OCR Text |
Show - - - - a a - ,o ,,,,ata ' ' f , , i : - ' ' , ' ' ''''t , , II ...., . .,. 'a a ... - - - c. , ., , . - , viii , . - - ' - ' , A- -, .,,,,,....- -GRAVEAD vE N T ,, . -- ----e ,........... ' --- , , , , ' ' - ' .7.., ' ' , . , . . - , , , .,- .;., e., Ht,,. , ; - ,j'rl t, - ', ' 14 4 ' ', . ... . 1 v , , .. , ..- ,.. . i ,, , i t , ' - , iJ , - ,,,i, 4A , ' ., ' , tt ' s . -- r A, ,t,4- ti s.1 t,a, , ....4 ...- - . .,, 1,, ,.! , i ,, , t, ,, ,,, , A 4, 'do 0 , , , t, 'a ,, ,,,d, ,,,, , ..I, 1"" w r,,,,,,, 4,4. ,,, eatritittgoi 4 t i ' , t, .,, ,,,ri,,, ,,, h, r, I. , t. ti and vi!s a m 4 t ,V, nt Itte t:'I '444 far- "".4 t., ., t, . . , ,,. t'r, !, ,, 1, , I 1,), rni .. ., r - ee, t - t, V.,. . A r ,5 ; , ';';'-':- - e -, A Aogied.ryLlowd,,. ..o...-.- . ' I,, ,,! AC, , , ' ' fv't I ht t '' 7, , g 1 ft ,... ,. ,' , 'e - - . 1 :; 'io ,4 .. -- ,1 v - - I uf I' ,, , ..: ....,e 4 , , , rah- - crawled. .., -- a. 4 '' o 2 , r.:,4 , , ,,, ....!.,,, - , it ...,,..., oil erns hreze. !,. l' - ' 1 . d , 14, '' 4 , Alk,amorAst ,, ,;,:.:",t' liwipt4.1-7-.- .'i 14A:'. '1-'' 4 441 - 1-- ,- ,,e-4 .is ,......,.1,,.,1, ,, 2- ' : ',..-4,,.e.:4,4- , , - ,..:'...4 It 1 ) ' ' k !LN t., ''';' - 7 z, .4,..', '4A,RP 311',V-t i'.'"'' ij A.., ift7P t 't ; illa! Vt 0 4 Er;et t ''' ra.C. - 4,- i f 1444 t, t, - --- a - , 44,r i'..4' , ...,.. , 1 ;41 ty, : li, - I:77k, A e 44. ,1 iswi.t.,t L, .,.,..'k A000.74.... - - ; . t , - . ,, ,,,k, vs ' tie- .1; ..k.,.. hr ralisom C r t, ,. nt,,,, t. t., ,, , '' r.'o'syteernthiatf :nf te ,, s; ,,,,,,, '' syterti extant uben hav-- ''' - . wow ' ------ , t.,.,:e 7 :: .' ti,t ,,,,rr.,, . 1.o, ,, , I' - --- 1' , , t,. ,. ,,.,, ig'',",' ''':' ,,,,,, ;.' ,,,,,,, , ru Ile- adilAion ..Qtrrx,1:7- ,,,, .;. ' tit. fna , p;.7.:', -- W , ... , t. r,,,, , . - er.plial of Mexico de.1 the study of than would the gold the ,15 ui,VP seeking P 4 history of Anierna panse nW,,, ,sr!i" )),, foe,. form Iticy opinions. 1Vhere flt) )ears ago !omit. were ready to say this or that. those who are delting deeply iiito the sob-a- t jeet now are nor rt to say when by t ttnt AO1rica.. NPN'lly- 1,,,Agi.:4 would not tell in full, the story of the ,,,,ii::, ,'''',;trit-- , . as. ,0 t he. ...It taircase fartrss. '''sortie of which have been tthe overed last six 'ears, the ,Juvians:within whether I he I nca s, er t host, w ho artIMeadiggetTileir says; in, had a system of , . lerorligc vvould '' - , , n acennetiednist : , , ;; , ii Anglo-Saxo- '' .4 , ', - -- - Art of Irrigation Within hotms after the pioneers arrived in Salt Lake valley., July 24, I 47. Irrigation was prec- Aieed. the first in the Inited States ly race, Froin that' little -- start thirteen statesied, the west today depend tor a large part of them h pertty on irrigatIon thday leads any btate In the Uniorawith its Idea of Irrigation., fir- During thP teen Years the go verent past has con, striictett of the greatest tion 1:roteets In modern history..Irrigas Ina they are nothing to eotnpare with the : ttirrigation N4 a - POTTIAA . 144, r rt. lis,, , -- "Is pros-'Uta- , v., sp.fr.i-0,4,- , .1 - --- uarteeixopntleaolfl . I ,' etfuhs,,,t to it 4. '''t ::'''''' ' .4.3.,,f;t - '- , eountan pes NI - ,,,,i, ,,,!..).,.--,,,,,,io- 'i ,.,, . ,4,,,,c4; , , ,, I toir.47AL)ittellii;14 :k , 4rP,','C,1! ',, "7.7Spi..,4,,,.;LI, ,41,- ,44 d 4:4C,,'.41 . ' ;' ' '1:,'ic ; '';:;.;:lr.174I-ell.- ''',t7.--- lc; -- , r A, ', '5,...,'11.7-.0-;:,.'- ..;, ; ' . Yge, n, . ''' ' i",, ceao , -- . - "f;.(''';',,;,,7.,''.'"".!,:,"e; ,ty.:, :,: ,.:.,4 F4,-- -, 1 ,;,.,. ,,,.:,-,- ,," ' ' ,. '. , ,!:.. ,,, ' 0 At''Lf 'tt I i?' .;,:' ; t ..o ' ,i,1,74.t,14-- :, '. . kA...,, ..?....: , i;c ' " ',; , ,.. A,.... , ,-,,- e'ltla L,tew-- , , a '"' ,,, ,,,. ''';' ' ,, ' . - tittit:f ""'' r. , ''''''' it..4, , 0 ,, ,i.. '''' ''' tl'''',' l,,r 't ' - , , 1,4 i whle'h - there-existed 7- ,. ,,:,,;t,:,,,:,,,.,,;,: 1., all ovoning, nou :), ' "144 . gate. .13,'Iore it the !!;.:' f ' oral dtrnmeit the - ', ' 'I,. ,,,,i,n, , el.:, were Sent acudding s : . ti, leaving large pat.Mee t , Ake i A, the and 1.01171,1. ,tthitr ''. ' .." ' rr "1- - ' I.V1111;Nt11,,, 01' r,..a h ort-t-i :: d, ra ot I , aelt - ' - 'PI '4!!,':,..',:y41-7.4'''''- 1.14t ,; ,t 7, ir,17,,,(A,,,,t -- --- sel . ,..., ,- j 1, i r ,,, his spirit Still he remain,, , . , le, , c,. t,,,t,,,-:..t,-,,74,1- 4i 4;''t - - - t, ..,.,,...