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Show Former VMan June ' Wright Honored At Engagement Of Doris f Speierman Announced SLC Lawn Party Mrs. Vogel To Celebrate Twd Anniversaries Friday" Mr. And Mrs. Joseph Fbcer To Be Honored With Bundys Weekend In Open House On Their Golden Wedding Anniversary Crawford, Nebraska " 3 Box Elder NEWS Brigham City, Utah Wednesday, Movwbw 5, 19 St Sol Hughes and (their families. Mrs. A. D. Hughes, mother (to Mrs. Bundy returned with them to spend the winter months in Brigham City, are still very active in their Mr. and Mrs. Walt Bundy church and other activities. to Crawford, Nebrasjourneyed They are the parents of five ka, last week end. While there four of are whom still children, Leonard William Helny, 6on of livng: Hyrum E. Facer. Salt they visited with Mrs. Bundys the late Mr. and Mrs. W. Harve Lake City, Vera Wilkinson of two brothers, Vern Hughes and St. Joseph. Ariz.; Elmer Facer of birthday of Mr. Facer. Mrs. Kister Is the former Vi- Helny of Grand Junction, Colo. He was bom November 7, 1871, Denver, Colo., and Paul Facer of The young couple has chosen vian June Wright. at Willard, the son. of George and Biigham. They have eight grandDuring the evening games December 1 as their wedding , children. Mary Prior Facer. were enjoyed and refreshments day. The holiday season will be a busy time for the iHelny newMrs. Facer, (Emma), was born were served. Mr. and Mrs. Facer Invite all birthThe new bride received many lyweds. The twide-to-'be- s August 31, 1876, at St. Joseph, their relatives and friends to call on. is and Christmas (Day day Ariz., the daughter of Joseph E. at their home at 161 south First lovely gifts. the bridegroom was Iborn New and Mary Willie Richards. west, on 'Friday, Nov. 7, from Years Day. It was while Mr. Facer was on 6 to 9 p. m. The bride is the daughter of an LJD.S. mission In Arizona that They request no gifts. Mrs. Vogel Speierman and the the couple met. They were marlate Vogel Speierman and is a ried In the Logan temple Novem- Attend Funeral For 3 m graduate of of the University ber 7, 1902. They lived in WilUtah. She received her bachelor lard and St. Joseph, and have Victims Of Idaho 12 NOON of science degree in nursing and been in Brigham City over 40 Mr. And Facer Mrs. is a graduate nurse of the Salt Joseph where Mr. Facer has en Auto Accident . Lake County General hospital, . . . will be honored with open house festivities on Friday years, in gaged farming. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse L. Roberts At present she is employed at evening between the hours of 6 and 9 p.m. The occasion is Both Mr. and Mrs. Facer have of Brigham City arrived home the county hospital as a surgical a double anniversary, the Golden Wedding day and also Mr. served in, almost every capacity Monday from Sugar City, Idaho, nurse. Facers 81st birthday anniversary. in their church organizations 'as where they attended - funeral Nelson, Mr. Helny is a graduate of , presidents, councilors, and teach services for Mr. Roberts Mesa Junior college at Grand ens. Mrs. Facer has been county Mrs. Florence Roberts Junction and of Colorado Un- Northern District Silver Tea Held In Logan president of the Daughters of and two friends, Mr. and Mrs. iversity, Boulder, Colorado. He On former manager of the Cactus Utah Pioneers, and was Captain William Pintock. Saturday Afternoon At Commons Building received his bachelor of arts deof the Sego Lily camp. She of One social All the were killed in three a in outstanding gree geology, and is employed in Logan, Utah as a geologist for Continental events of the season took place Robert N. Shelby And . worked for years in the County tragic automobile accident. Mr, Farm Bureau. Roberts brother who was also in Oil company of Salt Lake City. in Logan on Saturday afternoon To Utah Return in the Ladies? Lounge of the Family At present Mr. Facer is a Pa the accident is still in critical They plan to make their home Commons in the South Box Elder condition but expected to trlarch building on the US. A. in Salt Lake City. N. Mr. and Mrs Robert Shelby C. campus with North District son have returned to Utah stake. Both Mr. and Mrs. Facer and Federated Womens clubs held a in the from an assignment Hewlett Scene Silver Tea. Northwestern States and Alaska Of Halloween In the receiving line were all The Shelbys plan to reside on district officers, all club officers Lane in