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Show First Ward Inservice Displays Winner's Smile Training Meeting Held n:Trn training meeting for January for members of the First ward Primary was held in the lovely home of Mis The rooms George Craghead were adorned with beautiful bouquets of sweet peas and heather. Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. J. D. Gunderson. Mrs L. D Wilde and Mrs. James Faulkner Three South Box Elder stake Primary board members attended: (Mrs. John Olsen, Jr., Mrs. Elmo Tingey and Mrs. Virgil Pierce. Mrs. Pierce very capably gave the training lesson. Following the lesson Mrs Ronald Packer gave a preview of the February senptural read ing. The 19 teachers and three visitors present then reviewed the annual Primary conference to be presented in May Prayers were ottered by 'Mrs Marvin Nelson and Mrs. Worth Jensen. The meeting was conducted by Mrs. Leon Rees 'Delicious refreshments were served by the hostesses. Mrs. A. J. Hall Is Bridge Club Hostess Mrs J Hall entertained last Thursday evening at her North Brigham home A delicious salad luncheon was served from small tables centered with lighted tapers. Each place (was marked with a snowman favor. luncheon bridge Following was enjoyed by: Mrs LaVerd John, IMrs. Glen Compton, Mrs Knowlton IBrown, Mrs. Wm. D Hollist, Mrs. Ray Adams Mrs Kent Jensen and Mrs. Winston Soroptomists Meet At Idle Isle Cafe for the evening went to Mrs. Adams. Mis Nelson drew cut. and traveling prize went to iMrs. Brown. BoxElderN EWS Brigham City, Utah Wednesday, January 27, 1954 Perc Petersen proudly displays plaque presented at Distinguished Service Awards banquet last Friday evening. . He was cited for outstanding civic and church activities. . . . Osey Jensons Back From New Mexico Trip Wedding Date Noted By T remonton Couple 'Mr and Mrs. Osey Jenson have returned from a two week vacation trip to New Mexico. They, along with Max Jenson, a son of Salt Lake City, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jay Wight at and family Alamagordo, Open house festivities honor ed the 55th wedding anniver sary of Mr. and Mrs. Chris T. Thompson, Tremonton, on Sunday, January 24, from 2 to p m. at their residence. The couple was married on January 21, 1899, in Manti. They lived in Centerfield, Sanpete county, until 1915, when they moved to Tremonton. Mr. Thompson was bom July 7, 1878, in Denmark. He came to Utah with his parents in 1880. Mrs. Thompson was born September 20, 1879, in Den mark. She came to Utah, with her parents in 1881. Both are members of the LDS church, Mr. Thompson has engaged in farming most of his New Mexico Enroute home they stopped at visit (the Boulder City, Nevada to with Mr and Mrs. Rom War former Gayle Jenson) and dren. The Jensons report roads LAST TIMES TODAY good and weather delightful. They arrived home late Saturday night. 'Decameron Nights" THUR. - FRI. - SAT. DOUBLE chil- BILL life. " They are the parents of three daughters: Mrs. B. F. (Gladys) Mrs. Melvin and Ellenson (Grace) Homer, both of Tremon (Jov) ton, and Mrs. Stanford Hfle, Salt Lake City. There are three grandchildren. TWO BIG FEATURES Wed. to Saturday THE PICTURE THAT BARES Baby Daughter Born To Former Resident HIS LIFE., J. YATES presents HERBERT HIS LOVE... FLIGHT THE WICKED NURSE sterling JOAN FORREST LESLIE TUCKER A REPUBLIC PICTURE Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Conforto, Salt Lake City, announce the arrival of their second child, daughter, born January 11. The name chosen for the new arri val is Roseann Toni. Their first child is 20 months old Dennis Arthur Mrs. Confer to is the former Idclla (Burt of Brigham City. AND WHISPERS THAT I FLAMED WITH HIS LEGEND! Officers of Young Box Elder Republicans Ballet Demonstration Ledure ts Planned By r, Civic Improvement Club Members for Thursday Mr. and Mrs. 