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Show 1954 For Sale DHtl-p- FOR SALE Barn covered bright FOR SALE Albert Thorsen. Phone Phone hay. 598-W- 1026. . Apples. Ed Kupfer, FOR RENT Service Offered One used oil stove Peach City Apts.. 677 south Second east. Brig hkvn. phone 723-- . Three room up FOR RENT stairs, furnished apartment; hfeat and hot water furnished. 305 East First Phone 393-J- . J27.29-cNorth. MILK 12 ft. aluminum lbs.; 16 inches deep, 54 inches wide. Phone 824-J- . 110 D16-tf-c- h Grade A Pasteurized MILK & CREAM HA-tf-p- d OK DELIVERED TRY IT FOR RENT Door Sedan. Radio, heater. Low mileage. SUPERIOR 3 room Furnished basement apartment Suitable lor adults only. IPhone 391 or 34. Call at 70 No. Second DAIRY light a East. Phone 504 or tie handkerchief or shoe on doorknob House suitable for two people. Phone 1058-J- . FOR RENT CACHE DOWN VALLEY BREEDING As- sociation provides the best Holstein, Jersey, and Gurasey sires for artificial insemina- FOR RENT Apartment; partly Central Chevrolet furnished. 3 rooms and bath. tion service. Phone Carroll Don Facer, Willard, Phone Hall, 92 north Fourth west. 0192-Rchg Ph. 1163. FOR SALE Pine fireplace logs. FOR RENT 3 room furnished Phone 518. WILL TEND Children in my apartment Automatic heat . home. Call FOR SALE 1947 Blue DeSoto and hot watqf. Smith Apts. sedan. Repossessed. Ph. 1000 11 East Fourth South. For Rent or Lease for information. 18 Months $46.04 FOR RENT floor, one 1949 FORD 18 "8' J27-29-c- h 9 DOWN Months Central Chevrolet t. Veterinary SMALL ANIMAL CINIC Each Saturday Open 9 A M. to 6 P. M. 63 NORTH MAIN Phone: Brigham 1040 or , Tremonlon 5766 Aug. Help Wanted Address advertising postcards. Must have UNDO, handwriting. good Watertown, Mass. J6 to 29, Inc Real Estate For Sale NEW LISTING year old brick, just like new. You will like this home and the price iis right Requires only $2700 down and $67.10 per month on FHA terms. Contains about 900 sq. ft. very conveniently arranged. Full basement and Lennox oil furnace. Two DAYTIME CALL SUNDAYS NIGHTS SERVICE 935-93- 6 996-874- W TRIPLEX Lowest In Ash Highest In Heat Units Three unit rental unit with steam heat can be bought now for $6000. This is a money maker. If you want income property this is if. $1800 DOWN and $45.00 per month will buy this two bedroom home in SEVENTH WARD. Has water heater, softner and oil heater. Owner leaving town and Peach, C. B. WILLIAMS Realtor CLEAN PHONE FOR SALE ONE BEEHIVE COAL & APPLIANCE 60 North Main Street Insurance 140 South Main Phone 6 or 714 LET US FILL YOUR BIN TODAY! ' & This Is Your Brigham City Friday 41-1- 7 y Entertains Brother Returned From Korea Mrs. Wade Ebeling Gives Epsilon Chapter Lesson One-mont- on- 25, Members many off Appliances PHILCO Television sets, Radios, Ranges, Freezers, Refrigerators, Hoover Vacuum Cleaners North Main Furniture Co. Ph. 250. Auto Repairs Mens We vacuum clean all makes and sizes heating equipment. Immediate service. Phone 420. Clyde P. Larsen Sheet Metal Works. Lumber & Hardware & Repairs. BUSHNELL SERVICE. 696 South Main Welding and Repairing N 23d Radiator soldering. Auto Paint And Body body and fender work. Hurts Bodv Sop 604 North Main, phone AUTO PAINTING 83-W- Cleaners Merrells, Inc. Lumber Hardware John Deere Farm Implements Knights Spring Canyon Coal Paints and Varnishes Norge Electrical Appliances 750 South Main 5 ss&m By CLAIR Drive SAFELY, COMFORTABLY ECONOMICALLY in a ' and QUALITY USED CAR 1952 CHRYSLER WINDSOR, 20,000 actual mileage. Radio, heater," backup lights, directional signals, automatic trans. TOOI CLEAN TO DESCRIBE IN PRINT 1950 DODGE CORONET One owner, exceptionally clean, 4 door sedan. Radio, heater, automatic transmission. 