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Show ' - . , , , -- 4r-s--- , r 0 rIt.TER .ci - , - - 1 - , e - I ;.11 Mho, , J t. , V I I I , I:-1- I , I , 1 Iftor of "Tour - Worn-O- It ben your broon't beeemet w0111 ft and put it to a Itee SACRAMENTO. Cal., April 24. out keep ether titan "weeping lineal, Cut , flatly. contradictuntil very abort bristles' the days atd the teattmony of various pressbut even- - and tie a piece of 'dicutlets wineonevs in his impeachthe cad- - Toe over felt or thirk le( ' Intent trial. kuperior Judge Carlos mill find thin very useful for poi' L underto Hardy prepared today hIe boards or linoleum Atioctra crow egantination. go the lire THE Itt,ChEWIFE. : For four bows yesterday the ' white haired Jams sat on the wit- aim bad glean tho newspapers vent ibess otszkol and denied salient rem true. He &mud she did not no into ations all the principal charges details 'net averred , that ha be,,, agauun him. lie did not fines hie liarval liar story. Prosecution paw story. but the defense ellectod him teed that Judas Hardy had rel"40 before boos today. iable, Information that Mew : boring the tonne of ywiterday's iras not kidnaped and that talked husitioning. Judge Hardy I. spits of this ha peraistad in at, ,treely of hit connection Ilittit tempting to vicar hien, tempt e. the church ad Mrs Aimee demote litePhereos.: Tie Istrineipal charges agaicat tho Man .are that he acted as attorrier for .Mrs. McPherson- - and that his ei- -' :.' CP-rieSHow.. eructed Justice by becessest unduly active in her behal daring the Iaot her kidnaping sten,. , ... ...... .. ...., .. ..: Judge Hardy admitted having kinferred with Mrs MrPheesma's , CHICAGO. (A P) April sitorneys on MA tratiteynaest et dm Darrow. famous trimnot teethes and also couteneed that he Clarence, did a bill 4odossing bo-of had received report from intresti lawyer. bow ba bad 'In tors tient to Cannel. Calle,- in ed his own In trillog because "they never som & iterate Me lawyer support the evangelise's. wonted to work and always bad ,lasatentIon that elm was not the eioman who wag with Kenneth O. trout at tia shop Heed scram "I kirosieton. former Angelus Temple adio operator. during the time where two lawlers ,were always each Other." Darrow Pre. Itc.Plerso was miming ta hereof11...i, "I wanted to outdo them. and Inc looked like It lawyors didol word Tts furist denie& however. , lawre wore, frOOS Poison Liquor Gets tp had influenced the investigation snarls sad So.'t braise a lawyer. of Mrs. McPherson's story or that - Second be hal counselled the evangelist's , 'After practicing .rivil law for Chicago Girl ruses V. detraded I pears many He that likewise denied gtorneys : ha had warned Loa Angeles growl Dens In the Pullman strike ease. CRICAGO t April tunny to 'lay off the Aimee case' Criminal cases thou, begin to rob Itovelatioas of a second gla party neva and I I. Practle. op eirt When Mrs Melliereot roappeam ed ha Loa Angeles after her Mime Now Em glad. because criminal with tragie Insults for a young girl purred pont to search for 'tellers tortoni Peeve, Judge Hardy testi. mato Involve Site and tibter--- ' practlea only Inoary.",- Cog. ihe tolit him the ataternente of poison liquor. , ' d Mary Merealita, lk boo lain Treasurer 160.0uncotworions sad II Ass:istant , , winos tat morning early Sunday Of U. S. Quits Post lowing a Saturday ;sight party wilt Vivo other yowl.; Weld gum. ,,,,,). , WASHINGTON April ., mer home. it was