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Show immuMMumM nmrtrw Box Elder 27, Wednesday, January vrsontilhj leaking vMi'kh eccic icIh'U Class Mjiici nniler Pioneer Camp Meeting SMC, of Beehive camp Daugnters Utah Pioneers rnet January 22 the home of Mrs. Lucy Johnson. Swift and Company did something for Brigham City, Sunday, that local merchants have been talking about for several years. They removed a row of parking meters on West Forest while half of the city police department waiehed. It seemed one of their trucks, swerving to avoid hitting a car, mowed em down. Which reminds me, haven't heard much complaint about parking meters 'recently. I 1 Do you suppose weve finally become accustomed to them and have accepted them as io evitable? Very likely the city council would thank but sleeping dogs lie dont believe there were any campaign promises involved this past election. I Speaking of the city council, I appreciate the vote of confidence they gave the N&J at their meeting last Thursday night.' Weve been campaigning off and on for many years to view the unofficial minutes of the meetings, immediately afterwards, so we could report city affairs in a more timely manner. Weve been denied this privilege up until now and have had to be content with minutes of meetings after the minutes were approved, usually Involving a delay of two or three weeks. Reversing the former stand, the new administration will release minutes to the press without delay, feeling as this newspaper does, that the public is entitled to know what is happening. We want to remind you readers that these minutes are still unofficial until approved. The city recorder,1 and your reporter have diligently tried to interpret the meaning and intention of the council, but either of us could be in error occasionally. If so well tell you but dont try to hold the city council responsible for something we promise that they didnt. The school board and county commissioners have taken similar action during the past few months and as a result, we believe the out-of-sta- te door-to-do- 4 little words , i COME TO THE DANCE! X honor. EVANS WOODBURY SAYS: Miss Bonnie Nay $ kv--. shows complete amazement as she learns that she holds Snow- Carnival Queen contest. Maurine Rigby, Janice Jenson and Shiryl Ann Darker, other contestants, squeeled their delight in learning that Miss Nay had been selected as Snow Queen of 1954. . . After exhaustive study of the three factors of cost in life insurance (Mortality Rates, Interest Earnings, and Operating Expenses) the New York a Life on January 12lh announced major change in premium schedules along with the introduction of some Policies entirely new policy forms. already in iorce will benefit from this change by increased dividends in the future. Under this new program New York Life will be able to give a much net more favorable GUARANTEED cost picture on ANY Life Insurance need. For example, can you feature a PARTICIPATING Whole Life (cash value) Policy with a premium as low as $10.87 per SL000 of insurance for a baby just barn? This policy can be arranged to have premiums waived until child is 25 years old if the father is totally disabled or dies. If you need "Life Insurance", "Educational Insurance", Mortgage Insurance", "Family Income". Renewable Term". "Partnership", "Business Life Insurance", Accident and Sickness, Hospitalization, Group Insurance or if you just plain don't know WHAT KIND you need, a call to 9G1-- J will certainly be a good way for you to get your "money's worth" out of your telephone bill. Many people do not accept an invitations like this for fear of being pestered to death" by the insurance councilor. Frankly I don't have time to pester anyone but I do have time to help you it you really wish help. . the lucky number one in the annual - Family Members Surprise Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Madsen on Occasion of Their 84th Wedding Date A number of family members surprised Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Madsen with a visit on Sunday. The occasion was the Madsens 4Sth wedding anniversary. They were married in the Salt Lake LDS temple in 1906 Home celebration for the were: Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Madsen, Mr. and Mis. S. K. Bram-well- , Delbert Madsen. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Taylor, all of Salt Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Stow, Ogden; Mr and Mis. Honpyville; i.Mr. and Mrs, Max Michaeles. Provo, and Mr. and Mis A L. Beecher and Mr and Mrs. W. A. Tmgey, Logan. following Monday morning the anniversary festivities the Madsens learned of the birth of their 48th grandchild, a daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Madsen of Provo. More Than 400 Enjoy Sixth Ward Dinner More than 400 people were served at the Sixth ward building fund dinner held last Saturday, January 23, at the Central school. The affair was declared a huge success by all who attended. Special thanks went out today fiom Relief Society ot fleets in charge of the dinner to all who assisted with their services or donated in any way. Following the opening song on Saturday, piayer and blessing of the food was given Earl-Bingha- WE CARRY A COMLETE LINE OF Tingey. Hot dinner was fhen served followed by a program. Jon Jeppersen entertained with