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Show s;jpopularSwiss Family Trio WillPlay melodies and songs .yodels included will be fcatur-ia free public program at Box Elder tabernacle, Friday, Nov. 7, at 8 p.m. It is sponsored by the Cache Valley Dairy Association in appreciation for the patronage of n -- O- set each- btained. Probate and Guardianship NoThe owner reserves the privitices. Consult Clerk of District to reject any and all bids Court Brigham City, Utah, or lege or to waive any irregularities or informarespective signers (or Informalities In any bid or bids. tion. By order of the Brigham City Council this 16th day of October, NOTICE TO CREDITORS At Tabernacle Friday; No Charge Afpine for Legal Notices Played Music For SnoW' White consumers and the cooperation of dairy producers for their company in this region. Featured in the famous Swiss Fraunfelder family from the Swiss high alps, who played the music for Disneys Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Univeand rsals Mad About Music MGMs "Paradise for Thee. This family of father, son and daughter brings to you the fine traditions, the live and enthusiasm for singing of the Swiss people, an official of Cache Valley Dairy Assn said. t : BM Elder VI EWS Brigham City, Utah Wednesday, November 5. 1952 Leaal Notices of NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Erich W. F. Kunkel, alao A. D 1952. PUBLIC SALE known na E. W. Kunkel, aim known GERTRUDE 8. BOSWORTH, United Stele. as E. W. F. Kunkel, Deceased. Recorder. will present claims with Creditor Department of th. Interior Deputy Qty vouchers to the undersigned at 415 Bureau of Land Mn.einent Boston Building, Salt Laks City, Utah, LAND AND SURVEY OFFICE, II on or before the 5th day of February, Federal Bldg, Salt Lake City, Utah. A. D., 1953 Oct 21 195. 245 . s NOTICE TO WATER USERS E. KUNKEL, AdRAYMOND Under provisions of section 14 of the set of ministrator of the aetata 5., ae amended by section have been of June 2. 1934 (48 Stat., I27i 43 The following application Erick W. Kunkel, also Erich W to the F. Kunkel, also known as E. W filed with the State Engineer to change U. S. C. Ill 71). and pureunnt Box Eider application of John Lawrence Milter, Kunkel, also known aa E, W. F. or appropriate water in No. Serial the of Calif. State SrT Utah, Deceased. throughout County. Van Nuys, Kunkel, of "BEFORE YOU BUY" Date of first publication October 15, entire year, and all locations being U 06648, there will be offered to the thM write for free from SLB&M, unless otherwise deeig highest bidder, but at not l A. D 1952 to be ted. Golden W. Robbins, attorney for the $2 00 per acre, at a public sale CONSULTATION r To Changs 10 oclock A M., on the 17th Administrator, 4 5 Boeton Bldg., this Matt S. held at at 1952 26I5 Bar B. Company, next, Salt Lake City, Utah. day of December, Audrie Jensen, former state Browning, Trust, Ogden, Ut. proposes office, the following.tract ;.. and diversion of the to SWdJNWV change point NWtfNEK. manager for children's activinature of use of I sec. ft. of .water Sec. 22. T. 13 N, CREDITORS NOTICE TO ties, now represents "The Estate of AXEL C. NELSON. Deceased initiated by Application No. 15135. The acres. The land will be sold Creditor will present dolma with water was to have been diverted from to a water pipe line a to Wlj NW . leading modern revised Referto the undersigned at Con five wells located as follows: 9 WELL vouchers Bids may b made by the principal ence Encyclopedia" used in 8 ft 6 ft. and W. either personally at the tinentol Bonk & Trust Compeny, 200 NO. I S. 3793 or his 2- -6. 