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Show Service Offered i ost and Found I Help Wanted Brigham City, Utah Wednesday, November 7 For Scle-- 5, 1952 O Service Offered SALE Halloween pump- FOR SALE Piano, upright in good condition. Good tone, kins, squash, delicious apples, $200.00. Phone 852. honey. Bring containers. Peeples Market, 705 North Main. Phone 355-FOR FOR Elder NEWS Box For Sale rant checks, etc., printed with your firm name, uI little as h O For Sale 015-tf-c- FOR SALE 1949 Fleetline, b SALE Chevrolet Clean. One Owner. J. Delos Thompson. Ph. FOR SALE Browning automatic 12 gauge shot gun. Excel621-lent condition. Reasonable. AlFOR SALE Brand new: Record so Ne.sco electric roaster oven. end radio player. SI 00.00 off. Good condition. Cheap. Call Call 410. MILK CONDITION l Grade Workers at Hill Field from the Brigham, Tremonton and Garland area interested MILK & CREAM DELIVERED TRY IT in driving Moss Transportation busses contact J. Leo New and used guns, SUPERIOR DAIRY ammunition, and fishing Phone 540 hunting equipment: boats and boat motors. Rubber boots, baseball equipment shoes, biCLEANING cycles, tricycles and scooters. FURNACE All for sale on our Wt Vacuum. Clean and Repair plan. Buy now and be preAU Makes of Furnace pared when the season opens. Bee Sport Shop. 13 West For- BEEHIVE COAL & APPLIANCE est. Phone 815. Phone "ONE" FOR SALE r Meacham. for all your printing TV SETS PHONE 1000 ALL THIS WEEK AT CHASE FIRESTONE Phone 63 7 YOUR POUTIAC DEALERS SALE FOR Harold stove, and refrigerator. condition. Phone 0283-RFOR SALE 100 pullets. 963-for information. Good FOR SALE 40 acres of good FOR RENT- -2 410. irrigated land at Howell. Good water right Contact Verdun Fonnesbeck, 111 south Fourth FOR RENT Housekeeping room. Close in. 128 south First west d west Brigham. FOR SALE First class. 45 acre farm. For further details write FOR RENT Modem apartment unfurnished. Call or phone Frank Creger, after 4 o'clock. Phone 364-J- . to Lewiston, Utah. FOR RENT Duplex, three room Hwmi modern unfurnished apt. 37 LOW PRICE SPECIAL north Third east. Phone 685. $2750 is the full price for this three room home in process of being enlarged now. FOR RENT 3 room furnished Requires $1750 down and apt. 445 south First west Ph. balance at $40.90 per month 558. Phone R 1951 PONTIAC CHIEFTAIN two-roo- 8 CYLINDER DELUXE FOUR DOOR HYDRAMATIC. R & H. ,OUR PRICE FALL 13580LDSM0BILE88 OUR PRICE r 1949 RADIO - V-- HEATER - OUR PRICE 1946 $1150 PONTIAC STATION WAGON type frame home in the Second ward. New oil furnace. ' Requires about down. , RADIO HEATER. A DANDY CAR TO CHASE AROUND IN FOR SALE 2 coal heatrolas. Inquire Brown Shoe Shop. 122 .8 CYLINDER DELUXE OUR PRICE $895 1941 PONTIAC 6 CYLINDER FOUR DOOR CAN'T GO WRONG AT THIS Tot Taylor condition. west. good FARMS pasture available. $195 LOW PRICE OF 208-J- - 194-M- TRUCK LOOK IT OVE- R- : TON PICK-U- P IT'S YOURS FOR $875 r FISHER MOTOR COMPANY "Home Of Really Clean Cars" Terms. 