OCR Text |
Show . - . , a . i f s . - .. , - .' - c'441441.. Twarmer tonight. SOutheastern Idaho: tonight and Sunday fair, continued cold. , 7 . An 1. ; '' t ', liwil - A I, . ' - .. -- 1 ,...10',A 3, 7Fr - !.1 0 , ,, - 1 Ill ut, r. N-- fp., PAGES 3S - ip i (8ALT CITY LUAU LA'KE JAN1'A1:v I ) SA:n:4:1)AY . 1 D . roRmH mooli n nnunr nr - UNDER j ::iCHANCEGIVEN .- Asquith-No(- 1 fs 11.,-T- he govern "Wilt uf Chtineell attproeti 1,!4 the Itek'h23 to 12. Stag tadity It) ..,,. I'll.. el the i i. S. Envou i ! i 4t . hy the .oecupying torn down and tn orpor,i fl 1)..istrmi voos flag t ,,,. tiwoch tho- - nutiiir-n- f a1A4 treqed, I.iiIIi ot J.sn PAT:1,4. -.- unt,1 000 g tor der-3- r.im ' ; '' it t,,t;44;10,urtmoto' I h 1, f ,, '' , - 0 I . - ; ,., , , th, ", , , v.,, I t vt r tty.t fl f - Mrsts, . t . - Ni - 4- t I', A I I I' r. , tit !'ftlA - y nist h 4 i .1 t IsIt.,'', r. '' , ;; r 21 , 3- -V .- - 444,, , i ,,, ' tk 31 I 0,..ealsoweee-oUgerstrua- - n r ' -- - '''.4!- A Ik Iitii1:4 '.i 't 1T14:14,,, , ,. e ... I - 4 ' f'0.10 ::,..4-- "'oh,. ' '1 ,.e:(4:-tii- t , '" ! ' -- -- - tr,,th.r :f , I tre ,te t! , z ,, T. va1 -- r i. : ta- e xpee Ler '1.0 I , .,n1,- - ,o.t. :n th,, olo:n with , ti, ,' il.', . .. 4 'A r.1,,ping adv.Inis tered ., ., '. i: ii li ,orr s n, 3.,, ;I w ilove,, ",f . ! hlt:- a dalAt,,I ,n-r.,r, t !,;- - IIs I.-- . fl 10Pt it se- ff.,er--- , : - , . .. - , -,. . 1T11 I , .1' , , ...'s s - r m nrDIT, LP 1 liet. , ,:r. hir,;:tet l'''I'f' r""""." 1 ADrATir, uu al, L ItriorA.,11... as 111':rt eeltf.ra te.t II removed ...,,, 'In .,,,,,1,1n41Lisiro LH .akielPes' w'rP eal"..1 cafe t;tlit fXr117,,,, ? st :,,,,st. ri,.; Alt Lake Among-- ,,,,,,,,,, to Identify TtatilOn'',r4oreit .: , t ,,- ithaii;:;,etn tie,:: - . 43( - , , wn-- :'-- , s 0 .e d trZittdd::Eity'''''''''' 714 If hosxrna I s l',7:117-a- um-yea- '''''. ,. 7,, !') 11Y - - i , alt-ad- II , 7toterre- s, ' i I t , n,i-- , . .: i i , -' -- h-e- , l'''' it t 7 ,.., - d if ' Filed or t -- ' i sti lci g'''' : ... ' ''' '''7L : . . ,, , 7.1 7-- I .. , , tr, hidthe atreC whivh,Crnwn teti s,,'' , u'oa.i Free State Exetute Three at "'. , - 'r 't ' ,, '' jewels Ate .I te 72 . ' - , - , r irtgpop orc - cf Saarcil Of J - - .se 1The 4 - ,;, gflP - . Pq It , t .44 '. . , j I : :,. , : . ", '' .. , 4 Wipeg . '' ' ; .: . ,- - I ' . , ,, ' 44 . , ., - ,. . ' ' ... , - , ., ' ' ,, 4 ' ., , , , 1 11! li.. , ' .- ', .:,,. vi,in'X nqt Ata Senatort uilic rern - - h!,h . t .,, 7.............. ,,, nrrtn,,,t,, apIt - at t .,: ,' - ,, ar ing riheme .By Utah ' cly Opportunity Still Knocks In Rail Game Records Show ' itany Chiefs Once Laborers av IISS)anS 4- , ..... engressman rom ha. - , pma .' - Nit- -- -r I ...1 '' ' ''''' -- - ... ,.,i-rie- "'' II, I . .11 ''''''''' , ,' ' , ,,......-- 11:,- r . , , . , ', , : : . 7,..!,,7;":,71t ,,,t- ,,ii- - :: t " !..,, 7), 4, l 0, t::a;i:4 ., --- -- i , ,,..., 11 ot-- : I ,, , . , k ! 1. 