learned. had has who twin probably Tomsk Meantime. Jacquelin ' - more stoney la hie hands then lihnded by liquor sutural day ago .,., anybody In the world is going into was recovering drug-gi-rt her The sight. ' Wall ., eltarged with citing Um liquor ' He IS frank J., Thiel." asatatent 't ' ir ' treasurer of the United States, whd to Ore men of ber party to beld , 'tor twenty.4hree Your bell dwell tor arraignment. ;:. , .0 , connected tenth that atilt. allit ti t'..' - whom ' sumo as cuotiad, at seek t billion of doilare wee a routine Actress Gets License r 7 - Bii6iiiii Laiici :, , ...... 4.-- . ,, I CIM ; 1 Ank. J ! , - - atturropotTb nd Notes Taken by Girl Reporter - - ed LOS ANGELES. April Notes Jotted down by Hire Co. ettia Keller. reporter for the Phoenix Evening Gazette. air who Iran one of the Medd liner pamengers killed when the Plano crashed with an army gismo at SKR I) Leg last Sunday, appeared in print as her last story., Hiss Kelley was making motes tor a feature story for ber Palms' fuel tette, the eollialon. The some Published bore and fa Phoeithi, may figure as videaele in the In,. valtitatice of the crash. Her sot paper was fogad in the wreckage of the piano yesterday. Tbe Inoue reed:,"dre grems whits. NVed N. Y. Grocer Gobs. Dootroyers. L, A. shops. Oth, Mr. ithiel at the beginning of er planes. Fleet. Army piano. the war bandied perhaps the tarp Stunting. Naar. Nextee, lakes. Red NEW pet' bull oat Fold shipment ha history big sea. motion picture, ant- Particle Of earth. Shining he transferred .tftg wimp dot- PhyllisandHever., Water. Golden path et aftentoott Wilfiam ot booms& Nos ra'''. , tars in pew gold cotne from the York . obtained a bettors to smooth placeas marry'. sun. Greta 'tint at t'hitadelphia te the flub. Was Haver. a nativo of Dons tresaury in New York. milt the woo 21 years ol& Baptist !lathers, Girls He bag resumed fro the trees- - has, was born In Bayonne. effective April 3t, to become I..Seeman :To Thuractiy lel 21 year ago. K. s a 'wealthy a eber of the bankilig ask peak grocer and a close friend of Jomes erage firm of M. J. Meehan d rem- J. Walker. of New York. who is The Res. Barris Pillsbury et Pantrr members of the Nelf York exPectled to Westmitetter tulles will deliver the marry the couple. , , !, stock Oath Snit. principal address at the manual mothers and daughters bight teleSaves Vet Pennons beetle at the Rio Grand Baptist 'Dead Man' Gets Up church, 1061 west Second South Home stripe. To Help As Embalming Starts ThuredIA April 26 at I p.m. A varied program of music stud 24. LEAVENWORTH. April Kau, SANTA CLARA. Cuba. Mir a civil war vet- reading will he furnished. as dead frost eran. even in for motional a militant Hobo' heart failure. and on Ova point et home. is a itnettomo one at boor. King to Resign being emblems& Jose Martine Me- decided Moore J. Cook, and ho Wed, Settle Down lia rose from la ten hour 'death" quietly saved his pensions while no Mat night, liver at ths temlintion her& SAN PRANCISCO. Melia became unconscious bits April 24. His will. filed fat probate Oda,. Sunda,' night and efforts to revive left the savings. 