-t''" , Tre-st- hTr-, av,,,,tdie the t, ........i...ght h,1,1 su.sh. ,,,- ro,.1:z3I tetn The aalt hin,. '' ''t ...,", . f F. ur.,---- .' , k ,,-0- t,, ,.. rY:v, ; 7 A , , ,t, O40. r , ,4,,,, ;,, ''''r' - - - ii,-,- "c'4i.1. Ch L l':' ;;;444r-,,,,,,,,tk,1,.'- '.11-'- n,,.?: i rlatic l',:t:- a .'hoj," - 101 wh, "1:i nethh,4,, t. ------ he Rasp. a,g,,,ared ',. -t ''i.i. I .,,,,,,,:a.,.,,,,,-..A3,P4 . wiitio.,. "nrd ,st ,..,,, ,,,,,, .. ' rat A t , '. , ,., , $ - renl.t obJevt t '''' ''t'' I t ''''''. It'''' tea- - hart been b 14 riia;ati , - ' , - ,''''''"- pet:, aa,1 a,', t,'4,4r, 'h. .cond and rtire:, II . tn !,,k zeamad 3; 1.,, . ' ,14t ht.,,1 I A 1.,I4,,,I 111$ f a It , t h en an o.,-,,iSeurrled tr.,. a. rt, ,.., L., " ,- '''' -- ''i t'i.'t "Ii t fr"terk- - 'it'll mnunel ...1 he .trid 4,.. 1,,'A DA' illb4.-14I i f i.ra , ,,, ,, ,,,,1 r.,r t.. n ....a,,I,,,,ri 1,-r- , . ,..' the b Li cedar h at pot ants , pry Uri:e , ,,,,,,,, , ,,,,,,ut his he attemptad laillOpa.it:t 1 i . to do if ff h.-- Sff i' nf f! 1,, . ' , 4"-- t 4 vil i . , K.) ai.din; .... . apirtia ,.. t' 4, '1" ''ne't aaards hIrn from ev, rv ,I,,, ,,,,,n at tt ,' '' '"-. , w,-,1- 5. ' '' , u -- -'. n ,! L. mom A : s rti..-,,'II' I. hear tile ewishon g ; .,: feet in the dry graes as tht , ..ttitred Cold heads of about . .I ; ' '7 r 0 :r. A f ,,,I i4! I 7'' i:,1' ... .44 elel,..,,' ' 'AiA- g q--,,- A.40 " t; , - .'''' li v , tr1.-.0.?;,:- $ vT,.., .' PI. I114 .. , .1 ' .:., ...,. t fn-aro he told . er fad, the . ,,, .! f...; ,4 at the , , ,, .,,. , , , .: . pol1s . . i , , as 'a ,, ,...v 'a ungea,t, ..,-., , t r, 4, to .,t,-"- t' It ve,n- ,,,,,,'1 11V- . ,...., !ENT INC cirIt i , I ,,,, :, ,, ,,t ,, . !tido r ead 771,,,t..., co ' t.,,",11 , 11,V. vrit)N (:N; 111 l' 1 " i ,dorte - , " ' ' 'I' t ' , . tr1,,,,,,,v.. m ei mot. t.i." t oni,,odied : h sr,wIts ecr.do i., : ,t '4 : :1t.tr-l-r ft i pr .: ,.,, ,;,,,k,,,;. r a ' t and wm ", !!ch er. dry' u ,f ts. z, the abodt hint t.t i fir,!1p1111; ! i ,,,. k ,,,i ,i.-.),ids! . to s grdenhi ole- !- H ut vo ere they-- n,X:I ,, 1 ' r.. - ' , 11 -- ,.; ')," 117-. IJ' ' '' . i, .., e f. tvis , , likrt,0Y14111', 4,11 a Sttatt tk.aind ill 4 m o,n :,,,,. tl...,,h., di a ,, ,, , ' , ,' - ,'..'we e, ,,,,, t ,,, di ll di no id datte eti, ,.h ,I, a, ,, :i,.,nmo Ir..., , : .',.1,, 41, , e i , t - n t' ' , he the I ,i,ig i -a' ' ', er 't , lieeealei;,';r.., !;;.41",. s h nimetm11,,,;-. wtth t de ,..''4 1.t.,.,11,1tniiroeit -e trrtITT it- i t,11.7 rii r'. 1,d .,, ,! 1, ( f ,,,r. k, , y NIMIIntlti-- , t,t ii14frill igitt,ry. Meld) VA f 114;11- , ,,,,,,,, r, aernhiisClchn't2rtatthtaAvrPnet;;;';:1-1-trint3tdiail,,,;, ,, t44).se:oltvrh, to, rr oz, , '44,, it., 111,,t111811 ,, A t,,,,,..,1t nm the 0,11116.7n1g 4 ; t lit.,t1Itig trrotto ',,,a, :,,'""6"..,...tt,. ,.,11,.,, ,,,,,1 1, , , liars' . si ; 1, h or tEo . W ' , ""1"nt,. t Ito . 41. 'r,4,' ,I;e , detriLratt11 a n ,1 .s up 1 tl,.. anti itgritt -;-, . 0. '. of Years 1,,,,,,,,,,,, , t eeatn, CI NI. l'ill VI ith dastardly t he otand ,T n or,t. test , . a , d . .., ! et. ,.''', at . 1011, ,eneo for h. nee., ,inmn, 4 '' ' ': e '', ! ,,P , ,,,,, ,,,vh foIli titre tak, it to.:n zrate nwound ,.. .a.,,, 4...,..:-"-.-(.,,,,,,,, w s, 34.0 That each new discovery .i, ,,I,, rtor u. t,,1,,,, 14,, f,,,, in.,,,,I...4 oli r,,,I,,11. i,,,,,, ., ' .. v .1 I.,-ttpc.Ints to ttI ., , 'ts,, , ..,,,,-,,.., tm ho snap. ,;,,,,.;,, iS,,,itt,,,,,,., , .. ,t.. , . a ci ,.I.:.. 2 , , t,,,,., t in pn.,,t4,, L . c! ii !W. :,., ,i.',,,,, sin,l, Iticidet,t4,;:,. ',',,,g t the izaton that ante-date- d '47;'),.,,,,'. , , It t i ,' ty cen- tung, , .. ,..,,t. ,, ,,,, . ,, iin : i,, , f la .,.. Th. kt,)t, be4 itteW hint,: l 11,, ,, g.t kt ,,,.. ,,,,,,,, , , ,, ,,, T''',,., Stlentrf,T, ' 9ii The ii, , 4,411. rifle pia,..tit ,. feet, ,,,,hit!!!!vd Ms h, 1,.,..,,,i there a, , , , .,,,,. go,lf u,. tg hi, 4 It . it 7riii.1:;,ife;11. hat I 11,,,, ,' .', k,4.1., ,,, t;cit,:n:it,its,"rz.t4.,t',tto.:13:1,yuarrs' That Jim ea ,,,I ,), ,! h sa. is I e" ,,,,, h),..,t ",,,,,,, f t,,,. !,,,,,,,ly 13,e,h, ,. ! the ' .. r . ' ' l,,i ''''' - ..,,. , , a . , "i ' t ,1 :i r i '''''''' .tI'''' v t inged I lL, rn - na.' ii Ell- .,,,i ,,, 4, ,s "at i,,t,...,,,,,,, tweet, the Of- f i ititr ,,, ,,,,,,,,, , , tt',. ,,,,. , , ,,,., .,,,a and 1, 7 per- id-!lel! kf-had , n , ,.. .k.,,,,. I'-,,,T,,,,,,t tl g4, ,:at. ,, o., p nous- - ha aerlue I LI-- , A ,.,,,,,,, red ...,,!, ,i ,4 aps .....4 wtre ,,,I. a .. in others, iiiith state of ; . itpro r id t,-1, , ;; ; ;' r . , ',,, t ,.