4 ..1,',f..f,41,,,r,t1s - 4, ,- - O.: twc.,..ofttioti 11-tflpi to it' st of how 74," sat, 1,,R,. :.' Sl., .,.,,,,'A citr''.. -,, m th- - Huh- - and the or Parra-rn-d--I 1.,11r. an rr, 'A it :, tin. art Ga.:! fl ' g ''''''r''';',,f I: h ,...1.,1 th .1. Sai, 1,71, l' 4. :tau!" , 17.1 1.'t -7't l' ' , tt:, For ! ,,, :,, ,,.. (;(,rNi t r. ti, t a 7,' en' 7, rs,,t'.' ,..,.. 11 k 1.1 :on', ,.; . ,,,, ,,,,d, ,..,.,, ,, sat mT,...,,,,. , 7, 7---, '4 6 ,,,....,irt, ,,,,,,,; 4', 4..,,,..,, ......,1 ,),,,y ti.,,,da,.....,r ation 'anti ,..., .,4 ' ,,,,1,, ,,,i,,ii .?, 1 .i,7.. , are, pf be , er -- -or .4 t . n.,: . 1:.1 no . on 'n v-'i; I .1cf.'. 7: 1.14 minsatttdutr-411itb. . r1. , t ;nto , her .,...74 ":ar,),r,". " , 1,11 .:, . 1,,r,Li. 4,, n.., ' ,t7,--' a it.orn,-0,1,er, ' ut --t0hgress w,,-.'s wt'i be r:,I:77.-;7fvtri, n tools thent la an o41,,,naf. expires. on 'd Zr st-- . ,",,,,,,A V.,1111.1 :, i , on p.,it, 3 7, A. anj '' ) i., ii w h , :d .,. 717:71 -,i It go Prr.rni:. ,7 !r,vns of go.d parcr mat ii,,, to "a. . thp 0111"'r Cases- Reported ' rit:tnate,y thk bra so lent stdd un--'' ' ' I....dap,- - the' 1,41,1,,,!-- arat to 14(7,7111,d a , ,,,,,,,, :7:417 St7rrtal 4r, , '..) t upreme-C6unf- -r 4. t it. s be yhanged heat wouleasve40 laa e.,,1 ' To a...stunt-gra," tr."; of 4 z' 8 Iti el it) J ,! ahl. t;! y,,,,,ttn.f.1,!.1,..:,1 :!17S,4'S'L'ItTtl,,.. !,,t,!, ...tfLe, ,,in,;:r7c,,):f.;,r,,,.,1., ;,r.r,rt.r...tr,nrt ,n,,erig,..et4;rI;!:.ri:117nrics;....fix.;11th.. ti!..?:;;T:iildt..In..(!, e, 1,,,14 -taat,L,VA:'J42-14-- -T ,,,n' r: Pf German ,:. intetnal fmalice. 4.1 --t--e , ' I 1"; "tor l''' -oe',-,I "4., its,;44.,,I'L,...- , ,; ian N'.s...1, f ... b ',l7 t ,i,: ,n 47;;,-7.ef ibr.3.ance i,,,, 4 kii. - 11 ;hil Al tii t.10 1,i i Ili- - the t'Starr'ed I h"'-- t",'"-n "Ind rt,1 se 1 I -Prsident liai do 4 bad a full dis '' (s'upyrriv, 1,211-1a ,r,,,,,- -, ,W .2 nlur I1.. nr.,,I,,,. 1 .,, 1 1,- - 311-- 2,t,..., ,14,ii,, - '4,4s ..,,,,,,,,1 4 ,,h, , -c th ' - ''7 th Itepubio NEvs:1(Alli., Germans Refuse Meeting t fa, t; 'The,-- - ir7r7 a ',,,,,.' of ,N :11..n,-,.- that , , . , g ,,f Ls 6,,- - i ,,,, "lora?. thern we.re Iterrp east .Ieaders - -- , . ... '':-'th4t the '1,I,'":,', ,,th';' "'"'"' r'''''.17' '111,tv,..tml,,ate..r.e,orrs77101-,,,-t 1 N, 17,,-l, ' ,,' $,,,!th.A-,..C..3!, Pren.;. NA yom-ngo ., :Ha'. Assoc-431,sentatl.es VI .n..ell !Ike, Long- - , ummIes.oher n7sn ..er, iouked dla !, Chtf-aitgrease.," rr, red ..a-r:-de, id,. looked in Ira tr,"k n 1,4east lait worth and Blirton or Ohio, ;.Laatalen f ff i We &lat. th th.:don't 7:.ESS't'::.;.. Jan. , kiansther," Germany 4i N.iii. -lie gewier knows ft, tp, as preparing for the PO"! joh),,e of ITlinois Can,pbell of Kansas. Gfeen sarn wiit ,'sat-- , p 77,7,7"."--t- , - ' ,7.74'7" genera:1y knows 44. the ma nafarturars know of t,'ermont, tirein of Iowa ar cases as the "Sundan had- been it , IN s ITTI.... 47:rvan:,' t g; T,.Morrow GEOHGE : ' Ity tin,1 a'l are an " cr- C.0"sts the adn:inistratloai is dealr-ou,"","1.:':.' '. in ,,4P41 ht": irtpiring ageori;nely. of ti,-- itning- - over 'Ole opeupattnn of 1:71,ey lcus. an sno. I -,, !Cr.-eIteteresIe '. To a not hear it The ,"'','!'