17 Phone 74 East Second South shortie . CELERY GROWERS! We have a large quantity of old news papers. Come get 'em I We need the room. News & Journal, tf For Sale REAL ESTATE INSURANCE Phone 140 So. 6 holstein high grade bred. FOR SALE. liams. Phone 6 or Men & BETTER DEAL CALL CENTRAL CHEVROLET CO PACKERS V North Mam 18 PhW??5 nr C. B. Wil714. N5tf-c- h NEW PAINT - Irrigated. MILLER REAL ESTATE 63 North Main Street Complete INSURANCE Line Phone 1040 USEE). CARS Boys Wear 1950 BUICK SPECIAL The Friendly Store for FRIGIDAIRE PRODUCTS, We vacuum clean all makes and BLOCKS, Men ers. Furnaces. Radios, Washers. Quality merchandise, Imsizes heating equipment. Beehive good service and fair prices Small Appliances 420. service. Phone mediate Coal A Appliance Co Phone 1. Clyde P. Larsen Sheet Meta! Works. PHILCO Television sets, Radios, Refrigera-- . Ranges, Freezers, tors, Hoovef Vacuum Cleaners. Jewelers SHEFFIELDS I. G. A. After 40 North Main Furniture Co. Ph. years of serving the commun250. ity "every day low prices on SIMONSENS Expert watch, Meats, Groceries, FroQuality clock and jewelry repair. Work Auto Repairs zen Foods, Fresh Vegetables. 868. 38 So. Th. Mn, guaranteed. 120 So. Main, Phone 69. BRIGHAM AUTO SUPPLY CO. THRIFT-T-MARservice. Meet Mr. ' 36 years friendly Laundry & Dry Cleaners Good food at its very Goodyear Tires. Garage. Auto best. Earls Food Fare. Ph. 17 Repairs. MESFRVY LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS. 144 South Main. Office Supplies And Body Auto Ph 62 Free pick and delivery AUTO PAINTTNG, body and fenTYPEWRITERS, Adding MachCash ines and der work. Burts Body Shop, Lumber & Hardware Registers 604 North Main, phone 83-rented, bought, sold and REPAIRED. The Reminder Office. RADIO SHAPE HEATER 1949 $11245 HUDSON SUPER ' SEDAN 6 . O New Plastic Seat Covers Blue Paint Job Real Good Tires O Overdrive SEDAN Radio and Heater Sedan Stok- A- -l For Only MORE LISTINGS WANTED Four heifers, IPEiDAL 1949F0BV-8$EBA- N 6 Room Stucco Home. 3rd Ward. y Furnace Cleaning U7& FOR A News-Journ- Grocery Store, Stock and Fixtures. North Main. 6 Room Stucco Home. 1st Ward. $7350.00. 7 Room Brick Home. 1st Ward. Nearly new. A handy reference guide to Brigham City,s Sales and Serevice institutions. Annlianre 20th. . This Is Your Brigham City business-director- Our Price To You on Nov. PLYMOUTH For small yellow gold ladies wrist watch with small wrist band. Lost Sunday in or around the 3rd or 4th L.D.S. ward chapels. Return to office to receive reward. Main 80 Acre Farm. Tremonton. Livestock DAIRYMEN ATTENTION To move before the showing of the NEW O Lost and Found ' 217-N- 1949 STUDEBAKER AS CLEAN AS A NEW ONE REDUCED Three room modem furnished apt. 246 No. Main. Call alter 1:30 p. m. Phone C.B. WILLIAMS Upright piano. Very good condition, S175. , Phone FOR SALE Black Seal iur coat cheap. Ph. , MILES. USED CARS REWARD west FOR SALE DRIVEN 41,000 ACTUAL MILES. HAS A NEW DODGE MOTOR IN IT THAT HAS BEEN DRIVEN 4,000 ACTUAL FOR RENT PASTURE We have three irrigated farms and a 1300 acre dry farm for sale. Also we have a large FOR SALE Olds 98. 1947. Must be sold. Being recalled Into air force. Hydromatic. In excellent condition. Yours for $945.00. See at 331 south Third 4 DOOR MAROON SEDAN ment Reasonable. 641 South Main or call Leon Packer, 81. Located on South Main street. Good furnace and stoker. Extra building lot if desired. south Filth 673 $6. Unfurnished apart- FOR RENT THREE BEDROOM BRICK South Main. FOR SALE Four room unfurnished house. Not modem, on Second west and Third south. Phone 1040. FOR RENT $5000.00 Is the full price for this older NEW PAINT OVERDRIVE A CLASSY LOOKING CAR interest 47, BRIGHAM FLORAL AND GIFTS 473 So. Main Ph. 99 CUSTOM DELUXE 8 -- A Member of the F.T.D. We Deliver Anywhere $1690 FORD 0-3- 1 Brighten the hours for dinners, dances, football games in fact, any occasion. $2150 DELUXE FOUR DOOR HYDRAMATIC RADIO HEATER REALLY A SHARP CAR , 33-J- FLOWERS PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DELUXE SHARP Pb. room cabin. 