3 ft. and W. sale or agent, 4266 NO WELL The schools and libraries for Lake Salt on South enMain, Utah, City. by mail. ,The family group has been ft. 3 4729.6 S. NO. 5 WELL 22 ft t Bids sent by mad will be considered or bdora the 29th day of Fab.. A. D.( the past 30 years. Will be in office prior to and W. 20 6 Ht WELL NO. 3- -6. 1953. thusiastically received by Ameronly if received at this sale. NO. WELL next 62'2.l week. Bids must E. Ft.; and 9 4574 ft. Com& City Bank Trust Brigham Continental hour fixed for the ican and Canadian audiences all the 2773 4 ft. and W $0 ft., 6 S. by Lake In of sealed aocompanied be Utah, Sah welcome. envelope Write calls City, pany County The R6W. been Sac. T6N. 5. NE Cor. have from or Estate checks of the of They Administrator certified postoffice money Box 28 Sugarhouse, Salt Lake everywhere. water was to have been used to Irri- orders made payable to the Treasurer Axel C. Nelson, Deceased 'booked for over 550 programs in in of the United States for the amounts Date of first publication Oat. 29, gate 100 acres of land embraced City. the United States. Secs. SI, 32, TON, R6W, and for of the bids. The envelopes must be A. D. 1952. S4 g corner and incidental domestic Glen Y. Richards and Perris 6. Jensen marked in the lower Public sale bid. Serial No. U 06646, purposes. Attorneys for Administrator Betty, F. (Papa) and Kheiny Fraunfelder 1414 Walker Bank Building Hereafter, tt Is proposed to change Sale. Dec. 17. I952.M tabernacle Friday at 8 p.m. through Salt Lake City. Utah. , . . . famed Swiss family musicians will play in the point of diversion and nature of The highest bidder will be required use of I sec.4t. of water to be dl to Oct. immediately the amount there the courtesy of the Cache Valley Dairy association. No charge. wells as follows: of, pay verted from two WELL NO. 1 74 ft. deep at a point adverse claimant of the NOTICE TO CREDITORS Any S. 3793 6 ft. and W. 9.9 ft.; WELL NO. -land should file their claims, Civil No. 2617 , ft. or ob ectkns, on or before the tims In the District Court of the First Ju- 2 -- 112 ft. deep at a point 5. 4266J W. 22.5 ft. both from NE Cor. designated for sale. RESULTS The Bureau of and CounAnd For the In dicial District Bowling Sec. 5, T8N, R6W. The water i to be Land Management has not searched the ty of Box Elder State of Utah i exit-teni In the Matter of the Estate of VENNA used to water 2060 head of cattle-T-o county records to ascertain the of any adverse claim. Appropriate: NICHOLS PEARSE, Deceased AssoUtah Idaho Grazers 23408 owner claiming a 'Notes is hereby given to the crediAny contiguous State St. Salt Laks preference right must assert such right tor of Venna Nichols Pearse lhat all ciation,Ut.351.15South g sec.-ft- . for wit him 30 days from the above sale persons having claims against said de CRy,use from Goal Bank, Spring No. 3, date. the ceased shall exhibit them with to Wash to Thousand Spring necesoary vouchers within four month tributary DOUGLAS E. HENRIQUES. at a point S. 75 deg. after first publication of this notice ait Great SoftW Lake Cor. 1 153 43 ft. from N Acting Manager. the office of I Gordon Huggins, of 40 min. will be 9 1108 11 HUGGINS & HUGGINS First Sec. 25. T7N, R19W. The inwater a redwood collected at the spring Utah. Bonk Ogden. Building, Security 'In an to effort raise money Doited this 5 th collecting box and carried through a day of November, Holding a narrow lead In the to metal concrete and steel pipe held for the missionary fund, Second 1952. The Eagles Auxiliary distance of 5 1.5 ft. where Thursday evening bowling leaL. PEARSE. HARPER troughs banMonElders ward will I to Oct. 31, hold a in lead the K used from will be two their May Ford game Administrator blasted gue, Andersens and Dec. I to Mar. 31 to water 6000 & HUGGINS, by quet November 14 in the ward HUGGINS Brigham Tire Shop 3 to 1, Octo- day evening bowling league GORDON HUGGINS. 