-., tept.rr. of of FPsetal revteion thenr ths ha, front 4,),,n :hrotigh Jawirrattig kii:hr. het'!.t'''7'..'r.',.. Ine ,netilititalatt,hrEellt the , v -,,os I, t'l st.t the tabi.7-i,' t at..,,,',:. , has been take:i dehr fuhrtng law in thtelositng weeks 6 it identit) it home an,i s11:4,:,,al of end Itelglan gar nicopa i Chfrag7a..retey News tn., '''' '''' of ,new ,p7,:r, has to he extonded and the cies - -shóes...just us of the session, DemOetatie represen. I i .7:....-,ont7liu:-., .. f l",2,3 ) ,,,11,- 1!) d ' , 714,Y- !Copyright ,',. '".:tr-4muffled the eXICO ( on ! Will Essen 6.,rtirtlitiPitill he an. -i ,,1,14 latIon and pus leSr.i,,,,I,,,;,,,...,,,,,,,:t,,r,,,I,.,,,,,, squeal 3.,.1f..., cupating authorities at -'13 . 7. 'ittrrPme7or , f,..,,,,I:,e,;:p.wir.,,.,, ,,,,r,, Jan. 121t BrnIA: !,1,,' dYing hogs. se as boon age t he 7,' further effort pros 04, 1), , t,e:dorr ' . ., "' tr, 1110. shos business- - lint ish l rt1", troh s ." With-th"...,Jii.,,,.. i,, ,;k. i 16t,i,,, 1;ro, ags to let ne,Antlatien.a. ere eemt,t,..,,.,L i r,7t1.1',,t,0:,.1:.er ,,::h,t,",...'c,:c' ;,:'.,1,12;'":";; tr." ,- the et 1.,ra744,,,,hei ve t 1.rAh.:1--..H,11.!n:k the :as, It el)ublin 'r' 14, wit or. '''rang'' cop!. -- , mg t!.I istimitstst ann min! oppratio 5,. have ,,,, N.,,,,,,J 4,,r,,,.t..i7v, ith.,,lis,nia a s u1,' ad..r ' N.:', , ,, ' 'er i,r, .. on( e an,1 -' and tdrr,sts" wer, - fl- t''-7sIter, ertrimi,ssion-.--p2,1-Fdt,,Lii. LI,4-- 7 by "Conf:seattai7,4 ,,,. .,'''''., '''' ,... sAl,. .! I rt.., ) Kive ner an prs er,ore rta p.' oat ' r:1, 77, prieoa has d'ai,p, 1 a., r e I I. nr.,,sr .1,,,r-s t ,11,Pr-' to- tnreaten.,41 if a number of tilf-1,,t- er, ,, ;tatement wasin rept:. )),nd 74:- n ',.. ,oly :. today. .1,-1 , it ma A min.! re,e(led IX "I the P ,f:,' i,, s i', t.;11,1 N he S.daikausas. hu, ii,aw dlacuss fa ile.1 tr.. fated tho int 17,17iOn trent them' S tor..It efli nst. 1)..,m,, ; 4,,,4,,,1 tys. .R. , , i"ersr ,,71 I -tz:i. the control comtitit,,swr I''r tt t.on-- , tr'r. to tlt'rtnartS- - to !lie wri!rr,today: tiff: ri')::'.nnIt .C.tlir:P-11.71..ii ' ,, ,. ,,th thg a- the nerotiatione ICI f l'' ' 1't T ', '. Ite'77-er fa wASHIN,ITOV: . today 1,17 Li PaSy, in the rity,, tle lipr:s.ng 'Al tteret from- the San :.. cows. 7''re an lii ry ',11;4,5 Amer., ,,..7t)7s, dltranited f New '.v.ex.- -, d el 1.: Todair's invitat.;on will. b,) sent tuiA.,, 'expla:Mrat:-- Th,.. r,:t-..:,-, San An7onfo 7,..i, : S ' have kept put-- , na e rea- or,ord.Liziy. 4The - about a ser,re'of the thoort prominet,e of Alem'd 11I P , .... Dies Amnesia Victim ,,, ,., t t r,, ,,',If. h,,p P.( prorolse son is clear. th4-- , Tho. tinz offltb:? (1.ilfifizo,71 FroM-Effec- t V. hCl. Tzn.nerts have. shown Wit hidos W ,S P..1';,4-,inst. tho Inhitn)ts of the of Poisori th3,.T'g .71 .! . I Att,ided tintil-a- l . 1 t heir h them-or to reent act ghs decisied Iint() . 1.,..t.n,,,,,tal u .h7t t:rile three sect x.Ms which will deal, district, the seivest.