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Show 1 PACK ;ty Six! BOX ELDtR NEWS Brigham City, Utah Wednesday, November 28, "TT COX EIDER mi n STUDEBAKER CHAMPION Sedan with air conditioner and heater. radio, Will give 22 to 23 miles per gal ion. Face Last Years State Champs With Two '50 Regulars On Line-U- p Box Elder high school basketball players will tip a ball in the first non district game of the year, Friday night at the Box Elder high school gymnasium beginning at 8 p.m. They will play Jordan, last years state champs. The local squad will be seeking revenge tor the two-poidefeat they accepted last year from the beet diggers in the state play-off- . Jordan, with three regulars back from last year, will again be contenders for state honors. Box Elder high school has two of last years regulars back on Phil Oyler and David the line-up- , Malmrose. A B game will be played In the gym at 6:45 pm. Spend Thanksgiving Why Pay More And Get Less In Bedford, Wyoming Alvin D. Stokes and family of Promontory and Miss Vleria Stokes of Brigham City spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Stokes and with Mr. and Mrs. Chester Stokes of Bedford, Wyoming. SEE IT TODAY AT JOE CARR, Inc. Phone 737 The phone number of the News and Journal Society editor k 771. Sid Farnsworth of Andersens Ford Inc. . Sacrament Meeting In Sixth Ward Held; Noy. 18 Meeting Told Sacrament meeting was held in the Sixth ward Sunday with By Reynolds V. Bishop Richard G. Hansen in , charge. After the opening song by the choir, directed by Lottie Tyson Merle and accompanied by Malmrose, opening prayer was given by Delbert Gibby. While sacrament was being prepared by Garth Baird and Arden Jensen, the congregation Reeder How To Keep Your Bock Off Cold Garage Floor sang. If you prefer doing your own auto maintenance work, this e creeper designed by one of our neighbors ought to aave you time and trouble. easily-mad- o Consumption of RPM 5W10W is less than that of ordinary 5W oils, no greater than any 10W oil, as proved by road tests and actual service. It also cuts gas Sub-Zer- fx 2 hold wood bolted or screwed to plywood swivel furniture coster consumption by reducing need for idling and choking. Call us about this economical cold weather lubricant .ye'plywood 15 30 You can help prevent below-zer- o driving troubles by filling your crankcase with RPM Motor Oil 6W10W. Sub-Zero . & which pours and will circulate freely at temperatures down to 65 below 0 FI Helps lessen battesy drag too, because it helps your engine get started quickly. Distributed by ", A Standard Oil Company 1 California Product V. REEDER REYNOLDS Telephone 1588 Brigham City BASKETBAll SflUAD Wayne Loveland was released as ward choir president and Fred Burt was sustained to take his place, Cyrus Jensen gave a talk, followed by a song from the choir, Ray Olsen of the high council was the concluding speaker. Closing song was by the choir and concluding prayer was by Laird Stringham. At the meeting the previous Sunday, November 18, sacrament meeting, principal talk was given by Jeen Hyer, returned missionary from France. Cornelia Poulsen BEILS student, spoke on education in observance of American Education week. The meeting was under the direction of Homer Tingey. The opening song was by the choir directed by Lottie Tyson and accompanied by Merle Malmrose Prayer was given by Norwood Hjer. Sacrament was prepared and Arden by Robert Tingey 'Jensen while the congregation sang. Closing song was by the choir and benediction was by Edwin L. Anderson. Individual And Group Awards Presented In First Ward Sunday (Raymond Payne Cassell, step- Mr. and Mrs. Arlen Mathews of Burney, California, 'became Ahe bride of Pvt. L. Wadman, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin A. Wad-maof Brigham City, Saturday, Nov. 17, at Pacific Groove in Monterey, California in the home of Bishop E. Don Boyce who