three piano selections; Linda Jeppersen played two piano numbers; Mildred Egbert delighted the audience with two Hear Kerr Kleon AAUW comical readings; Lottie Tyson Talk On Legislation and Tingey, in Indian Brigham Branch of American costume, sang two duets acAssociation of University Wo- companied by Merle Malmrose, men, met last Wednesday eve- and Beth Baird read a humorous ning at the home - of Mrs. Floyd paper concerning waid members. Knudson. Mis. Knudson introduced State Many useful and tasty gifts Senator Kleon Kerr of Tremon-ton- , weie then given to those holdwho spoke on recent legis-- ing lucky numbers. at ion in the special session. Following brief temarks by the more im- Bishop Richard Hansen closing portant bills. Senator Kerr led prayer was offered by Arthur discus- Steffen. in a very stimplating sion. He explained the why for of certain bills passed and clearly-state- Young Steven Nelsen that the senators did Has Birthday Party their own voting, not just the Young Steven Nelsen, son of voting Governor J. Bracken Lee Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Nelsen, wished. celebrated his second birthday-las- t The ladies were so enthusiasafternoon, Jantic in their response to Senator uary Thursday 21. Kerr that he was asked to meet The children attending joined with the group during the with Steven and played games month of February. followed by the serving of cake Assisting Mrs. Knudson and ice cream. comthe legislative planning A cow-bocake was mittee were Mrs. M L. Kay and the highlight birthday of the afternoon. Mrs John White of Willard. Many nice gifts were presentMrs. Kleon Kerr was special ed to the excited guest of honguest. or by: Elaine Jensen, Marlene Thirty members and guests Jensen, Billy Shaw, Pam Nelsen, enjoyed refreshments served by Randy Nelsen, Russell and Mrs. Stratford and Mrs. Richard Frank Allred. Alston. Horn favors were presented to the little guests. Bly-th- . Plan To Attend The Big Western Dance at the Elite Hall in Hyrum Friday, January 29th to the music of AL WEYBURN and the HILL WILLEYS Regular Time and Regular Prices - 1 s out-of-to- Oak camp of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers will meet Thursday night at 7:30 oclock at the home of Mrs. Fred Nelson, 403 South Fourth West, it was this week. It was fourth birthday party time for Ricky Nelson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Winston P. Nelson, on Friday, January 22, Young Rick began the festive day with treats for his nursery school chums followed by a family birthday party in the evening. Those attending the affair at home on Friday the Nelson were: Mr. and ' Mrs. Einar J. Larsen, Gordon Larsen, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle J. Young, Miss Rosa Larsen, Mrs. Amy L. Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Arden C. Balls, Mr. and Batibara Jane Balls, P. Nelson Mrs. Winston and Randall Nelson. cake Howdy Doody birthday was served with other birthday refreshments. . Many nice gifts were presented to the delighted guest of - Subscription rate In Bo Elder County: $2.25 peri The meeting was conducted yeur payable m advance; in combination with! by Second Vice Captain Mary the Box Elder Journal (published Fridays) $4.00 Rose with Captain .Virgie Hard 6 5 cents for $2.00 per year, months; single copy ng piesiding. Outside Box Elder ounty, $3.00 per year, com Juani'a" was the opening onaMoit rate Shun -nng followed by prayer by Mrs Rose Petersen. Chailes v, ( laylmugh Publisher IladvK inhiison Advertising Manager Mo'mons m Mexico was the lesson topic treated by Captain Vlembi r , Audit Buieau of Circulations, I'tah State 1ies A social un .National EdUonal Assm ia Harding. The 19 members and six lion ami tJniled mss Advertising Representative I tali Strii" ii'ss Association. Salt l.ake Cit gucsis unending enjoyed a good ,iOtii y lui gh from a comedy public h better intormed on local go tern-m- i k.t piesmted by Mrs. Luc) nt than tiie hate ever been before. jo hi, on a- - Mother Time; Mrs as Fattier Fanny th.isiensen Time and Mrs Letlie Christof The chances some people take and lie to pi sen as the Little New Year. Following the skit toasts were tell about it! .Monday morning, alter smihI-in- g 15 minutes scraping snow and ice oi l my g,ven to each camp member by he trio ear windshield and wiydows, I drove down"Gaihcr Up the Sun Beams town to see a car driving along with a slit was sung by Mrs. Ruth Beecher opened up f r vision about six inches wide and Mrs Carol Woodland. and futir incites deep. They then heard a sketch of one ot Couldnt see trie driver but decided he the litp of Mary C. Olsen, the eldest members of the camp, must have been an army tank jockev. given by Mrs Emma Johnson. was written by Mrs The With the most recent rise in retail cof- Olsen's daughter, May. Following the report of IS fee prices, and cafe prices in some Utah cit- mod sneer visits Mrs. Darlene ies going up to 15 cents, it should make it a Sioddaid and Mrs. Rose Petersen lot easier for all of us to keep the word. were voted as new members of Soft drink bottlers are probably jumping the camp. Closing song was Believe Me Dairy-farmerup and clicking their heels together. if Ml Those Endearing Young should be doing the same and start Charms Neola wilh by prayer nation-wide a advertising campaign to