who deUio" Harvey; wh a or totter tn summer Bohemians hut William B Pane, pg1dnt ofjtaia wll but work; the --Bob Quinn also- looks for great Picto, league lat doany gr;Kill Hcweve, jovef him m London 4 he Madison toquare l.arden cor - ' certainly, any nor, taju&ble work1 cr Height and jtxperience united la an ironclad those who hav tie Comlshman improvement m th management th? Severn. 'ecn up that score Iw lli Tbc minor m rd do not look wPh jporstion ofJlUnois ami ojr agreement. tn league interest has been turned over to John which of the law firm which represents and th Navy attitude has beenj Sharman Confidcnl. jVOUNG ADRIAN ELTON, crack Santaqun southpaw who went favor upon a tilt with Shade, wno not aware of thl long pro Coil ns, th veteran. the Garden here east last fall in search of new fUtic fields to conquer seems to w jld very liae v make JLen lojk splendidly manifested in its offer Hr Sharman is not taking his) Hmlwnrv - annTv Uat irsi & contract to handicap match with Miss Betty he The colored mn In this particthan Durde dd tue Cambrian themght the majors were bluffClark Griffith of Wv&hinxton conquering as per schedule H's lacst triumphs atLew New woodpile is that the 0ular nmith. holder of th crer- in Bushey as seriously as some Of hs Boxing Btnwnich he declined at club. South Philadelphia, were ocordcd over Vnrfc legal t ehmTnissfion Lafferty, edHarrv aatd w ing ilam. I 6ia up tiie new rule - which ore renumera-- 1 followers would K midd'ewelght ttl begging ha to him Lke I a. and s Maroon. touted uV-Vhlisfni niinnH Tommy Philadephia junior shu eight chanve at Harver. but a'lth for permits the umpire to caU th qu.r. C.rd.nwith ? d.v. if It . 'I'apfopos.t.oD from the Laivtr- Thc protege of Ir. Bern has- another promising eastern boy, Elton beat both of -r lhee bojs de- NO BUIT1NG drive at the point where II rhV' knak of vhm.linorCr-Maroon. Ph.' IQ his credit o.a and A fcnl,lnine kcorkout Thr almost tPSfttb: anj dealing, Ud cla.ieiy leaves the park: op'i.ot HERE ws no blaff to it The Just who wjJi eucceed Ingram Is nom twice both of whom are undr tp half an hour. He Santaqmn southpaw has be.n fighipg at 131 prunds which irdc.tteS look had without coacplAah ''g M li i here Carey ctin truthfull) ' probleman al There are not many expects to jnaccomplish Lung fly hitters will have a the &n ac- f deal H be'vt . i hinis h for condition the best vye" in fcatthat majors ready great at performs t ii h has fiktn no .past mxth coarhe, of high character foot- big year more homers. Tur,thout the if of hi tan niclat-- , i New Rating. Eitor s man-- i f.ghung weight- - Jack K bj deal ngs with Joe It oh, fhnut- - toose at the prent time But th. mx ctptance of thesr proposals or a r ing to pull (lie balit Into the flam aeerAdrianlsproper a prog' cf K d Daviswho dtvelopedbm here in In the iVdTw anu of whichever ing s xoahager or Bil ppfn , tar- - modern tendency ic'tn .5225 them, stands often swing too fast Loathes I coneerjAU u1 ,be grappl ng bo;-- gajt Lake Citj. nera s American rprecnfative Th out of Lh maor .eaguesi and they the ball lands It Is to alker tn tn tniddlwe ght ji vi- - be coL JumEd existincontracts if thevfjij crux f the tangle is whether the - tbe meet Yankee Jack Rogers inf Co wore into D otlce u,. !uon Voi Ln Harvev, l go with Rene actfljr at frequently foul even though