OCR Text |
Show ..r. 'I A TUE DESERET NEWS 'Tidy of Accused-- . .TRY 11115 FREEI , - POEM - , I I Vew Invention rteut on Mt piny, heitore I wo,era.1, ROSINS SHOW -- 'nisi: . -Test ivitin, now 1,4 attire the 1101annual shoir of the Utsh " '''" "n'l log my p,w rupthe h,$;llt Pf a det.ttatt,u. harAttd demo ,"', come elation today- - T N, eVY.Frr bia-nk- . , r , ,40kb; a4,1 rhottat,r,rnytat ' --1 IF IX Juotto Knox afternneln t,y ,s4::;,7 to an end at lo, oolook iotight with a I Friday 'Yr" "'urn "'''' sen4 w'll ) of l', F3rth Judtal rt,ttri,trt tit,dFt'nf pr011itrY ,.I, , elos:ng of the doors (By Aroociared f,r runturn, the nt 1....:t,, (h . a" or Wh,rk ?; Ant hher in the Hanson bulhPor ani the. Into"n"1nal anti t ot, twxt.-- 1 MIAMI. FL. Jan- - 13 IY lee or l',1"; ten' te,77 :.,,;1 ,.....,,, th7okArt,ift rabbit 1,1;:titrig, La.rd xritot In the ever, tt, who 11;e1 l''''uhahr 1, and lloot- l'l,etc,,o''', 'I"' l's' the better you will Sugar House.Edgar yin to include. in ittch :ritr bar4'::r ' SE,',.-a, '4".111 wee Vfu featured' 'Last urder hoW " whilf you ri:,jo,oui,;,-,,'''''''i'r program night's I five cruerir hY a. rn;,,, i.t I, n 1,,t, bora thit aftPrnoor f. alotor w ith tl,,,, oil atyl"e in I 0 0 V hall. bil,rortet a charg. ,, , , , o..4 botteen the th,.town or goi t tt 11 A tageta Smith, 000 tond to await trial on hi, hard, whieh'Elris House,,at sugar wit,, p,05 d h tht, tt''''',Ing t,,,,mittry n.r ,,eltt 4"n lei;; tf.,as ,...Ing itarr,,. "Ltt,'' Ih a tie id torture - Jr.. ?tanager of the bhow. acted it,of IrroirdrIng his wit,., .anOr., trc,'In.1.;wt,,t, ,'1";';'',,,,,4't im'llArd The ,1,,vs ; r,,tine t,astniaster to 1.,,,, speake,s ,..,h,r,;;,.1 will March-liitt V ..:' N t,t11 Yuur of You it tr ileorg0 hotel ,t,t1 ell,r7,,r , rirds citY FOP,, ,ottty ral',roaI Yr,..,,ka Inthe '''''''''''n .1'.0, (111,11 D. W., Parra,. s,iperntendent for burial Fra.ly nor'it, tnr Yt:rn ro,i-rtf.,..... ntc ,t ;4 8"larr,IS, lennunced ,,r,.r.,..;!n;.- , nuy , Chirago tomorrow of the raranito lettnot tlis'f,,t. Nierlin tire ,, ,, ,, ,,,,,,1,1 ,,, ",,r,. !..,, F,t .f:vh.f ItttFir.c (, a .)., 0; 'Y' It )1. n,tt bad waiii,--Soiiihw'orth. 1,,,,ith.mt nf ,,.... Go.ri,ettY', K ' hr'd .h:1.?',..70,,,tnurt w:-..- ,r at th. , r Ji.,,,,,,II en'.,y' ;sayoi ,il:.er 7.,,,,I T,tinoi ters' club of Sugar :,.11r.!n A...nsia81...1 ts,s thrott !art !.,,- IA17 4 F,,,,it,re bete,or:-a.n; ;.;',,, vo,l tcin. preii.Tient ip!Ure ; 9f the' Surat House ge!,:ng sii.ii, an.1 ,t Lot onai ti'''....,-F h,,! to waa w'nun,'1.4 tlitto,,,1 n nAln '! ItIr ' Is a a mere,'IT rannon "' Flilltir C'rrf, guns,imp. leastue; rtan.', )1 c,1 4 ,,t, ,itt. - tr,tt " Inr.a!tr,tod '.41''''''''r;. t lion o. ti,T.. Juet return ,i 2. and you are prealdent of the Utah Potr'ry , 1,.c.....1r.:y fatally', on t E. r'r ri. Any r,ipi,,r4 applintt,u. tions EcksTrand f ,;'.,tt trt:: , ,o n,roy. r , 1.,,,,,...,,, th rirs:.....i,i of the , 3n 4.'.1'' i!Isi ItorrtrP Vt.sh Nat,onal flahhit. 1:,,ir,or: l'a,t?tc and ',nnf '.,'v ,, ' '. ji, tv3i riI,,,,,,,,;,,;1 from ;at'. on. ,,t:',', ro,r..,1-- t .. Bre,ders' .s terth ,rYirtit NVhy yo't il.t toil Fant.iorB' assoc;atiAM en.1 ,ted,, E' t i ,,,, :r.;,.. r 7n ittit; ,,,ty.,d UV, bond Ii.on f.,!