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Show k For Sale Here For Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. Vern K. Kupfer uteri i and children, Sandra Kay and Ser Lee Randall, spent ThanksgivIn the Ladles bowling league ing Day at the home of Mr. and last week the North Main crew Mrs. Chris Kupfer, South Brig- won four from Central Chevroham. let; Club Billards took three The Kupfers are from Cedar from the Eagles auxiliary and JEEP WANTED Modern Cleaners won three from City. Intermountain Indian school. Want jeep with four-wheIndividual high honors went to OFor Rent or Lease Lola Stewart, high series with drive. Must be in fair 3 room modern FOR RENT 589; and June Ammons, high home. Call 214. game with 220. Club Billiards swept high Lost and Found WILL PAY CASH team honors with a series of FOUND Pair of high powered 2139 and a high game of 754. Marie Bywater picked up a Call Perc Petersen binoculars with case. Identify to Marvin Jones, Phone 925-J- , tough 510 split for the evening Phone 369-- J and pay for ad. Call after 5 and LaRue Bradbury won the hamburger with the first double p. m. Typist and keeper. Lee Accounting vice, 101 East Forest. WANTED Living room set ex cellent condition, S50; rug, 9x12, $50; two Iron beds; one old fashioned buffet. Call 18. SALE FOR SALE Small upright piano. Very good condition. Terms. Call 0181 R2. iU be Pty4 FOR SALE Hot water heater, HOMEMADE HOT T AMALIES used only 2 months. See at Fresh daily with beef end Baird Appliance. Phone 321. pork. Any amount, or Sl,50 a SYRIAN dor. Mrs. Burtcher. Phone 870. Kii west, 5tt Pei m Barb ses. 1950 outboard I, motor and Johnson A 16 H. P. motor. One 0 used if. ,nd one shotgun and One 12 gauo Bea-i- r B bolt action rifle. at Bee Sport priced "de'ti BUICK cury itteeoni JPeterson ud jo the natio ever Dynaflow KLONDIKE She i Ph. 935 Open till 10 Hors PHONE in 164 No. MUST SELL TODAY! MOVING WILL SACRIFICE FOR QUICK SALE outd FOR be IRON . ixtra). SALE Phone 964-- FOR SALE W GOOD VALUE! 1939 28-3- 0 Furniture Moving PRODUCTS, FOR LOCAL or long moving of household Stok-furnace- s, 1946 Radios, Washers, Beehive Appliances. Appliance Co. Plibne L 4 one phone c Furn. Repair, Rug Clean. Ranges, Hoover North Main EXPERT RUG CLEANING, furniture repairing and cabinet iiture Co. Phone 250. work. Cadi D. C. Cornia, 506 south Second west. Ph. 530. Repairs 10; HroinP nationally recognized Unas of ouvept body and PAINTING, n cting as a ri(M Burts Body Main. North 'HR epm And Body fen-wor- k. Shop, Irens piiioM e hot take GIFT i goes f ittlng needle er. After KEEPSAKE " SHOP Complete from tots to teens, work, yarns and 37 So. Ph. Main 23' Pittsburgh Plate Pennvemon Window Glass Mirrors For Every Purpose Kawneer Store Front Metals Pc. Glass Blocks Auto Glass Replaced While You Wait Work or Shop. Ready-To-We- ar SMART STYLES in Coats, Suits, Elite Shop, 56 Dresses, Hats. RELIABLE CLEANERS South Main. Pnone Quality Cleaning Phone . . MEANS. A LOT OF EXTRA CHARM SETTING ENGRAVING DIAMONDS Ladies nalize In South Main. A LITTLE EXTRA GLASS DIAMONDS DIAMOND ners ES GLASS Diamond House" MYour Clothing nf ia i 6 is hare i SILVERWARE PALMER JEWELRY 31. LADIES 430-W- . READY-TO-WEA- BRIGHAM GLASS and PAINT SHOP South Main. 85 No. Laundry & Dry Cleaners COAL IVE & APPLIANCE Dealers in Utahs lineal. oiled stoker slack, lump and stove. L he YOUR of king SUPPiLY 1 Now! ne 110. d Animal Collectors OR best ALIVE- - paid for horses, aDd carp. Call us imme-lafter death of animal le prices y more receive money. flES TROUT FARM, Ph. TO No. 1, or 2215 Logan. ideal Service SERVICE " fix anything. Just them in or phone us. " J " eitenbeker electric Main 1190 ce 84 S. Cleaning clean all makes and e heating equipment. service. Phone 420. ,e p- - Larsen Sheet Metal Implement co. Better Service Reasonable Cost Lumber Hardware John Deere Farm Implements Knights Spring Canyon CoS Benjamin - Moore Paints and Varnishes Norge Electrical , Appliances for all your printing needs Open till 10 Beautiful black and a gaited pony, very showy riding pony. Gentle for kiddies. Must see to appreciate. Sold with or without a beautiful hand tooled saddle, bridle and martingale. Sell all or part, very reasonable. Joe Carr, Third south. Fifth east. GOOD VALUE! 