it main prciiminary. Ibes fei-- i commissions ire will be routed bj,"!! c?! itr TH Har-- y Gorilla is 8 Jones, Internutiooaj when Pirith, crossed .league npt that ir the lows are heaw weights. likely the Gardens eytuion in handltngj"n Hudkir. Harry Rbbets, Vm Dun- - ready to announce it intentions, the matter through Thor will be the ita Illinois sub- - emy athlctjo authorities will not de a,Rd Jock McEv y fotlowing tc dea! of trouble In oh- -j opener and aa amateur cuetomary eidlaiy. cxhitiitiou .(have a greut chat order. taining some good man. for the tarly comers. Harvey-Dunde- e Id view of th ? that AUQCniAC tb Gor-dIt ov Dundee to bout necessary th aeta of Garden corporaNotre Dame lost heavily everal pegv' or drop Harvey UP Defeats do not affect ife status of from this year's backffteld but Sonnenberg down several it doesn't make k arent organlzanon in New io-- thj hcw; the'' Trf. . .qai dai ofd fference tMrry. Hw commission Malcewicz Hgucvnl stnular it Knot Rockne already ha In reason aren,ifTl,,Yo-fnt "TJnations when Tex Ttukrd took the a mind bark 1931 firM that I for 111 111 Iempsev-TunnaI to Jvojr Pellet For Causes Trouble on Greens w III carry on. Dan Hanley w III Gup tonenbcrg Larger Many to the boxing m orld. former ahd Chicago The Gardru is phi weight wrestl.ng champion won aid to be prepared to take the mat. play full. Nick Lukat will two out of three fai's frem Joe the eomn,ieion takes succeed Brill, and Laurie V , ttr court ifaction Mrtlcew icx. (By Tha Associated rPeas Itica, N. t granpier. in the preec.jtf will replace Carldeo. And 'disciplinary here last n gbt. AT B.CLTIMORE Georgetown 30, " t cae Nciiwartx will tie batik to take Hopkins 16 Th local board whiih anrouid, care of bis own 6'ar;:! - B1C FI:-cr- s J. rOMERS. Mthc second inn rday. Any oncf VT CHiPEE job. Hanley Is would recognize the winner of t1 HlLLyr C North kood la not a the baa disUke Schwartz fessional Jewish, Irkb, Cavolsoa debut 3S, bouth Carolina 8. bv The Deseret VEW TORKT Jan H aagmat Don I iCopjright hont between Ja.k bharkey and rpA) Laun French new ba.l ha agaiu The Greek a and O Uh.o Wes. a AT DELAWARE. golfer d at vra New os trfter wall ) rjar J in here rrappier. Stribling champion Terfaan r :rJa'kDnip?jr. TT Mexkam mad5tra"?TTrperr-s1rTtTaTtfme.1 the Madison Square tardn ring TjafTTS th nf S. lii.i l.ngl 1.NGELLS. Jan. 13 v LA) EAST AT LANDING, illch Mich(miaute bout. iron dav Ft ha Ii mal than not a f a Jatn to suspend the Lreorgian for LOS aireogih ghr, rfe-eigan btat 32. hu Xav er (Cscinna- to. f ght Mix vpa The new. larger and second idiots and the bhort zp- f r Permits cn tJt a anight, tr:b HE.HT Losers. scaring ' T5T ar however wav not Tfie CT' ffTK i hedd'ng lighter golf baa AT CHICAGO D Paul 3a, 15U (By latsrnationuiNew Service) V mauler a third man In vn of Jgarx.1 todaj. on tuai ,atcou.t. football teaanyof Jim McMillen Is The fellow with a free d accurate 2o of th ,Thoma AT . Calif two when Young conversation ANGELES, on topic bouts orj that heavyweight Date r deeldrd. the iear. Xoir. Ibnn an. Victor Over OShocker morrofcssioinal we.l ana An AT JACKSONVILLE III swing will score dat ias given vreUerwegh! lh boxing goife Eet 4 Col eg Th date and siU of th Scbel Alabama, will lose many of their dr only d!f fepeure 1 f md betftecu life, grdTsW Aer. .si Carthage 16 though liuormation