17 1949 CELERY GROWERS I We have a newslarge quantity of old papers. Come get 'em I We need the room. News & Jour naL tf For Rent or Lease 33-074- nights Today's Spatial Denver 2, Colo. Felt Funeral Home B. DAYTIME CALL WRECKER SERVICE O Personal No More Chair Rentals Real Estate For Sale electric Couch, MAN WANTED for established 2200 family Rswleigh business in South Cache County. Products on credit Real opportun- Baby sitter tor working mother. Some evenings, some mornings. Phone 932-M- , between 12 and 4 p.m. Precision Built. The set Sorry 144 South Main HELP WANTED turn immediately or call 600. the experts own. LAUNDRY MESERVY St, needs We are still short about 3 dozen folding chairs that have not been returned. Please re- HALLICRAFTERS press ity. Immediately write Company Representative M. E. Walton, 320 S. E. Main St Blackioot, Idaho or Rawlelght, 141523rd Dept PHONE 402-- J Brigham City lay-awa- y SEE THE NEW 1953 operator. hours. Top wages, good Laundry Apply At Pasteurized A GIRL WANTED FUNK SIGN AND NEON SERVICE 259 No. Main Ph. 975 Starlite Coupe A-- St ( r News-Jou- naL Climatizer, radio, heater, overdrive, hill holder, new seat covers and other accessories. Low mileage! one owner. Call 336-- J or see at 163 North 2nd East. Bi (Hit ef Trading Post SHOW CARDS and COMMERCIAL SIGNS delivery, One-mont- 1950 STUDEBAKER 931 M. 8BE) h each. so order early. The 4c 273-W- Help Wanted Sales books, restau- FOR SALE Wonted SMAlxTcHILDRENfended whTis RIDERS WANTED tekilf Field . 7 a. m. to 3:30. Phene 227-mothers work. Call 1st and 2nd South. Please call after 5 p, m. RjjT pd 652. Nov. 5 pd. OST G.ey It. t ten Monday night Oct. 27 on 4th East between Very Clean. Radio $1745.00 Heater CHEVROLET 1950 Markets Radio Heater SEDAN Powerglide A- -l 29.000 miles $1545.00 1949 BUICK SUPER Radio Dynaflow . SHAPE Its Yours For SEDAN $3L39S WW Tires $1545.00 Heater t. 1947 Paint Cleaners REEVES RELIABLE CLEANERS Specialize in Quality Cleaning 132 South Main. Phone 31. MODERN CLEANERS. Sanitone dry cleaning, fur storage. Free pick up and delivery. Ph. 86. COAL & APPLIANCE BEEHIVE Dealers In Utahs finPhone est coal, oiled stoker slack, ' nut, lump and stove. 1. .1946 5 FORD Residential, commercial and automobile glass. Complete line of General paints for inside and out. Andersens Glass and Paints, 85 No. Main. Ph. 480. Benjamin - Moore Paints and Varnishes Norge Electrical Appliances Radio Heater WASHERS, STOKERS, Furnaces, Refrigerators, Small Appliances. Beehive Coal Appliance. , CLUB New COUPE Paint 4 1938 FORD SEDAN, runs good 1936 CHEV. SEDAN, R & H BUNDY Repair Service t V-- 8 $695.00 GLASS AND PAINTS Pbooe L R&H WW Tires $1045.00 New Top t Paint and Glass Lumber Hardware John Deere Farm Implements Knights Spring Canyon Coal Coal - Merrells, Inc. CONVERTIBLE BUICK New Paint t $75 $75 MOTOR COMPANY 545 SOUTH MAIN . Phone 272 or 1011 as E3a? ' Case Is 335 North Main Street ( The Place Phone 2C0 |