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Show z WED''SESMAY !,r4 13,01311 Sonnysayings hyd, Ny TL7INT Y. COZY à"- - va 111 IL., ti 11 li ' gk - F&il.to Powers Naval Rosli For DetaUs Of DisarrolineOt Plait, Cut IL S IICdLL h jet- BT ' GENEVA; April There Is no IPProsleale rasa of as ' vet powers' delegates to the door'ot Atobassador Kush Ciboria la search further detalis ot the American proposal which Gibson laid Color the praperatory disarmamest ovaIodised on mission ite Moudity. at via golegatos et tho Revel pow. ore have salted for an explanatiou ot "squivalsol trainee tosittionod la the American declaration as the -possible bombs et discussion& to r dem sand arinamont& 4 ' It lc possible, however.- that the . ! i. 1 to Tbo - 1 i ' . . termula has sarearly boot& made Itnowit to the interested govern. mnta The members of the non. Atistken delegation have stated that they ars waiting pow -tor setrothing datitdts la wiritina. Inds question of whotho the he. 1s1 Powers ;Mould ask for details , 4 I ; ' . - 7-- ' ' !! ftw', I I f.,' ''''z' : de ,,...,,,,, ''. 4 Netwaska and Wic:T.Laz "Ir , mie... Ilaiket A lIC 'it OUP ' , , , ' i:."..- - 1 )6 ,viii by-la- , - - en 0C...-ca1i- r . , table without having Matted a haggling btrecala and wilt have avoided toeing ,litado-- -- seepasotta COss't ,alacod le the position et haring- ,, In ., relecked the ditorationent confer- - ' Id data tired One treason why rushed in for details, et MUM I. that the British ,acorenp. : 5,,ttot ee the eve of eloctions which, P a the Width say "Wort one quer can hardly cm-et the i i &II limit. globe.' the Probably pvmant an sly sr rpinit tevernment : hove the !auto for dissuade In tiny set s . tr ' ' ,i , i:- : , , - The Anterkan formula ,nt aaval unit values tor stautincovers ate a local committee, escorted sitht.eming trip and then by at a somber ei Pa. Seat clues Called Shower Suit hi NNW YORK. A111 Armed with a supreme court order, Xuanita Hansen, memos actress. to. day will end entrinosra hi the Lincoln hotel to inspect water pipes I. aosneatten, with her SIMMS) Camas suit Megillat the bete!. lianen maintains she was ponnaneutlY ittintid M tho liet.1 JUNI when she Atwood wader kat a bower. turned ea Om faucet marked 'tole. and was scalded 101 , bet watar. .,11 1 l'- DY!'; -'t .eo es enamor-min- ed . ke ifi a litho r 4, a t 1 'reept.om Wasatch 11714 remodels& The receptios cenunitree Whielb WM 'reset her st Ike wiation eon-alof Win La R. Zdwares, titsh depertment president: Mrs rewrite T. !Amon. vice president: CoWn. national (. Mk conimittee 'womas: hirt ilasPhos Abbot. provident ref the Peat lake neat. eed'hisii. Ir. C Goff, niter. nate committee trams. it trip Telloiring the s tee et the auxiliary clubrooms in 1110 lizmory train 4 to 0 p.m. end a dinner It I p.m. St the mks dub . pt which Mrs. trickles will be the principal speaker. ere included the Prodrsak rows etoril , Itt3 s, fa. 41:03 ITA. $t -- pM 7- - "c, 11 a , 4 A ncit efftive linoleum COVettili featuring a novelty effect. Priced low to afford , you a aubetanttal Wrings prizt 8 ft. Extra allay with long ware. Sc e this tomorrow. , - 7:2 Mmnic Driteis , 11110,1ell 4.. 49 App licztnu Get rt 77 v j.. eight-sesis- - - I - LOICOU'r. Nob. heal totem of Nebnitalth litut to the number et 'lee " 'Framing 1 )1L'iltill I hero otteetott orfaultetlea et it 7:7 wheat pool thaw; It tho seam of 5 the tdagweet Ittertet espociatIon ra pool eotootoch woe inkist to ropregeht ILesi Pala la the two states. mut wag gli'll glgebAred tug bitlegt ht ezletonoo - tho akiddloweet. Directors Immo Wheel lege night ,. for wittorltr of the 11 Mixtricts. At sett 1 yeasittuttog and 'Hibtt tarns yonot stgagar being yet, puck ili good pewter. Bab will or- why don't nor paint gestapaa -on I flormulaied lfi 'Canines 11.1Inizttar!1 fr21 trent th..bett6In draadpa'a toad boa& instead of the top." declared I. W. Brillion. 