BALTIMORE commion, 14 Jan. ' Th aether a AT SOtTTH LEND XoCr Darn not to wh ch tight b would ban- LS) Imbroglio wai , tJim ' by Staauauon. McBj'ien. former kUIICtll ly of , Ided upon Th. date likely 1. June, SO, Marquette 23 is f receiving Caiif Jon firm-withheld. OAKLAND, lui 1 Gori'la. Uwas bail on th must hit There L Notre Dame loet Joe SavoMl 13 and the pliTre VlVl toV Vi5vr tooay AT DO: TON, O Wttenberg It may b taken for negro jnMdtemyughi. ttooroughi;. for lf re.t,ondg more freely to,Akron rora Job'-- ! on 8 Daton 22, that Dempsey will workgranted in the trr at th. Frah'k 2artdeo. Marty BrilOoStaw Aft rrUtr de'ftatftil, th popularltT of- - 8trlbHnjr-tn- v d AT tT PAVL, MIpn MacAlester main evert, between Max Baer tny Bunn Oakland c, m 24 How that City would get tha callTom Conley and oth- -r luminaries Through AT NEW- HALNc Rwdd and Torn Heerev 'Jack refereed cgo. 3. -j mar compevlield A. usua'i .kJ L,"-.!3'1 without further argument were more AT FALLS S D Spear-fis- h hlOL wax a bit -Eddie Loss New .nht. Havtf heavyw ght, win Hartford Mondav night and t the tt not for the fact. Ih a in - knocked out 3t.U00 Normal H Ing De 27, Augustan canou Armando off ciat Cairo' Gplieg nnatltTL a in at tailed show in his exp ut 17. Los Angeks open not pUQCh th's.ncw bail w ithoul1!1 torighL La AT Iowa 1 o B- Cnnn m FYFTTE C fetv ith. Lpper p B'idgpart hS th . A 24 Buena . auspices of the Chleaao Stadium cor-- ! 13 Sod men from the squad, the ita 2) Chilgopro ship, and opln- " Tide also lose, its great UOU LeOfge Add AT KANSAS ClTYRotkliU-s- t 29; poration. If the stadium can be '. -. o,l L.'-duced to withdraw, Chicago may coach, Wallace Wad, who goes to of 3 and JSt. PnedTt ?i Jou .ng thwurt ATbT PCTERSRl-BaJn-Cwre many '"0rtj, the ball ct te chosen Anolner Laurel Sprig lm Duke. EMver Red Thae y Phoen.x, Ar.x l.aht an.i ffl ouAJStaiing-ba- ). YW i" HT A k 1 h Manager-fTotnnd Rchmehng sfty 27 Collie of Eper a 24 with it and cam.ing it long on th havyweght, knockedoat Geurge t J TaU AT htribhng agreed to deposit $25 nod a TOPLKA. Kar Those (AMP Pittsburgh (HMP. t tn tn faoe golfer&j ot th c!ulh the be( w no tour forfeit to bind a match between. VT VTLj?T PALM BEACH Fsa Teacher 4 M ahburn.2 , rT YORK, Jam H (INS; rj!,2TV4, who pusess a' results. C in ff thf a! tha winner and Camera SO yaa xtranded In Jersey jear AT NgVYTgy," Rowe, "Phi ladepb g Esrtrtvrr.srlrt l n tf, mot hr rytinurc" jon 'HT a - iA r of Detroit toaiivMimrieer ant joTOT, returned -hilQlA- - JLtS n inter. wlipA.rfit.aJ?in over MPhe-gherj 4 la knockgaf holds th interstate pocket bU- - iat night J ih role t heavy ihc it aua droppmg Fort-So- tt, awmg them AT Mexico T), Kars pulling PARova Gontaia, City Hard tine. He defeated AndrV4rjiffht wrestling champion. George are scor ng well , xh bail drifts more on cut jco College 33. Parson, Jr, College CHICAGO, Jan. II CNJ Jiv. Jr, Ponzi, Philadeiph!a.ir5 Am Alo m and two atLiOghL fi$e ver th short Max Surprised and vet m " 23 tron shots than the old on and my Siattery, 42 innings last night of i '"V r tht tdtarvy Mamcs. ot New Jersey AT Ark- - Arkarsa treacherous FTETTE. back spin much quicker. But tOttnCIT K. iVl Vj It woa Camps eighth win in nine! Th Lnveraity f Michigan grad- - VT Alter Hfl 25 light heavy weight boxing division., MayBalk at Bout tarts shire tne fellow aho aga