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Show r v- - . r ' r jf , v Sumada Study Group Meets at Webb Home October Wedding Bells Chimed Wedding bells chimed ThursHit $ V ., "s jt fs 3 day. Oet. 23 for Norma Jean t l m;., of Mr. and Nichols, daughter , It AyV Mrs. Clyde Nichols, Brigham City, and Sherman O. Jensen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray A. Jeni aam A M sen, also of Brigham City, in the Logan LDS temple. The ceremony was performed L V by President Nolan Olsen. Following the wedding promises, parents of the bridegroom were hosts at a wedding dinner VV V at the Bluebird Cafe in Logan t'or members of the wedding M, Tr party. The same evening in the Brigr-H 4 ham Second I.DS ward hall a reception feted the pair. Receiving line stood before a bronze archway adorned with yellow ribbons and centeed with lovebirds and cage. In traditional white satin, the bride was lovely. Her gown featured lace yoke and sleeves and hantilly lace overskirt with metallic edged tulle. She carried a beautiful arrangement of yellow chrysanthemums tied with green &'f ribbon. V-- W f.rj Bridesmaids were Darlene Tra: . u? ' cy, Sharran Roche and Ruth J ' , Laney. They vore pink arid yellow sheaths with matching hats and L ; accessories. All carried yellow ; i ' and bronze chrysanthemums. , ' LuAnn Nichols was maid of honor for her sister. She wore a V'1H V. rf V" " ,r gown identical to bridesmaids and carried a pink and white ?v nosegay. 4Flower gill was Karla Lee ..'H- '; y tAU- -' ti T?I HITtii rfliiWi lilt Nichols, also a sister of the biide. Karla Lee wore a white RESIDE AT WEST BRIGHAM Mr. and Mrs. Sherman gown with pink and blue and 0. Jensen, recently wedded couple, are making their home gold floral pattern and carried at West .Brigham following their LDS Temple wedding fall flowers. Mother of the bride was gownand Southern Utah honeymoon. Mrs. Jensen is the for. mer Norma Jean Nichols, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde ed in blue lace and Mrs. Jensen a grey model accented Nichols, Brigham City. Mr. Jensen is the son of Mr. and chose with red. Mrs. Nichols wore a Mrs. Ray A. Jensen, also of Brigham City. pink corsage tied with silver and Mrs. Jensen pinned a red cortiea with gold at her shoulsage Out for Characters Nursery Rhyme Step der. , Halloween Fun Beta Sigma Phi Party Kenneth Sackett was best man witn DeWain Thompson and characters Sacket, Mrs. Mamie Adamson, John Perry as ushers. Nursery Rhyme took over the Intermountain Mrs. Merlyn Larsen, Mrs. BarAll men in the wedding party school coffee shop last Friday bara Rowe and Mrs. Geneva wore white carnation boutonevening as both local chapters Fife. nieres. of Beta Sigma Phi joined were for Banquet arrangements Displayed during the evening Halloween fun. made by Mrs. Ruby Godfrey, was the fruit cake The Old Woman in the Shoe chairman, Mrs. Marilyn Camp- wedding cake The cake was baked by the brides mother and povided the theme for invitations bell and Mrs. Edna Jeppsen. The tables were gaily decora- beautifully decorated by a friend, sent prior to the party by Mrs. ted with favorite nursery rhyme Carol -- Barker. The three-tiereJen Nelsen, chairman, Mrs. Ivy Valcarce, Mrs. Mary Parson, characters and all members and creation was topped with a minMrs. Neida Parsons, Mrs. Jean guests arrived in nursery char- iature bride and bridegroom. Dr.vis, Mis. Iona Cefalo and Mrs. acter costumes. Cats and fid- Wedding bells flowers and ribdles were favors for the affair. bons adornea Winna Spaulding. the cake. EnBest costume prizes went to graved in yellovj; upon the ribCommittee ir charge of party MothMrs. as Arlene Hansen Old bons were the names of the plans included Mrs. Arlene Hansen. chairman, Mrs. Carolyn er Hubbard, and Mrs. Merle couple. Ciaghead as Simple Simon. Host and hostess were Mr. and During a nursery rhyme rid- Mrs. LeGrandc Horsley. dle contest, conducted by Mrs. Janet Carter was at the guest Mrs. Adamson book with Veron Gilbert Evelyn Dailies, as Mrs. out Lillian Felt came arid master of ceremonies: as prize winners. Program included piano selecMrs. ISclda Parsons guessed tion by Mary Craner; reading by the identity of the greatest num Marium Thompson and violin ber of members costumes. selections by Genevieve Burt; Guest list during the evening vocal number by Entona Jensen included. Kathleen Rock, and Elaine Hogan. Jensen, Marilyn Wendel, Serving refreshments were Mai ilyn Christensen, Joyce JenLezetta Thompsan, Leatha Jensen, Alice Bird, Vanette Mc- sen, Dorma Ann Thompson, Bride and Darlene Hadfield. Jeanette Roche, Sandra Juanita Smallfield, a new trans- Glenna Mauchlcy, Ivy