performed the ceremony. Best man was the grooms Sacrd-mentbrother, John Wadman of was bridesmaid the and Mrs. Arlen Mathews. The other attending couples were Arlen Mathews and Mrs. John Wadman. The bride wore a navy blue suit with w'hite accessories while the groom was in his army uniform. The groom at present is completing basic training at Fort Ord. He is a graduate of Box Elder high school and seminary. The bride is completing her La-Gra- n Annual membership luncheon members of the American for Legion Auxiliary unit 10 of Brigham City and new members was held in the War Memorial home Monday evening, November 26. The meeting was conducted by Mrs. Alta Shaw and opening prayer by Mrs. Merle Malmrose followed the song and pledge. Mrs. Newell Call, Mrs. Dean Freeman and Mrs. Wayne Bott were new members introduced by Mrs. Phyllis Call, membership chairman. Good Luck, o Craig Brown Has Fifth Birthday Party Mrs. Reeve Brown entertained in honor of her son, Craig, on November 20. The occasion was his fifth birthday anniversary. The youngsters enjoyed games, birthday cake and other refreshments. Many gifts were presented to the little guest of honor. Children attending were: Kim Petersen, Bruce Howard, Bruce Hadfield, Carol Korlh, Charley Young, Renny Bott, Cheryl Tingey, Merlene Andreason, Norwin Andreason, Merlin Homer, Maren Tingey, Betty May, Lynn and Wayne Samsell, Nicky Valentine, Jimmy Petersen, Mike Romer, Steven Laurene Tingey and Brown. Good Health, God was sung toy Mrs. Birdie Smith and Mrs. Arvella last year of school at Fall River Joint Unified high school. Powers. Bless You, Regular' meeting 0f iv. , ican association Unlv' Women will be heM November 29, at 8 p. m Meeting this time win v ELDE the heme of Mrs. J. m. C 244 trfghoin son, south First 21 Ezma Knudson, Iretta pda!' Nv B& Mary Lou Horsley arSci!e Armstrong as hostesses. Program will be reetion of the committl n, f, Sioto lslation with Helen 18 H. pad chairman They will disc god one Hoover Report 1 and On 9u would function in the ac j bolt economy. Priced ill . The associations boot will meet Wednesday at 8 p. m. at the home oi v E. Robbins, chairman. She e.n,t!rt;a.ln,ior,Mary Ho, I leaving soon Ms I SALE-- Mer 011 iw J I FOE? SALE s Connie Seashore was for the evening. A com- Preparation Meeting ic skit presented by the follow- Held By 1st Ward ing ladies was enjoyed by the Nineteen officers and teachers group present: Mrs. Esther Watkins, Mrs. Vera Fife, Mrs. Phyl- of the First ward primary met lis Call, Mrs. Bette Mason, Mrs. Monday evening, November 26, Ann Jensen, Mrs. Mabel Fors-gre- at the ,home of Mrs. Elva Payne Mrs. Helen Johnson, Mrs. for regular preparation meeting. Ruth Jensen and Mrs. Afton Mrs. Phyllis Owen conducted. May. The invocation was offered by Mrs. Mabel Quayle, district Mrs. Jean Packer. president and Mrs. Ruth Bott, Lesson for the evening "By national committeewoman, gave reports on the national conven- Whom Should The Gospel Mestion in Miami, Florida. sage Be Taught was given by Mrs. Esther Hodges, immediate Mrs. Norma Jensen. Each mempast president, was presented ber present was presented vital the past presidents pin by Mrs. information concerning the lesAlta Shaw. Mrs. Hodges re- son material. sponded. The remainder of the time was A report on the child welfare in a work party planning spent committee by Mrs. Clair Nelson, the Christmas party for the chairman. Luncheon was served by the youngsters of the ward. The19par-at will be held December following committee headed by ty Mrs. Pearl Hunsaker; Mrs. Let-ti- e 4 p. m. in the War Memorial Mrs. Ella home. Christoffersen, Johnson, Mrs. Mary Christensen, Two new teachers, Mrs. Lillian e Mrs. Sylvia Glover, Mrs. Westover and Mrs. Ruth Jensen, Ridd, Mrs. Elsie Jensen, were welcomed into the group. Gene Bywater, Mis. Josephine Refreshments were served by Antonio, Mrs. Jean Davis and Mrs. Ruth