- .; '1. t 2,,',-4-1,,,,, I ti,, pi,. treetizb ttr---t ,,,,,itidti ,.,Vi112.1tIoti When the. ErreatPr St,r1 th,n tint.rog VOIned the tit' ' ' 41 f i.."!,t .4-- T , : . ta,he. a , tear him. r.mt,.d.:, ,;.r.i.1 a v ' - i : , of ,, rt., t v.,' ., ,'' i...,,, t,,,,,,,,. 41I'llrtt.4i..--t-lt,-tt- . t,la n,aIt ,r ,,f tem ri. a, ,,,,i 4411 1It Enrope, Fertrips all tit It WIN part in- . k ',ea , , :. t,rt,,,,, ,,, ,t few ,u,,,,,,,,,,t 1, , 1., ,... , ,1 , , ,,, II' ,, l ; in .,,i' was ai'd at err hr ,,,i e1i,, '''., 410g r'',!t4vlkt;'tA4tAsissi.1e'rsf,.4A't , htiratistite t tetlectual' ' 1 trent, lb nO 10liger t' ' , , ' ,, 'r 't ' ' J ', 1,, ",,',. ,1.- A ', ' ''1.,'''' '3"1"1 ,',', le 'ha.' ,11, - , el,th !";1.,"!--', , , tell rne ' tta-- trii -a , '' . tr, irr o13 ,,,,111 .,.11fil'.. , r, I ' !.,e' 'il.,,re. ,,f c,,,,,.. elk .; ir.g at i , ',2, tit, J'' :, ,,k' ,..,.. , ,... : .,, ,. "4.' 11:1;:nght ,,:.1 for,srti , last. : . I . t , .,,, ar a...1, li,Ing, kis a hnets dn.,, heti ,,,,,,, the i n t., ,,....,,.,,,11,si,,,.,47-A,11.1!,,-ti ,., , ,- - , ,,,, r,. ,,,n ,in, Ito 1,,,u, - Ws .hingtoro creeting Teti. s that ' .. '''' 1 ' - 44- ' ' ''' ,. li t,.1 ,, or ' t ' ,,,,gP tl t ed never . t th !. ,o', suds 7,. -- hay, itt,., iio- a rted in ePtilral and t .' Ir.. !dLat, , :, . ,,,,,.. n '4 . , t1', me n,, ,I,P, rent r 111:4":44;1 ,' ,; t.;,,,,tt ,,, I,. 1,.. h,. , t he a a ,,,,..,t, I So ast ,.t . a, t'it h ,,,,,r,,,.4.,' , a t n dotT, i a, L.,,,,,, i r4--iowi,h-in tt Ameri,a , ' the het few t e,. ' t i't .1 1,eolit, re u:i -: t a- -6". te he extori ''', h ,'''e't FOr1 ar, n , t'ndt ,,;t64-,,,,,,'!' A . . can., not a few et them carry a r,,,,,fn rttra,k ,,,,, ,,a1 I t,,,,,I-q-- , t4 it i,t 4 t er, sudde n ,, t ; few : ,' e I. r",.mi hien). J. ' - ' "I ,,,,,,,,,,,,.! "',1,"Th-',.',in ete t ,tAa ae,,t hat rt.' 4,...le.4i.L1 7,x,,041. -- , I.-' - i fi,- ' " r,ith-',-.- 4 " ,, 1. 44,ms ,, P. ,: .411.4 A r.' he i the "a't thr'd ex ;), L,', 4,', ntain,,t1 ;Ott ..,: . ', n tow 'he ' i:.: , ,s, , I ) ,,,.. 1 lime wy otedn' t AIN, t a ov ...v.' ' f - . ' ephnra:t. ,,,,,, ,", ,.4,th'r,,41, ,hr t t .,-id. i - 44. ,', r r":, P )', '',,.rt ,,Vr h 0, ,' . sot attars .' . ,,,,r,i11,"n!;,it,etsticEsz,T.,,h.,:,,ri,hntri.cthi:,.rcah.t.c..t..,at...r.79 ,s knha" Itke ' interi it r d 'ILarls,', lt,P....J."6,3.4k . F4r,,,,-,,..-,4-aa t,,.. a tff. i, '' ,, '- I ,., a.. , !... li.v : t,.. T., ',', 7 I e" .4E,t . in h. tu,';',',..';';;;';.'.' ;''',2t't f ;I' :I''''1,h,t'';;n g 41, I ' i ' T me . ,-a ,',';', i .' ' ' . , ,.c. ,,o,c!,,,t,,,t 1,;n1,;1. InPc'ilmfr',Iry ::1111'7: un..tha" wha: ,10, n3.,P.;, all',..rrat.o ria, , 'Th-- l' . ''' , '- r- - tr' .1. '' '''' : ' ml ,! ht-- ,, tt- t' hi,,, .r a.1 ids. a la,t ki.,,, , vge, : 4,,..th r, a,,,,,,,, . ,'''e-,t- , , , . I , , i '',Vhen old 'la, k ittlamym 'who hd Ma h. ',,,,,,-- . ,. ,",, ,,', , c.; ;4 1 .t,,. ;,,z vil.0 c, ..,, i r. i ... ,,,,,, ,,,, ,,,,,. 0.,. ,,,,,..,, d ,..: Ha, ,,,, ,,,.. ,r ," 4 ,,,,,,.. ,..,,,,, There. ,t, . I. r I. i;:,:::; ,''::,,I.. differen ce l 'ail t pe,,,tile ,'",''1.,-;.,.(,,,Cone she has ooper)l much It .1.ott t . ta r , ri :it h ' i 741,,,ztit4.1 ' ' ' ,"g:'' ' , ; ' V. .,,,' S.7. In ''i ' 1IiII-:-- . ,,t IA , time darthe n'tlt. ' '7, ere n thds world an4 theta i s "..-, .7 n 4' 9''rur's ',,,,1 '. im . l''' ., a '.'s' n t '" h"Irs l'! I ,on h ing the last tvienty years in re.earch i us 1.t ,t ..1,n ,,,,,, he ,,,,,, a wom,,,, on hng V h, to. , ,, ,:,.,,:' -', i ' !., I ti. him "4, In,. th, ' ' . ' 1 Y ', ' s It ,t .! . fee,e, , i t it ,, Central ' .y., Ann f, r u and South Amet;ca te rag ,,i; r zng up ,' "', ,, i -to - , . !i., r 4 44 ', ' a . ,', ,' .. , ,, ' 't', t i ',aid the-,i,tr.!. ., h .... I net ,t r It , I)11 ,,,a ,.... tt flow, a former t , t,!,' that!' ."""aI' fr.'s, silt-t ..,,, ,,, ,,,,,... t',.,,,,, 4,,,,, emi -- ft. - , ', ,,, ': ',,, at rect- Kra e '' .., ,''.'