11,443.2 to the tAPPIlis Ilia)eati King J. Leen docTowerds failed. morning. him board of managers of thtt horn& to Lituarotrits. Zet.. ruler of the hotors deciarsd bis heart had stopped los used Is and to Increase Om comfort bo,. healing. sate was removed to on of Itte surviving comrade& Cook going to abdicate. ble leen a perwhere. Memoir asUndertaking establishment died Septeraber , sonage than the king walls attendants were propos-laaouneegt this Isere while on route the body for - embalmbig. the to Loa Migekst to coingkle gloss - tor a convention. "dead mans band was seen to stir. Dollar Line to and almost immediately aftorward King Leen mild be Is abdicating Melia too to kis test a it Ito bad Two Giant Vessels because be is going to get manioc) Mutt awakened. and settle down. Hwang been Is fitiLVOILAI. China. April evet country but Bosnia where be old Dollar. vies presi- says he never Intends to be. he beCutts Mines Vial " dent et tits Dollar steamship this lieves he has sees enough. 1 Cut Wages May said on arrtral that within three , M the Loa Angeles etenventlon months Dm keels of st lewd folk which is to be bold Is Pershing 30.10641 few vawienger liner for strrre. Stoat, April police willing. lune 1. 193 Waite ot employes es the tiallY the service would be Square. the king will formally announce dielaid 4wi. payroll of mines In the Bette and nominate a sue-. retirement hitt wiU bo redwood 21 tents per 'rho company alma' b consider- cessor, shift on Stay 1. which bocamo two gaudier building date' ing ships The Ira set for nest year Leonia d April 1. when tenner was for the PhIIIIptns mein-heI. order to give pedestrian anotel at 24 emits. It Is new sell- trade-- The liners should be time to get them 'within two yearn and will ing at IS seats. With the sew seal lassarowitz claims to be suttee. IS effect. underground workers will each carry 16 first ellal and 1St tier to J. leads How of Pt. moire 11.11 a tla.V . I second close pasmagers. . ' , 24.--(S- -- P) . --- The , I, ' . ' ' I ," .." . c ,,..,.. ' , -.- ... -, , ' - " ,r71. 1, yll ., a .. ,: lyisic '1;13 1. ..,,,,,,,, , rif ., 01 L,1:n . ,. be- - actel ;ve.Ssicausir ono thus Army duty. Priv' sto Richard - ' , - ! , ' D- to unfit for bilattliimm Regiment. mimes !Octavo is above, Masai binned eiptered after the bad acre of Ypres. sod wishing to scowl ma opettieo or therharee fres thitiortion red the'reposvind &llama?' avid mien was able to pans the modical norulasttive, without it ern of mature. Acerreng to U.S. Army Statistics of otos vandosd ni the elective draft in nil and by wiry suroesinit ;Iota grouter otioner mos re.teste4 'Paean. tat the physicist Henna lityPiwn't 11111 411 fnt i; other. betaismi Owe dowse( February luta sad floirealier draft boards MA sump saireares reMcbM WWI moo so ma. ',, for onop sort bocooso Umtata., - 'of - : , RUPTURE- ' . tb 1r V Cannot " , .., 3 - f list the .1. Vi a it worth Itore Rapture world moo awl troottos. romp , mod old, joyfaiiy rest sot only bow they eared their owe ?spume tamp of how sod Is ottoottred Owls) lot oho hoot thoir friends realised theorise benefit by tho oso of s stiostilio otoohooico-NtotOoo oyolost dotogoottor the troottoost of lite realeseas of Om womb, the poo. sty of the beese....s serum intended tero atm. Rio affected umaties eel set simply confuse tho teem- - It up poor mad acclaims the Hernial ponies toy ' gumbo s' , , t.a.ky - , tereesetSTOARriiStattaFtLISMOv taba , Rupture - - , ! ' - 4 - ' : , ri port eneseana. filiseini 1 SWORN state7, manta samba proof t' otaciesive. Awarded c000) Gold Nadal. Rome. pipookleGraad Prix. Parttime d OMNI i91 kleastabletteritionat tios moat Potouna-Partfor hapooltion,Soa torso. by liar apartments of di& ' , , S are onarely different from the laressbeicit ' automatic& I t memo