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Show r.- - THE BOX EIDER NEWS, Brigham City, Utah LDS Tuesday, November 29, 1960 Indian Chapel Third Ward Tells Holiday Confection Tree Of Annual Bazaar Will Host Bazaar The LDS Intermountain Branch Relief society will hold their annual fall bazaar on Tuesday. Dec. 6, from 6 to 9 p. m. Theme for the evening will be Trading Post and the public is urged to attend. Included in the evenings fun will be food sales, handicraft and needlework items on sale and many novel Christmas gift ideas. The event will be held at the LDS Indian chapel, .119 East Seventh South. Phyllis Wiscomb, Relief society The Thanksgiving turkey is just giving dinner at the home of Mrs. a memory and a pile of well pick Yates, parents, and during their president, is overseeing the project, ed bones, but the fun of the week- stay had tiny daughter, Kathy, which is being planned and sponsored by the members. end is still being talked about by baptized. On the return trip who were traveled dinner near at Brighamites they guests Sunday and far for the traditional family the home of Mr. and Mrs. James ed with her new grandson who was born on November 19. G. Sorrels, Salt Lake City. holiday. She is now at the home of her Boulder City, Colo., was just a WE JUST couldnt eat another mother, Mrs. Alice Sederholm In pleasant jaunt for Dr. and Mrs. mouthful, must have echoed Brigham City, where she will reS. L. Moskowitz and son, Pete, esmany times during the Thanksgiv- main for another week while her pecially when it meant spending! from an ing feasting and it was no excep- mother is convalescing with the Thanksgiving holiday tion at the home of City Council- operation. who is attending school at Anne, man and Mrs John Hadfield who Busy, busy. busy, is Miss Bessie the University of Colorado. The hosted family members at dinner. Hansen, county extension agent threesome left Brigham City on Gathered around the festive who has had as her visitor for the Tuesday afternoon and were back board were Mr. and Mrs. Delbert past six weeks, a sister, Mrs. Vicin town Monday. CenHadtield and family, Mr. and Mrs. tor A. Surface, El Salvador, THE TURKEY that graced the Jack Hadfield and family, Mr. and tral America. Mrs. Surface actable at the C. D Omans was Mrs. Herm Hadfield and family, companied her daughter, Carolyn king size to serve 25 family Mrs. Thelma Larsen and family, to Utah, to enroll at Utah State members at a for the all of Brigham City, and Mr and University. The south of the border visitfirst time in three years Mrs. Charles Kelley and family, of on to Washington, D. C. ta Enjoying the holiday fare, were Salt Lake City. Also enjoying the or went Mr. and Mrs Keith Thompson and meal with the Hadfields was young spend a few weeks with three children, Tamara, Tonia and Tra- Naydeen Fonnesback, Howell, who oilier sisters and will return to cy, Salt Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. was a weekend guest of the Herm Brigham City with her husband for the Christmas holidays. Glenn C. Oman and sons, Greg- IHadfields daughter, Judy. with Mr. Surface is employed Mr. and Mrs Grant Secrist, ory, Michael and Kirk, Woods Cross; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Oman, their son, Gary, and family, came the International Cooperative AdCenIdaho, to ministration and has been in Logan; Mr. and Mrs Neil Oman down from Moreland, and children. Terri Lin, Jeff, Chris join the gathering at the Norm tral America for the past two and Sheri, Los Angeles, Mr. and Nelsons for Thanksgiving dinner. years. Following her sisters deHansen Miss spent Mrs. Howard Gibby and daughter, The Nelsons two sons, Kirk and parture. Julie; and Kent and son, Jon, of Bob and their families completed Thanksgiving day with a brother the group. Later in the afternoon and family, Mr. and Mrs Wynn Brigham City S Hansen, Logan. Happy birthday rang out at they were joined by Mr. and Mrs. Off to Rock Springs, Wyo., went the William S. Fifes who combin- Thame Secrist and family