1949 PLYMOUTH I A dandy Radio, heater, new covers, new paint. ' buy at a low price. Priced To Sell Highest -- Trade-In- s J i PACKER MOTOR COMPANY Where Quality Counts I & 45 T QUAUTV USED CARS 647 South Main Phone 1147 Choose The' B. F. Goodrich TRACTION TWINS Thats Right For Your Winter Driving : 'NSVs3 so 0 Icy r6ads, . packed snow, k get rainy streets traction with Deep snow, uncleared roads, mud pull through BFG TUBELESS TIRES BFG WINTER TRACTION TIRES grip-bloc- LIFE-SAVE- , R on deep cleated , Whether most of your driving is in city or country, more has the answer. Get more stop go with the Traction Twin tire suited to your needs. B. F. Goodrich As low os 1 .00 down and your old tire ANfACCOUNTlTODAYJ DIRECAP (ODD TIDES WITH ! WANT A HELPING The Friendly Store for Men Quality merchandise, good service and fair prices. Phone 53. HAND? Pay a visit to our Home Planning Department and find out how easy it is to plan and build that dream home youve always wanted. Weve a complete service Office Supplies Adding Machand Cash Registers rented, bought, sold and REPAIRED. The Reminder Office. . . . will show you how to build for lasting comfort and ines Paint and Glass GLASS AND PAINTS - m , "We are a little outnumbered here, bet we do aR go out for quick, i ratiablo jorvice." Residential, commercial and au- When you need fast, dependtomobile glass. Complete line of General paints for inside able service, you can always and out. Andersens Glass and count on us ! Paints, 85 No. Main. Ph. 480. . U. S. Choice beef sold, custom cut and Vacuum Cleaners wrapped for your home freezer or locker. 120 So. Main. Ph. 69. ELECTROLUX Vacuums, repairs, TIIRIFT-T-MARMeet Mr. Mac accessories, parts. Free demMODERN CLEANERS. Sanitone onstration. 54 Phone 295-Good food at its very Thrift dry cleaning, fur storage. Free 17. So. 86. 4th Fare. Food. Ph. East, best. Earls Ph. and delivery. pick up Stop in MHGtfTBEADS Youre safer on ice and packed snow with this amaz ing B. F. Goodrich winter traction tread. Tiny abrasive particles in tread rubber make a rough surface that digs in and holds. Less slip . . . less slide on packed snow and ice Tires grip and keep going. treads for safety and see Stop in freedom from worry. The name DURECAP is your assurance of top quality treading materials certified ' ' ICE-N-SNO- happiness. ... we will be glad to talk things over with workmanship. , you. Your Only Real Security A Home of Your Own CLAIR'S CHEVRON SERVICE Tires Chevron Batteries Washing - Lubrication Complete Automotive Repairs Phone 477 97 N. Main "WALK A BLOCKtUSMl" Ilf J PHONE 737 If Boys Wear SEWING DONE SEWIING and Mending done. Ph. IGA JOECARJnc. ENJOY WINTER DRIVING attending BLOCKS, 160-R- - job. tune-u- p L Sewing Done Markets SHEFFIELDS REEVES RELIABLE CLEANERS Specialize in Quality Cleaning 132 South Main. Phone 31. , Benjamin-Moor- e motor Sr Mrs. George L. Knavel, Salem, Ohio, is in Brigham City visiting with her son, George L. Knavel, Jr. and family while recuperating from a series of major operations. Mrs. Knavel, who has made a number of trips to Utah, likes this section of the country very much, she reports. the fundamentals a TYPEWRITERS, BRIGHAM AUTO SUPPLY CO service. 