., ,,, ..,,t,, 1,,441,.21..t,, m , ' et,- - ,,,,, e :' , t realn t,o., .,.t-it."' . "'',,' y ttf ,,, raw. t n fd of Fatt Lake. now director gent .,. , 11,1 tinn't 111,4 me stickin r .1., , Tti. ,,,,,,,,, ,.,,,,,,.,. , , ' ' ', -: .,: I". !'1: th'. ' ' '' , r'' ',I, th '' ,r; ' 0 ,1' ! - , ', i .,',i;,,,,,- ;1;, c 1,,,, J., i ,,,, :,,1 a:-t , I. of ' at gras''ard n''no 411,44' l'''''"' ,. ',t'l ,, A, ,,,r.,,,i.,:r?.1'7,:'''; ,:i,4th'7.1,:t,;4eral ths raioad of rafmn:a. '',,'' 1 . ;,,1 I'' n'''''' '''''- I' ' ' tli a rts'a ., !: l Yt r IJW I thS 1. t tt AtIng it 1,,A ' ', 414.,v,vt. PlAttt44 s ;nrtit at,d : ,t" at ti rd, of 'a""'' , .. - r'sh. d.a-iin1otie- -. t d " '' i v so..L . r hiaao ."....,...:i-- ,, .1 ,. t J.m.i aa meel natientiv untd his fre n4 h it ' ',tay 3 r ' r ) ,t, 4 ' eicht ' "..-: r so . in Central and , it dr turn-tr.' ,,, , expeditions hio, ,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, ii,,,,y1., ,,, 11 lir he 1, , , ,, ,,,L, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,, r ,,,,,th, th.n. had :,, ,t, 11r , , tis gay. 1, ,,, . ,::. 0:.,' ',:t.',ItItts,t:',,rt,n'iltto! ,., , 1 rtri-,,,,: ,''','::-7:, ,,,, , StAth Arr.er.ca. two in Peru and six , z . , .. , ,: ,,, ,:.. f ,,, , ,,, ,, ., ,.. : ,,, ' ., trained hie b a.ky gray rte. agA,A ' ,... ' S', ' ., , , ,,, ' ,to ,...;,,,,. ',. , , , ,' t ,, Amer-if-a- . h,-,, ,.. oo ,, ,,,,,,. In , , I, ... ' k,,tt,t ut,011 t,' ' fte offender as thdr e,r1lral 4' " .' I, :,,, th,,,, , Ile expects to de- ,' ". ,,i Uria, .teveloitotg: 4,." !I.:, d '.. r r ,,,,, ". ,. ,., ,,,I I , , irr. 11',,, ,.'r .,, .., ., .. would perm,' , . ", :. arrangement 11'1.1101 i ,'' '' Ph)eleat ,,, 'i tirriP to 1:Irther research 9 .i ti, i . , ' n't nil r y. , f-3 , , k ' ; ; i ' xi N. :Older's; '''''rk 111,1U: Wh' h''''',' "Jer-their I'm n,harr,ed n , J:.i dep., t. ' t - !', ,, ,. ,, , xstr,, h e. i.,? .. ., :.. f, e , , . ,. ., '. ," ,lll rh , t r: ,. lived night ofil Durinc his rPortt vie, to Sat? ?Ake. '., :it. 1,.. ,. , ,rif,, r ' ' l'a ta',1( like a kid. I se l ' " , k !"' I v. ',Yr', ' ' '''' '.'''' "" " 1.".,.t: - '1' !. r " 1, Ir.' r., '' 1"i I t, Pr,' "re el, 1, a'..-- . I fortsMr ( ntr-hlo. ..1 I year datin' ssluch llme :. ,t ;r 1, .ne said "The temple at 1! , F'' e ' 1: ' ',"-'- , 1.;, ' r ' ,': ''' .1 '' ' a r '' r: "" : 0" ' ""s,-..'''','' ' '''' ,'''1,:' ; ' ' '''' ,i '' .: r,L.i.r, i,1! 'A l',,n .t, :"' rund that air rrav,eard ', ritThrl la more av,,ndortut than .,,, - us,0 ,,, t T., 2, 4i ..!!4z!-12o' ' ' . , ' '" ' ' , ' ' I ,-. n- ' h"'r PYraM HA - '''. ,t Of tsc t II I! cli- - k r h, o. rtir,,,,,,,,,,,,, Tht. ,, 'Wl't ..,,,., In, Egypt Nt,a ,; , '' , ,1.0. , 1, , , t m .i ,, ' t , f ' eh- , ., 1.1 r tn , ,. , 4., ,2,,,,i f, , , ,H., , ,, ,,..,, , ,, and ,,,,,,,rt;ip 1,,,,,tititI , 121 s .s.la,t, ! ,,,,,,, n .1 ! '1 n ,r, Al. '5.9., P 5 ..1.1S...)30 R.I qatly1111e41 ,t,hzt, h t I ts s.anct, .1 ,.. Ci" ,, rni,. 4 s,-,- 1,.! '4' i , t :. 1,1 ! :.,,,t :,, . , ,, th. rik n- -0 ,,, , t., r,,,,0..,,. ,,, f , actin: ,,, ,-- o,r,, 1, ; ,, 11, might to ,f , ,,,,,,,,,,,, night f 111,,,OFS.t. insert -(,, the pot;It of a ,,,,,t,t,.. y, ,, - N,,,-;-- ,, e .:' ; i;i; :. rere-e.--e r7N-;Tri-t 'h. , was ghnstS lilt 11.Tr me 1 , !: a e lr: - n ..., .i ,,,,, ,,k ,, :he ea.1,5., n.n 1,n1f4' b'twtsen them: Lt would n,,:lii,,,.-. ..., .,, . , ,i, , ,,, ,.,, ,, 1,..i., a I. , ; i,,,- - e.,, I, ..,, 1 , ;.., ,.. ,,,, ,,,. .,,,, 61...-Ir; tax the i,10 Modern any that ;of engineer , 7.. v Th. I' ( T,,,, n:L ,l , ory , : .,i 1,,,T,',,to repine., them. Manx. of the , n, I i stOrlog , ' h.,-gt hein wa, ,r,.,i. ',,!!!!'r.-...,- ' , r 7;1, Sc, :,. 4,"eer ir. A:.. . '0J.- nii .,iv , ..,,-- , ro I. t.o h....t..ry of Peru or Mex.. I we.tch tons. Hoer (11.1 those a notont ...din Is ss Th, ',', ,,,,,,i:,1 "''' ''' ., ' I ',,'iti " '14, '''' ,,, o learn At art the. people ''. .01 a r, 1111, building th',t rf1 , tl,v c..in e! ''''''' "I '. '''Ir'"1 T;! !...,: f rr; I' and what motive power svas f I. .,,,,dr.;,, t!!