- aft,ir , h. ttr:',4:- . Wt, ,,1,,,,... ...,., ,r.,::,i f offer.of friends tilts Branch of ,,,,rcr,r,,n Lcsa o,,e 314,14 rui.i,re,i of :or, StinIttlit, ,i,, rutt twnucux :4i. bounlArY ;:f!,rr y ,7 1, ,,, ittIV hark here. r'r An- NI, p:aire, po,,I, A ftor Li s,,, ,,,;;,f,,. t lila poultry exhibits this yelr r,,,,,t Iif am 1;:,ftt ;;,; tr-,r- ,il . i ", ti -----,1, l';01 ,,,,,,,,, nu .',1,"''''''' ii. VI,IIIilicg..Kntas, ..' ti4.,Ii . tit4t.',..4.1'.."1..,,l' bi$ re (qt se htt ttn,lortatr,t, t,t,!i ,r,,71!;,r, - ' - '''.,-I ,,- ...'''..L'.' h41,i;Ithat TO 011SERI, it FIREMEN ;46 MOT' , the ifei..1.- - .." Adt eiT r, in Ch.i-Isgor9furn,rig t - "I ' "- -l "r!rttmans roght ;orrt , or,ert,P4 a .str'!'', 'T .,," ' '' ' , ti The siat, laitird li, Iltit -. n , iiia;iir,:,, ,,1; t1;.ng' at the Irrtnanuei ItAp arti atel Alex. SundAy to tr al an d ti.a'ill5t:fli,l ,!r- wIth f t,.- h,t,! dei-aVe r al m , 1;:, ,e, , . t' l'erta it,e, K- - t,-- t rhtl rrh Se,0114 South :,r,1 Furth nut rl t,-- 1 , t-- - be- - c.i, li ,tuoty' tfficcals e,tithat the IN, tr;at w34 w A t4, l ,r ,;,., m Ntreets. Rev, ..,,,i t t.. - r)f, ''.;r4 shroii tn Ra.tA ,,,nd.lon county ilo:f and Seymour ratt,ter Were ft F;re. p;)ettk on "If Cc hoard re- - iiiorge t ina tde of of 1,,,ler A. tor clualizallon tr earer. Affleck who pre,...den Datil 'vat, n ",1!1 F'tr W. Frady. Chief it. ',.!'.1' ' ,air,h-it- t, . .r ' el:Ktramting szen-t-4,4- 4 "a.-,.t-. , IC, CCIC court .,,. scr,:cii , ro t hand tcd. furrIFi m,;ttir '2" concern it r.ce Anicrer,r.. cat! A. Liadatr and hes-- - ',stte,tal se,tion will ,ti.ia:,,,1 the boart of t;quilizatian, in the aud;tor 22n: for the sort tat a lie'li.',Iist eye a, ,,,,i that the Llilion Pacific- - filed rr tfrw,ttt .1 inz rtncrved for firemen and thIr n1 B pritdant: N1,n- W. ilr ,, h Alexander and the next ,picrp!ader .g yar, ypLrls--.1Thott- citit 1'17 ',". ,..71S1,11,1,Iit, Vve.,,1 the bountl,ry, c,r prtt44tht: , re-- A ,,, ittforne," Pr, t , ,Mider,, ii,,,,., r,,,,,,,,,,n, to Fic.h ' ,,,,,,. ' a ) , ) an- ti V. W,gni, V alres '', ,.' t el Mid year Pledir,-.g- , , .. Hall. ,44.' TO VIEW ,. .01,11t I rip; '''' .r ''' ", 'In- ,t'nZITITT,' hisi 3. 'T. Wi.of it,In tor frinnt-It - I ' ' -' t ' ,,,, of ti.a.b. W!..,..,., !:, 101,..x was aeknd r,,, nr state effrala Arid members and of::.,r,,i,:,;,:,C,Lit..1, ,,t ,,,,totol for on, ' :as!udge the Third dislrict ,,0,1 ,,,, ,,..,,,1 T,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,, toot ththeityl-r.l,i.,:;! ,prets,duElieeld bc e.e tett Witiard Ricn f,,ets of the state ierrAlature are my',.,r, tcr, , r "t, , itt -7444041 1,ith Vea44,c1t4- - thr-- ,Ch; Cooegs;-Xtel- e i Knox held cl 1,,,1,,, Court in th,R. Pettit ituroti, Jesse, city Mtirdnra. Aileen Etc.oley and Me,a CartilVe Stntri,. and ditinino fnm., TIow a Late Striniiirti ,"tlillilY Volidit.g. county alad Dr. doss A Andtditon for hoard or Nfade, whit'h win in the Phi.- Mtse Ooatotie Darton abil ,. for two years. three to bq halirori of the flOtel enenentelAVerin,sr,t,' 4 by the county a ttor.. iontrol Mt., vt,ts r,p-t-tAlpna Cir. Inas Dorothy Irvine, 3 elected. E and JdttiFrdi At ,,a, h sr eta a rt, heY, of firm the by ,s,..1 pot m 7, daV. Jan. at 'rite Betoil, invitati,.n 1,,i et Mark Rich county and Miss Areba eltorkett: Latrilada IN- la,Y. lictpaugh COMPS through Prof. P, W Raynolds. Mari.hall MarMillan & Crow and by Lambda: xis!, Nina Clyde. :Airs Piottit the 4.1'0111001) dtVillteD Diseases Idireeton