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Show 8TH WARD BISHOP BEES CRUSH LOGAN GRIZZLIES Hivers Will Meel 38 TO 6 IN OPEN GAME FRIDAY Spartans On Friday Oyler; Johnson, Rock, Boothe Spark Foes d Attack Against Their Out-Playe- and The Box Elder Bees assured themselves of a tie in Region One with a rousing 38 to 6 triumph oyer the Logan Grizzlies at the River's stadium last Friday night. The kickoff was at 7 :30 and the Bees pushed their helpless opponents all over the field during the four periods of the tussle. Phil Oyler ran his season scoring total to 63 points, with three touchdowns in the first half. Phil, the Phantom tops all Class A gridders in the personal scoring department. Quarterback LeRon Johnson tallied two counters with Ronnie Stoney Rock pushing over the final TD. The win put the Bees in first to the line. Fast openplace with a four and nothing ing holes in the line gave the record- - Ogden slid into second Grizzlies and they yardage, with a 20 to 6 Victory over We- started to march up the field ber. Logan fell down to third toward the Bees goal posts. LEGIONNAIRE SEEKS - Based On d HIS RECORD ERNEST E. HANSEN For COUNTY ASSESSOR I'leosant, courteous, congenial and efficient service to all. YOUR SUPPORT APPRECIATED! VOTE REPUBLICAN (Paid Political Adv.) vers average 170 pounds and boast three backs that can run the 10Q yard dash under 11 sec- from place with the Warriors Weber in the fourth spot. Only two more weeks of football, and 'Region One will crown another champion. Box Elder has only South Cache and Bear River left Both to play in the league. clubs are in the lower division, and the Hivers are Inked as the favorites to annex the title. in Logan received the kick-of- f the game and moved the ball up Bees Recover Fumble I The Box Elder Bees yiil meet the twice beaten South Cache Spartans Friday afternoon at 1:30 In Hyrum. The game will be the fifth league encounter for both machines. League standings to date: W. L. Pet. PA PS Box Elder.... .4 0 1.000 162 26 3 1 .750 81 84 Ogden 3 .600 79 41 Logan ' Weber 2 .500 39 91 So. Cache .... 2 .500 50 23 No. Cache .... 1 .350 39 110 Bear River.... 0 .000 12 88 Box Elder will be a top heavy favorite In the grid battle, not only because they are undefeated in league play, but because they have the heaviest and fastest team in the region. The Hi With the ball on the Logan for the extra point. line, Kent 'Harris tried a plunge over right tackle and With only eight plays gone in Maurice Hunsaker banged him the third canto, Ronnie Rock to the ground. The oval squirt- bruised his way over from the ed out of his arms and into the three-yardline for a score. The paws 'of Collin Hunsaker. From kick was blocked. Score, Box the Hive drove on down der 38, Logan 6. the field with Oyler tallied tally The Hivers almost broke away ing the initial counter from the with another score late in the line. A plunge failed fourth period when Glendon and the Bees led 6 to 0. t Hendricks, only a junior, broke Box Elder got their next break loose on a gallop. Only when Taylor tried for another a single defensive man was left down failed. on and between Glendon and the goal fourth yard This gave the ball to the Hivers posts, and his opponents nailed on the Logan 28. Oyleq and him on the Logan line. Rock "moved the ball down to The Box Elder high school the 19 where Phil Oyler hit end band and BEttes performed for e with the Lee Boothe in the packed during the a pass, but he dropped on the half time cjpwn ceremonies. They ball.. , spelled out the school letters for On fourth down, Phil Oyler both schools along with the moved over right tackle for four, band playing their song. but failed to pick up a first down. On the next play, Maurice Hunsaker smothered a GrizYOU CANT REST line. zly fumble on the Rock A penalty and a gain by AT NIGHT? helped Oyler crash over from the strip.. The kick was blocked, but the Hivers were ahead 12 to 6. Martin started off a drive the Logan machine put on when he gathered in the kickoff on the 38. Harris, Martin and Shiftman sparked the fast moving attack of the visiting team. The climax was a pass from Kent Harris to Jerry Wallace in the end zone. Boothe blocked the kick. Box Elder 12; : Logan 6. You get up in the morning Just before the half time activities got under way, Phil Oymore tired than the ler ran. rough shod through the feeling . Logan line from the six for his night before.. third touchdown - of the night. You Have Saggitis Oyler flipped a pass to Boothe for the extra point. Just before Of The Springs Oyler scored, LeRon Johnson tallied, but a penalty crossed the score out. Half time score was See aisatjnce.,.Tr- - We can Box Elder 19, Logan 6. remedy your difficulties in the Bees moved the' ball ONE DAY. Well rebuild to the Logan 5 after the openmattress into kick-off,sagging LeRon your Johnson ing EYERTON scored on the old 96 genuine play. a Boothe dropped the ball on a SPRINGFILLED Mattress at only a small cost. pass from Oyler for the try for extra point. Reese Whitaker continued to give the Logan team a bad time when he Intercepted a pass and raced back to the Logan line. Phil Oyler then lined a perfect pass MATTRESS CO. to LeRon Johnson on the 9 and he waltzed to the Bees 31 first 24 E. 1st So.' Ph. 27 point of the evening. Oyler threw a pass to Boothe in the l d end-zon- onds. South Cache has had a so-sseason winning two and losing two. They have a small but fighting bunch of Spartans sparked' by Butch Brown, crafty back-fielace, who Is ranked as fourth top scorer In the region. Coach Earl Ferguson will send Lee Boothe and Tom Barnes in the game at the end positions. Maurice Hunsaker and David Kotter will fill in the big tackle slots with Lewis Knudson and Russ Nelsen taking over guard positions. Collin Hunsaker will work from the pivot spot with LeRon Johnson, captain, calling out the signals. Reese Whitaker and Phil Oyler, top scorer in the state, will be at the half back holes with rough Ronnie d Bock driving from spot. the full back BOX ELbfifiJ t qh This contest will precede the Brigham final game of the season with Wednesday, Bees! Bear River here in the He Got MEMPHIS, ' Term , day drivers' did Police when they passed' weeks automobile, Seatl collection from the citys new steering wheel amounted to hitched in front J1 parking meters brown horse pu $148.40 and four slugs Tried For Size? ATHENS, Ala. (UP) here reported the first e . 1 d end-zon- . 15-yar- d six-yar- f X i I:- I buyer and be dollars ahead by saving for the things you want before you buy. Just decide what New Car, you want Home Improvements or Vacation and how soon you want it. 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