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Show s V 4 ' w n ' t - r T ?? S6i? ?f 4vfWuAlvill Cp VMGa;G:i ZZZ2$ MODS Swa ' Baba. spotts coat of bias and whits woolen mixture. Collar he eott bias Iretoeri buttons of stock (COMof ct Paqnta, Paris). Lor-rain- ' "Awakening to Follow "Coquette at Granada with I tries Jay, Batty else see Maraarst Unww.Boa., ' pastasea ragelsr vaotortlis. Bed ea Carrall CAnTObKasey "Claaa Baeara la Bameey." Paaekes aad Bams "Art tojeet less."- - it O GENEVA. ML, April 14. (AP) A mv eodi of prohibition on forcemeat, frowning open raids esatoat families f with a gallon or two for their own consumption, announced to day bjr State's Attorney Goon D. , Carbary, ' B8t Approve," Mid ths -Of tbo ! ttorny . .snooping" dono by Eutoaokindfair--of, child la ths DeUnf case, and I Wea anything like that waa PtlOff dOH. - Carbary made knows Ua sow enforcement program an tba grand Jury bogaa 1U second days Into tbo death during a dry f raid of lira Lillian Making of Aurora. ' - "No more shall search war- rants be iasoed unlesa liquor has , ?!?! Purchased by a represents tire of tbs states attorney's of flea and no one also," ha said. In the Making csss the purchase of - liquor near the Meking home was made by a man with no official , connection, acting at the euggee G the county dry agent. Fair . ebild. the big fellows wsre attar, its not families with n Ssllon. or two for their own consumption. Car bary said. A general orerhauling of.Car-- t i eery's staff of investigators was , understood to bo under way, but tbo Matas attorney would only comment: "Wo learn by expert- More than 400 liquor raids had been made prior to tho Meking killing In Carbarys campaign to dry np Kano county. Tbs brttuey Trie" raJCTta Jo-ee- noexn , nrnnra 0 Mary ptektard Is aaua. am aU taieies pletare wuk maslcel aambaia, ales sosrt UXAXADA te Obrlaaa OrtMta W "Tbs Plrt&e Lady," ala s Py- amseat talking saaasdj Csyetaal Mae." end gas ni ?d t Sreey li PAKAMOUlcr V1CTOET Nay WeAvay wnk Claeda OUllagwatar alas Oar Oaeg Movlai oases. Oasi Users, Vlta-alBJAOTO csllasa sa Caspsr la "LUae Tims" ee Oar Oeag Cstesdr, a Monon ry nenura THGBSDAT8 ORGAN RE- National Anthem piece Herolque Ccsnr Franck Scherxo in B. minor Ja H. Rogers A vs MnrW .. Frans Schubert Marche Nocturne .. G. Macmaatar Fgvorlta Mormon Hymn, "Oer tbo Gloomy Bills of Marknesa . Arr. by Organist An Old Melody Arr. by Organ let The Lost Chord ..1. Arthur BuUlran To Enter Court e e e ANOTHER end touch more expression of this motif is carried cut by applying scores, of small pieces of fabric, rectangular or hexogonsL to s sheerer fabric of the same color, with an eighth of an Inch or se ..... VENICE, Italy. April 24. (AP) A hydroahrplano crashed Into tho Murder Trial Story Lido canal from a height of 200 foot todjy, killing Mechanic Aure Pontages Filin Feature lio Obino and injuring Pilot Guido of space all around each "brick. Argenton, A number of American This composite fabric is then One of tho most nnosoal film rlsltors witnessed the accident mads up in a variety of ways( most M tractions made since tho innooften for Jscquettes). and gives an vation of "Ths Talkies, opens this effect which must be seen to truly afternoon at ths Paatagaa theatre. i realise Its loveliness. "The Bellamy Trial," produced by One enchanting dress of chartIs in addireuse green used these , tion to n special vaudeville probrick appliques on tho bodies five made of big vaudeup gram end also had one row of them ville acta. around the waist. Two of these "The Bellamy Trial" la from tbs hitter Were left open st the top, sensational