MaeRoche, Mcfer, also attended. Bride and Colleen Gilbert. Program committee was head Arranging gifts were Linda ed by Mrs. Merle Craghead with Jensen, Connie Jensen, Ann CarMrs. Ada Hewlett, Mrs. Felt, ter with Alan Jones, Ray Lyn Miss LaPreal Wight, Mrs.' Leah anu Lyn Carter as Thompson Barker, Mrs. Daines and Miss gift bearers. Since 1940, prices ot Shirley Walker. most commodities and The newlyweds honeymooned Completing the program was in Southern Utah. For going services have more than a reading by Miss Wight and a away travel, Mrs. Jensen chose doubled. But. ..in terms pantomime by Mrs. Hewlett, a grey ensemble with of what a dollar buys Miss Eerdine Peters and Miss black accessories. grey Walker. today . . . medical care They are at home at West Brighas dropped 15. That's ham. Both have graduated from Box because medical discovCard Of Thanks Elder High school and seminary eries have shortened To those who by their acts and will continue working in hospital stays and cut of kindness, expressed their sym- Brigham City. The bride is emweeks off convalescence. pathy and friendship at the time ployed at Ken Jensen Market of i he death of our beloved and the bridegroom at Big J. father, A. M. Nielsen, we wish to flour mill. express heartfelt thanks. We Among the lovely showers givwish especially to thank the en in honor cf the. bride-to-b- e GLEN'S ward bishopric, the Relief so- wcie a miscellaneous shower ciety, our friends, and all others given by Lezette Thompson, REXALL who assisted ir. any way. a personal shower with C. Henry and Ira A. Sherron Roche, Ruth Laney and DRUG Nielsen Families. Darlene Tracy as hostesses at the Tracy home and a grocery A vodka manufacturers sur-- ; shower given by Mrs. Edna JenHealth Is Priceless, vey found that 54 percent of all sen, Ogden. Yet Costs Less Than Ever drinkers questioned dont like Many lovely gifts .were prethe taste of liquor. sented to the guest of honor. .'&, The Gamma Chapter of Sumada Study Group met recently at the home of Mrs. Earl '. - rSK&p'4& s 5 Box Elder NEWS Webb. 1 Lesson for the evening was The First Prophets. Mrs. Edna Jeppson gave an into the teresting introduction Prophets with Mrs. Wallece Chiistenscn Samuel, treating: the Kingmaker, and Mrs. Lowell Grover: Elijah, the Courageous Prophet. Mrs. Marvin Wright and Mrs. Olive Hume were welcomed as new members of the group. Light refreshments were served to 14. QfSi'V: y.s'Oi I Bnghair. City, Utah Wednesday, November 5, New This Week At Robertas . Come in and choose your gift items for Christmas giving from our fine selection of mules, house slippers and scuffies in beautiful fabrics, some with fur trim. Ask your favorite clerk about the new Dress Contest . which ends November 30th at Robertas. Contest winner for last month More than seven million bar- was Marilyn Christiansen who rels of crude oil are produced won a beautiful Catalina Sweatdaily. er from Robertas. ( j X1LajVuXI U)i$ ?'& J i v fn ivx t National Book Week will be observed in Brigham City ThursFUN day and Friday as plans are now complete for Beta Sigma Fhi costumed storytellers to aypear at the basement of the local library. A preview of the stories planned is given here by Mrs. Jeri Nelsen, left, and Mrs. Cleo Dixon, front row, and Vickie Valcarce and Randy Nelson, back row, listen o lOKYTELLING wide-eye- d. '- ft - at d fltwM fioSfe Da-lon- ste1940 Kindergarten Theme Sorority Storytelling Project Set Is Fine Arts Nov . 6 Fi.ie Arts will be of November meeting the theme for Kin- dergarten club members and their invited guests. Meeting is set for Thursday afternoon, Nov. 6, at 4 p. m. at the War Memorial home. Mrs. Alta Richards is program chairman with Mrs. June Sackett as director member. Guest speaker for the afternoon will be Mrs. Lewis Olsen of Brigham Floral. Mrs. Olsen will demonstrate inexpensive but colorlul holiday decorations, care and watering of house plants and decorations using weeds available locally. Prayer will be offered by Mrs. Donna Sederholm . with pledge by Mrs. Joan Mann. Mrs. LaRae Saunders and J. Earl Johnston will entertain with vocal selections. Serving chairman for the afternoon is Mrs. Bessie Nelson, assisted by Mrs. Effie Balling-ham- , Mrs. Betty Jean Collmar, Mrs. Jennie Jones, Mrs. Claire Ilunsnker, Mrs. June Sackett and Mrs. Lavon Reeve. For National Book Week Observance National Book Week will be observed in Brigham City Thursday and Friday, Nov. 6 and 7 with Beta Sigma Phi Sorority members as storytellers at the local library. l children, first and second graders are invited to be at the library basement at 3 p.m. Thursday for stories especially designed to interest this age