---wit,ii-p- p '.1alxstlYNioir esiroovi:at 14, ha4 ta en CI fiar tWr) la,,, btl.,. goal syndicate,. !,,cirr 1f,irg, iet,,r,es f',, ..,Tht, .A.',,,:,,!e,1 , respectively, l'res 1 -i ti es No Lithuanian troops are takint: the Miners' nsociation and the Iron' 1,, 3 tzAts: t. th, lorrorr;,7,1C hef,hivAP J tn, :it-,,- . Nr,- not adVd tlik'0'. at a like pace, vt', ' the -h (Itpert in the- reheilitio and so far our, leather ',i thrt, !::reC:en:, produCers' assoriatiOn. ,, t...,, 2 , r 6,! r, FN., ttt consumers' have refud to tn a proclamation government has ignored the inciden t: ,, 13, to hit, ri,t at p3,',t , ..,, .,,ri;Generegoutte, ralloW the market upwards Th(. hide wt, tx,,, t, -t.1,,,On here thirst mornisig, gave notice all p,)sslv offirjany ,11Theugh we realize that the, :',7 - H.'. !. 3,g s'rn.k' . .,,-,- ' :AK S market frar:n therefore has broken and s.;fftrong measures of pressureWould, be up-- , movement is iic express.on of the ,,,,,n, has ''t 11,s : ed , : !. , . , 4 4fter - t.: tils Is sur- ,Lt resed e its Pr N!!pled- in case the COMMISSIOtt offi-- ; timents prevoihnit among the peopla.i !I "e,:". A l:1,11,11,--1:- , vras , ,, a,., , r. :,, t .4., , fuldr,n, and leather I markets in the Mem. it:str.et." , cials were in any way interfered O. :n bin 5t CHICAG t , I 7 ' j ' of the ,..':,1.: t.',nrrt--'''. ern, nOW Are in ele,ser aceord 13.Study ,:: ,, lern appear, ' ' r or. endangered in their work. or in t'be Nimister S,ii.l.M1:5tVi Ca I:eil at r. 11 ' "'"."-h--''-'' ss 1,,, ,,,, : '''' the 11, v :,,, tr. careers if 25 ra.Irceld president s. who,1 t her, ,, V'' ..: ..! : ig,o an1 ficl-. event t he loe al 4t.t-i . foreign office toay te explain the 1;..r.,r ,r1,1 t ,,,I on page two) la. ,',? I .,, .1 !he.6 (Continued , ,r h- !..s ,;. p',:,i::.:, a !..r.,,.t ew i!low.d. recent tr, , senatetomm.te. t.t,r, ,,,., ,,..t.,, r,ze, ,..,t, , ',ad The latest reports t ntroriv.g the 'eCOTIOnlie life of the area (hrough: situation. 4 fror,: ,t1"1 r I N,c NItok!,,, -- 11 t,,e. report. Veeiee ralartes of Merriel intitcsite thtt the anima; deeds er ;":anFive resistance. E Mo' ar-- 1 ,,!:;-uas the' reguh'rs w:11 besiege, the town The procitimation rispressed ' ' or more per year. show that the door ,r f.t- t resIlmea .11..0 I h op e that relations b tq uee n th e is tieft-e- ,id l nnda detachment opptirtunity in the railroad busint,ss t"'S ,,rT;z.n., txdrenstnic surprise and the t Frehrh the loe ll polioe r at 14 now gtan and French off t!":, tdands still to man be ITT : ft h:s. former every s ouk adflPti that the pittee has rnow:h ir' wideopets equally as good ,Itttli lre,E,I,";!' an.i 11., tool no tea- i ho enter s t he a4mviee " as fi l the occupied terrtory on the i- food upple toll hand to la st six 1.r E i4,haf.! ,c ,I, Railway 1 ' t.) left bank of ..the ,rm Age comments in as article pubtfshed now he im r,(..,:,,r weeks. . , . i.,,,,,s,,, 14114.7 A L ' K ansas ii,t . T , - .i.., General . pegoutte polpted Out tho today I. -1Tr ot ..".7 cr. rot re .se.i.sixttiten r tho 26 prettderta a nuitii Perfector It S 1,.A,-tr rperaGas Mask occupation ass i