1939 L 8 Repair Service EARLS FOOD FARE. Open Fruits m.Fresh 9 a. m. to p. Cus- WASHERS, STOKERS, Furnaces, Vegetables Groceries. Refrigerators, Small Appliantom Cut Meats. ces. Beehive Coal & Appliance. of Store A. The G. SHEFFIELD I. ' Phone 1. Quality Meats and Groceries. Frozen Foods. Fresh Vegeta- Radio Repair bles. Every day low prices. 120 South Main. Phone 69. CHEVROLET R&H, Low mileage tff- litnce ittl isw i 1 d Men & Boys Wear MERCHANDISE. RADIO REPAIR Phone 649-- J for Prompt and Expert Radio Service. T. Howard Good Smith, 107 E. 6th N. service and fair prices. Blocks, the Friendly Store for Men. Office Supplies Adding Mach TYPEWRITERS, Registers Cash and ines REPAIRED. iiture bought sold and The Reminder Office. COMPLETE of LINE restaurant checks, anally Advertised Home SALES SLIPS, manifold books, ledger sheets, 'toshlngs in Box Elder Coun-rt- h office forms and all prlniS Main Furniture Co. Ph. 1000toe 250. needs. News-Journa- KN )r and linoleum Furniture. Covering s AWk and GULISTAN Car and Rugs. Gold Seal, ,? an1 Armstrong Lino-an- d Tile. Free estimate Installation North ,wtuje Co. Vo. 25ft is apt. Phone 450-W- . 05-tf-c- h BEST USED CAR BUYS! SEDAN 1948 STUDEBAKER Overdrive, R&H. Many other accessories, low mileage $1295.00 2 Very Clean 1946 CHEVROlfl SEDANS With radio and heater. Your choice at 2 bedroom apt. heated; elec, range and refrigerator. Adults only. 261 north Second east. Phone 252-RENT FOR Help Wanted UNUSUAL rooms. FOR RENT Sleeping Close in. 128 south First west. OPPORTUNITY for young man in retail selling, in Brigham City, full time, permanent 1942 CHEVROLET AREO SEDAN Good condition, new seat covers. R&H. SPECIAL TODAY $495.00 SEDAN 1941 PLYMOUTH R&H. New looking only $395.00 Many Other Equally Good Buys. See Them Today At . . . FOR RENT 7S2-W- APPLY AT THOMPSON . 3 room fur- apartment with bath. north Second east. Phone nished 169 Lovely 2 bedroom furnishsteam ed cottege. Dinette, heated, laundry facilities, private entrance. Phone 816-R- . li north Third west. FOR RENT JOE CARR, One. PHONE 737 750 SOUTH MAIN We're Getting Results! They're Going Fast! Regardless of what they cost US, note the car, its number and the price. Then bring this ad and well cut the price another $150.00 on the following cars No. 23 1A 1949 Buick Super Sedanette, R. & H, Dynaflow, B.U. lights, directional signals No. No. No. No. No. 227B 223A 243B 236B 256A Buick Super Sedan, R&H, Back Up Lights, White Tires Buick Roadmaster Sedan, R&H, Dynaflow, White Tires Buick Super Sedanette, R&H, Clean Buick Super Sedanette, R&H Buick Roadmaster Sedan, R&H, Dynaflow, 27,000 miles 1949 1948 1948 1947 . $1595 $1675 $1395 $1395 $1195 $1695 - iks. MADE DRAPES, Vene-- " Blinds made to order. furnished 2 room RENT Special at 2 door. Sales Books - Tickets - l. RESTAURANT checks, manifold books, salesbooks of all kinds, tags and tickets.. We can save you money. Order from the Phone 1000. News-Journa- l, Service Stations Open till 10 FOR SALE USED AUTO PARTS and Good Used Tires 16 and 17 ALSO GOOD USED CARS See BILL KERR Corinne mi Mark Brightenburg's Orchard Supplies FORD Anderson 1942 Buick Roadmaster Sedan, R&H 1941 Pontiac "8" Sedanette, R&H 1941 Olds "66" Sedan, R&H 1941 Mercury Club Coupe, R&H 1940 Packard Sedan, R&H, New Seat Covers 1940 Chevrolet R&H 1941 Dodge Sedan, Heater : or, 1940 Buick Special Sedan, R&H 1941 Plymouth Special Sedan, New Seat Covers TAKE SURE WE'LL YOUR CAR IN AS PART AUTOMOBILE GLASS installed. shelves, General paints, asphalt and rubber tile floors Brigham Glass North Main. ra. Paiat, "8" $495 $495 $345 $425 $295 ' . $225 $295 $425 or $375 or undy Motor CUSTOM Radio and Heater Paints And Glass HOME & Mirrors, No. 220B No. 242B No. 219C No. 233B No. 22 1C No. 238D No. 24 1C No. 255B No. 229 B PAYMENT! 