'director of the Koltun& line. with lettors Wheat Grower association. In adreoreeeatiog the ship factorsi the meeting. 'The goy. or V' dreentig . ernnuate will lend rot funds for of constructing resPeetable ...11Peed or knots; impostors tuns. etc. It is an algebraic formu- and facilities. but if you be cot eso la ottompting to show for oil fac- the aid offered, you will be no bet. tors ascent the human tone. Os ter oft" Mrs Tor mild espial; the formula but pelt naval expert could understand the formula. Engineet,:.:; Doubtless tile naval powers tili.7 ..- ; CrOP , ' ' to. III ....e.,. the Amerkans pond detalle around is sot & , serioutt oIwooed isrould west mouths,. or , tirseinick as the Americens are am sure'y weeks.. to stud? the Awed-ca- n kiss-- hence action Is distant.' their dirtily la the - stoodbia sat The Japeneee. at toast. sod Itoitilmetier. 4 Although they , 4 thas bht the other power., balm their avast le ba toe blaster II must be 'would grater toles solos 11100 come ewe formula which , , discussed. tio far the powers have : halt way. IT limiting &sasses la a tresses. not reached the point ot esehansy 'ennuis... It will he necesearl 'tibia boo then it la post:ibis that Ing to brook down this noons to set the Americans will ilat tho-- discussions polar. Sot there Is no : doloiratao etail& It Oct wont berry.(Cepyright, 111210 Chicken Anyway the Americium arttl have Dolli Wow& , Ise.) frankly placed their cards on the ;40t. Weft USW . Mae Producers -. UM ;1" 't4' (11Oot1oJ 'oubto dlooOtok 1q, ,,, , IL r4- "' r ' t al preeident of tbe rton auitistry. ifl arrive ha Lake at 1e:80 eau Tituratel. "here she will tws met tit the tram 11111Iths,, 1 ft-- Jr.. lisiW6 a American Lo- Mr& Boyce Tickles. t C , . Bofors tnetsbaro irosiststod taws Maim" Kansas Wyoming. $esodsp Idaho. Now York. Califong16 Penni. ottilluda. Texas Oklahoma., Coto--1 rade, sad Li parts et Utah ?el-da- y. ammo' in litosoary trots the fourth to the loath inclusive, wont sontorrol or watanosicatst t elan of 411 candidata. marking Om postai of lb fifty-tiar- a et sossistoll Q 1 sottish NM - Irmo - 't ,ricaxri nualta:Lanoleuni Mob. Dr. Arthur Corsoliso Whirr". thirty-thir- d doers UMW" Salt of Lskob tworldod is Ow bowie rrott Clement Schmitt. thistr, third downs. woorstas romit spotter trsowil is Utah sod No. way to sea yids. who to aria outlaw '2Thil, program throush irtiday events 34asonry-- t . , , , . et Y d . .ha 3 'A '.1 oa Coverinn Bat?. Felt 113 Ilu si:stm2me! C.Ipt , tit. Is fine giality lineletun in a pattern eat both new and attractive in dufgn; easy . ' to keep Clew I ft. vide ..... a . pettles of rieter14 rearalp tad service are mired la thee. band- - Y ' - rli:S Two Lfea ' Ramey dellguel floor coveriris..; volo , Mysterious Killing Tax, Expert to S Salgursday PASADENA. Celif.. April 24.e At. Itatel (AP).erb4c Won of ...rob. 1.6 Ino the Markt attormyll Moe sent pollee making hew clue today in the inyiterions kit& tat of Victor A. ,Cooley. Pasadena antm1')11e ass. Cooley died gat, Imlay sight. alter belay round in his apartment covered with bleed. Police mkt he had been hit ersro the heedwith a, heavy instrument . v,i ' L --- Dr. IL IL Barris. tax apart of tiro Dtab - Taxpayers, asoosittion. win &ohm!, a talk "Salt Lake as a Isearor of Illab's Tax garden0 la tim dining room of Os stow Ambassador hotel Thursday at 13;13 4, . 12.51 - , --,' ,,. : 0,-- 4 0,.7-- : - . 