Show I 1 H H H H H H H 4 brigham t city ff 41 PH H H H H 4 1 1 poultry po ethry farm H 94 H H H 2 H H H white Wyan dottes barred rocks S S H S C white leghorns Leg horns S C brown leghorns Leg horns s S rhode island reds pa S fa H hi S H eggs for hatching either incubator lots or by settings C cockerell cockerels 0 els and chicks S H at reasonable prices S H H S H rf R rj leo jenson prop calbert nelsen mgr pt 4 H h JE for the J W V peters has his ICa kiench fich at N P hansens jewelry abre where he is prepared to do all kinds of watch and jewelry repairs call and see him tt tf sciatica cured after er twenty years of torture for more than twenty years mr 1 B massey of clinton S st L minneapolis minn alinn was tortured by sciatica the pain and suffer ln a which he endured during this time Is beyond comprehension nothing gave him any permanent relief relic f until he be used chamberlains pain balm one application of that liniment relieved the pain and made sleep and rest possible and less than one bottle has effected a permanent cure it if troubled with sciatica or rheu rheumatism rheumatic matis in why not try a 25 cent bottle of pain balm and see for yourself how quickly it relieves the pain for sale by wynn L eddy NOTICE the monthly district officers meet sues ing 3 of the religion class workers vor kers will be held next sunday at brigham city and garland at the usual time and place prof henderson othe B Y college of logan and a member of the general board will be at brigham city and prof P P peterson of logan will I 1 attend the garland deett meeting ug 0 W S sow SNOW ow ARTHUR C NEELEY stake quorum meetings the fourth quorum of elders will hod at Ilone every thursday at p in thatcher Tb atcher and elwood every wednesday evening at p in and bear river ward Z wednesday evening at p m the fifth quorum of eldors will hold bold meetings cs in garland and bothwell every tuesday diening and in heaver beaver ward every thursday evening at n 23 the sixth quor quorum ot elders meet in snowville Snow ville every wednesday at 7 p in at stone the third sunday of 0 ever eveia y mouth month and aad at park valley the fourth sunday of 0 every mouth month at 2 p in n 23 N L hansens shoes are better STUNG first the fire then the smoke no insurance then youre broke get your home insured with stohl brothers brigham city utah who settle losses promptly tt tf PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY by buying homemade home made boots and shoes at at S complete stock of all kinds hinds of my I 1 own and BRIGHAM CITY SHOE manufacturing dubac COS MAKE and more durable than imported shoes at the same price 1000 pairs to select from NEW STOCK OF CARSON GLOVES Cust custom oln boots and shoes and re Es pairing our specialty south main alaia street TO OUR OUK FRIENDS FRIEND S n a PATROLS I 1 who anticipate buildt building i ll 11 in ill the future we are in a position to take care of you with your mill work having just installed some wood working 0 machinery we also 1 carry a complete line of lumber shill shingles b les lath doors sash mould ings plastering hair bair plaster paris cement builders hardware glass paints both in ready mixed and dry colors table and pocket cutlery shears scissors tin and graniteware 0 stoves and ranges ranes ZD and their equipment quality and prices frices guaranteed call and see us if you need any of the abovementioned above mentioned articles jo B mcmaster SON 4 ja taj i ean 4 0 rains daily to chicago anil and the east aas over the bony ony double track railway hallwa y between M the missouri al river and chicago exit cellena service in every particular i one of these trains ti tie tia a overland limited is the most luxurious iraln irain in ill the boril electric lighted throughout direct connections at omaha via the northwestern north western line to S paul and Alin minneapolis neapolis tickets reservations and full nation can be obtained from C A walker general agent northwestern north western vestern ry by 38 west second south soth st atlas ields dr f salt laka city it is p possible possible to obtain relief from chronic indigestion and dyspepsia by the use of KODOL FOR DYSPEPSIA some of the most hopeless cases of long standing have yielded to it it enables you to digest the food you eat and exercises a corrective influence building up the efficiency of the digestive organs the stomach is the boiler wherein the steam is made that keeps up your vitality health and strength kodol digests what you it 4 i i i 0 4 H f i 4 4 4 14 0 9 ALL KINDS OF AW JOB PRINTING 4 neatly and promptly executed at 1 we box elder news new s i order NOW TO INSURE DELIVERY FOR Occo ration cay 11 k U we also manufacture r IRON FENCES of ali kind V JOHN H BOTT sons 4 3 0 n s As C an advertising medium I 1 r k 11 E 1 E I 1 11 E k 2 fc I 1 the 71 h box 0 x elder E WEW HEW 0 kojl 0 0 JL ill jn v A Is 4 N h unexcelled 11 we WC reach IN 4 the people ral for a painful burn there is nothing like dewitts dewitta witch kazel hazel salve there are a host of imitations of 0 dewitts witch hazel salve on the market see that you get the genuine ask for dewitts De good too tor for sunburn b u rn cuts cruises bruises and esp especially recommended for piles the name E C dewitt co chicago is on every box sold by the brigham city pharmacy an heir to the worlds greatest fortune is born and let this interesting news be a sorce of profit to you by proving to you that it is wise for you to get our quotations on LUMBER morrell merrell lumber coll co both phones no 8 brigham utah if you dont buy shoes of N L HANSEN you dont dant buy shoes right eight we guarantee every pair professional CARDS RICY LA j pa office rooms 30 31 first national bank building FRED J DISTRICT ATTORNEY ATTORNEY AND counsellor AT LAW room koom 23 first nat bank building brigham city utah utah CARTHEY DUMBECK MAW M I 1 no TELEPHONE 93 state st salt lake city utah HART LAWYERS suite 5 6 and 6 commercial block LOGAN UTAH telephone no 0 70 lockbox lock box GEORGE R CHASE ATTORNEY ATLA AT LAW LA W brigham city utah CHAS K E FOXLEY OXLEY Ji AT LAW Cou county rity attorney At torne office at court house brigham city utah jamey g R PERRY ATTORNEY AT LAW ollice aart court house brigham city utah ANDREW FUNK architect OVER JN C esons sons brigham city utah J D CALL ATTORNEY office at room 24 catl bank brigham city utah NELS JENSON ATTORNEY AT LAW in all tho the state coasts coarts tad and US Os supreme court rooms 20 21 first nat bank building Drig brigham hain city utah B 11 JONES ATTORNEY AND counsellor AT LAW in state ana federal courts and ia ba tore fore chatted states land office moe over oer Rosen bauma baums store tor brigham city utah L BERG JR BARBER SHA H A V VIN IN G 13 0 HAIR CUTTING 2013 A torpid inactive liver can produce more bodily ills than almost anything else it is good to clean the system out occasionally stir the liver up anti and get into shape generally the best results are derived from the use of dewitts little early risers reliable effective pleasant pill with a reputation never gripe sold old by the brigham city pharmacy |