Show commercial CLUBS ANNUAL first annual meeting of box elder commercial 1 club since organization ELECT FOUR NEW HEW DIRECTORS officers make reports resident president s report deport direct and Coni comprehensive necessity of united purpose the annual meeting ol 01 of the box elder commercial club was held last monday night in the club rooms the principal business was the election of directors to take the place of the four whose term of office expired on that day the new directors are elected to serve ahr three ee years they are andrew funk B F boothe J frank nerrell merrell and C 0 andersen reports were made by the president and treasurer the secre report is to be audited by the standing committee appointed tor for that purpose and presented to the meeting of the members next friday night during the past year as brought out la in the presidents written report considerable work has been done by the commercial club notwithstanding the impression to the contrary held by some of our people the peach day was conducted und under er the direction of 0 the club a flee fine soc social ial and biall 1 l 1 w was as given by them and general iii interest erest las has leea been aroused in buzay ma ay important respects in this city and county the club has met with many difficulties in its shot short exl existence teace chief among them being a lack of energy or enthusiasm la in a majority of the members this is a bad condi tion and one that each individual member ough tto take upon himself to overcome very little can be done where our efforts are divided but by united effort we can accomplish things that at first glance seem impossible there are about 60 men members ibers in the club it does not require any great stretch of the imagination to see that they would constitute a mighty power for good on the other hand except they be united their work will be no more effective than if the organization did no not exist some few contend we are pleased to say they are few that we do not need a commercial club perhaps twenty years ago a cominer commercial cial club would havo been out of place here but new conditions prevail now that require new methods of treatment under present conditions considering the close relations we hold to other communities and the constantly increasing complications complIcatIon 3 in business s n community the size and importance of this cannot well get along without its commercial club |