11 7.1 n g ,,,.., , 3 l'ot water , 4i,rum L.,.,t,. - e; s'. -,,-- -N t i ow I ?ha Saoafloe k bolding Its FO tummt mooting at tha beta' In 250 and ntlikal.i1011 boner of T. Katt4 propriotor., - IP ' a CLUANS 'New vaitarns . in felt bus rugs with two mats.- Protect your, - NJ goo ft ujora . ' , ,. . Felt,. Bate R113'3: 9x12-F- t; . - These hard surface rugs, a feature 'value buck and Co, showing new designs ind Psts terns foi the ct from these effective and practical colors we al offerbtg ,: floors with then bargains,' made for long wear with attractiveness that ia axing in any horns, Rug ex12 Mats. 18a36 inches; r 1 ct, !'ito - . . at Sears, Roe- - 7 17m - . - . ts le home--eale- I 40 Mom Second ....Alm.nowontno.vgetmon ; . icco Mop Seto SIM' fralr ;yid qQt. Cap:x Oil 1-p- int 4(10 .- -, 11 meals twicker, t i 3 OUP 4041111 (I' aj-- L Oil znop , Is tri- -' , - , ie de not touch floor or 'tura. 48 Inch handle that are adjustat; easily cleaned MOPS are or 'trashed. 0404 4,4, Made Broo.nis Special , Aluminum A Sauc'apans , Cast aluminum with rigid Came y7 (lc Ornof handle that will not burn 1Str4t. I dog ty 000 oo Iota ... at' -- y , - lk-be- ed Pa Priem So SlitSrt d dwelt solieerbors regular peee6401017 et v lecke& Amen heillatiltddgmarl.. , solus,Nif m lb ' BadribrPlokr apport11.4poesst Sam Sanittil SaletFira Mel. MI the smart. and luxury of a big ear the lines of its hood. to. diatom and fenders and hilts stlumbig new Fisher. with concave belt mould. lOgs adjeistabk driven' seat. Time eras when the authitlint to own a really fine automobile could be satisfied by a fortunate few. But not so now,; New Pontine Big Six brhige big car advantages withhi the reach of practically every buyer eta motet car. nosttetry ow-pric- ed , Matte of eenuine heavy black home-2- 0 hair, with live fiber 414 ft. handle. 14-- to-an- nod-Da- , , Smiz Bucket Far all kitchen ietnee, content1S a 3 quart insert with outside handles. Can be ittached to drip pipe Or - ' , -- - - breadil 6 elPacitY r Yornon, 3iue , t lista nantele 1, I d to 7c3s 3177 . OPEN 'TILL 9 P. M. , ., 'T'omona, kitchen- rinZeg are popular favorites ry housewife who demand maximum cooking effi- rieney, and unwmally neat appearance. They are fitted with handy buffet shelves for added convenience.',. Styled , bzula- - either coal or wood, the ranges are made with a bate cooking top, and a wide baking oven. See them to.' I eve. wth TE Home - - - 11 f A 410 'frrIq OLLT "ItLETli Eizzaelti Itravs -- PROCIUCT OF CIDVERLI. MOTO - IC? , ,; 111! : Aka Sall Oa Easy Pepittalf ". ange lillMakik11117c1Zmutm"hoottnt terkeeitZ ltetore Tinto Pepresson Pao seulielde os adnistaas rote 47 Vic:t 4th South ' . Alurrununi Double Boil- ers , Insert and base 'fitted with streag handles. securely riveted,' $20 ( , ,l'o"r d 1 Hortehatir'll, op- r Bru3- he3'. ; - , ;fn.; ow It Las lemma nisi tor t.:.:7474: looking peoals to satisfy &air deems fora liner ear. 'rib New Poetise rig bis is se. vonstbla for lb" It anallos bloat tasty thaquality of dteb autornobtio!moti About iketakt aterpbss eat of ea 'Nei; aCers Nods rte vie terry desirable Lig ear quty, Es 14 rah, engine equipped with a Ism ir earburetor dredaya brg ear poorer ariA;dt and serelsratkeu rptating parts ThaEssabdanteedils Its new, nabeless, - - GCupEndinelPercolator Triple coated enamel in Ted, green and yellow, an added attraction 913, breakfast table ) .01WWINIMN, wk., 1 I Carefully made, 4 tle broomil, ,oxeoptionally low at ; I . tar. -- e haw liask 1 leg Mf for cleaning. ' top Intl Fins quality, angular In idzape tor clean- Int In turners. Metal parts richness and flavor assuring you onus, tally tasty dbhes. - tkil , er and cheaper. The foods are coolced in their 'own Juice& They retain their C1C4VCIDED kiwgslogt Pow :r Eoasts anti cooks : I, - , |