magsxine mystery murtwo cunning and trimmed la soft blue drama of tho same name. Who der thereby forming leather, Miml Bellamy? The mystery pockets! with buttons of steel. But note killed itself M not solved until the last how the fabric is cut and sewed exborder! the production. HAND painted will sea the difference be- twenty minutes of patron and of the the desigaatrics. Pouf, tweenyouit end the sports wear of Because ofnot. this be seated will house during the mere fifteen thousand franca! yesterday! Pemberton solution snd Manager And perhaps in the garment them requests that tbo pubUe note tbe NEW FABRIC NOTES. may he four yards of material time of shows and srranga to be which cost four dollars a yard Rodellc," It Is called, and prompt. It means voile, sheer, transend nothing more save the paint Lea trice Joy heads ths Mellsr to light beautifully parent, ' rol snd in cast as Sue Ives, the weight and with a certain d, woman on trial while George have fox trim body to It that lends itself de- British and American stags AND nowIn ws Thera rightfully to making np. two shades, the. one star, has been selected to play opare the plain colors, of course, posite Mias Joy aa the bnsbsnd above the ether. Pear grey and kind Users Is the and then whose faith Is unshaken by the smoke grey for , instance, brows threads in eon treating Kenneth accusation. murder and Megs. whits and b tack either with In woven through colors Thompson, another product of the on tbs collar or tbo middle of the or crisscrosses aad squares is second stage. legitimate ths r hack, or diagonally on tba sleeves the polka-deffects, With tba murder defendant, husband of ths i woven In silk. dots woman. As slain the woman who A DOZEN different thing may GET to show you again bow An Rcrolr! supplies tbs motive tor ths mystery cause a headache, but there charming vary simple end Balt Livingston, Margaret plot, jtwt one thing you need ever do to wearable garments era In tbs presenLakes own screen Mar adds new mode, I have sketched a get relief. Bayer Aspirin i an t-day laurels to bar already brilliant career. Others in the cast Include Bet- abaoiuts antidote for ouch pb& sports coat for you today. It la of ty Bronson. Cosmo Kyrle Bellow, Keep it at the office. Have it ha.idy blue and whits woolen mixture Margaret Beddon, Kalla Pasha aad fa the home. Those subject to fre- -' many others. fluent or sudden headaches should The vaudeville bill Is headed by n. Arthur Petley A Co, fee taring "the cany Bayer Aspirin in the pocket-ticlown of ths sir." Harris and PepUntil you have used it for headadd more fun to- the bill with Annuel Salary of SO Cents Held Reason. per aches, colds neuralgia, etc, you've theto eome-lpatter aad Lown no Meg hour Bayer Aspirin can help. aad the Dunn Bistcra add n finishIt means miick, complete relief to ing touch to a well balanced bill millions of men ana women who with their clever songs snd dances. "Oriental Oddities" Introduces n use it every year. And it does not ' magician from ths Far East, who , depress the heart bo builded more substantially If has soma startling tricks Golden III April 24 HOOPESTOX, is enhanced by Olga have sty fathers spent their time la Dreams" (AP) Lelt ths big town working for the community good MorseUis violin music and feats their dtp hall ceandala It they will; Instead of worrying about pay day. performed by two animated bronss la any ebronids ct Hoopestons In the time that ban Intervened, Matuea ns affaire there is municipal ths people have never Been tit to WssWketM Aohaat b tbs Usds swk M Mow pises for the headline: "City broke, change the