net a field of plavere uate scored th first fail' e wa tlay favo-cftl!f?e,jf0rithe tb Tex San MARCvr AT todays to defeat dtse iseent wrld minute with his Wolverine s4AIB " ' whrcfne Los Angeles open ts be- ow4 nlv shots it will b a gr eg BERLIN. (INS) inx Southwestern k.n blleN" players of ,He thfrn finished his weakened op - ,n4TIa ve5 Letiask,. Chicago h.sy-,,1'Sb- s ball Schmeimg, - holder t a m.t ln Poeot in three inioufcv with s half slug and putt school find few, of ..c -- x.4,.4 "at OlDAP.O SPRIM'.S West- -, srvjsMi. ten round bout at th ttadu.ii crown, expressed pained sarprws. Jacobs should bav signed such a Nelson and crotch- - bold. tat 30 CniorviSo Coilev 2 about the baiDto cocunend ithinrs f stiver was contract Hagen s without happened along n gn that his American manager eorge first appearance iai t tab Brigham notifjing me. it nf the stronceatnroiionentsi rPO 0, j AT . e n a igned him for a bout with W.'Heer Maxie aid with, a hurt toruJia th. hietropoma., district Ie wgLi-lyrgBrloffll. tf Mvn inn PKte pound wegf nw h.-un of ELACH Cal.f . Jsn 14 Us f IB AT IT1 ' Young Ntfibling and deJared New Mexico pending direct informatio i LR Slt. n't fift u V a.K.T,(arfe ev fe.u f A! Who Uedfnrthe- S6 my manager, I can only M elul. Us- - ouibo felt under no obiigatifVii to agree, from and rvin.ari-- u er the for- - Tea feera 3t Iix!e Cllego 3. holey of the tourna-n- r rt. I fAE) Tfe Eacftc C- -t that I Jo not feel bound to atrk Camera to Take M- - Milf-tsto such a contract MObOCTOr "Hh AT I mer TV peddrej-muchtcaeu h the, htf! to not the t0"rrrnen.t,at th. pm. it?y up Advised of thlrty-Salso by. International lo any such contract because tt wvj 14 Inaitxite V X M Mmcra Henry, barnstorm-- ) wo,, a, he did laet tad . when-cOrekofl4on.t b,am getthat on th, ball Ukc hlg.ly ,uuj,1 ar1 O- -. News Service that undkr th Wil139 McVlNNrYlILh AT one On shot Lexpressly stipulated between and ,fmJim llEB awarded the Iiiegel, decs.on to judges just Iloo. Maloney aod.Dirsfcl It4 great home to for to tn York New my 22. departure Co. 47, lamette Liufield rangement agreed lego hind T. completeMhtiw ni.hr v'cSofy 115,2. prbr -t i be would not sign m BoSTOV.J.iji. Xvi) ri. night bv Joe Jacobs and W. L. thhone lat lf of bout between a bird- - Tfier was no outsticn Pcm fie1 he in th xrockcut (u.icn be ca-- Malone f?re 1 finally holed Ftrlhllng. 8r, respectiveth manag'r w itbout firat receiving my beautiful and accurate M." from le I think 'frouth Boston heawmefghi. of the two scrappers, winner provaL perhaps I is 111 31n Skt Jum? SoUfld to to greeu J,';,1 ;i;sK I mot certs ml v have not rbeen ITimo rc of Camera, ui i th bout was to measure. :i4aVeNne'c;:'i,ir.;Itaiv, wj j , change tny putt ng grip and " TuJ. ta Italian a11oUw.l Prime Camera, V ' ia for41 hv we u. It ever! a far best ball tb t against offset to Ii!! I V. manv had Kar.g lo hole At Capitol Thursday rhanc brrdes ".fcs ; prm.hlL? that th- - agreement Promoted by Frank Brueu, Herr BchmeJ-- i not been Cr giant, arlttria 90 bad to golf. decrartd'img-- L just but just could not "get the bah between us has 4 jr.g-d.changed since 1 indignant twsitively ruled news pictures of th Nw I ing-- srsied Sjund mtur Flattery i TvTiL(r-vh f 1a4t a 70 ,hooUns "ilglllr w.. r'eued I am- - surprised Indeed that Mr then.' gusr? vk t" tuTr.p' Trt Eelcer fcilT