-rwthr.-jugh ari a, ,,,,h o,,n w h.) ,...,,., fie; 11 , .. i !a-iii--uaed to put the stottiNs dn place,". ,1,, !,,, .1. l ,,.ng ey,a t,le grue-, t.,,,,, ,..!,.! b.i,..ne,a. to 41,e, it , tilt part , g.eaor t,..1. i In May, 1922, Mr. Critchlow was. tr! iior ,i i - ., iv I, Of I.:a. writings, William IL Prescott In l!.:.,-Fe- , tt',.t'er v .ibna!,. long 14a! ',,. t ember a 1 a partu which sealed thp Lintittal knowledge. h.,,. prela!'e to "The Conquest of Peril" , ha r !nz -,he arms breeze. st,ea!! . ' Prernott svIA: T he conquest! of I hrhest mountain in Panama. About ,ut.! 1,.,f!.,..:.. - .. .4,7.,, ;,,g,-- , -- the 'i ' ,t h. 4 --,, i gla,,,,1 y tariss 6.001., , feet below the only known spot , I Ii"." Uf Ah-....i t ,..., '., .,h horror a ho. rf a: - '!,,,.. th , if ei.untr.-- 1, th, grcat end always in t he on ' b. ... : earth whtsre 011P May bebold the - .., of 4h- - reader." mind oi the f',.Y.Till.ng of theripaniards ,.ze.1.,.:..1., , prior thing coming , ,war d Atlantic and the Pacific oceans with- , VV." so !:,, :,ed that f,w had , hi, was Crazy liitre Than 601(1 . ani.--iti- s out moving in one's footsteps the An- her h".1:!. ti;'''i i''I's r'a l of :Plutrit'''It1 returning to unA . the of from .,!'-i,, grave T,standpoint i , party unearthed an ancient cemetery t. rr, wa9 becoming a few ,,,heri vi, no look and discovered a large numher will as some vroi he felt that be muii to gl'".i rian, perhapg. , f ov-of tne result i..,ory : i the;r .i. d:, ears war in wor:41. the to t, tn,. rince trti, thl ng relics. including workings tn gold. , ,r,., ro,nclus;vi.s- - To the grew. -. ,, R W But maze f, the 1,,.-Inim nf ing Which were , ..,rt carved hieroglyph-Thes- e upon ma:. 7:: y 4,,f ,, 40 who even thought o,. . f , !t came so einae thal.A.44r.....,........n.(i--44,,nz,, . t 11 ni:x.EL rit4 ,, '''' I.c .1,,, 'e.- - i't -4- ..ep.---TIP the w was rong, for ;ill ten to n, goll many other things. are but a I ,. tho ..s n ,,, ut a ', , ,,, st a, i. ''''!'"' ,..,. -,--' i ,- ..-' Spain e Pie,-.i- ' s part of the wonderfUl relics Mr. Then it. --strir,p-P!!',,i,.i agn. even th:rty tear,ii world does so mean to the i not much has s extende4 tint!, th.. ago Critchlow It secured during the lagt ( w-r- e . Lxii,oratinn f.art-P- -, almost -i - is tourhed his- flee I, nk i o in that sectlon of thp s- -, word as does the work that is now twent s years of research work in --t--, , been and Will he ceintral and South America. has and ' - ' g had been on, going now world.a , "Wit,' . few oft pui-sue,o,- -. in South and Central Arner-- 1 in a ,k Before leaving for the canal corm-ai- d the dauntless seekers after troth ica .' , r Ye ',, .., VI. q , 1..fore him wal;,ng, ,, t started. ' ard 1,1,t that at some try Mr. Critchlow,,rfl.- hidhi,lory ,...4.-they .lay .upposed iek and rul4ed !, the ., ,.:,n i not riz-names Cortez of the and ! distant date- he hopes to turn When ev,, at'empted Jo tuase a search for ,, aerie tire, forgotten. exceptbya .few 2; over tothe Descretmuseurn a large , . thereee,eeeee existed, ..1;! . 7r t stud-nt- s -of history, the wonderful cir- - part of his eollection NO that it might tei-eee,-tehe TI,, twenty yeare a great: tuulds.;r0r,p,:d' 717,, I be a be Where those Mterested can of ancient Amelica-wil- l ilizetion 0- ,- l e!,,,! si ve oder ed on . exp ealenrel,:zi,,,ew!roent3;1,. .,r nclieteny ymeetheoe . 1.-.leistire, rar d v erect the things at I w1.'subject of deep study; for the men one of fear. to -, ; .rr: .7,, I.. . r e em .-1r came in would I 'the langr of the malaria:1 death-deeling !fer e,t. with tee Z t ; ,,,,,, ie ,, wen! i or try td scale the Andes and otherl ' feeyeee . -. . .J .! nut With ,,Tro raneee, zneuatein here?" i, nothing but , , , T r, been walking' in my, a eeve .or the, work of reeearch ' ., men. we nut guiriee, at tin,ee - w ith- L !, ae.ceare dome: eeee you ehat . I, ,, . f food worked. sought and fought.: e me," .11.-tee' .lout; ),. ---' , e HEBER-J- . UTAH. :11 i :!;: 3 umvunsm: EV''n are-alivSEARS, t hue' ... ,,IMP he P, , v who Shore.5, re,' ,7 i,:, 1 I, rt,d,' , 1,, ' e s', r-- ,,,, I 4 ., lv, È.T.' ';$;:104.' OD ''''''...''''ffa o,I..'