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Show (The Household Paint) Made GENERAL PAINTS To Use Colors For Refinishing GLENN ANDERSEN MOVED Bv - - an auto dealers round out dream building. In '26, Now Owns In an average year ANDERSENS has a turn-ove- r of 130 Andersens Ford Inc. Since the cleanliness of the new cars and trucks and better floors of the old Peach. Motor than 300 used vehicles, besides depended the sale of auto parts, and theCompanys building on how hard Glenn Andersen continual repair work and serworked back in 1926 when Grenn icing. was a Box Elder high school Ray Andersen, Glenns brother, when in sophomore, he has moved along joined him frompartnership the army after in the automotive world as much discharged as the Ford cars and trucks he the war and stayed until May 1, of this year, when he left to sells. open a garage in Malad, Idaho. Octoout in Glenn who started At that time Glen acquired full ber, 1926 as chief floor sweeper is now owner ownership of the company. and roust-abouWith an eye to the progress of and manager of ANDERSENS, the community as well as his 323 South INC. FORD, own interests, the auto dealer Main Street, headquarters has been active in civic affairs for the sale of Ford cars and trucks and servicing of all auto and Is now a director of the Box Elder county Chamber of Commakes for this area. Glen gained his early knowl- merce. He Is a Comedge of what makes an auto- of the Junior Chamber of mobile tick with the old Peach merce and past director of the Motor company and in 1934 Kiwanis club. He Is a member Econo- of the Fourth LJ)S. ward. started with the Attesting to the top service ofmy Motor company in Brigham fered by ANDERSEN'S FORD, City. He added to his experthe Ford ience with Economy Motors un- they were awarded letter award last to four til 1941 when he sojourned Tuesday evening by M. B. Ogden for a two year stretch. zone manager for In 1913, when you almost had Bennett, to have the approval of the War this area for Ford Motor comdepartment to sell a 10 year old pany, for the second year The award (the letters FMSF, car. Glen returned to Brigham City to take over the Ford fran- stand for: finances, manage is chise, though, of course there ment, spirit and facilities) wasnt a new Ford this side of given to dealers who pass rigid Guadal Canal, and formed ANf standards. DERAENS. The award is the highest reOil cognition a Ford dealer can reHe opened in the Utah ouilding, just south of the court ceive from the Ford Motor comhouse, soon hired one mechanic pany. FORD ANDERSENS and for the duration of the war INC. was one of the his principal service was first dealers in the Salt repair and sales of Lake City Ford Motor company parts if he could get them. district to qualify for it. To date That was the beginning of only 23 dealers, out of a total of a business that now has a pay- 107 dealers in this district, com roll of over $40,000 into the econ- prising the stats of Utah, Ida omy of Brigham City each year ho and portions of Montana, Ne arid does an annual gross busi- vada and Wyoming, have qual ness of well over one half mil- ified. lion dollars. From Andersens In making the award the zone Ford property the county gains manager stated: Mr. Andersen a sizeable chunk of taxes each and each of his employees is to jear to operate schools, build be congratulated for this singu lar honor. roads, etc. A major milestone in the short Glen and his wife, Grace, but successful life of ANDER have two children, Joanne, 11, SENS was the move to their and Arlene, 6, who, incidentally present location. Glen built the were both born on November 20, attractive building and then five years apart. moved into it in February, 1948. On the staff at ANDERSENS An ideal garage it has a are T. L. Farnsworth, Moe Glade spacious show room, usually Lish, Jeppsen, Jay crowded with latest model Ford Swenson, Helen Mollendorf, Vircars, a large and orderly ar- gil 'Jeppsen, Merlin Jeppsen, ranged repair shop, a neat ser- Frank Jensen, Alfred Andersen, vice station that offers full ser- Lyle 'LaFramboise, Vern Jeppvices, office space, and practi- sen, Victor Wright and Robert cally everything that goes to Jensen. A LITTLE GLASS MEANS A LOT OF EXTRA CHARM" NORTH MAIN PHONE 696 SAVE . 