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Show Bees Tally Touchdown, Safety aH '"'H L In 8-- 0 Victory Over Payson "4 rw M lilt 8 PAGES Brigham City, Utah, Tuesday Morning, November 29, 1960 Volume 63, Number 49 Past Summer Box Fide i onu ag im lulls as foolb ill king of Utahs Class A high schools after tolling to a convincing 8 0 win ovi r Payson Friday The state title g tmt pi a ' d uncle i balmv skies m Brigham Young umvirsitv s stadium it Piovo with tin 10th win of the jeur for Coach I i s Dunn s Bet s And it was tin n biggest i A tivc king size ttophv pi esenta ot gnd suptemuv in I t ih to the school in a It w is asse mhlv Moral iv the second such piece of hiulw ut at Box F Idt i in fout veais is spec w Sees Fewer piisinted nl he !9o7 Bee te im under Coach n Fergiuon stole the champion ship honois fiom i povvuful run cle elevtm It was a great victorv for Co u h Dunn who guided his boys to the, top dunng his lust year at Box in The accol ides poured Fldci after the contest Pi iday and bv Mondav they were heaped even higher on the likeable mentor At Provo Frid iv Box Elder carried showed the spun that them to six straight victones af ter an eailv season loss to Beai Thev outhittled Payson River defensively and scored when the chips were down Banquet to Honor Bees, Coaches I T County Fires Box Elder county experienced one of its less destructive fire sea-sons this year according to a brief report submitted Monday by J D Gunderson, district fire warden Gunderson noted that there were 25 fires reported during the period from June to Oct 31 Of this number, only six were considered to be mad made The remaining blazes were believed started by 1 1 lightening This record is even pressive when considei drought conditions in this year which left moire iming the near the county range lands tinder-dry- , Gunderson explained His repo- - revealed that 736 'k acres were hit by destructive blazes causing damage estimated at T several WIRI g mie foi both sides breaks Box (Elder lost the hill twice via fumbles m the tn st h ilf and had a kirk blocked ind uin back to their 1 yard line in the fourth period Pavson had a pin ot pisses in el (o si ill tin ir it t it k re rn tin uni But the biggest hie ik of the ball game came in the thud quailer, toll afti i Pivson let the kickoff It line dt ml on then five vard appeued that thi y might drive out1 of the hole and with Dean Fisher! and Jim Kroph trrying the Lions got out to the 18 But Box Flder held for two punt pi ivs and on a third down situation the ball was passed low skittered between the kickers legs and out of the end zone fot a two point s ifetv, The championship Box Elder football team will be honored Ihursday, Dec. 1, at a banquet given by the Box Flder Chamber of Commerce and the Merchants Committee. The event will be held at the Tropical Restaurant starting at 7 p. m. Team members and the coaches and their wives will be special guests. The banquet is open to the public with a special invitation being issued to mothers and dads of the players. However, reservations must be made before Thursday at noon by purchasing tickets for $2 each at the Tropical or Chamber of Commerce office 30 $29 450 75 The cost to Box Elder county to quell these blazes was $1 665 96 breakdown THE FOLLOWING lists the cause, number of foes and acres burned Lightning caused 19 fires which burned 826 acres Camp tires started one fire which burned three acres Smokers caused three ' fires which burned 305H acres Hunters caused two fires which burned 602 acres Gunderson offered much of the credit for Box Elders low fire record to some 79 per diem guards situated throughout the county And he offered a note of appreciation to the public for caring enough to be careful with fire He said a bill will be presented to the state legislature m its next session to lift some of the financial burden for fighting fires from the county and place it with the state where state land is involved Near3 580 160 ly half of the countys acres are either owned by the tate or federal governments IH Rl in the Thursday Evening i te- t. iS trjtiW y, Mike Sheffield, managed. Third row, left to right, Grant Moser, assistant coach; Darold Simmons, assistant coach; Kase Larsen, Doug Miller, Dean Forsgren, Kirk Gardner, Veian Smith, Ray Korth, Phil Jensen, Steve Ward, Mike Carver, Richard Gomez, Mike Nelson, Vernal Harris, assistant coach; Les Dunn, coach. Fourth row, left to right, Scott Reeves, Harold Thompt, son, John Gunderson, Brent Andersen, Lawrence Jorgenson, Penton Harvey Morgan, Greg Young, Reese Nielsen, Dennis Whitaker, Jon 1 eonard, Bob Holt, Gary Nay Not pictured here is Mike Burbank. UTAH CLASS A FOOTBALL CHAMPS Here is the I960 Box Flder football team which Friday won the schools seventh state title with an 0 win over Payson. Front, left to right, Kent Oman, Kim Williams, Dennis Skinner, Glen