ISICI in. F. A. MACKENZIII tion- arid that it had- na polittL:a Char- narrie i entered the service before they Pacific la is a 1, .i, i': r: , ) i.,1 t, e To Receive Decoration , la ere I years old . acter. being merely fp" the purposs be -- rad At 2 4 Cable to Th e Desi.ret News 'Spacial -- -. or suppottlne and protectIng were 18. the railway m atta- 5f R. fore h the ,11 J. they ii.r..r..,,,' and Chl'ee,) Dally N(sves ' i . j T!Ir members of the commission. lie ap, zine arli Almost all of them ber,tn Southern at ,01 Pross,) iv ie Iry j lt123.) ' their carters astworkers in the ranks. atruetion erelnir. s ; pealed to the peopie for thei.r. co- , MNNT . it'opyright. I. Jan 13 Dr. Care !an, 1: 7I6S("t-INVJan. authorities' The oily two whO started gomparatti-- - T. M Sehuira: a !Pier-al.:operation. A!3-nle- .1 rf 14 of thP Presbyterian I tun hntr.fr,n1 t, ta 17. r,w Ho:den of ralicuip thp story thst the Rue- tively late in of at lifeHale the, operator h - "er, sian erowit jewels hare been removed Iturlingtoft- - tind Charles rionnerey:t-lhoil- etta,th Authorities V.- -I h 1 a s.,,,rich2nic t '., I to th0 17nito1 Stat Ps, M. llaititevitch. president of the Northern Illy The Amm Oriated PressV r W. j Storey. of th, Sa"tta. FP a as Allrtath''icettheend dsol:le.: 3 1 t oleo-11)er of the mate security N'part- - ts'ert fittOrhert in general practice 1:iettt: an axman in the thglnee,rj,.g E1:14;:rra: F1(,.,ht at Jan., 13.United: a Dunkalk States Senator()him t 20. k hioh Williatn has the jewels in its fore theY became railroad lawyers. King. of men( ., Utah. invaded President R. F Bush. of- tho lio1den joined the Burlington at 3Si Paettle: -;,. liardingo i charge declare4 that they eery sti (BY The Ass,,,i.atel Prtqw.) ,:enOrai 1)Inean. cornmandr of the 'night and attack.ed 0 safe and off. red to show them to the and Wall provident at 41S. .Drinnelly' started as a rolman it hom,town, by a parlv Ls headPd " .DUEILL.N. Jam 13:--thfh army men were tho poLc!eS of tin presid'ent's at ro.rt Omaha,. early , nd w Northern h the 24.! writer if the Pacific at admin.. (inane ott, Howard joined executed in 1,1anka2k this Merhing, it' istratioa en the ground that his atti- - granted pert:IA:no.. 1.41'"rv in Tho'r aceHs a 1:t 113,n,n tells a was The Piteirti. Age radren the at Itiy Railway', N'orthern following , was off,teially announced tY the Free, tudo Is hostile to natiOnal develop-Pres- s !er-'of the award was Th. That lopartMe.ot. however, refused story of hOwthe 25 presidents started i Charles TTTh ' In washinatnn and the citation amt un.re lyne!-Iahthorities. , and to international :ober on tho ground that it had allOwed on the road to the 150.00a or higher Xorth'rnPacJt. brOlie :nto as wiiir!peic - ert.dttPd 1)1 Cornea with having saved The moo we're sentenced to death' Senators King leas .the fraternity." a Of ()Ctia!ed SoMe to them ho,are lo(ter them pee salaries. follow: ft,m en attoney at 14., several ntbriths; principal foreigners leaid the, rxpec-etefor the possemion of arms and arninu- - spesker at the annual Jackson day, ago Ph(' woted show them "IOW 0114 I C. It. Gray of the Union PaCific. ih of ' sold:ars 101 t'hp lives of thousands Wlliarri Fproule, of the' Soathern tob,,r t .,.., Chrletmat.