Holladay. Mrs. Arcadia Mr. and Mrs. (Lon. (Hewletts and Mrs. Harold I. Christensen, BY POPULAR REQUEST.,;, home in Corinne was the scene Springvllle, state president; Mrs. Shelby was formerly Miss Berof Pella City. Brigham of a Hollo ween party on October L. D. Schroder, Salt Lake City, nice 30. first vice president; and Mrs. J. Mr. Shelby served with the Hostess for the evening was Paul Burgess, Hyrum, second U. S. Department of Labor and has resigned his position to bevice president. Mrs. Barbara Rowe. associated with Thayne come A of large bouquet yellow for the Costumes were in order and Realtors, a Salt was company, reflected chrysanthemums ccstumed evening and best firm in Lake mirror on the mantle. engaged in real the City guest was Mrs. iFern Whitaker, insurance and home Violin and estate, piano background who was presented with a prize. music played during the fore building. Special guests of the evening Mr. Shelby has been well of the tea was Mrs. Da-tu- s THE WORLD FAMOUS were: Mrs. Eva Dean Mitton, D- part Hammond and by Mrs. Sidney known throughout (Utah. He was iane Harper, Margaret (Lykins and Boyle. of the Utah, State Commander Carol Mae Yates. Approximately 100 club mem- American Legion In 1948 and "Help Your Neighbor was bers of the various North Dis- served on that organizations played during the evening with trict clubs then enjoyed two de- national executive committee for prizes traveling from guest to lightfully comic stories read by two years. in Ogden Professor Moyle Q. Rice, U.S.A.C. He was educated guest. Dessert luncheon was served faculty member. schools, and is a graduate City The following members atMrs. Jay Law of Garland ac- of the U.SJA.C. at Logan. tended: Mrs. Shirley Adams, companied by Mrs. Milan Peck, Mrs. Phyllis House, Mrs. Fern also of Garland sang two vocal Halloween Decorations selections. Whitaker, Mrs. Mauneen Mrs. Darlene Hansen, Mrs. Following a talk by Mrs. Chris- Used At Civic Club Margie Lish, Mrs. Roxie Geisler, tensen, state president, stressing Mrs. Doris Stander, Mrs. Ivy Our American Heritage Colorful Halloween decorations and Wankier, Mrs. Joan Nelson and by Mrs. Schroder and Mrs. Bur- greeted Civic Improvement club Mrs. Jackie Petersen. gess urging the women to re- members at regular October member Tuesday as election, day meeting held Thursday afterand to be sure to get out arid noon, October 30, at the WaT Horsleys vote, the remainder of the time Memorial home. was spent in getting acquainted. Birth Of Mrs. Zenos W. Earl, president, Flag Tea was poured by Mrs. Chris- conducted the meeting. Excited over the news of a tensen and Mrs. Schroder at a ceremony was led by Mrs. Dan grandchild are Mr.' apd Mts. tea table covered iwith a ' lace Petersen followed by prayer by Scott Horsley of Brigham City. cloth and centered with a huge Mrs. Orson Christensen. A baby son, to be named Neil bouquet of white chrysantheMrs. Marvin Lewis, Mrs. Bill Scott, was born October 31, on mums. Tall white lighted tapers Shaw and Mrs. Bob Call were IMM the fathers birthday, to Dr. and in crystal candleholdens stood introduced as special guests. Mrs. Richard C. Haskins of Lin- on either side of the bouquet. Mrs. Don Sheffield Introduced Presidents of the clubs, gowned Mrs. Mildred Pett Andersen, who coln, Nebraska. The youngster weighed sev- in formals, served dainty re- sang Smoke Gets In Your Eyes ON en and one half pounds and is freshments to the guests. accompanied by Mrs. Henry Bu blessed with a number of grand tea land. Her number was followed time selecDuring piano parents. They include the Hors tions were played by Mrs. Alben by a comical singing skit by Eda Rae Anderson accompanied leys, Dr. and Mrs. Clark E. Ha- T. Clawson. skins of Logan, Mrs. T. J. Poulter Mia Glen Tout, president of by Dixie Burnett Guest speaker for the day, Choice of Colors and Mrs. George Thomas, both Northern District Federated Wogreat grandmothers of Logan, mens clubs, was in charge of Mrs. Allison Thorne, was introand Clem Horsley of Brigham the affair assisted by her offi- duced by Mrs. Winston P. Nelson. r. cers: Miss Bessie Brown, Mrs. J. Mrs. Thorne gave a very interCity, a Mrs. Horsley plans to leave E. Christiansen, Mrs. Howard esting talk on children, hometoday for (Lincoln where She will Maughan, Mrs. Ted Cochron, making and housekeeping. ECHOES FROM SWITZERLAND some time visiting at the Mrs. Norman Jensen, Mrs. (DougDuring the business meeting spend MOTOR CO. las Mitten and, Mrs. Winston P. which followed the speaker re Haskins home. Nelson. 