50 ON FUEL BILLS! t, INSULATE NOW! fortune on fuel when you can save Why spend a MACHINE BLOWN ation cost for INSULATION 507. on Heating Cost ROCK WOOL or ZONOLITE. No JOB average home is only $70.00. I - Specializing In Roast Turkey and Select Steaks Nothing But The Best Is Prepared In Our Clean Modern Kitchen We Are Located Just South of Town on Highway 91 Drive Out And Say Hi To Frances and Al PHONE 825 FOR RESERVATIONS Open From A.M. to 5 10 P. M. Weekends CLOSED EWEEtfTdDEf to 10 P. M. Weekdays 7 A. M. WEDNESDAY mWIBIESS GflD. PHONE 27 21 EAST FIRST SOUTIP O IS MATTRESS RECOVERING that old mattress into Our plant has all the modern equipment to a thick felt or innerspring mattress. You may use your old ticking if you so desire. New mattresses made to your specifications. Hollywood Bed Sets built to order. re-bui- ld past-preside- with a POWER dust or muss. Insul- OWNERS FRANCES AND AL BIERLEY Started As Roustabout Brigham Glass and Paint Shop 85 MATTIES CAFE AUTO WORLD LIKE CARS HE SELLS Lasting, Easy Furniture Porch Sets-jjt- erior Kitchen and Bathroom Walls Woodwork Doors and Screens Tools Fixtures Garbage Cans. and Toys ANYTHING ELSE INSIDE OR OUT Brilliant, UP IN Ow-en- s E2eeI1I1s Hbes SAVE up to 3 PLUMBING AND HEATING For Headquarters n your IRON FIREMAN Automatic Healing and Power Equipment OIL GAS COAL , OIL BILL! REPAIR SERVICE 24 hrs. a day 7 das a week Formerly BOX ELDER PACKING CORP. Albert T. Smith, Pres. Roland B. Smith, Gen. Mgr. Daniel Ross, Plant Mgr. 116 South 8th West Phone 775 Makes It Twice lnA IPaiSSORj amdl MFS Phone 945 GENERAL CONTRACTORS All types heavy construction, dams, highways, airports, excavating. READY MIX CONCRETE Delivered anywhere in Box Elder county. Call us for free estimates. SAND AND GRAVEL Passes the highest test anywhere. Delivered any place. GRAVEL OF ALL SIZES PLASTER, BRICK AND CONCRETE SAND " 620 East 5th South Phone 233 RICHARDS FOR WHOLESALE 72 South Main PIERSON) "Our aim is to deal with every customer so that it will bring their permanent patronage D RE WES Floral and Gifts When Look r are booked until after Christmas, f i ' l ? "" . P'11'1 V k;..w ' mo&m 1 TiTr COCO! QSQQt rm irni - "Avf Y p finances as TV ford dealer auto REPAIR & SERVICES 4. J ..,. ' m FLOWERS ONE "YOUR i J for the MERCURY EMBLEM It means guaranteed delivery. FOR PHONE 153 ALL OCCASIONS ' g spirit p facilities JL a- 4 CHRISTMAS" IT WITH FLOWERS! management L 1 "MERRY fflDERSEf S - FORD, 1C s 4 ? V q2 sz ... Phone 474 say you SAY itimttb FLOWERS --BY- WIRE Menu Ar.ueisen oar Letter Award for the second consecutive year from M. B. Bennett, zone manager for Ford Motor company. The letters, FMSF, are for: finances, management, spirit, and facilities. f c Brigham City While You Wait Service 68H South Main . West - Proprietor and Repairman Shoes Dyed and Refinished In Any Color It s a permanent dye and will not rub off! Worn out galoshes and rubbers patched, half soled, new heels and full soled. Due to the fact that we cannot accept any upholstery or drapery work ' SHOP FULL SOLES INVISIBLE HALF-SOLE- S LADIES TOP LIFTS NEW HEELS AND we ' MEATS Phone 33 SHOE LLOYD PERKINS ART SERVICE " Distinctive Furniture For Those Who Want The Best South 1st THE PROCESSING HOME FREEZERS 27 West Forest LLOYDS REPAIRING OF FURNITURE It is almost Bring your furniture to us when the break first occurs. impossible to get light joints if the break is allowed to remain in the piece of furniture. This will save you time, money and assure you of a more I - JOHN RICHARDS, Owner At a very low cost to you we will cut, wrap and quick freeze your meat. We also cure hams and bacons. OFFERS THEIR CUSTOMERS fit M. WE SOLICIT FAWSON-YOUR-T perfect Ltls- rc00 THE BEST IN SHOE REBUILDING (FRED REFINISHING COMPANY CONSTRUCTION We Are Moving December First To Our New Location At 119 East Forest Street PHOTO UPHOLSTERING Row YOU STILL HAVE TIME TO SEE US ABOUT YOUR CHRISTMAS PHOTOS! HURRY! FURNITURE O We can make over your old furniture with new fabric at a saving to you. Come in and ask us all about it. Well be glad to show you samples. 4 'A' - - USED CARS STOP STATION" Brigham Citys authorized Ford Dealers of Cars and Trucks. Our repair shop is completely modem and equipped with only the latest and finest equipment available to give your car the best quality repair work. OUR MECHANICS ARE FACTORY TRAINED. We service all makes of cars and trucks. Your car serviced immediately Lubrications Jobs, Wheel Aligning, BatTire Switching, Winter Tune-up- s, tery and Light Check-uPainting and Body Repairs, Complete line of Utoco Products, Gas, Oil and p, Anti-Freez- e. Andersens Ford A- -l Used Cars are clean, dependable KNOW YOUR USED CAR DEALER. and priced right. r Ct Wl r .iy a A- - AUTO ACCESSORIES & PARTS f Complete line of Auto Accessories and Parts. |