.'"L'A'r.. - ;:14aki;'.74..., , N - t ren,10'.1 ' , tpt) '.., ,, ,1,,,,,,4,,,,....:Ls,---.,...- PkiT'lla,....7 1,,,,r,t1.1.4.-,:on: r , 7,7 e r. , , ,-, rziltrr-577044,p- . . . I h, into the anclerit history of America have a higher Ofmo., An tbisdePtha than gold. 'From almost forgotten civEntation there is coming today, rind will come for yeers a story that will be so startling that the treasure the Spaniards found will pink into oblivion in the mind of ay. erY thinking,man and woman, In hts history of Peru Prescott says: "We noir reasonably conclude a that race advanced in givilisation before the Incas." ' did they Who were they? Whence - ' , !comp? I 1,1 t h e 1'04 story? ration Party lent IIS 0, Geographic SoYUIP the anti .7nIversity discos,- eity ered the ancient city of filailit Picchu in Perm It was the city te which Ivent Mane. last of the Inca rulers,: w h en h e rebelled against the SPahlard rule in I'eru. 'Four years before mem-- tiers of I he explorition party had . heard f' eee was such a city: in 1914 they 'had tr ied to find it, ThvY suP-a- t i svere itaeree- slid e. Me mbers of the party doubted whet the had heard, but after months of work they not only found the ruined city Indefatigable en. cated the .4.',(1 h:ghways which etiragdyfricid ,i Jim art rnonli t ' n t ro rto rt n,,,nients of hts 1.0,1( PT otarly popping tr,,,,n et.e,r or, ,,,,.,,,. At n 'dry mouth $hone ts..1,at nt-rhair olgrLdag-art-oo.I j i f. (, tneoluntnrity ao no iro htning eyoa nt h:rn , 1,...!1:4114a1.41;:".1.1-..' one of the r: from ' lr::-:- .2.!:!" nr,long nnoun,in. -wAo I,. ''U 0 U , , ' . .. ' f - , e .,, i ,,,- , ,' .,C1.1! : f. tf, a 1",,q;PV ,t ,m, 4am, And 1 ve ,., n -- ,,, - 1,n, , , .ar ' , ' , , r I !,, ae h arodt-- r mc ..,.1 r ,, ,, h ' tit, lieerol r, ,t t ' - - ta r 11,1.f . ' ' i ' - NEiVS BY WALTER SIDAN. WRITTEN FOR THE .ff ro, .', --- aun. . I, , , ta , t - (,:s- hat f ,- ,,,,,,,,, ,,, "'.,1 .., Measa"sr"T'inlaa '' ) - , ,, ;:tr;,-,-;.- - 4 wia gr,,r)te4 h ,g,.tid ., tJi tglidg refOrm, aril ,1,.., t,, ,,,,,- , , re te mild make if , , iride ,,,,,,,,- tore mitslyi "'wai i, ,,,,,,,i; 7 , ,,,. ,. .,....,,,,, ,, .., ,1.6. otdoiviat rir, le !,,,or ,, ,.,:,,- - ,, r.., 1. dt rn,7,oy n'tle t,e ,,,s;,,,,,,,: a .1 h e,' , a, ,, :, f fad, , 1, au,III0111! n vier r !! i., 41 'It"' it''''," 1' n !or e. r', t ',0;'.'"'. '4' l'''' ''''''' late" 't'aa dun v. ,rorog the t t',. -- rtId, At f,,,,.t t ,, ,0 el.:wile!'it if,,, ,t,sn ed,,, , m 1zt,,, t , , Thor - T Holds Opportunity for Vast Research , 0, eittna ' r, ,,a, - '' ' ". , ti, 11qr f ',11,t .nI;,,. ,,,,,. , ,, ),!,1 ft tv,1-- , , , , t 'r,,,,nN, r I ',,,;.-t- r ,1,,,, Ii ,,,,, so,, , - rrn' I , i t. 4 , - .,, .! who are doday deli:lei - Peo p e s --- - I t Ilistory - -- -- -- ,kn ' ''' t. ''' t h tto, h ',I 3',,,g," t i f - . I th, laI ' 44a LI): ,,,,,,,. , k,, ,,.1, ...,,ti 't,,,' dlr. .1., ,o. ,g , tka . t , ,, tr . 4 ,,,i,,. ,,,, ",,,V t'l ,-, '' ' '! 44 fl ,, t , - ' ,...r 1 ' ': s .1 , , . t . ' , .. h , , ' a.n ,t ,., ,, - - ' , t, vin.4 ,,-,,,r- --,i - 1014 I I ,,, ' , , FOUR SECTION - - . l ,,i',, ,, . . ' -" 2 sr ,..1 .trt - ti.:ri, I, . JANTAIIYHia 1923 1In 'I - , r t, ,..... s , ., , , r. t h., , .,..,,.....,,,,,,,-,,-.-.,-- , . ,,,,,, -- ", , kt(-.RliAl.- Free an d Hay Fever 'Sufferers arurt ' . 1,,AKIllt VITA. . : ' . - a methnd ' t tba rmItrol ,1. kon I d hes, he soln. Jantel .A,,,wh.,,,ba 111,,,,, e ht veltun 're,r ff.,' ,f, r ,,,,,,,,,,.." espersoft an4 wo taut; :,,,!..,. try La.! ell. ''''' ,. , od tt And tted Ile turnet e',,, k, Cowie .,,,,,t ,,,,a'the'el ',,...t. L',':Inc.-,',",.,,,2,.i.e 1ng -- 11s,:ndr!".r ,,,-, aA ,f1.1,t4 ,'''s .re ''1 r t , r.rt. '''1'' te pri,rnignft .?. LAI tr.a.., . ' w a ff e z. Out' 1,rt;I ad t to aton a poor rtoreat. '1. - .. ,,. .. 64,40 ,r.,, thou, l, r4,40 ter ,,,,, .1i ,. f ,, ,, ,, S4t,t, 1,,,. I. ,,. r hear of ,., ..:r.4 Wife trialtiovf .,,,,,r4mothnd l)10 , e,t In hat '.;, .... ', : wet, , ';-, t.,.... '" v,anz .;,' for d.th ,,,,;.-,,, t afort ' anything you zazat I.,,Ur arra lite, no 1-! ; .:. , f ..'1 .cf fe ",',pe r ry A ..tt a IOW. or occupation. . te 3r,i. rk, i. i,,'1 .aah . ,,,.. . 