mockanieo. y telmasiceiftpplicatonrof the beirbelamecia. to tbsaffociod "Paper pariaSeds -- adhesive purposely to Rutin too t and doopotosto cholla' painful 4 so oil as Miatiesto inavalui sad preearre. Comfertaide Irina so otzlom beekkeroptiaisattachipa. rubric t fleft.. veiveteasy toapplyotokpostirok loo &sky boo work. roman of mover, 7 Matnrait, so as maboament use for bum. rat howl o goer. ;1 I tor of so, i - - eget sTuAstri ADM'? rtArACt-PAD- , ; , Come Down ' IND , a Illoed - forms erestries for disabled , Vssaw 1 repems us to . telebrate , . , J I , , , 42. WM14111111; &rod-&- '(AP)Doilidatoll to cow. "'sties were blotted to a re- .",4;,'"trflt"rftp.rtt P . ''. - .- ' - . , ,. ' ' : at N - , - ' 1 ' - , rfsI basset &flood boot Ito d tome". , i 1 , 4 - iyT, Itte- i'6111 , , 001141 ea mast bettILA lampia, close te 'Federal Reception ball. beautiful living room strews treat or beset. 4 large bedrooms. ark &pore tbreriabout. hot aro- ter beat Tao lot ta a boas levers' paradise. lavra. abate Te a district et agony. biariaa Mete skrabli tr. Gam Brien& - - - Only $9000. Arrange Term& i GEO'AGE LI. CAliNONi - , , : 411. itivrarr Co. - setw ?gurus - ' TACOMA- LABS ' z....i. INr 11"r:' KI11311 products. ' radirctiom - ,, . ' ' . - ' , - . - S 0.- ' - , - . , ' - '' r - . . ' ,,,,,, I - -- 4 I IP.- ' , - ' - ' . ' ' r- - , 1.10. . ' t2- - , A - - , 1, ' t ' It sil del 0 Filt . ;1:fi ' '1'4 : r 2 - ,;, ,."9 - t--- ' - -- ,1,,,e'--- . 4' i f,,,), 1 ) - (iooloo l ,,.,-,- 1 t ) - ' r' 14-.- 4 . de'T moans - s , , k It , . '''. o- - .. ' . , ,,, c- ,,, - ' 3 ' , , , ' . ,,,,'- - - ..- , - . 01211 ''' - - -.kr . ,, -- .- ' ' ,,,I, . , ....,.,........,,,,,,."' ,re'''''k :.i;. .e,"''''. ,,,,,:::...1-4- 0.0.0t.4.0a4 '.f...1 , ' 4,, , s ".:,,,..,(4 Le of;'4, t:eA , 041 t ICOlc:oe, tANil.A t.,jile,A 4;ctitortti 4"'..":"1611.S.ei.ot tilo , , r g ill ',' , .1)Celeg414;estel. -..--- , ,--- f. -- -- , i -- ,..., ota -1 '.01r --' 't i i - ' , ' ....''' ' '' '', , ' - . . - - , , , ,,, , ,,- .. . ur, - - ..- ,- A...., t ,,, -7 ..p ,,,.., -- 0 :,,, ...- -. : . t3T1'.'""'-"T- 4.) - ' - crt i ' '. , runANT rnALtrzs ; , ' - - , - ,,- - , , e' .r.,, ' v. , 1,,, . , 5 z i t,:.! , ..-- co . - . ' - - , - - - - - . ' , . - PHONE WASATC11 C$73 " :, ' l,.1 , 1 - , - ' - .14:41 - 1.-- 1,,,,,...st 4, p , EVE711(11.11-Zr- ,. , ' ' .,., g ' . , : ....a; ,10,,,i4.t.,--,.. ,e .' . - ,,,,.- pr.- - , . - - o5'. I a , , , , - D.'LL'SIT , t ;Cio a., . ' ' ' , fetes sccela vials oot - ''''',1. f. 4 :.,i1:-'41. t OIL - ,,, ..... . ' 01.1i 0115' ....3,,,,,-4'' 'It; e Is ..,7'"Id,;.it tL'?,:lt.: ',. '4 ,cie 11,t.''.1:.4'),1.4''..,:),.' ,..;':'' ;n k t.; .,rS'.r...."''-:,,,,,, !t!'Pe.A.''.:k . 3,t , s. te;.' ,...0 , II' sk,(I, 1,..,;, I,(:!' .,,s1 .1 ,.,, 1 ,.....1 4., ,..t . ' .,4,1 , 4,1;;, Z ,.".. 1,, t.:It:t , '7 a el t.,' ,,Jr, Durraztrron ,, Otst . - otss:o0a.gtoo '00.916 loti- - ,,d'I' b.; ,,,,,:p.,. IP ,,g.T . ' LILO sik 1 JD . ' 0 . , moo -- ", aor------ k,.. itc- l- - '' , ,, . INTr:::::,."TINTAL'i ' - ... ... , . ''' ' ,,,, t,..,,..--- ,, . ... 4.IAI:i - it . - . LI , . - k , . , . , , irill116. il$0. ssSI Lit, tIle - ' 1 - - t , , t. ' -- T:'4..!,:-,'4- ; ,- , OlL --- 1 - t,ott1 . , I, .. ; ,, . viote 10,,00, 0 te.'E.0,4Pc,,-1ilgio, 6,01 , - qtllt 0 104117,4 0.266;1000froleTS , ,1010,00tet - T. 4 CO II - . - . ortiv -- , ' . s , 100A116. s 5 '107kirs:111s, cit s foot 1 ''' - f.41.4::' fts 17e; i,1-311,- a , ,1,., 1.6sVtitIii;:0101.eurd kI Tfo: a ito9::;00:11:10 1304.r10,4 .