-- .i to istentEng purchasers. nition. was a telegraph operator at the age 011 Pacifith was ...a. fruight cerk In 1132. be ',In through hts work. .Lanquet. - - ,se , one of th- - mob members lay th :,, 1..f 1,1 !II:t1,-., She 7.,,',1 It" put; , of ,,,,, k7 he ,4 i f r 7- , : - t - -. ' -- (..,-,-- 4 17. .i - ,,,Taii :0, At least i , I : , - 10-- - : f 7,7 ' , roes. whiie and - (lone :rebt.rcs. it t.tii,.c,1:1iti:::;eu:d;1,r1ci,..1-1.ii..!!:ada:s- MO- - ' 1 1"." - n' du It egu000nft:nts. rstLi,t 77,1,1 Geri-Lar- - ' Ultimately Statute Will be Commissione r Haynes andi Ne vas ii t w headquarters 7al. grir1 l President. Colone Nutt OF GO OD YEAR Changed Says Hamiltar: toof CAlleged Democrats to be Repre Investigations For Immigrrabon .t.17,..orrn, ,,,,., ,,t po,.,oy l Smoot sented I:,,,,,, -"1 ." . ' Says .1,".' $a ekon West Coast., ",,t Four Pairs of - "Kicks" for ia,144,::..4ht c"'"r6",r-- ' the rnIte'd t''e-'-- ' Li, lie ts to,' 4.,:a, aft,iir. 'husk tote.,,,---,,-' !:: of ' t7.. ,;'7,1 I." 1,""1" !!';.nt.!71. aa I' r H''' . vi .. sot 1,, hreet .for Each plan .., ,'' . Estimate Person, t ,..it.., ,. t!i ...1',.r:.' .." ....; -- ( rifritarlation it NOW:" ,, s:Pi A f ,, r4; i i i ry ,,,,, t'e,,,,! N. , arm,: d saal tat ;went to the laid- 1,, t., ,,f er !r. f ,r , 4, 10.1.11),, t,41-1v..;it .11,ili. Placed for 1923 .'' '''''', ''''' 1..1''''''' S''''''' n i'''t.'r'. 14,7 rts be Road 1 ASIWATON Jen. 1'2' - "I'''''''' IVASII)tl'rt ;N. 4", ' - To ..,i4 " r.'gr"1 il,,i,M of f ;rot 1;7" soon gran:kat ' t'''''. I'"L' ' f" ''''''''''''fr:7:1 :, woutd t, f i of, i to ' .,ers :to the no arrse..1. li, ,. to a ohosen dent Ilaid"71Sinfo'rlisil Ct:,are,..s.o.na, ex", the -- -Th., Por,'ottot:s. a, e 7p7fing ,.,. h,4,1 she isa laPa on h. 1... he 1.. ttrnta r, Flourishes. ,t,,, r'Building w '' to",,or" a " '.'" "'''''''' t '' ..:s 1tante 7s teady to n 1, ra f !iat pf .,t7 hat , ' a the ' ast th, present ' , r jay sta.lt, r ,") 07 !,7,,:.: e :np aid, toe mait:',- rain, e ita. inden, , y ;',1:4, - ,.,...,-,., il.: ,,, pr,r Atious t!ine- - tot ehar,41re th,i, .,,,,,,,, ,,:, t. gran', .,,,,,, lAr ii. ,1 FA p 3 t 11;, 1,,,, ..'t 'It, t hr .7,.,:lk, ,11,IiI;FSirii - , 1. - ' "'"w '.'' . . FEELS CERTAII1 - :, , IIr ,.ff h r ,i - itarrtettile a tree," tees is Ill,oth0r from ad' lig 4 r ,h :pp.,I , ,0 , .1,,'1,r, -- , ii:- AT, : 1, r ,.! ., :;, l,..,, ,l's, , f,f i 5 01. r-113)...:-1,t., i,.0. 1 :,:1 :;,.,, , N.L1., l'Y 7 .k r r,(.; rr , I ,' ' ! A isteln 'ler .,r.1 r! ,,;r'! Fi,!1',. N.L.-rt..11 ;,11 ., rl.or,,rs sere ,, r !, .: i ri,.1 T., t:he .r 1 man u 't..! ..!.C''' '''. ',,,41 ! 7 hr-- ,I, , At.; :rh f",-- r Pri?111 PD T., !,,,k 1, I,,e ri;,1: S. I: A krniand, , .r 1, I ,I.a r,- -, s,11 t,e! 1,.., 'I! v u hnI le that reeret '!,,, equa::y 17- ,,, r.,- 1: M !!...,,0, l'.. T,:.4S. U ts taken Otit f!f -' Mss t 0 : ,I. t!,-gMaci.,ar i r,; ,in, ,,,,, , la A1,t l ', retorted 's ' fe iltA'',,to , u..t:',ItIt'...h,'r Itt'r;t:';':,!: ,h'' ", ' 3 t ' ,,, h. ' , r, ,, 1,,, ,' 0 .