Beecher, Mrs. Edith Mrs. Ruby Freeman. The tables were beautifully Johnson and Mrs. Payne. The decorated using the legion col- Payne home was beautifully ors, blue and gold. Mrs. Lu- decorated with a winter scene cille Howes was decorations on the mantle Officers of the Primary presenchairman assisted by Mrs. Josephine Buchanan and Mrs. Elea- ted a token of appreciation and nor Gleave. a seasons greeting card to the teachers present. B Notices toast-mistres- Regular sacramental services were conducted Sunday evening in the Brigham City First ward Bishop Irene daughter of Auxiliary Membership Luncheoq Held Monday A.A.U.W. Will Ale,,, Knudson Home Thursday At 8 O'cq Irene Cassell Bride Of Private LaGrant W adman In California Rites November 27 Miss FRIDAY WILL MEET JORDAN T. L. Farn.sworth, salesman at Andersens Ford, Inc., has received the highest award given by Ford Motor company for salesmanship for the second consecutive year. The award was the companys "500 Club pin set with a diamond. The first pin was a gold is givinsignia pin. The award accomen as recognition for plishment as a result of hard work, long hours and fair dealings. was born and Farnsworth raised in Box Elder county and attended Bear River high school. He spent several years in Los Angeles as a salesman. moved to The Farnsworths Brigham City from Tremonton this spring. NEW or Farnsworth Wins Ford Honors 1951 to 771 Phone your society new Top Salesman i pre- sided and conducted. Following the opening song the invocation was offered by Abel S. Rich. Bill and Roy Hadley were In charge of the sacrament assisted by the deasons. During the meeting piano selections were enjoyed. Numbers included a duet by Rula and Linda Jeppson, and a duet by and Mrs. Kenny Seegmiller Jeppson. The Cazier children also played a piano number. Group awards were presented to the deacons by Charles Keller. Richard Long accepted the award for the first quorum. Teachers were then presented a group award by Andrew Bruce Carr accepted the Teachers award. Carruthers then presented two individual awards to Jerry Wilde and Bruce Carr. High council visitors for the evening were Joe Carr and David O. Andersen. Both visitors spoke. H. D. Foster offered the benediction following the closing song. Car-rufher- Reading Circle Holds Meeting At Home Of Mrs. Leona Bunderson Legal Probate and Guardianship No tices. Consult Clerk oi District i farmed. l. 6 outbuildings extra) BU We have several other farms available. Ahar MILLER REAL ESTATE lances South Main f Phone From where I sit ... 101 0 Radio, Refrigerate Cleaners iture Co. I y Joe Mars!; Repairs commissioner to do more work for your money! Chevrolets great englneered-i- n features keep maintenance costs at rock bottom. The famous engine is built for the hard and long pulls. Chevrolets heavy-dut- y frame, sturdy transmission, durable rear axle and other great 105-h.- p. for District 3 of the Willard Precinct Cemetery Maintenance District, said commissioner so elected to hold of- Load-mast- er Advance-Desig- n features keep up- keep down. Come in and look over the great line of Chevrolet Advance-Desig- n trucks first chance you get. do more work for your money Theyll because lower maintenance costs are engineered in. UNIT DESIGN BODY BONDED BRAKE LININGS (Series 3000 models.! Fair Weve just had a political campaign with everything from a torchlight parade to a ballot box race. Rusty Robinson, with no campaign funds, planned his Election Eve speech for the Square. Slim McCormick, who owns the Palace movie house, was finishing up hia campaign in Pioneer Hall. Then it began to rain. Rustys political career was fizzling out in the damp when Slim showed up to say that Robinson people could meet in hia theatre for nothing. I want to beat Rusty, Slim said. HEATING SEASHORES Brigham City and Square" belief that everyone has rigkt be heard just as everyone ka right to his owa