-- - - .41116 ,&sw- 0300 As 00 veto.- - cot .top-- - Ilisx011.0,4106. 1 col , .' . ' ' - (I, I re4. a tfi) . - .1 "I. i''. 1'1110 ,:l.,0 01. e 1,,,,t)' 4, I ie tv atir: '"' col at ,t,tC ie: - -- h1 ' 'Jay- ,,4 ,t..,4,),Z!,5 ':::ex)t, ' ' 4 - - e,,,--of-, t t":. i ti.. i ,,,Ak re.,:i.;11T,;,:t,,i'1,.i..C.'",':-c,;1iie- LI 4si a' -1 t - - $;tb'l -.. . , 1 t ' t - , ,,- - -.'''' t , ', ---- - , - , ,, , , , 0 r - r i -- . t ' I i , k - , ' , ,, , . , , j,,, '''''' , , , 4 , t ''''' ',.....--- -- , ,,.... ' ,. , .. , . 4, ' - - '''''... t , 1114. - - -- - 4 , ' -'" '''''' 1 .,7.., . ' -- , '... ., 't - WAIL ,, , . , - , ' i . A ' r - ' Paint ,Co. Cr. " 4 dr . . .- ., ' eih 44'Jtir . Distributed by GIare3 dost - (.....''' - - ,? ' w 1 a ,d11:0 - sfurphy witty rnunr sorra, Si .. , ' , slo abi. !!!--1,it , KOK ' - Bet ml,m tit .. ' - - - , . . bilmil ' i ' I t - , - - - - - ' - ' k-adi- ro t'. - II) toi 1 yr '1 - . i: - I . 1, - - - STARSTim . ICEW TORE. April 14,-0,2- )-The American Academy et Arta wad Letter awarded Edith Where toe ha told Medal toe eacelleties literature and Bee arts: lave Julia Marlowe the award foe excellence in wage diction. and Mites J. Crows of the National Broadcasting an award tpt ticellence is - -----i ''' - ,,, it .ti. For oi . years murpny Fine have been used by the furniture ' and piano makers for the exquisite ' - , f girieyd ' 'PROBE SUICIDE." AWARDS MADE. - - - fisonatty unto meeting of the Salt Lake Stake Renee society wilt be beid Friday, April sk at 2 pan. In the eirovetesetit ward chapeL 24. bear- 'NEW IORK. April 24,--1 A14.- Vatted States Attorney Charles H. Tuttle announced that be will login a grand jury investigation Into the death 0( David Steinhardt, fugitive attoraey who committed nutcid ht Philadelphia Fliday. Stela. hardt was under indietmeat bare in connection with alleged irregutartilts ta baakruptcy mum- - - i 01101 ' - - - 1- - , OK et that fine product'1furphy , ,. ,... .. , . - Quick ... . new Brand i VelVet Resulta - . . . , , , . . ; t ''' loolrans Calif sure you to tall proud . , , , OILCZCII VOTICES I a , w1u I es , .. ' ; .: , 111 ,, , ; - dolt 1 , . - . - i Ik 0 - Take an othi ch2it that you're tired of ' , , . .7 . ' bokin3 U. Apply a few easy suoltes - ' ' -- ; rwaroa, 'looms ' : , , : I . bisekusas,etc-,,,.klyeasp.i- lidt., - ', . - t - , , ... . . . o ot-- . - - . : ' ' '.:: t ,' , BLOTCHY SKII1 NimonipmelP4 Unit-Stat- ' ' , Wash, April (AP)Postpostnient of the ing to determine the amount damages In tho ease ot GOOrte Campbell (mon and the Campos Investment company. his backers. against the American hawking and Refining company tor Irdringewent et patent. was announced. Carson . inventor of a IPMbetting furnace., won bts ease Involving mouths nearly $21000400 ate and the Tacoma hearing. started In February. was continued atter several days' consideration. to April 23. It bag now been postponed until May 23. Judge Overkill G. Ellis. master in chanter. tbs bearing. , is In charge , Uoo, to., an.to.ttli " - - , . -- I , 1 - , . I 1 - clears-towlin- alble tor & remarkable growth In local salts, reichluir of $7$0.000 groom last year. will leave Immediately on a tour et the ' . ad and Canada, . .. ' - i' ''-- 4 Smelting Patent Case Again Delayed .