-,t , ,: :.11,ed :.en, It. la toas e,s.al,d. 1r,11,11 e the tr;:::.1!...,;',.'r"'7,;.,,',.Th , ii',,I tk,,,. the f.r,r t I ' h' 't'' t 7,:,- , t''t 0,, ,kk- - ',nee ,t '''; ',a,:0,,.,:,,,' '' , the 1:,fo. r ,. A,,,,. k.,,10 1;,..1,tell.!Wbfq) ' ,,n ek;ste:t. ,e,ere t tie s:,:ked riorit, riititt,,r,, on, .4 v,hom kLocked 11,,mc. dt - IT Me ,- li iri-,,,' P l r.' : ,o ' : 71'3", '77I rr' 1,, I T. , ,r.,1 v,,"t ,..,.. sl:,,t A,ny w,1I r, , ',:. ,,:, 1, i 0 n 3,; in.les 1 P tii(n.'''illAp '''''"it-r11"''''''''' '''''''It ' ' 4r:;:,1 as': riu:;II:k'll'ull h" A' 1 ) ,...,'"; h , r: , , hurt ,.1,,:ht!,, , W-2- i It. h 7,,i t ..t!IA t- - . ,i ,4. smoviE coLomf .., N. Tex trr ''''''' ,t4,,,, ,,,, .,1 . ,, :',.-- i i '. Als",-x- t.,4 ",- , n lied' Liu, eL e . D.,v,,i:,,, ile Isas ,,:dor irr,:: 11,,,p0;,1 ,, a t,1,.., '..1, , w - , , If, 11:,"f;, - - er, iti :' , ., ,.... I 1; k I - Press .I., h. 11 11 13'risl e T., e 1 '''' . ,' r t 1 , ,,,,. t Il: ! r or H A,,tli., 70,:r--, I" I f -- , ,.,,, ,, :,,, ,F.:, , - ii, 0 4,,,,J S,' ' - -, 1,..To ; 1 r.g..',4A,,r;!').:11-1-'-'!e,:i.1,4'4- 1 ., lo 11 tnetf clety Involved. , ily 14 .,,..Nkite,.. ,,,, ,Z,, )41 Pr - 4 ,. 4) z,,t,-zt,!-- -, ' - sr, 11 .,"7 Marion kl,o t i e.il ;,4 ..,i Woman and Friend Fail to Identify Members of Band 1' wh.i '''.; ' ,!..:" fit wi 0 N-- '' 1,EK, . , I i , VSIP lil 1 srtiltt Al 11011 -S 1 .rupt; Niii;, '11i, , ,VIR1 It.o.,61,11:;:. - 6....L - . on Brother of Girl and Self After - po El it Turned Gun Slaying. t ' '... i. ' .. 1 'ITT 411111 I ,a It',. " 1c ;' x .1,,,,,it,. ;, , Nti--- - , P! !: oc.i, , ,,,,e,,,;,,, Iiiir-ih:.4,- , 1 ti -- A - 5! ki., ,, , , nnrp irtillut I lo 41161 .1 r 4111"'"4.1.t"' ttlr'e.,c, giat:f1,-.47,77- , 1 '1,1;t!'41,ti'l r--st s r,1 ' ' 1 , it ; 4' 113;'67-47:....5- . - r.1 tsi - t ' .': -': tti,49 !! 't , ti 94...'Z Pt' 1, ' . 1 lotivrAti, . . ". .441:f 1. tp tly -- ' u 1,4 Vv., n .,,nti about ? t. Terttie,,1 ,' P hPlie c,f rl za!,!! ;')."th . io, , 11" 1 :,tS , -- rt., - i '1. .f - - - : aymerit Inrinnr Shootmg Actress 4 .: - Isest snks. f Et - 0,0, I e - ' i .,t t .7 t lusrt -, r .. ; the passi, I. t,p,,,4:.,,,,,s1,,,,u,.01, ;7:our", ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,;,,,,,,..,,,,i, .,,,,,,,,,, .,r,,,cr,n,. the, ,,t. ti,,, s,...,11,.,. n' the kolnalang of tt.at Itan,, kage llsat ha),,t,e7s sou,d not In77e ' a of coa,I. tliete is that the sbetetclkTilhu"oln14,,, tatits-events- hn't' tt'' rhaPeti ther"erv"t ha nets were nuestyined as to thel to permL.,etneetee to medial. hooting at Dr..lieKela. , . , ., ' Next- 'Moves 'would 'metal b-e- brat, tau, I t. ru t. st t ' ' ti--, .3 1 :.; : :Ili4,' 4. N ,v ktli sn ,:,ss.,:s; ki,s skug T.'s,' .rto )sls Is 0 i , t . 