Contagious 11. NIACtformer P, La . Nester hue county Attorney and Ilia!, on th,i a in Made. was par,' Andertt,n Mrati Le:a Maud- .41144.,rti, F.n: Peliri. Et,r,:.,-,floar Attehouse an," nett f ey: eka:nrtht Stxtr.a 3rEtrtt th,r)01 NeatilEreh Utah Club of the !egithe activities sent., Committee . and M,ss Ara, l:a Wright: ta Id diseases for Um week s:lature in the 1921 lieSSiCon contagiou 1'hi. Miss Inas Barlow and :late!! Marie Nominations ,, id,ng January 12 showed a marked Realty. Recital. ' I In.crearto. accaarding to the report-o- f Monday's the 'a I Aominattons for officers n e tcominhe c,,, boar? ,,t bt,altb there, ElkfidNEER TO SPEAK Ina being Chtth for t,,,nill , he ' Mondays t.; ernacle t,rg: 1 n ,,,-!- a The report shows thttr Or, L D. Andersen chief engineer for 'eat wer, suidnitted by tb, norwria- - ca,es. EiAard Asat, Oorga,:.-71 births as 32 prugram at the weekly deaths. committ,e the Vals1 StatPa 1,1tnin1; smettl!,; ,,it,j Contag. against nr ieR IVCrn timed 4,- Totov,,,,-COMPAtallWill Isrliverilan atl'"'"n ot Rehm dress on the needs of eivil stviece ex. r".,-Ifo- ri M TITa be held Frtday 4; rilial'ithflria II; scarlet - Nat.iftMtiS: - Anattoara vening,, dinner ',Att. at to be served before for tht the Itotet Utah at 6:10 o'clock. arrrreattens 1; whooptnie criugh..21; chicken. engineers in D. MInor (IV A:!Pgr, A,a, Sonata x', 22. and mumps, til'.. weekly lunchen of the all-,ersgular club A new constitution and s a . were, ar the Chamber of Corn- gineers a but .cottailpred at the meeting F." Sthi:t.srt merce at 12 la pm. Mot idaY. ' (a) Seronade BURGLADT IS REPORTED Nrnuct from (b) , adtrintilment "Er,ri(1 -- 17" fix rdel time came The COD- - I M. ed. 351 Morfai- Conrt GL E E CLUB EL EC TS . l tlihToks e wil be at !shopVan likely adopted tb i ic l this morning 'that (a) Favorte. "Mormon" I!, ,nn. .(, Iona Lunt bas been ela,"ted president real nomination's may be made the ' hil' place haat been broken into and ran. . My Father" ....Arr ty ,, 1ast night. :Ft el the Ctah Ladies' Glee club The oth.- Final A, gold chain. a ; (b) An Old If !ndr A rr b:-it ,,f the .;.,tion ieacked er officers are Leaf Whipple. vice presi- committee made the fotlowing recompatr of glove!' and a bilk shirt were :Gloria A from 1:th Mass..VSM,zart 'eto.ett. dent. and Emma Johnson. manager. .a41 church note. mendat,ona. ra Sent to ,4, ' f 0,,,..:;,,,,,,,,,,,,:,.u.,,.,,,na,t,f jiS.:umlint.;: ,r ,,,,?T,,.- e , ,,,, rinsing: I - ,1 1,r otice to the Public nn44, ,,,,i,1! a iatltory ''' 'l '" mir"t '"'''" Aitrrrus to-sh- ow v.,!, Rh ' .PC , ' ':'"' deputy'assessors are instructed to be courteous, and we expect the same from the public; and should an incivility be ;flown on the partof my deputies, please notify this at once. t, Increase' During Week ange Sumts ,,. Organ M. L,:HI Curnmings, - aenl 4 - To the residents of Salt Lake City and County. The deputy assessors are now in the field with card their identity, also their assessment book. It has come to my notice in the newspapertthat-deputysheriffs.a- re posing- as assessors for the purpose of raiding homes. without any authority whatsoever from this office. All " v.' ;' . Af " "''' wouo- i', i and r'''''' rrss f - rr23 13 , , 11, ' JANUARY EfililiT.DECISION DI SOMMIT COUNTII Murderer to be S VrITRMY - County Asséssor. f,,e IBMINIMMMUMiWIAIRLMrWMMMUMR,! ' 1 . . - 't.. - - " X 0 , , .: ,re'tN ( 4 7So Gumming World-Famou- nom Ofinpoome Sho400 Mato" io bosoms ammo. Roosttiva Arvada I dporleraoto Loa war I No Ass direMit s ityrotstat. easy Savo m0000ll &maim hat :111PLEX I!ZONE MAMMY &ad ownostimoi. fad. olo tbot Ara 1104 amid MIS& tF - - r - ..