Petersen, Biuce Buland, Loron Michelh, Alvin Andersen, Darrell Nuttall, Dennis Yamisaki, Wayne Cox, Mike Fryer, Bruce Leonard, manager. Second row, left to right, Mac Smith, manager; Gerald Dobbs, manager; Jim Patterson, George Gover, Dave Smoot, Brent Thorne, Dave Call, Art Petersen, Brent Biadburv, Lon Poulson, Frank Res, Richard Nisogi, and Sun Shines, Mercury Climbs For Perfect Game Setting Mercury Goes Up, Then Down The mercury has been racing up and down the thermometer during the past week reaching a high of Crowd Looms There apparently are going to be a good many Box Elder taxpayers who will stand in line for the privilege of remitting money to the county treasurer Tuesday and Wednesday This fact became clear Monday aftei a relatively few property owners entered the county office HAROLD THOMPSON returned to pav their taxes for this past the P. v son kickoff to the enemv year The deadline is Wednesday, 42 and five Ray Nov 30, at 12 noon plavs later, Korth man of the hour for Box In fact County Treasurer Tldi r boundt d mound the right Peterson said Monday side and 15 v irds into pav dirt But there wasnt even a line. That plav w is onlv Korths sec- he no doubt that the reexpressed ond since being injured at South area and out into the mam His ception Cache tive weeks pievious courthouse hall would be the waitfirst came earlier in the drive ing place for hundreds of last-- j when he sliced over left guard fm minute taxpayers today, Tuesday, mnt vards and Wednesday morning Box Elder went ahead by the Any taxes not paid by the deadfinal 8 0 seoie with just 5 19 gone line will become delinquent m the third qu irter Peterson said that 18 000 tax noKORTH BROUGHT the fans to tices were mailed in the county as the quarter f itled this year and so far, about 11 000 attention will il he scooped up a fumble1 at had gone through the register in the Be e 30 ind in to Pavsons 41 his office In foi being hulled down fiom be The tieasurer and five deputies hind hive been woiking about two And mid w iv in the find pound hours overtime each night to take Koi th ramble e! 44 v irds to seore eare of notices that have been but in v un as i clipping pcniltv mailed nullified the pi ly He said the mail this year seems P lyson ne ulv picked up a toueh tn contrast with ibnorma'iv the a ite down when in g ime years pievious Vi i in Smith punt w is blocked and guird Richaid Hold tv iv crabbed lit moving to Box I lde t s 10 he foie c Hol-hs- tripped over the team s first-aikit In a special football assembly fullMonday, Dunn introduced back Veran Smith and tackle Leon Poulson as candidates for He also described guard Brent Bradbury as the best guard in the state, and referred to quarterback Kirk Gardner as the most under-rate- d plaver on the team After F ridav s game it s doubt ful that anvooe argued any of The pessimists who gloomly predicted adveise weather for Fridays title clash between Box Elder and Pavson couldn t have been moi e wrong In fact, lecoids wmt tumbling When to temporatui es soared 70 degree somewhere ne, i the maik Fans who cime wearing coats soon joun d the shut sleeve partisans and iviivhodv soaked up some of the most unsi isonahle hut enjovable wi tlh r to appear inywhere on Nov 25 Bov L'der coach. Assisiap' Grant Moser, was nattv in a tie but cool as he shucked his sport coat. Head Coach Les Dunn woie his suit coat all through the contest and at the end, looked somewhat like a radiator ready to boil over Box And the victorious Flder lovers decided Dunn needed a cooling off so thi v ushued him into the showers shoulder (on mps) and cheered while cold wahi r mi ntor it r cascaded ovei suit and all Dunn wis not alum in (he wit Coach cmil Huns ing down W n Pi me ip il I ml i P iv no shaic cl in the l itlu dunp cut Tax Deadline d tin se statements And on Tridiv afternoon atii r the game and liter Box Eldei had won its second state title m four yi ars there was a minute of si knee breaking the excited dm That was when Teach Dunn s ood on a bench called his players at were tention and told tin m thev i degrees Friday and a low of 25 degrees during the early hours Monday The weather man smiled on Utahns Friday who attended the state championship football game be mg tackled pietty luckv at BYU stadium between Box ElAnd then he lid them in prajer out der and Payson which turned BUT THF Bees, sensing victorv, As victorious for the local Bee squad smothered Lion hopes Two piss The balmy skies prevailed over es went for n night Knk Gardner the Brigham City area for a full smeared a successful pass com Flies . . Jtx. fr in the week with temperatures pletion for a two yard loss and Id Mike backfii shot the high forties fifties and up to 67 into Carver of son 14, Coach Les Dunn couldnt have been happier after Friday's title game in wlm.i HE WAS SO HAPPY Larry Bickers to spill the passer on fouith down Friday and 66 on Saturday