'Oliver W. Olsen beat the storm by a day while traveling home from their recent two months California trip. They visited in Sacramento with Mr. and Mrs. Vern (Edith Olsen) Davis and family and with Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Olsen and family. Monterray Visit For five weeks they stayed in Monterray with Mr. and Mrs. Phil Ficarra and family. While there Sergeant First Class Ficaira escorted them to Ford Ord, where he Is stationed, and they were able to watch the men in training there. Ficarra received his new rate on Christmas Eve. See Whale Migration They also were able to see the great migration of .whales while there. The people in the area stated that the great schools of whales are visible each year in January. Many whales were near the ocean shore. The Olsens report a most pleasant trip, but were glad they were reading about bus accidents over Donners pass and not experiencing them. A P. Nelson. High score 3 Oliver W. Olsens Home Sefore Storm Breaks Soroptomists of Brigham City met for regular monthly meetevening, ing last Thursday January 21, at the Idle Isle. Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. Mabel Nielsen and Miss Rilla Jensen. Dinner was served from a ta ble beautifully decorated with figurines and peach blossom ar rangements. MrS. Annie Tingey,, president, conducted the business session followed by a special talk by Mrs. Sonny Topik. Mrs. Topik spoke of her na five Austria and told many things of interest along with customs of the country. Birthday honored Thursday was that of Miss Charlotte Mangseth. A lovely gift was presented by the group. Along with the 16 members attending were two guests: Mrs. Connie Dickman and Mrs. William F. Christensen, head the department of ballet at the University of Utah, will give a demonstration lecture to members of the Civic Improvement club on Thursday afternoon, accompanied and a pianist. of V Mack Young, standing, ' newly named president of the Yoqng Republicans if Box Elder County, along with Mrs. Wade Ebeling, right; and Carl Sederholm, treasurer, met last Friday, January 22, to begin compiling a constitution for the organization. Max Adams, Tremonton, secretary of the group, was unable to attend the executive meeting. Flans were made to complete the executive board and make final additions to the constitution. . . . vice-preside- Third Child, A Son, Announced by Carters Fort Brigham Camp Meets at Whitakers The Fort Brigham camp of Daughters of Utah Pioneers met at the home of Mrs. Wanita Whitaker, Friday, January 22. Captain (Lola Stofwell presided and conducted. Following the opening song, Juanita, Rebecca Korth opened with prayer. The 24 members and one guest attending then sang The Shells We Gathered Years Ago. Thirty-fiv- e good cheer visits were reported. Forsgren Home On' Following the reading of a 30-Day Navy Leave bulletin from the Central comleave with pany, a sketch of the lives of Home for a his wife is Herbert E. Forsgren Erastus and Lucinda Gates of the U. S. Navy. Bingham was read by Ann JenForsgren arrived in Brigham sen. City on January 13 and will re The Mormons in Mexico was port for further duty aboard lesson for the evening given, by ship at Rhode Island on' Febru- Mrs. (Blanche Crossman. ary 13. IMrs. Flora Walker entertained His wife is the former Betty The the group with a ipoem, Mir. of and Farmers Korth, daughter followed Wife, by Mrs. Ernest Korth, North Brig humorous jokes by Albbie Sam ham. sel. Our Own (Beloved Home Madsens Announce Land was closing song with benediction by LaVine Hanson Birth of Daughter Refreshments were served by Mr. and Mrs. Carl Madsen an Matilda 'Boothe, 'Hazel C. Wheat, nounce the arrival of a baby Elsie Molntire and Wanita girl born January 25 at a Provo Whitaker. hospital. The Madsens have four sons and are delighted with the arGIRL rival of the little Miss. Mrs. Madsen is the former SCOUTS1 Jneil Andersen, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Lester Andersen of Mr. Madsen's SUNDER Brigham City. parents are Mr. and Mrs. R. A, THE Madsen. 