group. Friday afternoon at 3 p.m. third and fourth graders and others may meet and enjoy stories prepared. Parent - Teacher conferences are pllanned at local elementary schools so the 3 p.m. starting time will not conflict with regular school hours, those in charge explained. Storytellers, who will don COS' tumes for the annual observance, will include members from both Xi Alpha and Epsilon chapters of Beta Sigma Phi, Mrs. June Sholty, Mrs. Carolyn Sackett, Mrs. Neida Parsons and Mrs. Jeri Nelsen, Thursday and Mrs. Cleo Dixon, Mrs. Leah Barker, Mrs. Marilyn Campbell and Mrs. Connie Parsons, Friday. Committee in charge include Mrs. Evelyn Daines, Mrs. Reva Nelson and Mrs. Sackett. Pre-schoo- Halloween Party Fun Held at Willard School It was Halloween party fun for sixth and seventh graders of the Willard school last Wednesday evening. The party, held at the school house, was planned by class teacher, J. W. Pulsipher. Costumes created much merriment followed by a program, games, refreshments and spot dance. Best girl and boy costumes Went to Alice Nebeker and Brent Bratgger. Seven other finalists were: Judy Hoopes, Billy Moon, Talbot, Antonette Leg-er- , Larry Beasley, Jeriene Simonson and Jackie Hooper. Mr. Pulsipher presented prizes 1 o' Students attending he was unable to identify. Pizes went to Ad ire Nebeker, Lynn Zundel, Ilenc Wells, Jason Belmont and Nona May Mackey. Costume judges were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morgan and Mrs. Edith Conger. During the program, Lynn Marie Stokes entertained with a vocal solo and trio numbers were sung by Ann Conger, Dixie Kirkpatrick and Annette Cook. n Card Of Thanks To those who by their acts of kindness, expressed their sympathy and friendship at the, tim of- the death of our beloved Hal, we wish to express heartfelt thanks. We wish especially to thank the ward bishopric, the Relief society, our friends, and all others whc. assisted in any way. The Bosley and Forrest Families. Everybody should pay taxes witn a smile. We tried, but they wanted cash. No-ga- saddle-stra- NON-DRINKER- RISK MUTUAL p .thats our smooth new classic with the elasticized top that gently hugs your foot, and the sleekly molded strap thats all the rage! $7.95 . PREFERRED p in brown calf INSURANCE N A S AUTO INSURANCE RATES AT REDUCED For Information Call H. DEE JOHNSON Your Insurance Counselor for fine footwear PHONE 19 or 1242 47 South Main et all the best of all the new ideas two-piec- e car! all in one mi EXCLUSIVELY YOURS-WI- DE TRACK WHEELS indies for the widest, steadiest better cooling for engine and brakes stance in America lower center of gravity for better grip on the toad, safer Cornering, smoother ride. You get the most beautiful roadability you've ever knou n in America s Humber (i) Road Cart The wheels moved out 5 THIS WEEK'S TOP Your Dollars w 30 You get the solid quality of Body by Fisher, ForYou... hen you buy an EVERTON at BEEHIVE RECORD BAR Finest Selection ot CHILDREN'S RECORDS CUSTOM BUILT MATTRESS Made any size or shape ii 49c BOX SPRING and MATTRESS as low Wide-Trac- k d Vista-Panoram- 1 PQW I EVERTON 24 MATTRESS East 1st South CO. Phone 27 mmmammmmmmmammmo ommmmmmmom BEEHIVE COAL & APPLIANCE 68 N. Slain Phone One! I H 2 for $1.00 SEE YOUR LOCAL e ic Good Selection of Records now for as low as as True-Conto- vista-loung- or 78 Speed Davy Crockett Cinderella Snow White Sleeping Beauty and many others SPECIAL BUYS You name it Pontiac has it.',, the year's most important advances in style, safety, handling and performance. And theyre topped by a Wheels! Everything about this Pontiac exclusive . . . new kind of car was designed to give you driving as youve never known it: Brakes for precise, unvarying control in stop after stop after stop ; : . spacious interiors with seats wider than a sofa and full circle visibility windshield curves clear up into the roof). (the Air-Coole- 45 1958 AUTHORIZED PONTIAC DEALER A I H And there are two great new engines to choose from the TemV-action and response : : : and its pest 420 for the ultimate in the money-savinTempest 420E, a big muscular V--8 companion, that uses regular gas and delivers better mileage than many smaller cars uith the newest, lowest look "economy engines". Styling? non-fad- e finish. Theres on the road protected by Magic-Mirro- r much more come see for yourself all the wonderful new ideas in Americas Number One Road Car! f mttM 8 g I I Americas Number J Totally Hew Series Catalina Road Car! Star Chief Bonneville And remember, your quality Pontiac dealer features the factory suggested retail prices on every new Pontiac f COPPIN MOTOR COMPANY Phone East 17 Second South 74 |