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Show 4 Kindergarten Meeting With Holiday Flavor Christmas party plans have been made by Kindergarten club members with party set for Thursday, Dec. 6, at 4 p. m. at the War Memorial home. A prize will go to one of the early arrivals following a clever game. General chairman is Mrs. Jen-ri- e .Reeves with Mrs. Bessie Hansen,. decorations chairman. Assisting Mrs. Nelson will be Mrs, Virginia Jacobson, Mrs. Delores Woodland, Mrs. Mildred Barber, Mrs. Leah Jensen, Mrs. Jean Davis and Mrs. Maureen Fryer. Serving committee is headed by Mrs. Barbara Armstrong with committee members in- - Box Elder NEWS Brigham City, Utah Wednesday, December 5, 1956 eluding' Mrs Jennie Reeves, Mrs Grace Price, Mrs, Nola Larsen, Mrs. Clara Ilunsaker, Mrs Blanche Burt, Mrs. Effic Ballingham, Mrs Colleen Claik, Mrs. Arlene Billings and Mrs. Ruby Wight. Gifts will be exchanged and games enjoyed during the No Favorites PROVO, Utah (UP) for illegal parking in r For Free Harlem Roadkings, Brigham All Stars INVITING.THE UNDERTAKER? W . A A - . - Play Benefit Game Here on Dec. 13 Opening their twenty-fift- High school a chance to sea- h All-Star- ' Ticketed front of the city hall, Jesse Evans smiled broadly, said he Would pay, then added, It shows the boys are on the ball. Evans is chief of police. be-co- GIVE lawns. Each person lining up at a city park picks three plants, shrubs or trees from some 250,-00- 0 on display.' An estimated turned out, for 10,000 persons this years give away day. strut son of basketball wizardry the his uncanny pivot play to Bobby Grund Harlem Roadkings fuse his ppponents. s meet the Brigham City at the Box Elder High school gym on the night of Dec. 13 at 8p. Jn. The versatile magicians of the hardcourt present an. unusual basketball circus that will include the whiz kids of Kentucky, a band of basketball sentheir sations together since grade and high school days. Coach Bobby Grund predicts that as a unit now they will on the team the cleverest road. Sonny Mitchell, the dribbling ace of the Roadkings, will again team up with his former buddies from Central .High school of Louisville, Ky. In 1952 Sonny, was selected on an team and now comes Jim Beck, crowned the" most outstanding Central High records, player-iwith teammate George Hamilton to strut their scoring and basketball . style with former teammates Ulysses Grant and Chuck Duncan who have one years experience with the Roadkings. whiz With tha Kentucky kids to do the scoring and heavy backboard rebounding to gain possession of the ball, 'will give Grunds clever ball handling sensa'tion Ronnie Allen, a New York product of Commerce . TAMPA, Fla. (UP) The: city parks department holds an annual give away day here in an attempt to encourage Tampa residents to beautify their con- Along with the clowns of Bobby has an added attraction to his show this season that will give, the fans a real treat with the giant who will be master of ceremonies for the Roadkings. , Ray Johnson, the tallest living colored man in thel United States, stands tall, weighs 313 pounds and wears a size 24 shoe. The giant will entertain between halves to the delight of the crowd. The Roadkings opponent will be the Brigham City managed by. Del Nichols. This game is being sponsored by the Box Elder High School Athletic association and , the proceeds will ga for the benefit of injured i All-Star- s, athletes. . NEWHOUSE HOTEL . SALT LAKE CITY n will U Itl electrical, its W q And jriv4c Courtoiy el B. F. Goodrich Solo Driver league Former Brighamite Heads Veterans' Hospital Gift Plan neuro-psychiatr- ic Mrs. Yancey extends an invitation to her Brigham City friends to visit her at the hospital in Los Angeles, which is the largest Veterans Hospital in the Umted States. Live and Farm Better - No Ilurry Doctor, my wife has just dislocated her jaw. If you are out this way in a week or so, you might drop in . . Electrically UTAH POWER t LIGHT CO. M JinnlnJ w S3 itmimw c iv. Weber Wins in Mrs. Ruth Poison Yancey, a former resident of Brigham City, is now serving as hospital representative for the American Legion Auxiliary at the West Los Angeles Administration Center. Mrs. Yancey Is in charge of the Christmas gift shop sponsored annually by the American Legion Auxiliary for that area. The program Is for all and tubercular patients in Veterans Administration hospitals throughout the state of California and provides for the patients to make their own selection of gifts for their families without cost. For all tha family a t(it 4rWr rtle pdtslrim. df 4 $oo bt q food BUY FROM