36 years friendly Goodyear Tires. Garage. Auto front wheels with every Eastern Visitor Likes Brigham City and Utah Phi Monday evening, January at the Ebeling home. FreeWheel Balance on Kelly-Weste- rn learned of announcing and were urged to learn to speak to the people of their own community, to speak distinctly and to accept criticism and find room for Improvements. President Edna Jeppson conducted the meeting and plans for future projects by the group were discussed. Mrs. Diane Harper was named as Sweethearts (Ball chairman with new pledges to serve as committee members. The ball Is to toe a pledge project! Following the most interesting lesson by Mrs. Ebeling, the remainder of the evening was spent in recording the voices of those attending then playing 34. them back. This week, Weber will travel Dessert luncheon was served to Brigham City, South Cache by Mrs. Ebeling and (Mrs. Gilwill play host to Ogden, North bert Lauritzen. Cache will meet (Ben Lomond on the Scots court, and Bear River Quayle ....... 2 4 will meet Logan on the (Bears Morrison .... 0 1 oasatoa 0 2 Christensen eourf, to end first half 6 12 Totals play in the region,. Box score of the (Ben Lomond Ben (Lomond 8 and (Box Elder game follows; 2 Box Elder Ben Lomond Standing of the G F teams are as follows: a iW. 0 Pet. , Standing 1 1 1.000 K. Butler 6 Bear River 2 2 Weber . .833 0 5 Stetler 3 11 Logan .500 4 3 Bramwell 2 10 Ben (Lomond 4 .500 3 Kapp 2 10 Box Eider .333 4 3 Ballantyne 0 4 South Cache .333 R. IButler 2 2 .333 2 - ... 15 17 11 41 North Cache Totals A41 1 Box Elder Ogden G Region One Schedule Dali Weber at Box Elder. .. 0 2 Jensen Ogden at South Cache. Hadffield 0 Logan at Bear (River. , 2 North Cache at (Ben Lomond, Olsen..... . Visitors at the home of (Mrs. Charles Wilson last Thursday were Marine Sgt. and Mrs. John Burlew. Sgt. Burlew, just back from Korea has been stationed at Clearfield Naval depot. He is a brother of Mrs. Wilson. Also visiting were (Mrs. Alf Magnuf and Mrs. Joseph Conform and new baby daughter, Roseann Toni, all of Salt Lake handy reference guide to Brigham Citys Sales and Service institutions Furnace Cleaninq Jack E. Horton, is named general superintendent of the Seed division of the Utah Cooperative association, a Farmers Union affiliate. . . . ILets Talk Over the Radio BUSINESS DIRECTORY A & 2 fori and Television was the subject treated toy Mrs. Wade Ebeling at regular meeting of the Epsi Ion Chapter of Beta Sigma Last IFrlday was one of those nights when the (Box Elder Bees couldn't hit anything. As a re suit, they racked up only points, five of them charity tosses, against Ben Lomonds 41 from the floor, all of them in the final half. Jensen, Olsen and Quayle each accounted for two baskets, and that was the extent of the scoring for the lo cals. Halftime score was 23 to 3 favor of the visitors. In other games in the region, Bear River kept their undefeat ed record toy downing the lowly Ogden Tigers by a 50 to 40 count; Wdber clung on, to their second place rung by downing South Cache, 66 to 53; and North Cache put Logan in the loser column toy winning 43 to SPECIAL! n Sales books, restau- City. rant checks, etc., printed with little as Less than 28 percent of the your firm name, h 4c each. delivery, world flax crop is used for makso order early. The ing linen. Most of the acreage is seed flax, grown for the manufacture of linseed oil and linseed cake. , News-Jour-na- Brigham City Days will be held on Friday and Saturday, September 10 and 11 while the county fair dates established were August 26, 27 and 28, the last week-enin the month. Gordon, who has served as president of the state associa tion for several years, was re elected to that office for 1954 at a meeting of the directors following the general session. Serving with him for the year will be Melvin Hillyard, Smith field, vice president; and Mae Bello, Salt Lake City, secretary. Purpose of the meeting was to check on all shows wishing to play the Utah fair circuit and. to 'schedule