xharter. - Even though Munmnsimiuto ef ashriMsMi Club aid uonyV,1 the population, has Increased from - ' Hoopccton la ran by 21 cent 444 to 4,444. State Depicted dermen sad a four-bit mayor, The Jobe of aldermen and mayor, aad brags about R. It ha d capita tho trivial annual emolu"Broadway Nights," tba treasury and land It to ment, are much sought, tho Mtl-se- Kunes colorful film ef theatre aad cttUena at six par oent interest. certain pride in see- night club Ufa Is tho attraction at a taking It hasn't bad a saloon since lilt. ing how well they mpy serve the ths Stats theatre, . Mown here the people have an city. Candidates for mayor bars How an ambitious amateur sorrel Idea that bigger, boasting brothers spent an much aa 4444 in their an apprenticeship In Vaudeville among cities might study to ad- campaigns tor mayor. , blossomed on Broadway .in tho vantage the tray Hoopeeton oper- . Donald J. HcFsrren, son of tho gayest night club of tho street, snd ates The idea of paying aldermen towns first mayor, retired from Anally became tbo toast of tbo 2S cents n year and ths mayor office this week, and tho coun- town as tbo star of a big musical 44 cents waa Incorporated in the cil solemnly approved his bill of 44 rerue. serves as tho plot against towns charter. The village found- cents for tbo years mayoral ser-- which are set colorful backgrounds ers believed tic community weald of Manhattan atmosphere. Back-stapeep Into tho underworld ' aad a strong theme , of mother Fliex Lands Busy are among the highlights of Los Angeles Street love" tho film. , , , Lois Wilson aa a Jam singing LOS ANGELES, April 24. CAP) Lieut Harold F. Brown, army chorus girl, is tbo star of tbo hit. BALTIMORE, April 24. (AP) a visitor made a forced landing In Walter Winchester Keith, of a busy Los Angeles street yesterBaltimore, and Mrs. Ethel McCor- day after bis motor had stalled mick McAdoo, divorood wife of 2,444 feet above tba city. , The Francis Huber McAdoo, obtained plans tors through a high volta marriage license at Towien yes- age power lino snd crashed into automobile, slightly Injuring tho terday. j Friends said they wore expected T. driver, John Toung. Brown esto bo married this week but Mrs caped with a broken shoulder born losao B. Emerson mother of Mrs his mechanic, H. F. Doyle, received McAdoo in time ted that no date for bruises. , . ceremony had been net, ; thoMrs McAdoo and tho son of the former secretary of too treasury, who were married at too Green This sommer take a anpwaj Spring Valley homo of Captain jusT Emerson wore granted a divorce by . to New Yodc sod New Eng-- . .Sc, qiCOPrtfOM? ju a Tribunal hi November, , lift. ' 5 , , bad! President and Mrs. Wilson with t 1 . members ef tho cabinet attended CiTthebraiaapaili of hssty tho wedding. tnvd, see Gmsdtg Miriam' In Juno 127, Mr. McAdoo mar. Had Mrs- - Mary Boost Taylor, of Provinces, piquant Quebec, Now York, divorced wife of Br- ' 1 Toronto, Oman, Moocrrai . OlR.CtVG COMEDY tram Lord Taylor. J . gad the we 1th of historic v PEWS Mr. Keith Is tho son of Mrs. between. Free side Frances Brown Keith, socially . tsvaaj THT?VO TOMORROW Virin and Maryland , , ? SIOMUIT TAX- Itrip, it you wish, to Niagara J prominent r ginia., r , Just stk to hvf your chare w rickets cast of Chkao retd : DRAGON TOO FAT, "SUMMED -L -a waist ths of lias Decreasing NsS3F Grand seven foot Komodo dragon has . ricroJ,'fid reeaarime writ been the task et keepers ef the : London Zoo recently. It had been iariihmaredfbldes. L Ftret Shewfe to .W Luke eating too many oggo presented by ImSmmmtrFam vbntors and put on too much flesh TOO At sA TtlMMW It ha