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Show CovV f.O. Y0 Get Out and Vote is Plea for November 2 All registered voters in Carbon county on November 2, when they go to the polls, will receive at least, two ballots and those who reside in school representative precinct No. 2 Spring Glen, Ken- er column is left blank and is votes provided for any write-i- n that a voter may want to use. Heading the Democratic ticket is Mr. Granger. Others listed on the ballot are Albert Barnes for ilworth, Spring Canyon, Standard-vill- Utah state representative, Eugene Latuda, Rains, Wattis and Coli for four-yea- r county comHiawatha will receive three bal- missioner, Jesse V. Bryan for two-yelots. county commissioner, Joseph . All voters in the county will A. Holman for sheriff, Brigham receive the general election bal- H. Young for county clerk and lot and the judicial selection bal- auditor, Charles H. Semken for lot while the voters in school rep- assessor, Drucilla J. Powell for resentative precinct No. 2 will re- recorder, Nicholas P. Pettersson ceive those two plus a third, the for treasurer, James P. Alger for attorney and John Bene for surschool district ballot. veyor. The polls will be open from 7 :00 With the exception of Mr. a.m. to 7 : 00 p.m. and the locations all other candidates on Granger, of these polls are listed elsewhere the Democratic slate are assured in this issue. of election. The only possibility It is expected that the vote in a change in this would be a Carbon county will be under aver- of write-i- n vote, and that is heavy age because of the lack of any lo- not very probable. cal contests. However, the Carbon The other contest in the College issue will be on the gen- county only is on the judicial selection eral ballot and every voter in the ballot which bears the names of county should make an effort to Justice George W. Worthon, inget to the polls oil November 2 cumbent, and Delbert M. Draper, to express his or her desires as to each vicing for a seat on the suthe college question. Also on the court bench for a preme ballot will be the term. college issue and the proA. Calvin Jewkcs is the only posed amendment to the const! name on the school district baltution. These three propositions lot and like the general county are important enough to offset ballot it is conspicuous by the voton of the the any laxity part absence of any contest. ers because of the almost Even though there hre slim ballot which will be placed on the, ballots as far as pickings before them. contests go, it behooves every citiThe only contest on the general zen to turn out and vote. This is election ballot will be that be- especially true on the three propotween Walter K. Granger, Demo- sitions which are a part of the cratic candidate for representa- ballot. A large vote in Carbon tive in the national congress, and county on the college issues may Dr. Henry Aldous Dixon, Repub- be the turning point in the event lican candidate for that office. the balloting is close one way or All other spaces under the Re- the other in other parts of the publican banner are blank. Anoth state. e, INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER AN Volume 63 10c per Copy P ar 10-ye- ar Weber-Snovv-Dix- ie one-par- ty Price Youngsters Bid To Halloween Party Saturday Night Youngsters of Price will not to go out looking for their fun Halloween night because the Price Junior Chamber of Commerce and the Soroptimist Club are combining efforts to give the children a party that will keep them well occupied until bed A CONSOLI DATION E SUN AND N E WS-- A O C ATE D V Price, Carbon County, Utah, Thursday, October 28, 1954 Number 43 Gigairtic Effort Completed obi All-oCampaign to Retain Carbon College ut Like the lull after the fight while waiting for the referee to decide the winner, might describe the status of the Save Carbon College campaign today. After the past month of feverish work in the office of the Price Chamber of Commerce from which most of the campaign has time. been directed, there is only rouA film will be shown Satutine activity. An almost fatalistic rday evening at the Price mufeeling seems to prevail that evnicipal auditorium and reer thing that could be done has freshments will be' served by been done and the final decision members of the Soroptimist rests with the voters. Club. In retrospect, the fight to save Prizes will bo offered for the Carbon College really goes back children in the most original over a year and a half ago, when and unique Halloween cosGovernor J. Bracken Lee stated tumes. that he favored withdrawal of state financial support from the All children are invited to attend this Halloween party. junior colleges. At that time a meeting was held of prominent citizens, and an organization was formed to bo hold in readiness. Two Hunting Mishaps At a special session of the Utah legislature last winter, the junior Mar Opening Days college question suddenly became an issue when bills were introIn Carbon Deer Quest duced, supposedly by prompting of the governor to close Cat bon Two hunting mishaps in Carbon and to turn Snow, Dixie and We county have been reported to the sheriffs office since