of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bersche and ed birthday and Thanksgiving to It was a busy day for young children. Terrie Ann and Dean, to honor Mrs. Fifes sister, Mrs. on her 91st Scott Keyes and tiny cousins who spend Thanksgiving weekend with Osborne, Ogden, kept things lively at the Bruce their parents. birthday anniversary. HAPPY, is the word to describe Joining in the double celebra- Keyes on Thanksgiving day. Here tion were Mr and Mrs Dell Poor-ma- for the day were Mr. and Mrs. Jay the Herb Adamsons who had their Mr. and Mrs Theo Logan, Whitesides and children, Sherrill, daughter and family here from Ogden; Mr. and Mrs Don Shef- Jaylene, Brian and Brent, Salt Colorado for the holidays. Capt. and Lake City; Mr. Keyes mother, and Mrs. Earl Watson and chilfield, Brigham City, and Dr Tremon-ton- , dren, Pamela, Chester, Mrs John William Emmett and Mrs. LaVern Hawkins, Lew, Lynn and his grandmother, Mrs. and twins, Wayne and Vince arMrs. Poorman, family, Logan. rived on Saturday, Nov. 19. They Mrs. Logan and Mrs. Sheffield Charles Reeve. From sunny California to sunny left Sunday morning early to reare daughters of Mrs. Osborne, and Mis. Emmett is the former Utah came Mr. and Mrs. Ron Har- turn to their home. While in Utah, they were guests ris and three children for a weeks Norda Fife It was family fun for Mr. and vacation with their parents, Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Rich, Loof old school Mrs. William H. Yates, who trav- Dorothy Secrist and Mr. and Mrs. gan, at a chums. The guest list also includeled to Pleasant Grove for the Vernal Harris. dined Dr. and Mrs. John William EmThanks- weekend. They enjoyed Thanksgivmg They enjoyed ner at the Dorothy Secrist home mett, Logan. Mrs Harry I Smith is back at with Mr. and Mrs. Donrey Secrist and children and Mrs. Louise her desk in the county r.ents ofvisit Theuson. Another visitor at the fice after a with her two sisters in Idaho. She Secrist home last week was a Lt. William G. Smith, who visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Simmons, Twin Falls, stopped for a brief visit. all the and then she and Mrs. Simmons Enjoying turkey and trimmings at the James Browns traveled to Boise for a few days were Mrs. Kenneth Whetham and stay with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar McWhile in Boise they family, Salt Lake City; Mr. and Cormick. Mrs. Wesley Boman, Provo; Mr. were guests at a breakfast planand Mrs. Lee Wright and Leo ned in their honor and enjoyed a Johnsen, Brigham City. turkey dinner at the McCormicks. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Larsen and HOME AGAIN after a vacation family, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph R. that took them to San Francisco, Channell spent Thanksgiving Day Los Angeles, Las Vegas and Cedar with in Clarkston, Cache county, City, are Judge and Mrs. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. LaVere Dahle. Jones. They spent a week in San Other guests at the Dahle home Francisco with Judge Jones broth- for Thanksgiving dinner were Mr. I er, Melvin H Jones, and then tra- and Mrs. Rod Dahle and family of veled to Los Angeles for a two-da-y Lewiston, and Mr. and Mrs. Val stay with friends. Dahle and family of Logan. On the return trip they stopped over with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Bryant and family, Las Vegas, and then arrived in Cedar City for Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Max Walker and family. Mrs. I are and Mrs. Walker Bryant daughters of the Jones. They report that the Walkers are being transferred to Ogden to make their home in the near future which was happy news to them. Mr. Walker is employed by Standard Oil of California. A Utah visitor for the past month has been Mrs. Horace S. Rose who arrived here from her home at Fort George G. Meade, Maryland. Mrs. Rose will be remembered here as the former Ruth Seder-holPA She has spent some time in Newton with Mr. and Mrs. DougFree Prescription Delivery las Griffin and became acquaint Members