YOUR DEALER bdthft q number of years bt 4' vyOV Will appreciated I OIO Old Documents Enhance Pioneer Lessons Fri. Two Overtime Old documents displayed Periods, Friday h , Walker conducting. , Although Box Elder took an was the early lead in the game which "Long, Long Ago they held for the first half, the opening song followed by prayWarriors came back strong in er by Mrs. LaVme S. Hansen. the third period which ended The ladies then sang "Oh with a 30 to 30 count Dear, What Can the Matter Be. tuck in the Following the report of 11 It was mp-anfourth period and again the good cheer visits it was decided score was knotted at 38 all when that the annual Christmas party the final whistle sounded. and meeting will be held Dec. 21 with 50cent gifts to be exEach team scored six points changed. in the first overtime period Mrs. LaVine S. Hansen rewhich closed on a 44 to 44 score. on the dedicatory prayer ported In the second overtime period, offered Judge Martin Larsen, Webers lanky Boyd Mark fired Salt Lakeby City, at the recent de corner shot for the necessary dication of a monument on the end to the former site of the old two point margin opera stalemate. house in Corinne. Following other business conThe Warrior team towered over the Bees to dominate the ducted by Mrs. Ann Jensen, a of William and back-boarthroughout the game. sketch of the lifeHendersen Vest Jane Hannah scorer was high Billy Jensen Marble. Miss Sarah was read by 13 on the Bee lineup with points Mrs. Black then presented the including three from the field lesson. ' and a perfect run of seven char-- , Swanee River was the clos:ty tosses He was followed by ing song with prayer by Mrs. Richard Wight with five goals Reeder. and twa free throws for a total Lulu Refreshments were served by of 12. Goldsberry racked up Mrs. Wanita Whitaker, Mrs. Carn 10 points, Williams six and Christensen, Mrs Rebecca three. Pebley and Gordon oline and Mrs. Ann Jensen. , Korth score. not did to take Bees This week, the the road on a trip to eastern Utah where they play Union on Thursday and Vernal on Friday. The first home practice tilt will be an afternoon affair on Dec. 13 when Weber plays a return game. V-- la&fosif-selliin- if by the lesson, Pioneer Scrapbooks, at regular meeting of the Fort In a sudden-deatplayoff in Bngham Camp Daughters of the second overtime period, the Utah Pioneers held last Friday Box Elder Bees lost their ini- evening, Nov. 30. tial practice game of the new The meeting was held at the season by a 46 to 44 score at Weber High school, last Friday home of Mrs. Rebecca Korth with First Vice Captain Flora night. Mrs. Ruth Black enhanced Briny your old truck m D Itt worth a today! mm t ot money when yoe trade It fore new rm Pickup! d d Ar-bo- Cars Collide at Pedestrian Lane u 323 South Only Ford Dealers Sell RST SECURITY L KENTUCKY STRAIGHT V BOURBON WHISKEY WVM MAVSMMW A W 86 AVMAVA A PROOF WV MUV B JAMES VA W BEAM WW M AVWA DISTILLING ' CO , KENTUCKY CLERMONT, W VAV at lk -- ' For more guidance and encouragement to thrift It looks like a book but Takes coins and currency actually a bank. and is a constant Is reminder that success stories arc based on daily habits of thrift. t I In the , v note living room. kitchen, bedroom, oc recreation tove tune and. steps oil year long. Whet's nwr the low cost mokes this gift Idea doubly Com In give a Book Bank to eoch member of Your choice of colors for each child as well welcome to your Christmas budget. Call your ( telephone business office today and discover bo easy It b to have gift telephones (iff Color; if you'd like) installed before Christmas... or attractively pockoged to put under the tree, 1 give pleasure all tha year 'round give telephones In color fvU iMtmty Mnk t Uoht, H.A. hm ttanbm i UH, N A. Fm( Snty IwMi tmurono 0er i cents become dollars No gift could possibly give your growing , $50. spotted conveniently , n. than a First Security Book Bank. TELEPHONES the Bank for Iverybodyl that makes good sense 1 Swtjr CwpsmfcM Phone 56 AND TRUCKS i Two cars collided near the pe50 South Main afternoon at 4 15 p m, according to City Police reports Leland Albert Sutherland of Tooele was driving north on Main Street near the pedestrian lane when a car driven by Joseph Hyrum Ward of 221 South Second East, Brigham City, turned m front of him, police reports stated. Officer Daryl Conger investigated the accident and estimated damage to the Sutherland car at $25 and to the Ward car Available m holiday carton at no extra cost where regulations permit. USED CARS , destrian lane at Street Saturday JIM BEAM Andersens - Fordjjlnc. Main |