the start of K0AL the 1954 deer hunt last Saturday. Both persons, victims of gun acciTo Furnish Election dents, are presently at the Price hospital, one man and Results have ber colleges over to the LDS the bill on the final day of the ficicnt names on petitions to bring church. The senate passed the bill session by one vote. the matter by referendum to the after defeating it once, and the Immediately, proponents of the people this November. After that House of Representatives passed schools united in securing suf- began the long and arduous task of acquainting the voters throughout the state with the facts about the junior colleges. Committees for both Carbon and the Weber group believe they have ed done this. To realize the tremendous scope and work done during the campaign it is necessary to go over the files in the office of Mrs. Ruth Grogan, secretary. The greatest single task was the mailing and distribution of 170,000 folders all over the state. Speakers have been furnished for many civic, womens clubs and other organizations. Talks have been made by radio, and panel discussions held on television. Individual letters have been sent to 386 Carbon alumni; information has been furnished to mayors and presi-ent- s of all cities and towns in Utah, and to all members of the 1 i ? ' - V 4 -- . I I i ft-- N , r r v 4 ' i 4 1 1 : ; f . f 4 legislature; eery county farm bureau head has been sent literature favorable to the colleges, as well as members of the Utah clubs, Beta Sigma Phi, w .. and Business and Professional Womens clubs. Newspaper articles have been prepared for use in the states 52 weekly papers, and the dailies Next Tuesday one woman. have been given any information Ballots for Carbon county wil The first accident occurred in desired. Two series of newspaper the Nine Mile area Saturday eve- have only one name under the advertisements have been purchased from the weekly press. ning when Mrs. Shirley ONiel, 29, Republican party banner next Price, was accidently shot in the Tuesday that of U. S. CongressHelp has boon offered and acback. She was seated in the cab man. Thus the regular election from many persons quali-fi- il cepted of a truck when a hunting com- ooard service usually furnished by to talk before various groups, will not be for instance, the record shows panion pulled a gun out of the The back of the truck. The gun fired necessary. that Edward Sheya addressed the However, due to Intense interand the bullet traveled through Gomcr P. Peacock lelper in the referendums on the junest five quilts, a mattress, and inch to talked in widely separatclubs and Nelda Rutherford, left, Ardis voluntary workers, thick board and through the cab ior colleges in Eastern Utah, this prepare Carbon College brochures for Shumway, to every community in ed communities; Marl D. Gibson mailing striking Mrs. ONiel in the back. newspaper will cooperate with the state of Utah. The gigantic task of mailing the 170,000 printed addressed several gatherings, as The bullet lbdged near her spine KOAL radio station in supplying forms was completed Tuesday at the office of the Price Chamber of did Belmont Richards, Mayor Wilbut luckily did not strike the periodic results of the voting in Commerce. Other voluntary workers also pitched in to get the job iam J. Welsh, Omar Bunnell, Cedone by the deadline which had been set by the Save Carbon Col- cil Broadbcnt, James Alger, Louis spinal column. Her hunting com- this county, as the returns arc lege" committee. included her husband, panions lunnell, Kay Bunnell and A. D. Keller. Many citizens of statewide Wynn ONiel, and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Rich. have assisted with arUMW Benefit Records prominence ticles and public talks. Edward Velasquez, 51, Drager Comer P. Peacock has served as ton, was accidently shot in the Moved from Price chairman since the first hand afternoon general Monday right JEANNE PASSEY FRANK BLACKHAM in June of 1953. Othw'hile deer hunting near National organization To Wyoming Office er members of the committee inHe lost his right forefinger and CARBON 4-- H PROGRAM SCORES AGAIN clude Dr. J. C. Hubbard, Mrs. part of the middle finger of his A change in the process of apright hand. The mishap occurrec Almost all judgeships at the pre- (Amusement Hall); East Helper plications for welfare and retire- Helen Day, Mrs. Helen Bunnell when he was taking the sight off cinct voting places have been filled Vera Bonacci, Bertha Spratling, ment benefits for members of the and A. D. Keller. Belmont Richards is treasurer. Able help has his gun. Ills hand slipped and the for the November 2 general elec- Angelina Pascuzzl and Mary Jer-an- t, United Mine Workers of America been by Mayor Welsh, Dr. gun discharged. (City Hall); West Helper tion, it has been announced by in District 22 (Utah and Wyo- Aarongiven E. college president, Jones, Bob Mrs. Mrs. John SevOssana, B. II. Young, county clerk. ming) was announced today by and many others. ArMake Flans for World Mrs. Ester been from made Bartlett, eral changes have Arthur Biggs, district secretary-treasure- r, the posts as they were filled for thur Kuster and Afton Ruggeri, Observance who