been given daily walks abou ! LOB THLSON tho reptlld house, snd has been pu on n diet of only two rat swa f f -C Week, And one of ths rat, a largi Ermdiny Nights ! ms white, ie filled with castor oil bej I fore bslrg offered to the dragon. UEiMk OF TOR WOODS The treatment Is effective but not ' W-- OaemlA res W.l relished by tho descendant of fairy- ' y six-sid- CCS css ' m - , cd ' ...... slx-six- ed . . . Of Irene Castle HIT FEE SPEECH ' CITAL. . ' , ' Tburedayti Tabernacle organ recital with organist Frank W. Asper at the con, sole will be ns follows: tion of Jeanns Lanvin tbs use et a rectangular motif repeated in lit totally scores of ways. The motif taker two forma, sometimes bricklike, with perfectly rectangular units, and sometimes more liko a honeycomb, with plecaa. The first use of thin idea in carried out In a printed fabric in white and a dark, color.- - Sometimes Madam Lanvin runs the "bricks hoiisoanlly, sometimes vertically; again she combines the two, with the dress boriaontal and the panels vertical. VR n oo,i Walter H. Newica . Called '' Busiest r Man in Wkslimsion Plan, Reata-Do-g (Conttnnad From Pngs One) from enacting any law prohibiting free speech or religious liberty. Mary Plckford In bar ftrst ell Primarily ths right of free speech, which "Coquette talking picture rests upon provisions In toe has been drawing capacity crovrda sto, constitutions of too Pam -at tba Grenada theatre, has bqsn "But If a Mato passed a Matute. bald yover for two dkys and wlUbs tba result of whkJh to to suppress And shown .Wednesday night free speech, a-- serious question Mias VUma. Thursday. Banky. bo raised as to wbathar tt beautiful Hungarian setreaa, will would would not bo void aa violating the open Friday in "Tbs Awaken- 14th amendment to tho federal ing." s story of her own country constitution, which declares that Hundreds of persons have ex- no stats shall deny to any person pressed satisfaction with Miss Pick-fo- tho right to life, liberty or propIn her new grown up role without duo process of law." end It is predicted from ths sue-sh- e erty Senator George, a former suhas made in this film that will forsake the pigtails for-- preme court Justice In Georgia, constitution said: The federal from Congress "Coquette" will be shown three merely restrains Intimes Wednesday night and six passing any law that wouldor reef speech times on Thursday for those of ths fringe tho liberty theatre-goin-g public who have not ligious worship. Create! No Rigbia. yet availed themselves of ths opportunity of seeing this masterful ' "It dons not create any guarproduction. In addition to the fea- antees or rights. It merely puts technl-coktrture, "The Toy Shop," shackles on Congress, 1 would classic, and the Revelers not say say state, whose own conhave won wide approval. . stitution was siient. could commit any outrage against ths liberties of the citlneaa. la Mich event, I Lecture in Auditorium believe ths federal government could protact tho citissn under On ChrutUn Science tfis Ufa liberty and property clause the constitution. A lecture on Christian Iciepco, of On tbs other aide. Senator entitled, Christian Science: The Borah, also recognised aa a grant Liberator of Mankind," will Ho de- constitutional lawyer, observed: livered in the Auditorium on Rich "I believe tbo constitution arda Street. Thursday evening. amounts to a guarantee of freedom April 24 st I oclock. Firm Church of Christ, Scientist, of speech, peaceful assemblage and If Congress is of Salt Lake City, under whose aus- religious' liberty. pices ths address will be given, an- restrained from passing any