re- Armstrong. with a health place the coffee break Special guests for the evening break, urging the public "for economy and were Mrs Lettie Cheney of Salt Lake City and Mrs. Elia Watgood health, order friilk instead. kins, Mis. Cleste Burt, Mrs. Alda LilJywhlte. Mrs. Ruth Beecher and Mrs Carol Woodland. A deluge of photographers are Refreshments were served by descending on Brigham City. One crew is Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Christensen already "working the city, two others from ami Mis Christirffersen. have made inquiries. In spile of what they may tell you when Book Group of AAUW they call at your home, they 1H) NOT IIAVK Hear Father F. J. Whelan BUCK A It 1S, Boss C. Bowen, Chamber of Commerce manager reported Tuesday mornFathei Edward J. Whelan of St Henry's Catholic church he even for and that hadn't matter, ing, applied. was guest speaker to members I dont know these solicitors. of the Book Group of AAUW reI havent seen them. But Id lay a bet the cently pictures they take wont be as good as the Father Whelan spoke on The ones you could have taken at either one of Spanish Mind and compared our two fine photography studios, and in the reasons why the people of Spain end, theyll cost you more money, regardless think the way they do.of He also discussed conditions Spain of what kind of a come-o- n they give you comparing them with his visits to get your name on the dotted line. in 1919, 1939 and 1951. If you want to play safe insist on seeing The meeting was held at the their blue card before you buy anything home of Mrs. Richard C. Alston with Mrs. P. E. Parker as spefrom out-o- f town, high pressure salesmen. cial guests. ByCWC me to leave all 1954 establi'.hecl ir t"t' il" Mta and entered as Second al 'lie post offue in Brigham City, r net 'if March X 1X79 itkcsiii.it V.'i I Picky Nelson Celebrates Oak Camp of D.U.P. Will Meet Thursday Fourth Birthday Friday Lucky Number for Snow Queen Announced Beehive Members Enjoy NEWS BIRTHS Geta The following births are announced from Cooley Memorial hospital: A boy was born January 21 to Ellis and Iris Hopkins Lee of Brigham City. On January 22 a girl was bom to Howard and Bernice Nelson Weekley of Ogden. Robert and Emma Lou Cook of BrigHam City are the parents of a girl born Jan uary 23. A boy was born January 24 to Bruce and Adele Fife Hall of Long Beach, California. AND SUPPLIES FURNITURE e EFFICIENCY INCREASED ONOMY 80 FITS THRU THE USE OF SCIENTIFICALLY DESIGNED AND MANUFACTURED SALES BOOKS WE CAN SATISFY YOUR BUSINESS NEEDS eu o REMINDER OFFICE SUPPLY TVtite 954 StudeS&fafc x Look for this phrase on every bottle of straight whiskey you buy. If the word "DISTILLED is missing and the label reads "bottled by or "bottled for, then you should ask yourself these frank questions: Who distilled this whiskey? Where was it made? 1 Xras by the whiskey bought elsewhere the distillery that bottled it? What am money? 1 really getting for my KENTUCKY Every drop of Glenmore is distilled and bottled by us only! We do not buy whiskey to bottle it under the So look for the words, "Distilled and Bottled by and when you see the name Glenmore as well, you know youre buying the best. STRAIGHT 61ENM0IE LOUISVILLE, i t ? nfon v & ; s' t BOURBON OISTIUEIIES COMMNT KENTUCKY v . v. x -v edieill tuee ud efcrame wbeel dim optional in 11 mod ale t astern eon, GET AHEAD OF THE PARADE... Hospital Notes -- Glenmore label. You know what youre getting when you buy Glenmore. You know you are getting a uniform product of one of the oldest, most respected distilleries in Kentucky. White Jessie Calble of Stadium Village underwent a major operation on January 22 at the She Cooley Memorial hospital. is reported to be doing nicely.' Mrs. Bert Johnston, Perry, had Mrs. her appendix removed on January 23. Brad Barker, 4, and Kim Barker, 2, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Barker of Willard, had their tonsils removed on January 23. A tonsilectomy was performed January 25 on Dean Perkins. 6, son. of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Perkins, Brigham City-- . HEAR BETTER 15Y GET MORE WHEN YOU TRADE UtlMORE v GET MORE ''"'a-o- i.nay oy in and day out. protection against snwx. changes in automobile styling are coming. settle for an car. Get a far out ahead 1954 Studebaker the car theyre all trying to catch upwith excitingly different the only really modesrn car in America. Its so advanced, its high resale ralue is assured. Come in and try out a new Studebaker a Champion in the lowest price field or a brilliantly gas-savi't- ig powered Commander V-Look what you get in 8. a nev 1954 Studebaker in tha lowest price, flald . . , Extra largo, axtra powerful brakes . . . Ntw 7.S to high compression in both Champia and Commander V- - anginas . . . automatic choke la al one-pismedals... windshield and roar window... .New stability aa turns anjl curves . . . Now aad Inar Studebaker Miracle Rida... la addition, all 1954 Sludebakers offer if on al axtra cat! Stude baker's Champions and Commander V-marvelous aaw Power Steering and Automatic Drive or Ovwdrtva. longast wheelbase for A MONTH! Tmifin wck low operating am .one IX) tottery haa a faU month Sec tie lor Zmifc EoyaLr Hetru Aid, BUM HAMILTON DRUGS Big from 750 South Main JOE CARR, Inc. Phone737 STUDEBAKER IS AMERICAS 4TH LARGEST AUTOMOBILE CORPORATION |