of the Third ward Relief society will hold their annual fall bazaar Thursday, Dec. 1, in the recreation hall. A Christmas theme will be carried out in decorations and items to be sold, and families are urged to attend the event together. Serving will begin at 6 p. m. under the direction of the Primary officers and workers. Chili, meat pies, barbeque, salads, apple pudding, ice cream and soft drinks will be the menu for the evening. Bazaar items will go on sale at 7:30 with all items and selling under the chairmanship of the Relief society. Christmas gift items will be featured and will include quilts, dish towels, pillow cases, a nice variety of novelties, and youngsters. Third ward MIA members will sell homemade candy during the evening. The public is cordially invited to attend the affair. Xmas Party Date To help the young fry through those exciting, isnt Santa here days liefore Christmas, set their hands to stringing bright jelly drop candies and soft miniature marshmallows as trim for this gay caramel popcorn tree. Here's a wonderful gift to deck mantle or table with a festive uir. Divide the caramel corn as you would for balls, shape into trees and decorate, and presto you have miniature trees to serve as name-car- d holders at a holiday party. They're such fun to make, so sure to delight, that this confection tree may well become a tradition at your house. Holiday Confection Tree 25 Caramels (7 ozs ) Miniature Marshmallows 2 tablespoons water fepne jelly drops 2 quarts popped corn, salted Place the caramels and water in the top of a double boiler Heat, stirring frequently, until caramels are molted and the sauce is smooth Pour over the popcorn and toss until every kernel is coated. With hands slightly moistened with cold water, mold caramel corn into Christmas tree shape. Let stand until surface is dry. With needle and thread, alternately string marshmallows and spice jeliv drops. Beginning at the top, wind strings around the tree. Secure at several p'aces with toothpicks Insert birthdav candle holders and candles in jelly d rops. Top tree with a star secured with a toothpick Place tree on a tray and garnish w ith holly leaves. yet R E S C T S , BOTH BETTER THAN EVER 14 THE NEW FLAG Odd Fact R Crescent City, Calif., th same man who had won a con tract to build a water tank for the city 40 'years ago at an SI, 800 fee was recently awarded the contract to tear down the same tank at a fee of $2,000. In UNITED STATES SAVINGS BONDS FALCON as Priced much as $231 less than NEW leading conventional pickups A merica'a bar pickup none! Priced as much as $260 below conventional NEW ECONOLINE pickups. 1795 f ' '3 STYLESI0E e New, stronger more loadspace! New longer up to 1 6 design wheelbase, smoothfr ride! All new yet price is $31 to $157 below comparable pickups! NEW NEW '61 one-piec- Hased on a con ps ir .son of latest aimtlable manufacturers suggested retail delivered prices ECONOMY NEVER CAME IN SUCH FORD TRUCKS COST LESS YOUR DIALER CERTIFIED PROVES IT S ECONOMY FOR SURE BOOK" PICK YOUR PICKUP zr . . PAYLOAD BEAMS OLYMPIAN in LIGHT WEOGEWOOD BLUE. An original classic design. Contains 6 year old, 100 proof Bonded Beam bourbon. JIM BEAM proof) genuine, Kentucky straight bourbon the world over. enjoyed whiskey, (86 (All gilt ptekagmg at no oxtra coit) KENTUCKY STRAIGHT JAMES BOURBON WHISKIES DISTILLED AND BOTTLED DISTILLING CO., CLERMONT, KENTUCKY B. BEAM L BY THF cab-bod- NOW . . 8 A CHOICE! BODY SIZES rx. CAPACITY FROM 800 TO 3450 POUNDS Andersens - Ford, Inc. 323 South Main St., Brigham City USED CARS AND TRUCKS Only Ford Dealers Sell- -' - Christmas decorations for the home will be a special feature of DUCTS the bazaar. For the youngsters, there will be a fish pond loaded with plenty of prizes, and a food sale also will be conducted. The public is invited to join with members of the Fourth ward for an evening of enjoyment at the bazaar, Mrs. Harris concluded. advertising works for you I installation will take place. Elected to serve for the coming year are Mrs. Bruce Johnson as president, Mrs. Charles Hodges, as vice president, Mrs. Ted Rogers as treasurer, Mrs. Robert Bowen as secretary, and Mrs. Richard Meinert as director. 