3-7:30 m. a at p. W. C. Klmber. Crouse Creek, Tri-Stat- e Modern Cleaners 23852 chapel, beginning Lumber lashing ber 30, as Attorney for Administrator. Ut. 3 sec ft. for Irrigation use from a Nov. inched into threatening position common score Nov. 3 when the 16-iwell bet. 23 and 125 ft. deep at A top program has been ar DRIVE-I- N THEATRE NOTICE TO LIEN CLAIMANTS a point S. 759 ft. and E. 1914 ft. from with a 4-- sweep over the Indian Indian school and Eagles aux- ranged. Sec. Cor. No. 29, TI0N, RI8W. The 7273 Case and Billiards Club . dumped WED. school. iliary THURS, In the District Court of Box Elder water will be used from Apr. I to Nov. I to irrigriW Bess Service, respectively, by the 0 acres of land embraced Price will .be $1.50 a place and Th Hom-Swet-Ho- me Win County, Stato of Utah. Family Nights Sac. 29. UTAH PIPE CONCRETE TI0N, NViSEl COMPANY, NE'SWtfr in Earl's Food Fare helped their same mark. all attending are to bring their Plaintiff, Lik Grandma $1 per car maximum to Make cause with a 3-- 1 charge past the 24024 Genoa Bros, a own knife, fork, spoon, plate and A newcomer in the league, R. CRAGHEAD Grouse Creek Ut. 6 sec. ft. for and MERLE DOUBLE BILL Eagles. Committee assignments GEORGE W. CRAGHEAD, his wife, et al, use from two 16in. wells al- glass. irrigation Gabel burned the Mae Lola Earls Food Fare was the hot Defendants. bet. 25 and 100 ft. deep at points and include: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all in amount aa follows: WELL NO. team of the evening, taking high leys with a 216 to win high inMiMWMWkiiAtWht Corporation of America Chicago 32, fiRnoli 570 54 ft. and E. 933 68 ft 3 Planning committee: Mr. and persons holding or claiming hen upon with Ronald Reagan and 493 46 ft. game, 1015 and high series, 2912. dividual score of the season so Mrs. Doug Miller, Mr. and Mrs. the premises hereinafter described un- sec.-ft- .; WELL NO. UCA 1943, to and E. 787 80 ft, 3 sec.-f- t. from Title der far. both 52, I, to Chapter went individual game High Rhonda Fleming Earl Sheffield, Mr. and Mrs. be and appear before the above court N Cor. Sec. 2, TUN, R18W. The wa10 OO A. M., on the 25th day CO-HI- T of ter will bo conveyed from each well Wayne Davis, 243, and high serModern Cleaners team enjoyed Neal Hansen, and Mr. and Mrs. at as ordered by said by means of an open ditch to a point November, ies honors were taken by Stay-ne- r Ross deluxe hamburgers, thanks Ross Olsen. 33 E. there 875 to exhibit proof S. 589.21 ft. and ft. from court, then and OF "REX, such liens, and that ail lien not so said N',4 Cor., where it will be comminThompson with a 608. to Grace who rolled first Food committee: Mr. and Mrs. of exhibited shall be deemed to be waived gled and used from Apr. t to Oot. 15 Taro Yagi rolled a 201 to win double of Kling the evening. Floyd Knudson, Mr. and Mrs. against the property. to irrigate 60 scree of land embraced $1 trade at Brigham Tire Shop NE!4SW'L property u owned and reputed in WUNEtf. EKNW14, Lester Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Ste to Said Standings: R CRAG be owned by GEORGE and Sec. 2. TUN, RI8W, SWUNW' and 'Roy Olsen scored 200 to win Cazier. HEAD and MERLE W g CRAGHEAD, incidental year-rouphen for a hat cleaning and blocking job Team Wins his wife, and ie situated in Brigham Mr. Mrs. Ross Decorations: purpose. and THE PICK B. G Campbell. 