law nounces ths lecturer so John Ran- to forbid liberties, ths people an dall Munn, C. A B. of Boston, free to exercise them as rights.' Senator Goff, a former assist Msasachusetta a member of ths Board of Lectureship of The ant attorney general added: "Tbs Mother Church. Tbe First Church federal constitution in effect gn of Christ, Scientist, In Boston, sateen freedom of speech aad religious worship, la event a the state should prohibit them, Congress can act under seclion Icebergs Cause Delays four, which says. Ths United shall guarantee to nr To Trans-Atlant- ic Ships States stats la the Union a republican In order to of form government. NEW TORK, April 22. AP It would be Icebergs have appeared near the Justify this action.to show tost ths North Atlantia shipping lanes a necessary merely month earlier than usual. The Mats waa denying free speech or religious worship, captain of the Red Star liner Penn-lan- d freedom of arriving today, a day late, which are fundamental in a repubbecause of Ice floes off the Grand lican form of government," Banks, said be aaw enormous iceAnswers Resolutions. bergs In that locality hundreds of Senator Bratton, a former Ml' miles south of where they era usuprems court Justice in New Mexially st this time of the year. agreed: "Tho spirit of tho con-The Anchor liner California also co,I tut ion is to guarantee freedom arrived n day lata today. She bad speech and religious worship. changed her course to the south of comports wtth tost after receiving radio warnings to Ths Inhibition to idea, snd any other Is contraryare beware of Icebergs. ths inhibition. There rights law. s fundamental pert of our and POSES AS MAN 42 TEARS. They are a part of tho fabric Frances "he woman has been constitute too concept of governfound at Ampelsbach, Alsace ment la this country. Ths question wee raised by King where for 41 years Mme. Wacker has worn men's clothe and has when Senator Thomas J. Heflin adopearned her living as a farm laborD) of Atahsma. sought er. She is 44 years old, snd drinks; tion of a resolution expressing ton smokes and chews tobacco. Her Senate's condemnation for an atthree children are alt dead. tack on too Alabaman last, month t feature finds extensive AWexpression In tbs new collec- , KItfED IN PLANE CRASH sbi. rd Lots Wllaw THBATXB BTATB east la "reed-v- u with ee all-stCoto alb Mmsad Nlskta" - la WMsrt ef the Wosda," attar eevaKy. . ' idco Bar-mo- - , ; 4 24 April (AP) Walter B. Ntwton, reprets. sentative la tho Boom from and ' administrative , so- sistant to President Hoover, It Just about ths busiest official to . Washington. While he has not yet taken ths oath of office as a Whits House official he Is performing ail tbs duties of his new do end finds that the work at the two requires mudb burning of toe midnight electric 'current. Aa administrative assistant to too chief executive dealing with independent agencies of tbe govsnd cabinet officers ernment, scores of others, Mr., Newton has a full siaed task, and adding, to that ths representation of toe city of Minneapolis in Congress hs to all hut submerged. 1'r. Newton will resign as a member ef the House to toe near future and wilt he transferred from the House to the White House payroll at the same salary, $14,444 a year. WASHINGTON, VSDOgVIUA. --AH aad trimming " To Cease. ;;h Paul Btranga. Louis John tele and Bam Hardy beading tba Btaa-si- ti su "porting oast.