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Show Slated To Appear In Box Elder County Tomorrow : sm . ' ' v ; : st VOLUME 55, NUMBER 43 10 PAGES BRIGHAM CITY, UTAH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 25, 1950 I y. Two Injured In Sunday School Smash-U- p DEATH OF BOX ELDER PAIR IS Teachers Med ACCIDENTAL, JURY DECIDES tMan And Women D(e Of Wreck Victims With 300 protestant children Intermountain Indian school and another 150 slated to arrive soon, Arthur M. Gillespie,' director of protestant religious J. Allen Crockett at education the Intermountain Supreme Court Indian school and pastor of the Brigham City community church, today issued a call for 20 to 25 teachers to Instruct Navajo youngsters. Thursday, October 26, at 1 oclock in the afternoon all Interested In becoming teachers, all interested in the work and who might teach, are asked to meet at the Intermountain Indian school, building 1, Reverend Gillespie said. will be an orien. The meeting tation program to acquaint the teachers with the school set-uand to help them better underThe drastic and unjustified stand Indian work, Gillespie exautomobile credit terms, which plained. Week-dawere Imposed on the American classes in religious public on October 16th, will not education will begin Thursday, only make impossible for November 2, from 4 to 5 oclock s to pur- in the afternoon. From 3 to 4 many local chase essential transportation, oclock, just prior to the classes, but will also have a grave ef- a teacher training period will be fect on our national economy, conducted. The protestant work at Insaid Leslie Bundy, area chairman of National Automobile termountain Indian school Dealers week. should be a real challenge to all In reducing the time limit on missiorr-mindeprotestants in payments for all new and used northern Utah, said Reverend cars from 21 months to 15 Gillespie, and we will need months, the Federal Reserve your cooperation to meet this Board has discriminated against challenge. many who are working in essential occupations. Many Box Elder county workers will be unable to purchase needed cars until monthly payments are again reduced to the sensible levels at which they were formerly purchased. Moreover, the new , harsh The Eighth ward (Relief so terms will force a serious slowwill hold their annual baciety down of the vast automobile in food sale Friday, Octozaar and dustry and a drastic curtailment ber 27 with many events plan in employment affecting almost One out of ned to be carried forth through every community. workers in the out the day. every seven some is country, employed., in :A food sale- - featuring many iricms "deliciously flavored branch Of- try and, If cars cannot be sold, foods will be offered for sale factories will have to slow down at 2 oclock at , the starting production and every segment Mountain States Electric store, of the industry and its suppliers to open the bazaar activities. will be forced to cut payrolls. All children of the ward will ,The new terms by creating want to be at the Eighth ward havoc with essential transporta amusement hall promptly at 6 tion. and crippling one. of the oclock for the big fish pond nations greatest Industries will which will be opened at this obviously have a grave effect on time. Hot chili, homemade ice our entire economy that will cream and pie and other foods affect everyone, not just those will be sold at the amusement directly connected with the au hall at 6:30 oclock and the tomotive indusry. highlight of the affair, the bazaar itself, will begirr at 7:30 with beautifully hand Legion Will Honor Ball oclock made quilts, dolls, doll clothes, Team At Meeting Thur, dish towels, aprons, childrens The American Legion will meet clothes and many other articles; Thusday at 8 oclock In the War also a booth featuring Christmas Memorial home, It was announ- cards. All members of the Eighth ced today by ; George Hodges, commander. ward, as lyell as the general During the evening the Ameri- public, are invited to join in the can Legion baseball team will fun planned for this big day, be feted and a luncheon will be according to Mrs. Mary Jeppsen, Relief society president. served. at the "Waiter K. Elbert D. Thomas Granger Senator Congressman Condition Is Reported Better The condition of Allen Jensen, who was Involved in a serious