1662 Roose24129 City. Box Elder County, Stats of Utah, at 'Finer Cleaners. Ralph Wil17 Eagles Auxiliary Olsen, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and mi described ae: velt Ave., Salt Lake City, Ut. 6 sec.-f- t. liams picked the 0 split. 16-i15 6 West rods a Indian School at uae from four Beginning for point Mr. Mrs. and irrigation James of the Southeast corner of Lot I, and Fryer, wells bet 50 and 150 ft. deep at points Wins 13 Modern Cleaners , Dixom Block I, Plat "A, Brigham City and in amounts ae follows: WELL No. 15 Andersens Ford 11 Bess Service 30 ft. and W. 1400 ft. 2 sec.-ft- .; Survey, and running thence West Mr. and Mrs. Ray K. Dairies 8 rode; thence Tri-Stat- e North 4 rods; 1420 ft. and W. WELL NO. 13 Lumber 8 Club Billiards ENDS TONIGHT will be in charge of the program thence East 8 rods; thence South 2660 ft. 2 sec ft.) WELL No. 3 S. 12 COHSTiNCEAtM 1EFFREY IBrigham Tire Shop 4 rods to the place of beginning. 8 Clairs Service...: 2640 ft. and W. 2665 ft. 2 sec.-f- t: and the ticket sales will be han D. RUCKENBROD, RICHARD S. 3900 ft. and W. 5240 4 NO. WELL 12 Eagles died by the ward Elders PETERS HUNTER SMITH ft. 2 sac ft all from NE Cor. Sec. Attorney for Plaintiff. 11 h Earls Food Fare Tha water is to be 4, TON. RI6W. used from Apr. I to Oct. 15 to irri9 Indian School in ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS gate 320 acres of land embraced 4, TON. RI8W, and for year-roun- d THUR.-FRI.-SA- T. Notice is 'hereby given that W 'A Sec. incidental domestic and t stockTECHNICOLOR Brigham City Corporation Invites watering purposes. JL TWO BIG FEATURES Elwynn H. No. 2, 24160 Reed Hams, RFD sealed btds for furnishing all Trsmonton, Ut. I sec.ft. for irrigation USS Crew labor and material for construc- use from an open drain at a point N. ft. and E. 2220 ft. from 5W Cor. THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY i Joyce Barkle, Deweyville, is tion of Sidewalk District No. 14 2463 Sec. II, TUN, R4W. The water will be for aboard the Truck bowling squad chairman for this years Cam- according to plans and specifica- diverted Reporting duty Brigham by means of an earth dam EXCITING DOUBLE BILL through 50 ft. of earth amphibious force flagship USS pulled closer to the league lead- pus drive at Utah State Agricu- tions on file in the office of the and conveyed 24 ft. of where it ditch and Mount McKinley is Elwynn H. ing Corinne Celtics by walloping ltural college. Bids will be re- will be used from Apr. Ipipe to Oot. 31 Engineer. City Jensen, yeoman seaman, USN, the hapless Eagles crew 4-- 0 last The Chest drive annually col- ceived at the office of the City to irrigate Sec.89 acres of land embraced in SW4 II. TUN, R4W, and for son of Mr. and Mrs. Elias H. Jen- week. i lects funds to contribute to polio, Becorder in the incidental stock watering Municipal Build- year-roun- d sen of 324 west Third south, In the other contests Best tuberculosis, Red Cross, Cancer ing, Brigham City, Utah until 4 purposes. of resisting the granting Brigham City. Market defeated Waynes Asso- and other worthy fund cam- o'clock on the 12th day of No- anyProtests of the