1950 APPROVED QUALITY insecticide, spraying materials. Produce Co And on the following cars we will cut From The Price- -- Central Chevrolet Co. Ph. 935 Im-wat- i ef 19. COAL CHEV. COUPE Radio and Heater white pinto mare, CLEANING Phone "ONE" GOOD VALUE! PHONE 1000 NEWS-JOURNA- Phone HARDWARE PHONE 300 FOR SALE MerrelFs, Inc. QUALITY toiuum & Good Printing Markets n all makes of 'tars, vacuums, irons, BRIGHAM TRUCK Ph. 935 62. Ooal Co., Wight Real good buy $50.00 1 used Massey Harris 33 H. P. Tractor. Good condition $550.00 Central Chevrolet Co. Lumber & Hardware DAIRY Very clean, new tires, Radio and Heater, Overdrive and hill holder. p Ph. 696 Main Large trailer, ly modern, permanently located. Access to toilet facilities and water, lights paid. Near 7th So. on Main. $20 per mo. Warm and comfortable for winter comfort Baird Agency. We Vacuum. Clean and Repair FOR RENT Furnished lower All Makes of Furnace apartment Also furnished upN28-stairs apt Call 536-& APPLIANCE BEEHIVE ft. Printing MESERVY LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS. 144 South Main. Phone used Coldspot 6 h most- FOR RENT Phone 540 1 and blouses, CLEANERS. Your Washable dresses lingerie and guaranteed full to Finer TextCleaning." fashioned hosiery. House coats s Cleaning. Fur Storage. and robes. Mode O Day, 86 ne 86. :RN MO 1 FI8tf-c- RENT Very nice, fully modern, furnished apt All utilities paid. Private bath. First 493 south $40 month. east. Phone 19 or 84. DELIVERED TRY IT Refrigerator Paints And Glass WATCHES and Lrjo ryone ka $275.00 only 1 used Coronado 11 ft. Elec. Refrigerator. Exc. Condition $125.00 of Christmas ELECTRIC All urs. Paint Brighams Record Center & FOR Grade A Pasteurized MILK & CREAM FURNACE Harvest Home Freezer MT. STATES service, Garage. Auto Tires. (year used International for Appli- ponsner rent Beehive Coal S Complete Line 45 RPM Records Large selection Records. friendly years n 1 floor ELECTRIC FOR CAPITOL Jewelers AUTO SUPPLY 'CO. TRADE-IN- Champion Sedan For Rent or Lease teaching MDLK SUPERIOR 1950 ROBBINS BAKERY ance. 68 North Main. Open till 10 INTERNATIONAL RCA DECCA s. 0 Radio, AM ros PHONOGRAPH RECORDS for free estimate. 79-- J Central Chevrolet Co. PRICE AND QUALITY CANT BE MATCHED! to 6 P. M. Apply In Person (trained under Fredrick Dixon American pianist) distance Mflv & Son 9 A. M. RICKS KNUDSON OLDSMOBILE R&H, Hydramatic, New paint. Ph. 935 In Brigham City Latest methods In theory with piano. SHOP COFFEE PIANO INSTRUCTION By Appointment November Specials To Work In PHONE 59 OK D Phonograph Records effects, LADY WANTED J. Open till 10 Weiner pigs. Phone handy reference guide to Brigham Citys Sales and Service institutions. DAIRE babies or small children in my home. Mrs. L. Blaser, 177 north First east Phone 237-N- Central Chevrolet Co. Ph. 935 R WILL TEND $3L9S00 16 BUSINESS EDiRECTOKY lances . CONVERTIBLE This Is Your Brigham City A 543-J- book-FO- el MERCURY Brigham City N 0192-R- pd HAMSTERS. Services Offered ion. SAITO FRANK 1190. 741-- inch wheels, $2.50 each; heaters low as $2.50. Car radios, $10.00. Flen-t- y of other good buys on guar-antee- d used auto parts. A & A Pars, Highway 91. Route No. 3, Ogden, Utah. Phone 25768. Come in or write for informat- Quick Heat Conox Heating Unit. Excellent condition. Only $125 cash. SKATES Like new. Size 5. ildingi n Call GOLDEN 5-- 7 Wonderful Clean, odorless. pets lor children. Easy to raise. David Holland. Call G. A. NELSON RANGE -ICE Main 'j-to- GARAGE sure it's a Klondike and not Just a cover). Immediate delivery. Erection on your own property now. Central Chevrolet Co. 1938 Ford pick up, good condition. FOR SALE (Be used refrigerator. Mrs. Dredge, gl rnieotj! m. winter sets in, let us erect your n book ay garages for sale Now, before SUPER SEDANETTE Loaded, including R&H, 30-3- discuss D i North Main, Central Chev. And Billiards Win Better Service ALL WAYS 180 So. Main Phone 155 h YOUR Central Chevrolet Co. Ph. 935 Open till 10 Phone 1011 BUICK-WILLY- S DEALER Co, 545 South Main , |