automobile accident on South Main street Saturday at about midnight, when the pick-titruck he was riding in skidded from the road into a telephone pole, is improved," his .father Kenneth Jensen, said today. Allen was rushed to . the Dee hospital in Ogden immediately following the accident, while Jack Forest, Jr., who was also in the vehicle, but injured less seriously, remained at the local hospital. Allen suffered two broken legs, smashed pelvis and con cusion of the brain. Forest hat! several broken ribs and othe injuries. The accident occurred when the Jensen boy fell asleep at the wheel and skidded across the road, jumped the gutter and smashed into a telephone pole, on the east side of Main street between Fourth and Fifth south. Thomas, Gra iger And Crockett To Push Democratic Campaign Here WILL ARRIVE FOR ANDIDATES Shows Offered To All Who Attend Rallies In Tremonton And Brigham City Box Elder county will be the center of interest tomorrow the Democratic partys campaign for the important Nov-ibFree -- er general election. 7, With Senator Elbert D. Thomas, J. Allen Crockett, can-lat- e for the supreme court, and Congressman Walter K. Wer visiting Brigham City and Tremonton for teas and Utah political eyes will be focused on the county for lies, lay. to .'Norm Watkins, director for the Box party, ier county Democratic Bator Thomas and his party due to arrive at their head-arterat the Howard hotel at It (dock, tomorrow afternoon. not certain Granger will ; be According jipalgn Box Elder coun- . , 11 . Dale Lofthouse f.y, : the two tijea Honored Sunday after the ralliescon-iuand the audience may Dale Lofthouse, who will leave at no charge. The rally for an LDS mission to the Safree shows are open to all moan Islands via Pan American movies in' The e ts will, ay id to Watkins. ineral Services I 're Held For Baby funeral services for Danny wayne Anderson, three months d son of DeWayne and Violet !PPsen died who Andefson, Wednesday in a local hos U were held at theHaro(d !st felt funeral dober 20, temoon. With at home 2 Friday, oclock in the Richard flansen residing the prelude was play-by Janice Jensen followed by e Invocation by Sheron Thor Bishop 1 A song, osebud That ' Little Sweet was sung Erickson and Yvonne Has Left Me, baVern uderson 'I Says Local Dealer y it. wage-earner- 1 g I P" Autos Unjust, Airways, October 30, was honored Sunday at a farewell testimonial in the Willard ward chapel. Prelude for the program was Lemon played by Helen Jane followed by the opening song, Am Ill Serve The Lord While I The Young by the congregation. invocation was offered by Larry Loveland and the sacrament song, was by the congregation. First speaker was A. B. Taylor A followed by a song by Dorene Wheeler. Harold Nelson then Don spoke followed by a song by and Robert Woodyatt Dales Lofthouse, Charles father gave remarks and Ray Linford sang a song. Remarks were Cook by Bishop Delbert and piano an organ followed by duet by Helen Jane Lemon and Athleen Toombs. A presentation was made by the seventies and was followed by a response by the missionary. Ray The closing song was by was Linford and the benediction accompanied by Janice Remarks by UTsel An KSoU'Was followed by the offered by Floyd Weaver. 3nE, Jesus Wantis Me- For A wibeam, by Sheryll Ann Bar- n. Eighth Ward Food Sale, Bazaar Friday . home-cooke- ' d Who Gets What Part of The Turkey? , . ' " 'J Bamarks Stokes 'as t s were offered by Candidates Thur. Sunday with Sunday at io oclock In the morn Love Strikes Late oclock In the after- - pi the event MAYSVTLLE, Ky. (UP) and Mrs. Fred Lecler say wound at Jfag riage ceremony office. Owens Margaret Suren Vv ixom and Arlin t'ouLsen of the turkey so firmly held in their arms. the giant bird Saturday morning at 11 oclock caught They committee turned 10 of them looge to Merchants when the a large Harvest Jubilee crowd in Brigham City.' . yoi whirlwind courtship w Breath - taking, landscapes, lonesome beaches, skies,' beautiful portraits and character paintings in oils and water colors will be featured the winter month? throughout ' by we now n a rt d beloved In exhibits at the Brigham City Carnegie library, according to Mrs. Oneta J. Thorne. Each artist will display his or her paintings for a one month period. Mrs. Alverta Jacobsen of Salt g at-tis- Il-- Postmaster Talks i At Rotary Meeting C. Henry Nielsen, Brigham City postmaster, was the princi pal speaker at the Rotary club luncheon meeting Friday noon. John Howard was program chairman and introduced Niel sen, who told about the job to be done, the personnel who do it and the techniques employ ed in the local post office, where as many as 30,000 pieces of mail are posted in a single day. Clyde Stratford toasted Orval Sackett on his birthday anniver sary, which was last week. The committee pointed fellowship out that Van Wilsons, Vosco Calls and Mayor Lorenzo J. Botts pictures have been In the papers lately. 