This Mi Paul and Mis Bickers, His expression here is one of boundless joy as his Box Flder Bees won the Class A lootball crown which a welcome storm This w is nit preceded gme for picking 506 Hawthorne dnve, was severely these Box 1 lder girls surround and serenade him alter the 8 0 victory over Payson. started Satuiday night, leaving 42 Korth was burned individual st indents late Monday afternoon monv of an inch of rain in this locality, Smith Gomez when the model airplane he was in his ii turn pnit Before the shower with some snow in the mountains mo incident, had and Thompson also their thing came in contact with a high Dunn was serenaded bv several Skies cleared again Monday and I ('on Blent Bradburv mints tension power line M Tskelen Ruel Mavor has jubi-leof Box Elder coeds, the weather prediction is for fair join Poulson and Dive Smoot groups ilnng The youngster was described by in with Frank Reis wne bevond description as they ed with President Fisenhower skies and cooler temperatures ef highlv as in the attending physician 28 crowded around him phoclaimmg Nov thiough Dec fective on the line for the coming week, according to condition at Cooley satisfactory 2 as the first N itional Alcoholism Charles Clifford local weather obBut like Dunn said ifter the Memoi lal hospital several hours Standing outside thi Bee dress Information Week I must hive used server 40 plav g ime ng loom which echoed and trem aftei the accident He reportedly Ke ske M F n d un ui ivor gt for public ed with she uts and hoops were ers and eveivone1 of them did 'hen suffered first second and High and low temperatures e this1 new classes Four begin of tlcohnlism as a detstanding the past week were listed as t make nnnv vu iheln of os Thev old foot thi in over 40 percent of his job couple bums pi week in the evening education pio not i disgrace ill wnild r ul f eiguson ind FI disease mist ikes bodv Box Elder county beet growers which are made accoiding to pi The Notthiin L tah Alcoholism gram at the Box Elder Ihgn Ora writer said the ti umph was i Hiiel ui The mishap occurred in a field school joined with Utah farmers all the visions of the Federal Sug u A Starting time is 7 p m ited Council ntfih with the is Utih I w is i unde stand iblv it suit of te im iffott ind th it lot ited at approximately Eighth erguson w to So from Millard here and it iv will aveiage about $2 40 pi i tin Drama production being taught round ion and the siims to sum it up He hid co Kind most of Alcoholism asl and between Foiest street and ippv il on Alcoholism by Kermit Hud will meet e ich vie i counties in putting some $3 this year When complete tin Hei i lie ihi uni the ill st it stie s Fliason drive bovs who uprndtd P tv son tor National Count agenMonday evening m room 13 A (! "0 500 000 into circulation last week A companion, Tot il v it dage1 stale crown W lid w is happv nonprofit voluntaiy health Saundy Chase, 14, supplementary payments will tm il Public speaking being taught bv cies that work fot the prevention Rushing v ii d ige 57 M II s knocked the Bickers son had Steve in iiisf tuinrd reportedly aftei checks fiom Utah about $3 2 million for all of th receiving Wtd on meet will of the disease of al Pushing and treatment 21 Clayton Cheney outh down when the electrical vaidige good gimp at difensive right cohnlism Idaho Sugar company in payment Ut ih Idaho nesdav evening in room 1 B 5 prothrough a three-folproducing are is in contact started his clothes aflame Fust clowns id for the new si ue champs bi mg foi sugar beets grown this season of educ ition Danish for beginners scientific re Fumbles lost 0 Bickers was rushed to the local The checks to Utah fa rim Ferguson of cniuse is the for-- gram 2 4 2 11 search reh ibiht ition and com Passes completed in a Bngham Cttv ambutaught bv Pauline Jensen will hospital who Bee coach tired last n The Utahns shared some $12 were foi beets delivered to v meet on Thuisdav evening in mom 0 sen ice These agencies Passes in'e i cepti d bv 3 lance ir after 39 vt irs it Box Flder mumty million in payments made to grow 5 2 B 10 40 are sponsoring Ucoholism Infer Penalties Chase rolled the victim on the i 4 Ward w is one of the gte itest mation 3 25 4 1! Week Punts avei Family clothing being taught bv ers in the Beehive State Idaho ground to extinguish the flames o' vers to pnt form tor the Bees THE BEET harvest throughout Shirley Ann Khngler, will meet on Washington eastern Oiegon Ne le later w ts All Amenca in rol-all of the Utah dixtucts is exet Thursday evening in room 208 bi iska and South Dakot i accoid and stirred in professional COULD REACH $2 MILLION MARK one These classes will meet lent, Wood said witl the excep Wood to J Arthur ing piesident tion of the Gunnison Sevier valU night a week tor a period of e ceremonv The preot the big sugar firm The supervisor of Cache Nation- weeks Rock-cliof South Central