foregoing applications with The Mount McKinley recently ciated 3-- 1 and News therefor, must be made in af& Journal paigns. vember, 1952, at which time all reason fidavit form with extra copy and filed participated In "Sea Dog One." and Corinne Celtics split two A goal of $3,000 'has been, set bdds will be opened and publi- with ' the State Engineer, 403 State CapDANIIUI ' JAMtS a part and two. This training operation, for ital, Salt Lake City I, Utah, on or beCounwhich last drive the in read aloud the began DARRIEUX cly City MASON fore December 12 1952- of the joint army-nav- y week-end- . rthe Eitat NWV,; the a taste of the good Results old Andersens Hold days Thursday Lead i 2nd Ward Elders BOWLING Eagles Hold Lead Plan Missonary In Monday League Fund Banquet nuTO-u- u 2b$bi David Ijiid "LOST OUTPOST" 16. 26. KING wild Horses" O' .ENDS PICTURES" TONIGHT! 2ac. 15. 71 25. "BIG JIM McLAIN" f jLil rr- - WILDERNESS' Jensen Joins Mt. McKinley PLUS SERIAL SHORTS NEWS CARTOON J7 IF training program, was designed as a means of coordinating the landing craft of the Amphibious force with the armys landing elements. Brigham Truck Heads AC Campus Closes League Gap Chest Drive cil Room. A new record for high team Miss 'Barkle, daughter at Mr. Plans and specifications for series of the year was set by the News & Journal when they roll- and Mrs. Barkle, is a senior stu- said project may Te obtained at the office of the City Engineer. ed a 2994. Corinne Celtics cop- dent majoring in physical A deposit of $15.00 is required ped high team honors, rolling a 1036. Team Standings: Team Corinne Celtics' Brigham Truck Best Market News & Journal Waynes Associated Eagles m KDYl-- TV Wins 17 13 13 12 9 4 Phone your news to 1.000 Haas? 0200 WATER (Bsrmam ave0ve VJEDOflEi M&mjmi Have quick - sudsing loft water for easier dishwashing, whiter washes, gloriout shampoos, delightful bathing Get complete detail! on thu amazing new automatic water toftener. It's a great feeling to know that your fuel oil tank is full assuring you warmth and comfort this winter. PERMUTIT QhtfMfflcL tu If you are not enjoying that wonderful feeling, give as a call. We'll be out promptly with trouble-frethen you can relax. Utoco Fuel Oil clean-burnin- Order your supply now. . Costs 43 than CALL . OR SEC YOUR UTOCO DISTRIBUTOR teniirmOTv v ! t - I pre-w- less ar automatic models Atk for FREE home trial , - 9 00- -9 30 Test Pattern 9 30 -- Women and the News 10 Q0 -- film 10 30 Josephine's Kitchen 1100 Early Bird Matinee 12 00 News '2 05 Contrasts In Rhythm 12 30 Matinee Merry Go Round 00 The Bq Payoff I 30 Welcome Travelers 2 00 Kate Smith 3 00 Video Frolics. 3 30 What s Cookin 4 00 Movie Quick Qun 4 IS The World in Review PHONE ONE ONLY HOFFMAN has the easy vision TELEVISION 30 009 30 Pattern Women and the News 10 OO Film iO 30 Josephines Kitchen II 00 Early Bird Matinee 12 12 12 00 05 30 00 Contrasts In Rhythm Matmee Merry Go Round The B g Payoff t30 Welcome Travelers 2 00 Kate Smith 3 00 Brighten Up Your Home 3 15'Video Frolics 3 30 What s Cook.n 4 00 Movie Quick Quiz 4 15 The World In Review 4 30 Happy Birthday Club 5 00 Howdy Doody 5 30 Dinah Shora 5 45 Camel News Caravan 6 00 Short Short Drama On Parade 6 15 Headlines 6 30 little Theatre 7 00 Juvenile Jury 7 30 Ford Theater 8 00 Martin Kane 8 30 Groucho Mar 9 OO Code of Honor 9 30-- TV Theatre 1100 Night Owl Theater 12 OO Midnight News LIVE , NOV. 7 30 Test 009Women 9 4 9 30 10 00 Film 30 Better Living Electrically Early Bird Matinee MOO 12 00 12 