ln ble Parleys canyon will b shown os a l'end Brigham City Post cV3rhTsirtta,da'.LJ : of th Paramount news part , match witp, hB w inner ot nt,r. First Matched Run Plans Ring Card at th Capitol theater beginning Me Burney s score. - to go ea 1b- Chicago next fnuw Thursday. Pictures of Alf Engeka I nm,ps and summary BRIGHAM CITT, Jan. (fpe-- i I Mafonev won Psrlfte ( over Gar; 247 foot Jump which smashed world ENJOY RARi JIUDING COMFORT Hmry's. wiH grap- iir Bushay ner in M CCt Qt tsihs CtllO ski records distil . AT PRICES AMAZINGLY JX)W meeting at Botoi lenutionA iUCAlLU pi, with Happy Eartlett of Cedar RbswM f Gari lut November. f Vieas cf th 2' spectators Htuboa-Essc- z Tarat rcnr.d -- mochas Gjfy lo th feature af re Brlgliany Thjntees PILVCR CITT, Tfo goes all the way in grriag to att-AP The Sll, -- rC tty City fight card for this week. Ira cb.r-a.included. Tha you as Rutomf Cmfri. It U designed to rallied the half to Nelder-oDem lege Bob jump meet will f pronounced aom into rmy body, engineered into eaery Into the lead and lat defeat the Dixie shots on skiing ever downed O. Enking, 89 to 65. and C.!f the Rharman take, on Jacc . . It Is evidenced fite of Utah. wrJa college pfttt that affects tiding and drieing a meet was sponsored iottaced r Th' Edwards control and. n. Texas of Finn ln flihh. arhicb to ba.ketb.il' anth hard fouaht li r 'a a . by the esse caeiy 1"" cl ProBlt ' 7 ba ftl The wore- eh r "tes t uight. Dixie led at Brigham meets. Ed Dat is of Rslt to 25. Monday Dr J B Keysorj Junior Chamber of Commerce.y lcaIn is reached and operated- - And yet both I Ltb half. ct e. Clark downed Wee. 10 63 addition to to. th Llewellyn, Georg would STAR far what COIHT iLak. below WED. cars sre priced . ' .. ... you c ft!,. .NEi' und i fa Oriffi if. 3 T J expect to pay for such luxury. ViMtl If ? Pecrtol and btratton ' hil I Eth-o! shared Masoo Another bout, 7 M6s tensen looms Bobby fait Lake at aar, pm and Frd Comel fWPffnnit can- era man Josonh R. Penoyer.e I 4 W TV. fengeton at $ pm. 4 Ruker w box Pete-- Jnsn of Riverton ?ur,k.art mads the iftH?rrI?r tried desperatelyn to ol"mttt to fait vth sast ar.i andTwn jra r I me artists or com- - Lax at th request of tr'p wf chamrft'hlp SmpsVf t Harry Dv Odet body models as swaaieely pneed. vid, division manager of PubUx Th man-- j atersmade the picture. aaatstd by 4 the sound tunsi!lan, Harold Flood. jio doubt will Pjtvrwffformedihil ion bo is not b dumfoj , of hr opm- - :eir Mwb-ifoot- 1 1 e t) i . tht i" t , e tamta. - I -- i J'""' JLU'ZL I hc Ctil-cg- , iinnlr h.i fr I n" we -- 1 nt , v- H-- p pib , j . otr Pro Golfers In Favor Of Lighter Coif Hall j hll 'Panther Joe y , Phi-id-- ar M Lb-ka- ta It But As Referee IastNig lJl wa-d- fd FI6U15 a i Ca$e Re suits jDeinfisev Back r ht f tho i c. i H&-great- r de-ia- ra f- , . first u$-M- mid.. Chl-an- ' a & TuSS.YV.,. Bxl-tmo- re S n It'' v s lie MarrtF-C-atrrt- -- ' ' -- If4, Brd- on-th- da. b--ea 1 1 Ei t en er Levinsky "" -- l'ri Stars Factors .m Defeat of Henryk ) J - -- - " -- th rv -- Flms 'r-Ic- n ,h.loer for-n- tr cre"orflt 3ttodTVn.rSDixie I thr Ov o , conMltntbUer.Ibave asr Slattery Picked -- ", ' - - 1 . te a' ,hnll knut () College Is Beaten in - Hard Gam in M Mrvlrr favie tcr tei ! i .. nl g. ,11ald "m rill It . ij fjfreSo, boxingLgAVC I- , jl PNc ge'11 record-hreakl- ,& IL tuV B rr |