them 1 various celebrations and estate- lish dates with as few conflicts as possible. A good program on leadership training for show an'd fair officials was presented and committee meetings were held to work out individual problems. A banquet, Monday evening, concluded the one-dameeting. Appearing on this program was the Ronald Madsen family of Honeyville. (Mr. and Mrs. Madsen and four children,, winners in the Farm Bureau junior talent program, presented several musical numbers. is anxious. HOT and j 26-2- 8 County fair and Peach Day dates were established Monday at a meeting of the Association of Utah Fairs and Shoiws, held Salt Lake City, it was an- nounced Tuesday toy Sam Gordon, president of the assdt'ia-tlon- . HOUSEWIVES WRECKED Bees Fail to Connect, Lose County Fair Dates to be 4-- 5 Overdrive $30.90 Apartment TV CLUB COUPE 235 J22-26-p- d main NEW ONE BEDROOM Apt for bedroom, garage rent Ph. 352-J- . and Antenna. Newly papered and furnished. Utilities FOR RENT Furnished or unfurroom apt, free. $60. Kaiser Co, nished, clean Hot water, heat furnished: FOR RENT 3 room modern furplay yard for kiddies. Beau nished apartment. 246 North 115 tiful Bushnell Homes, Main. Phone 208-J- . East Seventh South, Brigham FOR RENT Strictly modern furCity. Phone 73. J27-210, pd nished apartment. Automatic heat and hot water. TV anWanted To Buy tenna. Adults only. 112 East Forest. WANT TO BUY OR RENT Two FOR RENT Unfurnished apart-menbedroom home with small Main street on 6th So. down payment and in good Private entrance; completely location. See Lloyd at Lloyds 1156-redecorated. Call for Shoe Shop. ch particulars. WANTED To purchase coal FOR RENT Small furnished with water jacket. Ph. range 807-J or Phone apartment. 286. 450-20 North Main. EC 28TH JANUARY THURSDAY, d 912-W- I assistant Horton, formerly manager of the Horsley Seed company, Brigham City, has been, named general superintenSeed dent of the division. In this caplclty, he will have general supervision of the divisions purchases and sales of seeds, chemicals ,and fertilizers. A native tit (McGill, Nevada, Horton has resided most of his life in Utah. He Is a graduate of the Utah State Agricultural college, and has completed too years of graduate work at the University of Utah. His wife is the former Barbara Wright of this city. The Hortons have three children. He is a veteran off World War II and Is past state commander off AiMVETS. He is active in the state young 'Democratic or ganlzatlon and in the (Brigham Junior Chamber of Commerce. Kelly-IWester- h 1951 .CHEVROLET f ins. children. FOR SALE 5370 First h heat furnished. Play yard for g 4 955-- CLEAN FIVE room Apts. Steam in excellent condition. boat furnished 228 West North. Phone J13-tf-c- h FOR SALE room 3 apartment at J22-27-c- h n The appointment of, Jack E. Horton to the staff of the Utah Cooperative association, a Farmers Union, affiliate, of Salt Lake City 'has Ibeen announced by General Manager IW, IB, Rob- h d t Utah Pioneers will hold their , first meeting for 54 at the home off Mrs. Ersol Bertchtold, 228' East Third South, on- - Thursday evening, January 28, at 7:30 p. m. i All who need transportation are Invited to call 1166 and arrangements will be made. ' i on Seed Division Dejur 8 mm. movie FOR RENT 4 room furnished modern brick home. Garage. camera, turret model with Near high schooL Ph. 275-J- . two lenses. Phone 539-J- . FOR SALE ' V- - 'Sega Lily camp Daughters cl tamed Supt. of Elder NEWS Box Brigham City, Utah Wednesday, January 27, Scpo Lily DUP Camp Slates First ' 54 Meet Superintendent Jack E. Horton Phone 548 146 South Main B!E(G5535ili RUDDER FIRST 111 |