05 12 30 00 30 2 00 J 00 3 30 4 00 4 is 4 30 5 Patterns and the News 00 News Contrasts In Rhythm Matmee Merry Go Round The Big Payoff Welcome Travelers Kate Smith Video Frolics What s Cookin Movie Quick Quit The World m Review Film Gabby Hayes Howdy Doody NOV, 5 Sign On Program Resume Love of Life 45 Search for Tomorrow 06 News and Weather 15 Strike It Rich 45 Lmkletters Houseparty 15 Double or Nothing 30 M 12 12 12 Tha Early Show Margaret Masters Guiding Light Doin' the Town 4 15 Uncle Roscoe s Party 4 45 Sagebrush Playhouse 6 00 World Tonight 6 10 Weather Prospector 6 15 Perry Como Show 6 30 Meet Your Candidate 6 45'View the Clue 7 00 Strike It Rich 7 30 Man Against Crime 8 00 Pol. Program Republican 8 00 30 45 ews 00 9 30 II 00 9 and Mrs, North Electric Theater Mr. NOV. 6 THURSDAY, Sign On, Program Resume Love of Life Search for Tomorrow News and Weather 12 15 Strike It Rich (2 45 Lmkletter's Houseparty I 15 Arthur Godfrey I 30 Mike end Buff 45 The Early Show 3 00 Margaret Masters , 3 30 Guiding Light 3 45 Garry Moore Show 400 Its Oehcious 4 15 Uncle Roscoei Party 4 45 Sagebrush Playhouse 5 45 It's Your Neck 6 00 World Tonight 6 10 Something in the Wind 4 15 Heaven for Betsy 7 00 Pick the Winner 7 30 The Lone Ranger 8 00 Amos and Andy 8 154 Star Playhouse 8 30 Program 1125 (I 30 45 12 00 Test News TV 25 M 45 NOV. 4 THURSDAY, 9 9 KSL WEDNESDAY, 3 3 3 4 30 Film 4 45 Gabby Hye$ 5 00 Howdy Doody 5 30 Film News Caravan 5 45 Camel 6 00The Jonathan Story 6 15 Those Two 6 30 Dick Tracy 7 0C Big Seven Football 1 30 Dennis Day 8 0 Dragnet 8 30 All American Game 9 00 Wrestling 10 30 Parade of Stars MOO Night Owl Theater 12 00 Midnight News 10 Coal and Appliance - NOV. 5 WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY, BEEHIVE ti. Ur SOFTENER WATER e M. Tracy, . ATE ENGINEER. Published in the Box Elder News, Brigham City, Utah, from October 15 to November 12, 1952. O VALUE PACKED 17 This compact Table Model is designed to fit smaller room areas yet large enough to have full size TV and sound system. QXP chassis with Filament power transformer Easy Vision Golden Lens Front Picture Controls Maximum Performance Ser lector Switch Tuner Automatic Sound Tuning for locked in sound and picture. See it today compare it for value and performance! h Long-Range- $23995 DeVon ' Phone 1190 30 Film S 4S Camel News Caravan Tha Jonathan Story 6 15 Those Two fc 36 The Story Princess 7 00 Hopalong Cassidy 7 36 Once Upon A Crime 8 00 Cavalcade of Sports 8 45 Greatest Fights of Century 9 06 Wonders of the Wild 9 15 Spotlight on Music 9 30 The Big Story 10 0( News of the World 10 IS Telesports Digest ll0C Night Owl Theater 12 00 Midnight News 5 Ward B BOND snMnnasns CO-HI- Allen Joan HAYDEN-LESLI- T 10 10 10 12 BREITENBEKER ELECTRIC Lou Hazel 84 South Main 9 00 Big Town 9 30 Burns and 00 Program t0 15 Program Starring Starling 30 Program 45 Lata Shout 25 II 30 M 45 12 00 11 12 15 12 45 I 15 I 45 3 00 3 30 3 45 FRIDAY, NOV. Sign On, Program Love of Life Resume Search for Tomorrow News and Weather Strike It Rich Lmkletter's Houseparty Double Or Nothing The Early Show Margaret Masters The Guiding Light Doin The Town t5 Uncle Roscoe s Party! Kit Carso Soace Cadet World Tonight 10 Weather Prospector 15 Perry Como Show 30 Hi Shoppe 45 Program 00 Tha Name's The Same 30 Our Miss Brooks B 00 Ozzie and Harriet 8 30 I've Got A Secret 9 00 Program March of Time Football This Weak 10 15 Program II 15 Sign Off 4 5 5 6 4 4 4 4 7 7 00 45 00 LIVE Tha Hollywood Story in Songl All-Ti- m 7 ' |