is currently in Community Jeanne Passey of Price and pete county. Later her parents the primary election of September. (YMCA Annex); Spring Glen Receive Price arranging for the change 4-HThe Carbon Council of Church Frank Blackham of Spring Glen moved to Price and she has conFollowing are the judges and Mrs. Tony Smolich, Mrs. Vera over and taking care of other un have been named to represent tinued with the program and has Women will meet in the Price the polling places In each of this Marston, Mrs. Edith Piceionl, Mrs. Ion business in the area. Filomena Bonacci, Mary M. Duke Club done outstanding work in both Community Methodist church Fri- countys 29 precincts: Utah at the National According to Mr. Biggs, hence and Udclla Peterson, ' (School forth 28 November in 2 counties. to make at Scofield afternoon oclock Leda Francis Congress day Chicago Strang, all applications for retire' Mr. Blackham, 17, is now at further arrangements for obserV' Helsten and Mary Ann Thomas, House). to December 2. Jeanne Passey ment and welfare benefits must be won the state honor in recreation tending school at Carbon high. He ing World Community Day which (Town Hall); Clear Creek Alice Mae Fail, Jean sent by the local union Kenilworth directly to and rural arts sponsored by the is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester will be held November 5 at the Menzics, Melva McCarthy and Ge- Owen, Julia Hatsis, Gertrude the Rock Springs, Wyoming, head Four-I- I U. S. Rubber Company, and Frank Blackham of Spring Glen. His fa- Price Achievement night will Community Methodist neva Sutton, (School House); Richards, Mrs. Alice Whitford and quarters of the district. All files 4 at the Price he November Mrs. Blackham wras named state win- ther is employed at the Kenilworth church. All members are urgec Royal Eloise Leona Turner, Beulah Woodhead, (Amuse and records pertaining to such ap staged ner in the garden contest mine, and his mother is active in to attend this planning meeting, Brown and Lawrence Gullon, ment Hall); Spring Canyon Mrs. plications now pending and the municipal auditorium at 7 ;30 p.m., to Robert L. Hassell, A program for the day will be (School House); Gastle Gate church work and has been a Lillian Day, Mrs. Zclpha Dyches records of those now sponsored by the bcncfittjng according leader Carbon Mrs. Two nine for and tractor and this Thusnelda wil other at county agricultural agent. Jennie Nielson, May Hilton, Sylvia Mills, (LDS from the program in the Carbon planned years. Manufacturing Company, meeting Standard-(Continuc- d of At these members of Mrs. Blackhams club be announced in next weeks issue Barney, Annie Evans, Josephine church division. exercises all basement); Emery area are being moved to of the local newspaper. (Continued on Page Twelve) on Page Twelve) Miss Passey, 18, is now attendRock Springs at the present time, the county will be honored and reHoughton and Blanch Thomas, ceive congratulations from outing the Brigham Young University standing businessmen of the counin Provo. She is the daughter of ty. Key Banker Garth Larsen, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Passey of County CommissionersJesse BryPrice. Mr. Passey is area conseran, Taylor W. Turner and Eugene of section this for the vationist and a representative of the Carbon College will burst out on Fourth East to Main street, j Carbon College stadium. The pa-- J If go and high school will be guests state, and Mrs. Passey is teaching The big football game which wil Coli, - Chalmers Manufacturing Allis I lead all over the place tonight as the thence it will travel west to First (rade time is listed as H:00 a.m. of the college at a luncheon at school in Price. Jeannes pit the Carbon high Dinosaurs Company, Tractor Division, Lieb er is Mrs. Helen Bunnell, who also students wind themselves up at a West, then north and on to the) At 12:15 alumniof Carbon e college cafeteria. against the undefeated South high Miller, will assist in making sent two to Chicago last year and gigantic pep rally in preparation Cubs will start at 1:30 p.m. awards. Awards which will be preft ft t one to Washington, D. C, this past for the big 1954 homecoming celeare made to all The sented will con be activities days summer. bration which takes over the spotAsBankers the eluded a in at dance the possible through college Miss Passeys record has been light at the school tomorrow. commissionthe Jim8:30. sociation, at county gymnasium starting built over the last seven years The pep rally tonight will start my Darts orchestra will provide ers and many large companies during which time she has com' at the Carbon College campus at f such as the the music. pleted seven years of clothing, two 7:00 p.m. and will include the J This achievement night is for and school students College high i years of foods, three years of home burning of a large C on Wood V f all parents, and friends, have been putting forth every efi L grounds beautification, and three hill. Then the action is expected all who have completand fort during the past few weeks of recreation. Besides these proj- to move downtown. All this will i and turned in ed their projects and to