- 0::rs . , C:--c-1.3 111 a OunwlatAill abort tiskmelt skin troubles its nüoriloe . ittbint gain rash aunt bietnitites sanialmtb Zaino e' ameninn. tooling wonsoars Ibis I. west And in 2t!WIWI ban tattiest dertul antiseptle tailed 141; tinkill'a thai4: ra:,:lianka coatis odorless Zoom always on baud to akin irritatioss instantly. Feller ati druggistsaka. toe and aLtig. , ' Got o.boiGo todur..Adv- - re Mt - ' by President and Ars. Hoover today. but handshaking was taboo.' , - Although tho president had indicated bite Willtittneddl - to ottabe bands with delegates ot th erganhottiow witica he heads as provident. the doe deelateo decided that as rel,- presentative. of a health cow.. servation agency they should forego piecing such IL phYldeat burden upon the Odor -, n. . , , 10'"w"w ': , cepuon . , '' .. - ' - ',"rtitt4r. Fh-T- :s the American Red Crew - Stra . , died Thursday at Port Huron. Mleb., tt was asileilatted Tuesday by relatives Is this ctty. bin Williams was bore Is Cram Creek. Utah la 1111 and I came to Salt, Lake in lelL While bare be became Manager' of a theta store with bosses 141 Rigby, Ida.. and Port Huron. Later he established a trucking Mufti's& whick be was operating at the time of his death. Tim body will be brought to Salt Lake for burial. Services will be bald in the Belre-- 1 dere wird chapel. surviving tar- - Williams aro his mother. lira Diary Jane Williams. Salt Lake; two ageters. Mrs. May Dexter and Mrs. Ando Dexter of Cumberland. Wyo.; nix brothers. Lawrence ligillient4 Cumberland; Wilfred and Allen Williams. , ! - ' , tom-Diet- Prim A A- A-, ' et Salt lake. self-style- inter-islan- . , - George IL in , - h , Yd. April ..., - Resident Dies Vilole Port Huron. Michigan :b., trans-Pscit- f - , 1.1- - P) , - ' .."-"- -- t , ---.- typonalcoros.71 b melee-Don- talc! book co raptor,- and copyrighted So cherry fat thotooo obligation...MOW OA SVSR.. roc poor pool --.act Won I . Rd-wa- rd g ..Id Stuartradr,SLIAlsis,Mo. ' , , 0'4" .1 -- WELFARE LEAGUE TO KEE?. riaTibl monthly mt. Indwioug b4llo b80'eld . it rri4111. April 26. at 1 psa.ot in titt! board room of the eastern, it was ansommd Redoes.. . day by Milton lionaten. chaimbala Puts Taboo ca 'Shake . VT' Li PresIdent ' '''' '''' - , , ' - rzd Crb:s C. Penney Co. Clones Bwine-Glernu- m , Hemital Aid Society. losiden Three Laboratories, Elder Donald O. Willis will be hosered at a farewell testimonial Sunday evening Is the Ilawilsoroe ward cliavel. prior to hie departure missies. The for the win bogie at followhig program, CIO p m. , selection, choir; vocal solo. 0. Platt; tielertion. Metro- annual trio, imyton Lioyd. Golden s, Oblad and Robert Barlow; Keddington Brothers quartet: rsitiarks address. imonern Bishop rTeeeph Christenson;, reanmarks. member ot bishopric; them. - Rapture Caralle Wove h at Oar Expense Writ year tonne ad addreing below sad booms IFSKE tnI of the foram PLAPAO 1st ,.. - , . , ' nt It ,,, : --- q'l '''' i 1 m , ' ' Marry L. lioaglasd. sonnet man., ager of the I. C. Penney ,rompaill Manama tIty branch will suomed ' r. R. Pesos. retired nsestager of tbe Penaey badness is this dietrick Mr. liseglaad came to Solt tasks whiz lit,raxne In lOIT its &mkt-anianag7. was transferred to ISPrinilii014 Mc. in 3.924k and the auto year established & Penney store at Masses ats. Yokota be tat sines become & partner in thl rational organization. Its bas moved his family to dolt Lake and will beaks ids duties at one& .,: . Mr. Payne, wb bee been reopen- - Solder ed y. - - y ,...-.