30-da- y 21. They have a son, Michael, and a daughter, Janice. Mrs. Carter will toe remembered as the former LaiRee Andersen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Andersen of Brigham 'Lt. , Carters parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Carter of Corinne, have been visiting iwith the family in Tucson for the past three weeks. Lt. Carter is receiving pilot training at Marana Air Force Base in Tucson. State Meet Attended state finance Finding just tho ' right kind of For coughs and acute bronchitis due to colds you can now get Creomulsion specially prepared for Children in anew pink and blue package and be sure: (1) Your child will like it (2) It contains only safe, proves ingredients. (3) It contains no narcotics to disturb natures processes. (4) It will aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed throat and itim l in our big display. Best selections now I thus relieving; membranes, the cough and promoting rest and sleep. Ask for Creomulsion for Children in the pink and blue package. , COMPTONS CREOMULSION ART & MUSIC CO. PHONE FOR CHILDREN ttlfowi Coughs, Oust Colds, Acuto Bronchitis- chairman; Mrs. Ruel M. Eskeisen, state fellowship chairman and Mrs. Richard C. Alston, president of the Brigham City Branch, met recently with the state board in Salt Lake City. The meeting was held in the library with a discussion on plans for the forthcoming convention to toe held in (Provo April 9 and 10. J Brigham City , TheVery Latest In Dance TAP ACROBATIC BALLET BEGINNERS ADVANCED PROFESSIONAL y i AATJW Stratford, 5-- - Kempner School Of Dance By Local AAUW Members Mrs. C. R. Relief You Heed Child's Cough bronchial Lt. and Mrs. John E. Carter of Tucson, Arizona, announce the arrival of their third child, an eight pound son, born January City. New AAUW Members New members recently becoming active with the Brigham Branch of American Association off University Women are: Mrs. Glen Bennion, Mrs. Troy Miller, Mrs. M. J. Markham and Mrs. Joseph Weight. Classes are now in progress at the Brigham City Fifth Ward on Thursday afternoons from 3:00 to 7:00 P. M. Or for information write to KEMPNER SCHOOL OF DANCE 1383 Indiana, Salt Lake City, Utah: ' ANNOUNCING ' PHONE BRIGHAM CITY 217-- M NEW A COMPLETE DRAPERY DEPARTMENT! TREFOIL CUSTOM ALL Thinking Day Girl Scouts all over the world SSSg plan to celebrate International Thinking Day. Brigham City groups plan to celebrate the day by going to Ogden and participating with Ogden scouts in flag ceremonies on February Troops here also plan special 22. B.E.II.S. ANNUAL sY dancers Mrs. Norwood Hyer, program chairman, today extended an In- - ' vitation to all members to feel free to ask visitors to this spe28. January ballet demonstration lecMeeting will begin at 4 p. m. cial ture. in the War Memorial home. Mr, Christensen, a native off Professor Christensen Will be Brigham City, was associated with the San Francisco Ballet James C. Hanline RMSM company for 15 years prior to to Utah in 1951 to' return his Base Home Returns To become the head off the first deJames C. Hanline, RJM5M., off ballet in any uni- -' son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Han- partment verslty. line, Brigham City, has returned to his home base in Norfolk, Virginia, following a 20 day YOU CANT MISS! leave here. Hanline serves aboard the USS LST. 1032 and just recently returned from "Operations Springboard. In spite off engine trouble the LST participated in one off the most successful and best planned operations encountered by the fleet commander. CO-HI- T pleased thru United Artists two toy thinking An entire decorative drapery stock from the Wests largest converters tors! 10-1- 1 and distribu- days. Flan Northern Council Northern Utah area planning board, composed of representatives from Logan, Clearfield, Imtermountain City, Brigham school and Ogden, met Wednesday afternoon, January 20, at the Intermountain FEBRUARY MADE school. Mrs. Norwood Hyer is Brigham representative member. City PRINTS PLAIN FABRICS SHEER CASEMENTS 0 PRINTED SHEERS CO-HI- T The Ambush tr That Started Every Rflan n The West WED. - THURS. i ir ROLLER His tid Plus P. M. NEW NECCHf CLOWNS! Buckling On rwditK 1 1 6:30 SKATING SIIOWJ WONDER WHEEL 776 C010RS! Mtn 56 embroidery stitches without your touching the machine BANDS! &; ( Serial - Shorts Cartoon and News 114 PATTERNS! EVERY PRICE RANGE CALL US FOR FREE ESTIMATES! DANCING GIRLS! We'll help you in your deco- CONCESSIONS! Mwt on buttons L Si A& GEORGE .. Montgomery tab Hunter , HOT DOGS -- BURGERS DRINKS without ottochmentt . . . freight ond zig-za- g every woman an export UtM overnight. For your protection, tee a demonttratSoe lha amazing machine befor, WM kit MM aAm. BYWATER FLOOR COVERINGS, 145 North Main rative scheme, measure and hang your drapes at no extra cost! HADFIELD'S |