- -- .- . - t. - - I - . ' ' - . -- - - . - le I i I 1 V(;1' t , ,t ;;7t f S. . tP sl - TTTt 'Ff.! . - . be done with the SIIPI,EX-in- ONE HOUR. .1 ... . Sile-ive- -4 , -- If you decide you cann-O- get ... - ' , -- - - - Judge-Joahu- ' . It's a Nell , 0 n I y .$7.50 as first payment, and then yogi can pay the balance in the easiest of racy monthly pa.- ments- -30 days between the small payments. .Ray. la o , ... I .. . '' . ; 1. ,vat :, 7.,,, 1. . A . - ,?1,14-4.- zA-:'- ; 41 These easyl terms of payment are most extraordinary. Usually 'a substantial first payment is requirefl. and the outlay each month is two or three times es muck, , Ask your neighhór who has a Simplex-- value she places on it- - probably more than on'any other appliance she has in her home. Then try it yourselfthaCs the test that convinces. "It costs less to iron the Splex Way." - money-savin- - - I ,::( t1! A r.t 14) TT:: FOR P 0 , t4 WI CIE MZ YEAH FERROUS one.), than for manie months and shoe tac- -' fories botb in NfTw England and in the middle west are working not only at capacity too are Pm ploy i ng night to meet Ine;r- requiremtnts. in, the leather trade the last remaining ob. to capacity production.in the - P.rediet Average of Four figure, show that three - 11 1 1) C. - ,', s ,, Warial WIII:r::: -- it PROGRAM . 4, 'A fi ;F g ishits factories.-. niper FLANS T:; ,i...14!-A- " ElmOii,7,te'Iriletuo tcootinue.t from page d - . - If she would part with it. t.c,arn the great - , rit , to make such an offtg. lye are able with the becausectfspecialq'ttangements manufacturer. NaturaV our supply 0; ironers is limited. Don't clelayget your order in as early as possible and get the. benefits of its,manyolime and features- Phone us while this offer LAS - ,f 1 For a Few Weeks Only Convince Yourself ! - I ,, Pre-14,1,- AILYou-Necd,,T- -- ' hours- t ...i.44,4e,,,,o,n,,,,i.4. J.'" r' electl i .. , -- . . Theti' a a e-zalqedst .4 ' : -- eaeo-litie- o along without it. , -- re--the ve.-.n- ,,, The proposition is simple a genuine Simplex Ironer delivered- and placed in your home wherever we have service capacity available. t's,e itrtestit. see tor yourself how it produces matchless ironing re. suits.. See how perfectly you can iron shit4ts. aprons children's clothes. tai:10 linen- -- - st that----h- e EIT -- Ironing-ca- . e - 111J01 practicallyevery th ingteItovveasilYandsztisfactorilythe or6narsfi,or - - -- . S ,R,r3 IIIII y ,lik4P4 i c;1 Will Be Sent To You On ., s ,, owe .. g ,d",THE BEST IRONER" ',- - siiiN I. NIMES"' The pairs N of shoes were made tor every woman and child m the AMUSVMENTS in 1922. They may squeak hut the buyer's are not squeainn and a TONIGHT pairs r., fnrecast fnr 1523: TO ASSIST IN EUROPE ,Nevtrhai.t xr,a-1- . building'A Pp e ra Adams ,o heavy in Any inter .8 VANTAGES and "Quincy ticriA laudville. Savor Present. Money in p:enty Is with Vaudeville ORPHEUM Iat in tinzens of etat es ani , (Continued from nage ore.) Thompson. "The Egyptian." and and stipplies are in acute de One of the