1 ,... , ,,, .. ,, ,, ,,,,, .,, ' ' ' ' rr. , :, m, hds shouti N..pre, ' ancotp. ' ' t. repi if 4 . grIsintnit Asthma et '.. 1,,,,,,,,11,, ,''' !,'".' ,'L' ', ' ' ,' ', rVoiridn:t I tin tiOn. rn stOrni I ra,$IrattYOU,troanpt:y , ; '''L s,4f,,' 1ro 4,rn pl4n-,-wanwelallywant ,, 1,,,,,,,4hu,' 1,4r bawl) '4, prrl. It. f4 ., ,,,,,,,,. ;00,,in . ties f,,, t 1 34,-tc or,od .1,4,rntly haps:s.. css,s stoyrk. ali fnrrna ii., , .3, douche. VriAr, 1.1,tparalt 01NA, t an that 3r t n.. hi 4r, A .1' Inmost. Wh".' t, thUgt' ."batant et, has, tlale'l , t tl,ii,.P' IP We at OW 02 to show at e ry.ti i il 1.1 len o'r,o.k Jerry aaw a wanatt want tba t our metwi la Ortranett to nd k' CCM 11114'. up ,t.,,se .. i .,.s..., ,1 . bt. IA 4,..4-,II, 1,..: au dtt I fIire. ,1 a herring. anti ... t...t.l. It. rt t,t- ,ut 1, the at awl at lbotaa terribic paroarma 0..t t ., ,,,. ' ,,,,, ho , . Thus rya offttr la too :, If ,,, ,f , ,....; te nLrlaet T,, ,, N!,1 .11 Ill be ria:led. ... a atngla day. Writ,. r.t.a ant nsgln tha , r,,,. V., att Jun batted .msthost at one. reply Stool 0, i too no,mr S'inply Zs ...'-ttti, hat hr.: tormenter - would Mall rompers brio', ... . eo ., '7 t.t, 1, rota to wen pay-- - pwattige. , ..4 r r 'Sc '" r sr, :'. IF,. , fli, r..., ,,- Aintrd-- f Menial z 7 11,1n:; 77 .r V. htch reaehrel the 1,..,ron r t , t ' VREE TK1L cot roN ' s'"rtea , et a de, fl1,1a, t tit rt .; t 7 7' d a,:a an unnatural ,t tt,t rRotrtER ArirktA C 2:4 Y. 1,,,- t he ntire. unetuurtmg, t.., U JYIS' y, N. Niagara ant H tttiff. ittstfai.. 1:t tItiAt Ott te, u ape ,A J. ,,,, ''..., bend I. irietfo-a- l 4 it! L NI li, t t r . fres of t , trial I WI It,' tr,r that at , t' : , .r.i . tt,opeettott titat4 4,4 f,. r' .., t ai a thr aruualt an4 tutu A V.I.! At Ototooltt ! , -"Ire g,,,t, through a tth the o, 1 A. he aP,. , t 'pit , Jerrylanteril 0. : vk.',01 !ri ' aria :1 se ,.! el -Agel ,, trnt,ment. 1r,o'thit, - . . (Ay, ,, ., ,1,4:nktie n r el , - t,. ',., . , . , sti' 1,, (Iti.N1,1 , . , . the arno tlrar, furnish eiidence as to , ,. 3,,;tr tein . nill there IA that all right' to-AAstJ: ". ' rotrt stay. tre -l''''.11'11 ''" ''' rl .ef -- -, 1e', ao Ittne1231.1 AS lialial Dor Fe rou.d no4 sterol alit atairtger to detite sot soCrfartIono from 'hot i , Its Mauled the toltace0i ,,!,,rk In hi'l i Mouth .s few trriltiUtS1 P a e ft.rr:In' 'it l' et aet.aPn!bal; r:Aryd,u4se:tenh-ltstnairlryilla 74001 01. meassaid"hl'dort RE 11.,,I . . .. )- - ''S .. . . .. 7 THE DESERET NEWS, S - , , , , , , , I, I i , -- - , '."' , ' 1 . (,r1 ''r - , - ---- -- ," A , ,.,il. r. ve,,,,ew - ,., -- E , .b,. a . . , A, v , . SAY "BAYER" .el -- - t u . , -- Insist! - etteAVOP,- -- - - V LOtrit6.0sst 101.111 - Or (eF'c ys - - , - '',-.,r- Lumbago Neuralgia Pain, Pain 7 - - Accept only , 1 Handy "Bayer", Aspirin "BOer" of boxes I ' isthe tabléts--:Als- o bottles of 24 and trade mark of 1Rayer Manufacture cf ' ,noazell:a:liester ie --"-- , k f L; ' t - 7 " - tstE i BEE BRAND ..,, ' , - 1904)--3- - , 7 r - ' t ais.now,- -- ;LI A.id011410L31c.:-4- . 43 ' , - , . 4 , t 1- " : ' . -- , a.6,11,,,..' -. 14 . , ' ; , r.! . . 100--Drug- gist. - ' , e, fdef ' - :,A - p i ! tf 11!7.'i1iIr 4 - ' 4; i ; . package vAtich contains prbrer directions. 12 1 , ed - -- hey ave . i I - ,--- - -- GarTnents Neuritis, - .1 ---- --- Rheumatism Toothache - .r,0:90- 0.4644 . - - 1 tteer Headache - ': - ., :. - - COlds - -- - I 1 . - , , -- . s . whert you buy. - AND wELL of' e - Cross" - on tablets, you are not Unless you see the getting th6 genuine Barer prodtict prescribed by physicians over 23 years and proved safe by millions for -- :'! wisay LINING confidence. spout yeir eteer 5ear itf"this work. , e hen ie writ; et the real home." she impler- - Sortie day. ONO pre seeme to he a vertenatue canal. :Four European natione trieellt , feel hietory of - Amerien,froze and failed. but when the United Stati4 ral human desire but an efficient MO , t which- wrre ler. wery. the' undertook the job the firet move was yet ' To be ' - . 4:. he scared of. ae-- names of SO tne of l!h,..se men will stand life IS even more desirable. toclean up the zone and make it free ',J...., velce as he out as ameng the ereat swelters alive while we live le worth more than, from mosquitos, because it wee dem- ,, ' , ,oi, ,entling ni and gladll. 