opinion i tastes. Maybe yon like hot cof f for instance, when yon Ub bieak. Weil, my vote goei la refreshing glass of beer. After were lucky to be living in 1 country where we tat have i own preferences! Paint PAINTING Street District No. 3 begins at and including James Keyes residence, thence south on the east side of highway 91 to boundary Elder county line, then beginning at and including Clive Wells residence, thence south on west side of highway 91 to the Weber-BoElder line. Of this the public will please take notice and govern themselves accordingly. WILLARD PRECINCT CEMETERY MAINTENANCE DISTRICT, By Geo. W. Facer, Commissioner Dist. No. 1. By Gus Perry, Commissioner, Dist. No. Z By Delbert E. Cook, Commissioner, Dist. No. 3. Phone 935 Bui work. Mail North Cl Irens GIFT SH l itting fronr needle wo RELIA1 :ialize in C South Mai ES Copyright, 1 951, U nited States Brewers ft CLE Finer !RN to Cleanin, 86. ne Now you can -- Mm, COAL IVE ne Deale ollec lump anc L coal, YOUR SI L Now! ne 110. R Animi rf rm m MCCORMICK trical Si 1951. x Attest: Hannah B. Nicholas, Secretary Treasurer. 18 North Main Tire: iyear urs. ners on tars, p)MGnj7W2jijltete We acuum cle, heating wate serv1 'to Prove te P- - Lar Y on your own where perform" tb counts most is Farmall Super C For Your COUGH See us today. CfcBt Coidk, Cc wee days RrftoWtf i i 'ne RELIEF AT LAST CREOIYIULSION Acata IrnrMtfr Uvkk fix eite ele 1190 ch Creomulsion relieves promptly because it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden and aid nature to soothe and ghdegm tender, inflamed bronchial membranes. Guaranteed to please you or money refunded. Creomulsion has stood the test of millions of users. all i va them x CENTRAL CHEVROLET COMPANY fri years but certainly not with ratuP From where I sit, youve pi give Slim credit for acting a neck-and-ne- fice for a term of four years. Polls shall be opened for the purpose of said election from 1:00 P. M. to 5.00 P. M. of said day. The place of election shall be at City Hall Notice is further given that any person residing in District 3 may become a nominee for the office of commissioner by filing a petition signed by 5 electors within his district which him petition shall nominate for said position. All certificates of nomination shall be filed with the Secretary-Treasure- r of said district, Hannah B. Nichols, at her residence in Willard, Utah, on or before November 28, Weber-Bo- fConfimofion of standard ooutpmont and trim illustrated to dependent o oroilobthiy of matfiai.) AUTO iAM Notice is hereby given that on the 3rd day of December, 1951, an election will toe held for the purpose of electing a Li Applia Appliar 4 51 1 furnaces, AND ELECTION "4. PRC DAIRE and INSURANCE DEALER O 48 N. Main home and be $22,000.00 mwax RE-FL- O Modem 100 more could (Animals and machinery if desired, CERTIFIED Al FARM- -70 irrigated, 170 dry land. Hor-tens- The Reading Circle met NoCourt, Brigham City, Utah, or vember 14 at the home of Mrs. respective signers for informa Leona Bunderson. Fifteen memtion. bers and one guest were present NOTICE TO CREDITORS A dessert luncheon was served. Estate of John P. Holmgren, Deceased LaPriel Wight gave an interestCreditors will present claims wi h to the undersigned at J. Quill ing book review on "Presidents vouchers Nebeker, Municipal Building, Ogden, Stone. next The on or before the 25th day of Utah, Lady by Irving March, A. D, 1952. Wednesbe held will meeting J. QUILL NEBEKER, Administrator of Estate of day, November 28 at the home of t John P. Holmgren, Deceased. Lela Griffith. Dorothy Jeppson Date of first pubbcaiorr November will review the book "Miracle at A. D.. 1951. Dec. 512 Nov, Corvell. NOTICE OF NOMINATION . 430 ACRE best buy ifure COMPI tonally j fishings 1 North M: 250. el MAD Blinds an Wng 31d- - Just Call 300 BRIGHAM TRUCK. AND IMPLEMENT CO. Hadf lr Covei lro m and and and Til 14 ins ivutut r |