17 East 2nd South ports were heard from Mrs. A Program Which Is Refreshingly Those from Brigham City at- Rudolph Kaiser of Peach Days The phone number of the News PHONE 74 and Journal Society editor is 77L tending were: Mrs. Myrland float committee; Mrs. L. A. Different, Most Unusual and Authentic Balls. Mrs. Leon Rees, Mrs. Har-ry- j Richardson on Literary tea, Miss Mrs. E. H. Jensen, Mabel Christensen of building Hanllne, Yodeling As You Never Heard It Before Lyman and Mrs. Melvin (Bartschl, all committee and Mrs. of the Kindergaten - club; and Chlarson, civilian defense chair Born in the high Alps of Switzerland, this family of father, Mrs. Zenos W. Earl, Mis. J. Leo man. son and daughter, brings to you the fine traditions, the love and Refreshments were served from Nelson and Mrs. Winston P. Nelthe enthusiasm for singing of the Swiss people. These, seldom son, of the Civic Improvement a serving table beautifully de corated with fruit and a five heard alpine melodies and songs are in several languages. club. tier candelabra with tall brown - Never in the history of California has talent ever been honand rust lighted tapers. Ace Hi Club Meets ored two with resolutions by the State Legislature. printed Serving committee included: The Fraunfelders were so honored. Mrs. J. Leon Nelson, chairman, At Faukner Home Mrs. S. Martin Rasmussen, Mrs. The picturesque trio, dressed in delightfully colored Swiss Ace Hi pinochle club met on Marion M. Jensen, Mrs. Marvin is : costumes, Thursday evening, October 30, at Peters, Mrs. Harper L. Pearse, R. FRAUNFELDER, (Papa), string bass. Noted yodel comthe home of Mrs. James Faulk- Mrs. J. Oleen Palmer, Mrs. Ezra ner for regular club meeting. poser, echo yodeler, lecturer and teacher, Owen, Mrs. Fred B. Owen and Luncheon, was served from ta- Mrs. Durrell Nielsen. BETTY FRAUNFELDER, a gifted actress, soprano and chor-mat- ic bles gaily decorated using the accordionist. Halloween theme. Jollyettes To Meet, Special guest for the evening RHEINY FRAUNFELDER, tenor yodeler. Comic clarinetist. Jollyette dance club will hold was Mrs. Gladys (Hanllne. Following games regular dancing party on Satur pinochle prizes went to Mrs. Ruby Fors-gre- day evening, November 8 at the Mrs. Viola Larsen, Mrs. La War Memorial home, It was Free Admission learned today from those in Prele Ridd and) Mis. Lena charge. Entertaining at a lawn party, Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Mansfield of Salt lake City honored Mrs. Harry Albert Kister at a bridal shower at their home. Speierman of Open house will be held by Mr. andi Mrs. Joseph Facer, Brigham City, on Friday, November 7. to celebrate a double anniversary, which will be their golden wedding day, as well as the 81st Bri- City announces the engagement and forthcoming marriage of her daughter. Dors, to gham Ml WAY PEN Dollar for Dollar yon TO AOUV cant beat IPontimc Ralph sister-in-law- Home Party Pirn-pe- r, Hear Of Grandson EDIATE DELIVERY 1952 POflTIACS FISHER great-grandfathe- m Ins Rom where I sit- -. McCormick FARMALL SUIPECS Uses 20 Less Gas To Do All Of Your Farm Work Phone 300 For A SHOWDOWN DEMONSTRATION On Your Farm Today MlnlAMYCSdllCK AND IMPLEMENT CO. Joe Marsh Left Ham Sandwich -- 40 over t Bob's Boats, rant Tuesday for luach and noticed a acv sign Left Ham Sandwich,' 464 . . . Right Ham Sandwich, 304. Why the sign. Bob?" I asked, "Dont tell me yon believe hogs cratch more with their right leg than with their left soa the left ham is more tender? No," he says. I dont take any stock in It. But, some people hoes ordered those left sandwiches. When I explain to them that theres nothing to that fable, that the sign is jest n business-gette-r, and Tvs only on psies, they emjojr Ambled -- a regular, old fashioned, plain bass sandwich all the moref From where I sit, stories She right" hosts being toagher than left" ooee are with as hocanea some people get Mans into thdr head and hang onto thorn for dear life. Ita tike thone who think an adult like myself hasnt the right to a glass of beer wMh my rnyper. I say lets keep our opinions free from being sandwiched in bf STAKE TABERNACLE FRIDAY I10U. 7TII 8:00 P. M. COME AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS BROUGHT TO YOU BY misinformation CeeWiiaH I'M. Vested States Brewers FouiuUuioe SMITHFIELD, UTAH Manager Club |