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Show 9th Ward Reveals Fall Bazaar Plans NEWS, Brigham City, Utah November 29, 1960 Tuesday, THE BOX ELDER cene ocial Sarah Yates, Society Editor Brigham City Ninth ward will hold it Relief society sponsored bazaar on Friday, Dec 2 Supper and bazaar items will all go on sale at 6 p m and members are urged to bring the family for supper and an evening of fun. Features of the bazaar will include a bake sale, homemade candy, popcorn balls and other refreshments Bazaar items include such articles as pillows, rugs, hankies stuffed toys, and other needlework All persons are utged to attend, according to Relief society president, Alta G Craner who is overseeing the entire event Telephone PA dish-towel- s, Association Prepares Questions To Aid Gifted Children Program Plans are underway for the recently organized Box Elder chapter of the Northern Utah Association for the Gifted to acquaint the public with the the program adopted by the chapter for the benefit of all the children in Box Elder county who desire to participate QUESTIONAIRES concerning education, training and experience, and willingness to participate in planned program are being given to persons in attendance at local PTA meetings However, since many of the persons who might be most willing to work in the organization do not have school age children, the organization requests that persons interested in the program obtain information or by calling Mrs Malcolm E McDonald, temporary chairman for the chapter, at PA or Carlton Turledge, program committee chairman, at PA Aims of the chapter include the assistance of school counselors by with personal isting individuals knowledge of any university or college who would be willing to give information concerning that institution to students who might be intei ested in applying tor admisques-tionair- WEDS IN LDS TEMPLE Sydnee Jeppsen of Mantua became the bride of J. Charles Keller, Jr. in a I ogan LDS Temple ceremony performed Friday, Nov. 18 The couple is making a home in Brigham City. Sydnee Jeppsen Repeats Vows In Logan LDSTemple Ceremony of daughter Sydnee Jeppsen Mr and Mrs Herman Jeppsen of Mantua, became the bi ide of J Charles Kellei, Jr, son of Mr and Mrs J Chailes Keller of Bi igham City, in the Log in LDS temple on cereThe Nov 18 impiessive mony was performed by Noland Olsen a member of the temple presidency Following the wedding the couple was teted at a wedding dinner held at the Idle Isle Cafe and hosted by the patents of the groom sion Besides information on various universities and colleges, the group plans to compile a list of persons exwith business or professional who perience in different fields sen Dixie feppsen Claia Jan would be willing to give students information about fields they may Christainsen and Louise Jeppsen the be interested in entering and receiving Displaying Cheryl gifts weie Carol Jensen A SPECIAL PROJECT of the Stone Gav Ann Rasmussen and Association for the Gifted will be pattv lenstn Stated at the guest to assist in reactivating the Junior book was Shat on J Mnughn last High Science club organized A GRADUATE of Box Elder spring under the leadership of Due to overcrowd High school and LDS seminary Dave Hewlett ed conditions at the high school, a the bude attended Utah State She is pres- place for the Science club to meet foi one vear at Tust Security weekly ts needd as soon as possiently employed ble The basement of a building, Bank Following his giaduatton fioni a large unused garage or a simi-la- i structure would be suitable and Box Fldet liell school and LDS seminal v the gioom also attended the group is anxious to learn if He recent- such a building is available Utah State Limersitv It is also suggested that the ly retuined tiom an LDS mission to Denmiik and is completing his membership of the Science club be extended or that a similar club education at USU The couple took a shot t honey moon and me now making a home at 54 South Second West or clubs be opened to include sixth graders or others who wish to join Persons willing to assist in such a club or persons knowing of a suitable meeting place are requested to contact Dave Hewlett, Science club leader, at PA Gifted children with others in terests are also considered by the group, which wishes to lead in organizing other interest groups of students as the demand arises Such clubs could include foreign languages, art, history, stamp collecting, politics, bird study, etc Any person interested in participating or knowing of someone else qualified to assist with instruction are in any part of the program urged to call the designated per-sons or to obtain copies of the from their schools questionaire A RECEPTION was held that evening by the brides paients in the Fust ward recreation hall Host and hostess for the evening were Mr and Mrs A L Christiansen of Ogden The slender bude woie a gown of silk taffeta decoiated with dainty pearl and rosebuds Topping a fitted bodice, the neckline was lined bv seed pearls following the The full contour of tiny leaves skirt was bloused in with white roses and then fell softly to the floor The whole outfit was topped by a tinv peatl crown and shoulder length veil and the hi ide wore t w o strands of cultured peails biought from Denmark by her husband She earned a bouquet of talisman roses flanked bv lilv-o- f White and a white otchtd the satin stieameis completed bouquet Honeyville By Buddhist Church Honeyville Buddhist zaar and Carnival Chute, h Bawill be held on vA. i4 f ..v -- : ' .5 " Corinne ward Relief society zaar will be held Friday, Dec 2, starting at 7 p m Supper will be served and bazaar items will be placed on sale at that time Christmas gift ideas such as aprons