In tn sented by the BEttes, Utah al Forest has stated that permits IN THE GARLAND factory area, area diouth has limited plan i and band was a for cutting Christmas trees for harvest to farmers who h iv And somehow it was the or individual anticipated harvest this yeai and either commercial MST&T a dependable fitting for not in many years has supply of vvitii will be 10 503 icus These beets use will be issued by forest offBox I ldei xtmoi high with 1H The regular payroll in Box Flder One fact that might be noted is i Box Flder team been cheered icers on the Preston, Paris and aie gioun in the Box Hdei and Pioduction in othei stall s wh male and 12 female f icultv mem 'that general'v, the average salary will school this distuct n by a more exhuberant year of Cache the fields Webet countv Randolph districts 912 92 have U I contracts includes 38 n at a school depends on how long amount to $1 845 252 according to heis is second high at $144 Thees are not National Forest acres in the Washington Oi r Salai u s at Be u Riv t i that school has been operating high which South The Utah distuct was of a summary icpoit piepared last the coloiful show Climax available on the Logan and Ogden Si area 15 648 acres school where then ate 23 teach New schools diaw new teachers Idaho, In includes those in heels Silt h n hundteds of white and blue week City giown districts The minimum individual eis will amount to $122 420 7b and who are lower on the district's lake and Utah counties and m the Dakota Nebraska, 9 577 Fa' oons were released and drifted Te figure represents total sal sale is $2 per person Because of at Bear Rivei junioi high with 24 salary schedule Ross B Jenson local manager aieis mound Delta will pioduce As a result of the Cuban sit em- - teachers sky ies paid to administrative y towaid the clear blue the heavy snow at higher eleva- for the Mountain Slat' s Telephone 7 533 For example the new Mountain thepavrool is expected to of acres beets t tion and the lifting of acreage j plane with white vapor trail ployes, teacheis and bus drivets be $115 73b 67 View school in Brigham City has a tions, the better quality trees are company announced Mondav t'l it it cd to cut through the balloons Money for other personnel such as S darns inaccessible In the Gunnison disti ict which strictions for the 1961 sugar b pud to regulai elemtn teaching staff which earns an av-fthe 6 000th telephone had been in thev hid nsen almost out of substitute teachers and extra help tai v school teachers this vear will crop Wood said the companv is Warning has been given that stalled in Bngham Citv erage of $4 543 per teacher Fac-gin lud s fume is in the Richfield It w is veiv to total '8814 375 accoiding to the n is expected to push the total members at Tremontons impressive every tree offered for sale in Utah Jenson said that it was just one Salma and Gunnison areas the a favorable position to inne for next vi Forsgten witched from the near $2 million must be tagged showing that it has year ago that the company re ich famiers ue 3 213 acreage contracts port This amount will be distribu er McKinley schol will average h irve sling id lines as his mites ground out We are hopeful that I tah f n Box Elder junior high school ttd among 117 female and 42 male $5 511 this year been approved for cutting by the ed it's 5 000th station He further aces I he w ii ov r title vutnty Bus dnving is a big operation in an annual meis cm help us contribute u wing- - boasts the largest pavroll of anv faculty membeis for Forest Service, The Bureau of stated that since Oct 17 1957 the annual school program and in the district Salaries paid salary aveiage of $5 122 MORF MOMI S will be forth-- 1 pt rmanent expanson of the sun huk had his leg propped on a Land Management, or the State when Thiokol Chemical corpoi mud chair The limb w is on the to 40 teachers 29 men and 11 wo The total secnndaiy school pay- this year, 33 drivers all men will whin government beet industry to assure a reh i hi Forester Trees will be tagged by tion opened its pi ml Wi 4 of Rug eonimg also for ham City 2 570 telephones have subsidies aie paid lutoi. Wood domestic supply of sugar foi tin mend from a gash which Dean men will be $201 229 13 for the roll is $584 329 48 for an aveiage receive a total of $70,129 90 for an the forest officer responsible teacher salaiy ol $5 002 sufft t ed two weeks ago when he (year. average of $2 125. said The compliance payments tutuie," Mr Wood said the sale. been installed 67 pre-daw- n :Vh Teenager Burned Model Plane Into Wires ' Alcoholism l be-ii- Information v i i i New Classes Week Slated County Farmers Receiv 0 Sugar Reef Payment Slated Here third-degtt- 11 i i 1 t 1 d Permits on Sale i For Cutting Christmas Trees 1 half-tim- Schools Payroll Set i erowd-please- r. Installs 6,000th Phone at $1,8 Million i e Brigham i e tr-i- z i it i , i i old-Da- |