Dooley & Salm. Poincare, has chosen to 61.11 Mr. Inland for th.s purpose. companies Of Youngstown has SALT LAKE THEATRE"The Hughes' siiggestion an informal mat- informed that stel requirements Bat" ter and to deny that it was presented 'been as a formal proposition. He ham taken for this purpose will total a greater WILKESBert Levey Vaudeville .. ever before. and Wm. Duncan in "Wben definitions "'nage refuge in the of official and unofficial formulae in Under the urge of Dr. Milli4 Reese Danger Smiles." n of the cotton grow-upodiplomacy. At first this was looked Hutchinson, head bill Caner Musical STATEMonte introt-rrners a has been with disappointment. As asociation, it and - Metro Npecial, et Comedy cat-- s out how; M. Poincare's attitude dined urging-th"Missing Husbands." . the main weapon n,,rty be turned to advantage for if clum arsenate. AMEJAICAN "The Dangerous the ?tench feel Mr. lilthes auggeto agitinst the boll weevil be placed on Age;" "Our Gang" comedy. t1,11 was not a and hence the free Lat. The main dependence propor Ali-PAILIMOUNT-EMPREShas not been deelined the American of the cotton growers however. is on eovernment would not ohiect to mak- - the increased attivities of the smelters Brady. in "Anna Asoends;" Chrisarproduce-whitof west which the tie tv)medy "The Chased Bride." ing it again in offtc!al form If there; settle as a byproduct and On the aris a.zly hope of aeceptance. BROAD'WATIfary Anderson in it. is hoped of ores which Utah eenal To Save Acted 'llinebeeutil Jr." Comedy. Ministr).may be brought to the rescue of the .14 I There has always been a feeling In cotton geoweTs. here that l'rern'ier i F,:tnie quarters 4. Ore Production Jumps. Ituricure wanted to keep the Amer'- Oil production has increased in the an p:an as u sort Of a, e in Called the by Death Im-rid how-aUldted l' 4,. would- hookant. v. th more fa,i.,r Exi.erts in view of the de'y en it after thc States. thel tarar.N David Phillip Pratt-4- 10 li,e1 reer.;oel Lnteo the - Ruhr crease of Ilextoan produ etion and the home. S"9'eenter szreet. Dav,,1 ',hill', LI ,n hefore. Too Americen offer waif other conditions of the petroleum in- - Pratt. 0.2. son of the tap Parl,y 1' if t.'arse in id, u Rh Llie DI. a of yr,- - dustry preiict an imniediate incr ease Pratt. and Mr s Sarah Houston Itr,tt. ill., ir.as:on Of the Ruhr. Ac- - Of the price ef crude oil. led by oile died Frniar. He WAS horn in Ant,r where he aren't tax every nee- - eon teiL,an,tc of a wouid have compelled of high ri.1 th Frtnch to abandon their own' tion except California where offset 4AIS ,arryira,mail, INIle Iate.r f stAck the hi,e res:e.inc t welle a raised do:. rrnitietion to seize to have the Ruhr. prodiwtion point Anleri,A S hustnese M Sarah he married Fork Tiv did not WArd. to do this r.rst,i where further increases are not re- eetu t, w 44,'- ih-oTIRCY. herf!..tee they with.,--,tt tnr;VTed One daiiihter how much in earnest. France mar The electrical equipment concerns-tIt'acktnot. T1 a.. and eortrel- In- - 'the is. .1 second beceese French apin- - eannot at or- - ran, bine and ShArr Ind',' tr','s pace 1." with present keep -- n id o he satified that the ex- - !ders rlf' h' The Weetern Electric rompanY Inwire "" (ka" nr his t f trt.1 Clurse had been taken. Other - !realizine that fact. hate bought new r...,..,l r.A.r,, F.,. r