1,,ivt", ,.1 A 1. mist is, , 44. , , .1 r " "'" " . I - NI 4aossag4,.isit rtt epaild4otas alveles .tt, twat sin e wen hoping that ed Mateo that the scheme' forme.113s mated that the moratorium wauld Pertalt t"tt t v b f ,"'e t le rem fl g tr nment b 1 Ruhr equatton to take definite shape, t,t ( i1sAcrt,d 11A,W the extent of the eer,,,tary. flu .evkient making -.,, seetaid. a forno,.. prolotsit I, 17, it nsortie resbitenee'' poneY which 4, l' , it ulid i to have planned., Hot Atra ::: . Jan, '7 h, be,m !Strasse ,, .77,. 1,,, , Th.,t a '7, ,,,,- 4,7Ni as T110.!4, itIso, report 7, r si....,, of me! arrange el mie for ta- - des7 l'raape roiant endea.,or to de...use a worid t,rit ei.11.7.. t he w of ho lap' Vt a) I, ,":"..., ht putted ,.. th, !:uhr k.,,,,t, .,,, a ' I la 7!7) ' , TT t!th JJ, hi!,!! - 0 1- ' Tite .! : :is, tt.ttr , ' - - . , u. . , r, t pssnA I, g ix in it- e fta'sP into mxotitf'si , , T.'S 111 MTTTI1?- I tfiette'v hotti I I ss. ,s, i IL,c1..!!...1.2r! a, , , . . -- 0,0 Lon ' tt. ! a:. 1.10.!:,,'T, (IA n,d ca:1 a la,- - r p an4 14,04,4.4-1,xtsa- x , 0.,,,v1t, T- 1. , - t., ' Pegpim ao ,1- , .44 v." . Ii , - , , ' J.n r ,,c 1,. T. ) t t , 's ' II NI VA , . ""r ' .1 t t Prep. la Am.-we- .' m.., , ,t ) - tot. S'' ilk' . . ,,,, : 4 1'1' :t,r YEAR 1 TEXAS Reason Given for ' - i, I d - I:,- i - !to, '1- son ..v s;, 11,1 r 111s Fren( a that ,n ',rap,they in.ght f.n.! payment ish preparat.one of the.r new t011011 PliLG. Rolar,,t w, Hoyden. the Americanobserver. was present at Elie thrtt- abig, which tasted a balf hour. Stet, W0111 ticket). to notify the tier:nes gove- i - ' s I i (;,rn,:tp!:6 triet !.44 tt ,1 tor r Tilmr1 4 WASH.' N(:!, :00 f t t), 7, Ift;tn-:- r r. 1 .a ncv, 1 t. .! Ilt IA iP 113 tartitng appeal a;z1141,4.1"1.'"."' ..M, r, par rir i , The tomontaeter had to oroolo reneh 01101.110141.10r Ow to the the intittilattem .:, et Vbittellt. 1(0111W: And Tt , T' - lot 11:f4, .. 1- Reparations Parleys ,P Revival of ";-Cause May 0 ,, . , Hughes Plan. two Jam RUILLIN. , 1 4. . on L IN- - J,R,i,v, It'eitis I ' : ..L!.,1 Sympathy. France's Request for Further watt (Into T...rf 1 Testifies Belief Dr., M. McKoin Shot Holes' In Own Auto to Gainl, , ber Fails to Cast Vote. I EVEN1'V-T1111U- , s 1.11C1c1, ... , 1 .,, uNITED sTATLis i Witness - !,. , if42,;; .. .....i, I- , German Installment -- n:::r1.-Ttril- . , - TO ATTEND PARLEY tl: . ot, ' .v4 4, - 4, - MOTHER EAT,-- Epostpones .. ASKED - . , , - mm is Reparations France Asks ' . - ',i")'.4 -- only through , y;: J, --- - GIRLIWATcHE.S-MQ13.7- -- ..i,,.iw Att 4 who uses .advezttaing y Perm-Theshows that to It the he ought he, knows Lae' round. year' merchant The - . . - . E , ! -- - AS1 4' mlob00....-..- 1 MAY--B- ,- ...- . -- - ... ' ' - , , qP ----. . f. -- ......0.... , OS ,. ,.,, ,,....., , c. .....; , ' ' a 0 .. , - It 0:01111 ellipli.. tg I, '.,-"- . '',.-- ,W; a , ..., - ; , a. . ..4 lAcYfttN,, z :' Y . - , "NI. - - I - ,, . , 7 - 2, r - - apdprObabirSundity il ..: . Weather Forecast.Northern Utah, fair tonight ' ' . .. , - 7- 111001.4.100.1....1.1. , ,, , ' . - .. I , ' '.10,40,1o.' , ',IA' Aft , ' . - ' .;--. '..,- -. 14,141. ;.'"---' 4 V , i0,,. , t |