8.- art-historiea: truth. But within the lastil mere length of years Living wiPil..ifStrated that these insects were re- -, ten or fifteen years party after perty and weil Means proper care of the tor the epreal of malaria hist made up of men of higheet tharacter. humanr- machine. It means net only apn 'd nsim, Serryts .11dace restfever and these two die- ., e to the knit,. selected for therr fitnees for th e. worK longe- life but greater PITIcieney. eases yellow ran alone the death rate no high ,. , ind from thenee. in hand, have vielted South Old ('en - Some men who take 's plenlid care of that men could not be induced to ' .:W hittled Cedar post.1:1. iral Airc erte-T- re ie grossly mistreat their hue auto their leave been backed , 1 yard. . mach...had f UP , me. or,ii. hi m r ae: st reatrittwh'Ier F each r,t, pu,,,,the fp , ,,,,- - , beeleetheelecre, years while the work they efficiency. They are cemparable to a I ,, - - hied in melancholy :for monthsto in advance duced the death on ra te to 1'1 do; and from each of thee, six cylinder car that is hitting only coexpected per 1.000 in the zoos - .,- , teere has come the report., four cylinders. Thts means great e - while building the renal. canal questioned his-- Part!op There le more to do. we have only nomiu twee a short life and er achievements of Prenti decasedl Medicine will follow in m ental and physical vigorr crooked eyes were! started. nexeSaturday's -tete normal proper- - e Aneblevemente of Preventi ve M oilleine, article. '' ,' .,-- . itk ins. tablxped held his and ett pat elne"1 Medi "Preventive Among sueh expeditions might be ;' , Can a mothers mental Question: mentioned those, of the National Geo- - meant the art of keeping well. When' only to the attitude influence her unborn child?" graphical teeciety to Peru in 19el. we devote our attention J. 13. ly1 it is like con society in 1912 and the cure of Answer: An experiment tried in an r leaks Out that i the expedby , of this society and mopping up at-the Yale un,versity in 1913 and 1915. of a reservoir. When we turn our I eastern platernity hospital some years ago bears interestingly on this point. Andrew Carnegie.. giver of libraries, tention to preventive means, it Fifty' prospeetive healthy mothers, the Carnegie Institute, is sneePing the lea,k. The science of Preventive Medirine! nearing the termination of pregnancy, one' who. while never having made an ..........o.otesp 4. 1871 were 'asked to make a het of all possi- esploration trip to the southern coun- - is onlyetbout 60 years. but in thatoftime, hu-- i hie impressiong received by them dur- tries. evinced a deep interest in ex- - it has nearly doubled the.span States. United in the ing the period of pregnancy. which man exPuenee From the funds proaled pleeration. People who lived in 186a. live...don might have an undesirable effect on by the Iron King ' more than one - e W e - .. .Those -the,. chEdeore yinee .1eieete,,,,,eree toe an de7,1,0, yeatts, party have been sent on exploratem the, averagein 221SSO--26 end years. "mark" it en ary w,ay- Each mother who lived South to Central Anienca, in SEAViat trips 5 DO) BL E and produced aeconeiderable list of euch Each of these inerlies has been made Those who lived in inedele experiencete all of which eeemed of men high in the scientific world; years'. while those up I i No 117, arT winter serious However. when the children l' hese :,avy years .., have had but one Adore to Peek lived 43 ani t eeuble bark .. .. ere bOrn, riet one ehowed a 7mark.. 1.,e. hi tor) of the tarry peoples of tires shew the average age at death in ANI I ,,nr Denier...Of invert Postpaid' out J the United States for the years named. or trait which could be relatel to any , America. ... 'I...!.. tad Guaranteed try mothers' the el of eeicine made, ..eariler described age Agin. Preve nttse After yea re of zewearch and study, I CUTLER BROS. CO. , i :Wernher poseible the building of the Panama' periences. 'Salt Lae Sylvanus Griewold Morley a 34 Main St. a , , 1 brie .,. , - -- ai . lst the' - lt - rel1; t..i .0.00,4... . rg' , - I N |