linens, toys rugs, and other handiwork will be on sale Homemade during the evening candy and baked goods will be sold to those in attendance, along with hot buttered popcoi n A fish pond is planned for the children A piogram is scheduled to begin at 8 p m and everyone is urged - V4,v I ; V A ift tVVi president - H Eagles Auxiliary To Meet Nov. 30 Ladies Auxiliary of the Fraternal Older of Elks will meet Wed nesday, Nov. 30, at 8 p m at the Aerie home Following meeting, games will be played for White Elephant prizes Refreshments will be served during the evening by Frances Helen Jorgensen, Helen Lee, Betty Jane Holmgren, and All members aie Mary Scothern invited to join the fun and are advised to bring their White Elephants. There will be a brief officers meeting prior to the regular meetAll ing, at 7 30 in the Aerie home officers are urged to be present yW vt iq 5pm ma-teu- Compton Studio 102 So. PA Main "T vim YOUR PHARMACIST... Brigh-tenbur- We have a full selection WORKING SWEATERS in sizes and colors to match these For your convenience, open a monthly charge account now for income tax and insurance records. Enjoy Coast Trip Sundays: STORE HOURS: Weekdays 8:30 A.M. to Noon to 8:00 P.M. 9 P.M. USE 1 1 of Brigham City PRESCRIPTION DELIVERY PAY YOUR PARKING! LET US USES 2S2BS 1 4 South Main rwirituw!iwiijw jig Phone PA wnfug 87 jumimMgap nrwrtfijyir Well pay your parking up to one hour FREE on any purchase of $3.00 or more. Use our back entrance for shopping convenience. SAVING Duplicate Bridge To Meet Nov. 30 c for Christmas? ITS A GOOD IDEA ought to get a new mattress about You or has someone every 1 0 years but its one of those you know, moved to a just things you to do. new home? Hostess WINDOW new DPJVE-Iand PARKING LOT north of the bank at Forest and Main is now ready to First Security's dont think a result, you and your family may not get a good mattress. Why night's sleep on your sagging worn-onot change? As Your Welcome Wagon ut will call with gifts and friendly greetings from the WINDOW and You'll enjoy using our new DRIVE-Iof bank at Fornorth the LOT located PARKING just est and Main. Bank from your car at the Drive-i- n Window to cash A CUSTOM-BUIL- T EVERTON MATTRESS WOULD MAKE A FINE CHRISTMAS GIFT FOR YOUR WIFE OR CHILDREN . . . Priced from $39.95 for mattress and match- ing box springs. N checks, make deposits to your checking or savings account, make Timeway or mortgage loan payments. Use the Parking Lot for free 1 hour parking while you transact your business in the bank. PA EVERTON MATTRESS FIRST SECURITY BANK COMPANY 24 East 1 st South jr Ph. PA PLAN and Mrs Ralph Nielson and daughters Janna and Paula, tra-veled to Palo Alto, Calif., for Mr Mattress Have you, OUR CHARGE 1pm, A skirts. LAYAWAY NOW CHRISTMAS FOR 1 d of DARLENE Local Residents the Thanksgiving holidays Accompanying them on the trip was George A Nielson Upon reaching the home of Dr. Kenneth Nielson in Palo Alto, they were met by Mrs George A Ntel- son, who has been visiting with her daughter, Mrs J T (Jean) Her-raJr , in Taft, Calif The four families enjoyed the The fust meeting of a newly Thanksgiving holiday together afformed Unitarian Fellowship group ter which the residents Brigham will be held Ftiday, Dec 2, at the did sightseeing in San Francisco 8 m Protestant Centei, at p Las and motored home through Program for the evenings dis- Vegas cussion will be a tape recording The Right to Disbelieve by A Powell Davies, former minister of the Unitanan Fellowship in Washington, D C All interested persons are invi ted to attend this meeting, which is the fust of several planned gatherings n Make Your Appointment Now to come and join the fun -- - Satuidav Dec 3 at the Honeyville Buddhist chinch Tickets are now on sale for the thiee grand prizes and can be purchased fiom chutch membei s Giand pnes to be offeted are an eleett k chord otgan with table MATRON OF honor, Mrs Bon- and bench a Shetland floor pol nie Rae Biglci, an aunt of the tsher with attachments and a bude and biidesmunls Atnell Winners of the sleeping bag Pa giand pnes need not be ptesent Jeanselnie I inda Jeppsen mela Ann Gatdner all wore match- to win Setving of Japanese dishes chow ing gowns of tanganne velvet lie cream Brigham City Golf and Countrv Tiny flowei girl Mary Ann Gaid-ne- r mein himbnigeis tub membei s will meet Wednes-anwore a dress of the same cake and pie will begin at booths and bazaar dav Nov 30, for an afternoon of games Gather-lowinfol-Peter Knudst n assumed best items will open immubattlv bridge at the club house the gtoup will tn- man dutu s while usheis for the mg at The public is coidiallv invited to dude all members of the club, evening weie Btuce Kellei Biyce Veran Boothe the bazaar foi an evening cording to Mrs Jeppsen, and Don Gaidner chan man In charge of serving refiesh-ment- s of wholesome familv fun were Tuna Lai sen LaPriel Codings Jovce Nelson, Caiol Han sen, Ailetta Jensen and Jovce Lar sen. Wearing dainty three-tieiepeach organdy aprons while serving guests were Karen Wells, Alaine Hailing Carolyn Hailing Karma Jen- Shirley Rasmussen y YOUR PORTRAIT the ideal Christmas gift for friends and relatives. Mrs. Malcolm E. McDonald, temPREPARE QUESTIONNAIRE porary chairman of the Box Elder Chapter of the Northern Utah Association for the Gifted, and Mrs. Robert Molgard, PTA Council president, study the questionnaire to be filled out by persons willing to help in the Gifted Children program. Unitarian Group Will Meet Friday Bazaar Plans Told A; - Mt . y Bazaar Date Set By Corinne Ward - 1 PTA the gift only you can give Fwt Security Bonk of Idaho, N A First Security Bonk of Utah, N A First Security Bonk of Rock Springs Membett Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 31 i t |