floats J planning constructing A ects carried, she has been chair- be to get the Carbon high school will receive books record their vs, carry out the homecoming theme, . V f man of the recreation committee team in the right frame of mind to These are certificates. completion Carbons Calendar." The results of the leaders association. lick the visiting South High Cubs j Bankers Utah furnished the by all be will of work this displayed Association. Four-yea- r record in San in the homecoming football feaShe began her t '5 A members during the parade and as usual ture tomorrow afternoon. pins which are they will be judged. Window dis- will receive The student body Tuesday narrmade available also by the Bankin business the district Halloween plays citys Big Party owed the list of candidates for Those association. ers boys and have also been a part of the homei the coveted homecoming queep their who finished projects girls visitors and coming preparation ly honor. Following the election it Open to Public at are urged to watch for these dis- and exhibited in the county exhibwas revealed that Glenadele Nelreceive cash awards made it V plays. if Durrant School Friday son, sponsored by the Block C available county comV Halftime activities are also missioners..through theawards to the club; Carolyn Anderson, sponsored Special 4 i planned at the football game and county winners in national conGood food and plenty of fun are by the senior class, and Melba will include the traditional in store for those who attend the Forsythe, sponsored by the junior tests are made by companies chariot race. Halloween Carnival at the Dur- class, will be the finalists for throughout the United States and . General chairmen of this years will be presented by Lieb Miller rant elementary school Friday homecoming queen honors. Prin Celebration are Charles Bikakis as a representative of all the largOctober 29, from 5:30 to 8:00 pun. cess candidates are Joan Snow, and Jay Rasmussen. They are be- er companies supporting A lunch consisting of chili or sponsored fcy the freshman class, ing assisted by the following comAnn All parents of members are Fazzio, sponsored by barbecued hamburgers, salad, pie. Shirley mittee pcrsonel: Clifford Madsen encouraged and invited to attend ice cream and pop will be served the sophomore class and Shirlene and Joan Snow queen and prin- this very important meeting. throughout the evening. There will Gardner, sponsored by the Eagl-ett- e cesses; Erna Lee Flaim and Joan County Agent Hassell feels that club. will The entertainvote students be games, dancing and Wallace, advertising; Ncdd Me the parents of Carbon county ment for the whole family. In ad- on these candidates this aftemocn pep rally; Bikakis and should be very proud of their dition, homemade cakes, pies, can- and the winners will be announced Plans made by the students shown above will Ema Lee Flaim, Charles BJtakls and Jay Rasmus- Arthur, halftime activities; boys and girls and the accomplishRasmussen, at will the municiin and the doll aprons big assembly be culminated tonight and tomorrow when the 1954 sen, seated left to right. Mr. Bikakis and Mr. clothing dy, Mar' Helen Eur.r.ell and Jeanne ments they have made in the be on sale. Prizes will be given for pal auditorium tomorrow morning homecoming celebration takes the spotlight at Rasmussen are the general assembly; Rudy Larcher program this season. Carbon College and throughout the city of Price. the best and most comical cos- at 9:15. Standing left to right are Joan Snow, Lynn Griffone, of students, in addit.on to others not Stevens, Clifford Madsen, Donna Richens, Harold and Lynn Stevens, dance; Harold Some other awards which will tumes. Following the assembly tomor- This group a lot of time and effort Cox, Joanne Griffone, Rudy Larcher, Joan Wallace, Cox and Hal Cox, floats; Bob be given are the county jam and been have shown, devoting to Is colorful invited attend the row, The public homecoming pa- to assure a successful a celebration Mary Helen Bunnell and Nedd McArthur. Com- Thomas, parade; Jay Rasmussen jelly prize, Foley equipment and share in these Halloween fes- rade will take over the spotlight. that ranks in enthusiasm celebration, above anything else stagmittee members not shown are Earl Cox, Bob and George Zoolakis, colorguard; awards, the I Dare You awards tivities sponsored jointly by the The parade will form on the col- ed during the year in this community. Thomas, George Zoolakis and Joan Cannariaio. Por.na Richens and Joan Cannari-at- for the boy and the and the faculty. lege campus and will travel south Durrant Committee members shown include Carol Oman, window displays. girl, and others. Sun-Advoca- l).V i JL te, ,r ! t i Scr-optim- ir ist City-Coun- ty Sun-Advoca- te P-T- Judges, Polling Places Listed for November 2 Price Girl, Spring Glen Boy Win Chicago Trips Co-lumb- o, to ers Achievement Awards Thursday 4-- H 4-- H ATlis-Chalme- 4-- H rs Carbon Students Ready for 1954 Homecoming Celebration 4-- H Col-(th- rr 4- 4 Allis-Chalmer- s. ft r -- . 4-- H 4-- H h j m;y 5 r Hr' y i c r j N f. s v w-i- , - freshman-s- ophomore L 4-- H 4-- H o, P-T- four-squa- A four-squa- re re |