- - Barbara and June Colly er make tbeir In debuts tho which Mn picturs boasts of score of Broadway celebrities Including "Bunny" Weldoa, s. Tamraeny Toung and XJUUa Playwe Attorney Orders uti Raiding of Homes ' iistra ttijitesday . apbil s the. ' 24 (AP) CHICAGO. April "Rant-A-Pu- p plan of Mrs. Irene Castle McLaughlin for rehabilitating dogs of humble estate is to have Its .legal status determined. It is Mrs. " McLaughlinS contention that la accepting money to exchange . tor- - a dog the trasnction pi not outright sals, but' a sort of lease. If tbe dog is not properly oared for end it is proper cere for ths animals tost Mrs. McLaughlin primarily hopes to obtain she believes sbe is to u legal position to reclaim 11 Mrs. McLaughlin hag to Evanston police that Irving M. Hopulna, who purchased or leased a dog, traded ths animat te A dog store for a puppy. This subleasing of ths dog, as Mrs. McLaughlin interprets it to be. Is sot in hasping with her intention for ths dog Min-seao- , . poa oom-plair- ad ' ' i ii welfare. Bbe told Police Chief Freeman she Would start suit against Hopkins unless ths dog bo returned to her at once. in Brockton, Maast. In ths preamble of hta resolution, Heflin referred frequently to the constitutional rights of free speech and peaceful assemblage. King tore retorted that there rights did not exist in tbs federal conrtltutlon. CHILD MARRIAGE BILL HIT. Lord Buckminsters bill to make 14 ths minimum ags for marriage has aroused much discussion in England. According to Sir Archibald Bodkin, Public Prosecutor, under tho tow provided by tho bill should it ha revealed after marriage that a bride was a day under 14, ths husband would he liable to prosecution for misdemeanor. This would especially affect foreign girls, many ef them Jewesses from Poland, who advance their ages to get married. TRY TO SEE IT FROM THE START I FEATURE PtCTCKB TODAY AY llSS, SiSS. at im, idA tire COBTUrUOli, POOH TO lliSR TACPimu HOW AND ALWAYS SALT E H IMA 14$ ' LARES GREATEST T fr IVT AIN MNT si ot f VILLAGE HAS FUNDS TO LEND Mayn't ',- cMmwttco TURNOVER. y BIG TOWNS INVITED TO COMEOY LEARN KAUsmrria SALESMANSHIP ORIENTAL- - j SPIRIM NiLt - st ODDITIES LO'&yriN life .ecmrfesm (S4 .era Amp na Mi tm sii Ml id ' SallyS Sallies c::caco y crxiTuu&s fcAHioa voo THE PUBLIC DPR is CORDIALLY INVITED Tp ATTEND 1 Tronk-Canau- )iLud i mn 1 Tsi i W , NOW! JUST AS WS TMOIGHT Crazy House ; G:ry Cc:;sr viTArz::.i 5 ARC COMEDY , ,fe tmn Tfoey FOX MOVJETONEWS twttrmsef m tsf SStt'tif Mi HUWDNf'tKI 4jtJA1t4W I9V a SEE! nut mu trl . . clr4 rrt oL Loved II! Lilacii::e . li Auditorium.on Richards Street The Psweet Farce Ceescdy ef the CcIIea Hczre - : u via '? , S. B. OF BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS cf the Board ef Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, to Boston, Maes, Thursday Evening April 25th, at 8 p. m. 4: A MemW rSKMN $2!E& r ! BY Mm ILtiuUl DunnC. Talking . cmJnmntic Jrcnch Canada is on your way Free Lecture on Christian Science MAY McAVOY ge Ethel McAdoo Gets Marriage license First Church of Christ, Scientist of Salt lake Citjr APROVPCBt A , Skews MiM atfg 4iW r CROWDS TRAY THE -EOT IN" ON PAMAMOCRTS Operetpre. ALL TALKING SINGING AND DANCING KIT! Scandd TtESDAY AT THE ;CLOSe;harhohy Ii.L;C7 C..":iI Clr-L-S . YCtmi EEACTY-SO- NG a . FAECIOII AXD VASCO THEODORA ui DANCE fTAK WlEiUrTATlOlf ADD FRANK THE APACHES Tewse ALEX SCSntEIPER WARFIELD Oreo THS METROPOLITAN PLATERS Ar A Their Rest , a SeeTt Tonight can t, Wasatch f , ' m lDRRVRei MM (Pkaww ret i . 14TS aaA Rsssrva Year Seats Onsets Eora wood haw rros cirrroL contest winner ' ' ' DRAMATIO SOPRANO' i ' . R.N gSWAT Is Jret ART: OBJECTS IDEA ELMER KTRLffG . Playhouse Is C2AIlS KE3F ECSES " '' lies oaa. SrtS Ills ore. let ore. 4SS ore, StIS ore. l . COPING NEXT Rose op picardt" ' 4 & tr r f 1 |