Al";,4:-- wIr..r1,71" " i would have 0"i' trIse rempremse factory sites in the east, but the an- - '''''' thrc v. n the f'rench ministry. E" tenencement that the New.Tork Tele- - ,1,7,vreil.,..,81;:.; 1,.,',1.,,,14,ret,s;;;Im'rt,' vh: I ,a,ct Off e'..a!s. here see deelded hope in alone ha, prepared Reeht At Co wont merelta ,tt... In add!. company phtne the e!ernieht cables and it weuid not et, ow, oor r ,,'", ortthe current year or ex. tten to his W'.. he i. Tte s,.7prtsing if et any mr,ment ti.;"sion., .ir,i iha, the tinnoi, fo,low,or 07:!.1t.n. :',!:. x- - 1,1,, S Fti', hii'l! ( ;rtiO from ,...p....,,,,,,..,...p."-,-....,.....that'i'v- if -the riii171 b Ti IliTi 3111 have. made it duht till salt w'!''',,.....,1 Should such action be improvements arrangernentsalle,' accept,..i. if the eonce en fulfill b e announced metal is- Ver. taken. unqu esiiardy the 'orders wietit at least delay au- the to would wish get Jan.-tretien At the family ref!. anti, thoriv --to attend officially the see- !tient.... 5;0 west Third North street,. powER ilEovRiNG nut.. v, if. ,,. mpr the siopo--44 reparations 'a't,te .tei,rr A heerfng on the appileatteeteef the died to,7ht7v. Is at the Larkto The rower To Act Needed- City of FIllmore in increase the elec. tnortttsry, Funeral arrangements wiq Harding In a repent let- -' tr1C power rates will be conducted neXt bCAZITIOUtirel- - . sald the hands TueselaY by ter to a Greenwood,17P1!OLD norsr. LAW. of the executiv e branch of the goy. commissinn.:ernment were tied by l'a k of power Thethe public utilittes tie rilrn FJES MI1X, la Jan.- .1 diStribgtiOn frty.nr tne re;,arations controv.rwy; which IA supplied with pOwer th Iowa bonus Senator Itolunson.. Democrat intro- - sysi.em the Telluride w An la was; upheld by Polk county Ms duced his resolution to Sive Mr. incr ease of a bout power rompany cent in the trio Court Judge Lester Thompson. Harding the Ileceenatv power. events: i rates is Asked. in ;in'opinion hamled down to,lay had changed somewhat tad the ad. ministration felt that it woad be ionoportore," to pass th resolution at the very moment when France wae beginning to march into the Ruhr,. At No appears that France 114.! decided to ask the reparations com11' IOSA mission to arrange new conditions- of 4' unania On matter suet; 4' payment. :,.. ,........r. i mous constnt is reqiired in the reptrat-. . .................. ions commilofpn. Americas opportunity to reconcile the conflicting viewpoints of Britaina and France 310 Ntr. Boyden, would be enhanced N the AnierVan lepresontative had full ('Of, and act. Unquestionrinwer t 04 ably the evernirbt news wilt make it to d;tfieuli for the adininiatration . loITT from participation in the cou.nrilS of the reparations com sion. cliANcE Is : , SATURDAY, JANUARY 13, 8:DO P. M. Warrant flffteer. 'Anat. lovatisetor of the 3SIII Yefoultry flood from Pt. D011.11104 I lob. rthiett to nee of She hest In the I nitti Stoles Sever' hos a rd a epeeist hood concert rohtelt rIll be rendered so s reitowai : Coloestie of Coliiit.it." R Al,taniter . : Overture: "queen of Autumn .........: .... .. :., Carl Bigge 3,Waliz, "Min Tiaurtli gen' "Chimes sof Normandy" "Mountein Maidens riresm" On Mountain He ights" 7March, "Gloria" ... ....... R - ,..... R. Kel.gle'r rlithittiotte Lahirsky E , Heisler r. ifr LOStY II |