- - o.mmore,ento 1 , - . Former KILDAA Cty trawl Ilead.. : ''' (AP)--Flar- , , - : - r - ri - I. ' - , ' . , , I" 1'Z-3 . AP -- nt par-stoo- ---- . - , &Tyke IStfladay El 'zr 1 1 !t , , i EN kr," WEDNEZDAY Ar-.1:1- let-yar- I Ten r wit n -- . - BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. Casa. will awry aa abundance ol NEW IONEToday is tha 1,441.111mo and tea cent icectzy to, inbirthday of William Shakespeare. sure tha imanitammi of the bathos. tatai of $3.17,160 htab,ca codSALZBURG. Aitatral:a Nen,1.1 lected la this c0uati7 toward re-- , butkiing ant endowing the mem- taking a sus bath at tits fent ot. bars. idtratiazd-tra-Avililt 'mountain. orial theatre at Gunther( Livirtatem woo crushed le' 4..stn1 Wb1I boulder Cbet seniorl bl a buts CifICAGOrVirgil ea her from a belch' et' at this Univervity of eta..240.- la down captivating and f in. kites matiosal I é -lartercolieztater. "ditch YORC--'r- ett Rev: flt achampion arid kis chisamates have re Atka. Episcopal, found' that voted thim to Ire tho clam beauty 1 cold were not years ciaritymes Of lia 5CL ' erected much th active work in So be went a this country. ATLANTIC CITY. attecionary to Liber a. against the L. - DobertY 'until, recently the advice of his Aaiun'. who Ilarnea wealthiest bachelor. believes that Mtn the climate weuid hal him in his sort of courtship feuds to brake tt month. Itits bail aged after more lasting happiness than lova- years in the Mingle. , aking Ivey flowared balconies. Our courtship was anything but - MEXICO CITTThe secretsrli remastio- - My alio saw zne at n51 of finance has decided to deer mime the alcoholic content of beer from the 11111.1mputa et a per cent which bas beea l force. Beer Is Ob?iEWTORKoua at last has tainable at a item automat hers. succumbed to the lure of tho radio beginning May S. be is to Mad his 11IALYLE8Itemains et a imamhand before the Puke of a WRAP nteth elephant about Mite hookup. for a cries of sosomercial bead wren Joel Yeareleid with e program it is announced.-hwill long will soon be es its way to receive atom lima New York. orbs ptrtfiedi bones were found wear Pignatare.. TARRYTOWN. N- a few persons la those pall. E Mom thousand, MEXICO crrt-arl- i. aro strangers to a prominent resi- rtfle cartridges were "mewed Inside wore dent. Joh. D. Roekefeller. his the corset by sack of two car taroks down. Ho neededJr, lift women wader arrest bore. The rebels. I. gartea. Moores of ;missing em- ammunition was for the -Ptorista laded to recognise kin for meekly , et Crimea has Inca-viaFORT MYER. gia.-:A- si editor. the Medi bewhich a walled oily It MI by Mn. Thomas A. Edision. apIs the eacient malts' at the Paired in today. Tropical News. lieve Kouaou mid to be COMES Qoths. Among other things it urged ab- See to flee years aid line Ps, litiou Of pregidential handshaking at rooeptionis Mra Wilma was Welt of staff of the Women's Com- ' 'IPAUSIndigent elbow Imes munity club. which got out Um misread so rattly automobiles hi Lb. Municipal hock ahoy that the pope' for a e soveramost has been torma' to Dr. tJIsrb.rt &scoot so aim. motor ears beNEW 'FORK Spencer Dickey. who Plans to cause of Um Met at roots,. It has lead an expedition into the upper decided to Wit a straits to hold Orinoco valley to eeell orbits In - - - , . ! 1 "Oa 'MP" 11 ' Four Hour Denial of I : Accuiations WILLI bel I Attacked; Jurist .171111 Finish His Story First! Mahe "". ant..4.0r off 4 ULLI ITT', t, 101"171.n17nolT1";.11,41 , - The Hos:land 'es Idea Box 11! 1 t 1 ? !?r",,, To la 1J I ft , - e , .2., , : . , , , ,i - .. - - - - , 1 - , ' , , . |