0th Ward Plans Supper will be served at 5:45 p. m. and at 7 p. m. many beautiful gift items will go on sale. There will be a fun house for the children which will include a fish pond, games and movie. At 8 p. m. Kris Kringle himself will m.c. a delightful Christmas program featuring many numThe public is invited to bring their families and come join in the lowest-price- d THE WORLD'S FINEST BOURBON SINCE the party, bers. priced pickup line! Peoples Drug to otficers hall. B3SO low- -j N 1961 Kris Kringle Kristmas Karnival will be sponsored by the Tenth ward Relief society on Friday, Dec. 2, at the ward recreation Announcing... America's O Prior of Kristmas Karnival The 14th ward Relief society bazaar will be held Friday, Dec. 2, in the recreation hall at the Eighth ward chapel. All articles will be on display at 7 p. m. and wil go on sale at 7:30 p. m Relief society committee members emphasize that this would be an excellent way in which to do Christmas shopping since there will be a variety of items including toys, doll clothes. childrens clothing, aprons, and needlework. Baked goods will also be sold dunng the evening Refreshments will be sold to those in attendance and the public is cordially invited to bring their families for an evening of fun, according to Relief society president, Joyce McGregor. P will gath- At Fourth Ward the home of Mrs. Charles Hodges on Meadowland Drive for their annual Christmas party on Thursday, Dec. 1, at 8 p. m. Cohostesses for the party will be Mrs. Harold Hartman and Mrs. Ed Owens. Featured as the entertainment for the evening will be a demonstration of unusual gift wraps and bow tieing for Christmas packages given by Mrs. James Shannon. 1 14th Ward Reveals Fall Bazaar Date R Garden club members er at Community Club Plans Xmas Party Members of Ladies Community club will hold their Christmas The Fourth ward Relief society party Thursday, Dec. 1, at the will hold their annual bazaar on War Memorial Home starting at Friday evening. Dec. 2, in the 4:15 p. m. A program will be preward recreation hall, according to sented followed by a light lunchMrs. Vernal Harris, president. eon. Chairman for the event will be Supper will be served from 5:30 Jennie to 6:30 p. m. and all ward mem- Marjean Siegfried with bers are urged to bring their fam- Jones serving as director member. In charge of the serving commitilies and eat out that evening. tee for the luncheon is Karma Bazaar items will go on sale at Billings. 6 p. m. Ail members are urged to atFeatured will be beautiful handwork, pillow slips, dish tend the party, and fun is promised for all who are there. towels, doilies, handkerchiefs, Plans will be completed for the aprons, quilts, and an abundance of items in the childrens depart- - childrens pariy to be held Saturment- including clothing and toys. day, Dec. 3, at the Third ward All of these items would make ex- recreation hall. cellent Christmas gifts, Mrs. Harris said. Garden Club Sets Ro-sil- a P Relief Society Sets Bazaar THIS BOY is w anted at home to run errands - - to put aw ay the toy s he left in the dm ew ay - and for his w cird, w onderful sense of humor. He may be earn ing a sling-shosome bubble gum, a skate key, and a rabbits foot. THIS GIRL is wanted at home to care for her dolls, the kittens and to help mother do her shopping. She may be carry ing a yellow purse, some jacks, a rag doll and her hair may be tied with a red ribbon. They arc both wanted in school for questioning in connection with the proper spelling of Cincinnati. MOST OF ALL THEY ARE WASTED TOR LOVE They are carefree and harmless, but, unfortunately, they are very easily harmed. Let them get to school and home again without an accident. rfW un&t sxm MWM-- AUTOMOBILE TRUCK FIRl lift Alt -- T- by the FARMERS INSURANCE Sponsored F. DALE SMART, Phone PA District 04 YOUR INSURANCE GROUP as a public Manager NEEDS service |