'Dr. George R. Boyce introduced the new administrative assistant to the superintendent at school, Intermountain Indian Thomas Tommaey. Orville Larsen of Kaysville and John Colville of 'Longview, Wash., were visiting Rotarians. Wayne Woodland, president of the club, presided at the meeting. Lake City, a former Brigham resident, will be featured in her paintings during the month of November. She has studied under the late Joseph A..,F.i Everett," Montague chairman of New York City,- Lynn FoUcett and Michael Cannon, both of Salt Lake City and un der Beatrice Fanning of Califor nia. Mrs. Jacobsen is a member of the Associated Utah Artists, also the Everett Art Guild. She has been featured in solo shows at the Art Barn and Lion House in Salt Lake City and at the Box Elder Commercial club In Brigham City. She has also ex hibited many canvasses at the University of Utah, state capl tal, Springville, Dixie college at St. George, Cedar City high school, state fair, Palette club of Ogden, and Z.C.M.I. Tiffin room. Many of her paintings now hang in several homes throughout the west "Art lovers of Box Elder county will not want to miss the opportunity afforded them by the generosity of these famous artists In displaying their paintMrs. ings for our enjoyment," Thorne stated. City FIRE HAZARDS TO Light refreshments preed and a musical program aft6r" the sented during by This affair is being arranged orgaiuz Scheduled the Ladies Oemocratic Those tion. Everyone is invted. can transportation desiring if 8etealogy convention of same by calling telephone num North and South Box Elder ber 49. takes win be held In the tab-ik- l. was announced today. JPresentatives from Salt Lake win be here and excellent f Bams have been ' arranged t meetings. l0..e Public is invited to at Utah Artists wn BE. REMOVED genealogy Meet and 2 Well-Kno- city; la. (UP) Sylves-te- r Sharp, a University of Iowa to police custodian, reported that he had suffered the worst fate that can befall a janitor. He lost his keys. " e 116x1 Paintings By IOWA offered by Mrs. Delore followed by the song, nny Boy Senator by LaVern Erick- A tea in honor of and Yvonne Anderson. , The Granger Congressman Thomas, nedictlon was .offered, by W. on and the county candidates e Barker. will ticket Democratic aurial was in the Bothwell the October 26 at uietery and the dedication of held Thursday, residence of Mr. 3 p. m. at the grave was by Elzo Sessions. and Mrs. Carlos Burt at 58 east City. Second south, Brigham se will be takes, Art Lovers Given Opportunity To Enjoy Janitor Misses Cue Tea Will Honor De-ir- e and the final tribute Allen Jensen and Jack Forest Jr.' were injured in this car late Saturday evening when it skidded across the road on South Main street and smashed into the pole. Jensen, who was seriously injured, is reported in improved condition. . . . ; Dilemna . UP trate Accidental death by carbon monoxide poisoning was the verdict a coroners jury rendered on the death of two Box Elder county people, found In a car near Bear River City shortly before midnight Sunday. The Inquest, conducted by B. C. Call, Box Elder county coroner, was held at 2 oclock in the afternoon Tuesday, at the Box Elder county court house. The death car was found by River Bear Joe Christensen, City, who was returning home after a shift at the Utah-IdahSugar company mill in Garland, Warren according to Sheriff Missionary To Be d Everyone in ty is invited to drop in and inspect the facilities of Brigham ! re.' new car dealers, accordbe candidates, along with all City to Leslie Bundy, chairman ing 'the county candidates,-- ' will of the National Automobile honored at a tea at the home Dealers week in this area. Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Burt, 508 "open-house- " The week-lonst Second south, Brigham City, held by the Brigham being 3 oclock in the afternoon, City dealers is sponsored as a organi-tio- n e ladies Democratic oi the national 'week, depart event have arranged the to focus the attention signed at of d. everyone is invited to people here on the imporid, ; tant part the industry plays In M 4 oclock in the afternoon our local economy. candidates will arrive for The following new car dealsimilar affair in Tremonton to ers have extended the in vita-Uc- a: (held at the home of Mr. and, Joe Car. Inc. .Smith x-- r. or Garfield' Airor- tor Co., Packer Motor Co mocratic county candidates Nielsen Motor Co North Main be at the teas. 7 Central Chevrolet Motor Co inducement Offering an added Co- - Fisher Motor Co- - Bundy the two Motor Co-- and Andersen's. people to attend Hies in .the evening,, at - the pheum theater in Tremonton 8 oclock and at the Roxy 9 eater in Brigham City at Is jock, the Democrats are treat g everyone at the rallies to a show. p iCredit Terms AND RALLIES TOMORROW FAS Carbon Monoxidijfr; Poison Near ' Bear Rjver Residents of Brigham City are reminded that under the law the City Fire Department has the duty and authority to inspect the exterior and interior of buildings for the purpose of ascertaining and causing to be corrected any condition liable to cause fire. It is unlawful for the owner, lessee, manager or occupant of any building to refuse to immediately comply with the directions of the firemen In correcting fire hazard conditions. The public is requested to cooperate with the officials of the fire department in insisting that all fire hazards within the city are corrected. ' 0-25- .. DALE FRYER, - Chief of the Fire Dept ; - Honored Sunday Prior to her departure to the Northern States mission field, Donna Black will be honored at farewell testimonial Sunday, October 29, at 7:30 oclock In the Third ward chapel. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Grant A. Black, Donna has been active in the Mutual Improve ment association, the L. D. S. girls program, and the Gleaner girls organization both In ' the ward and stake, , , Donna graduated from the L. . D. S. seminary, in 1945 and Box Elder high school Jn 1946. She then attended the Utah State Agricultural college in : 1947. There she was affiliated with Lamba Delta Sigma, L. D. S. honorary sorority. Since that time she has been an employee of the telephone company. At present she is service assistant at the Provo office and has been attending night school at the Brigham Young University. A splendid program has been arranged for Sunday night and all of her friends and relatives have been invited. To Northern o Hyde. iDead wete Elpidio Laredo, 25, resident of this area for the past six months and Mrs. Corine Tru- jillo, 33, wife of Louie Trujillo, of four El wood, and . mother children. Though the exhaust was in good condition the windows in the car were rolled tightly closed. There was evidence that one of the pair had been sick. When found the cars bead-light- s were on and the car was standing about 100 yards from the Bear River City elementary school house. It had crashed through a fence, evidently after the two had lost consciousness, Sheriff Hyde said. State patrolman Evan Green rushed the man and woman to Brigham City where they were pronounced dead upon arrival at the Box Elder county Jail by Dr. Gordon Felt, Brigham City physician. There was no evidence of foul play at the scene of the eccl-deI , v . : v Elpidio Laredo was bom in 1925 in Arlington, Texas, a son Laredo. He had lived here since of Cerilo and ' Soledad Garcia May. . Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Trinidad Virgil Laredo, and a both of Mcson,' Delfino Laredo, , j , , Allen, Texas. ' Mrs. Corina May Trujillo was born May 1, 1917, In Alamosa, Colo., a daughter of Steve ' and Eulalia Madina. She was married to Louie Trujillo July 3, 1950 in Raton, N. M. Mrs.. Trujillo is survived, by her husband and four children, play at the scene of the . acci- - Named Secertary Of Civic Clubs States ID. M. (Mace) Mason, secretary-of the Box Elder of Commerce Chamber was named executive secretary ol the Associated Civic clubs of Northern) Utah last Friday evening at a meeting of the executive committee at the ..Howard hotel. He replaces E. J. Fjeldsted; Ogden, who recently resigned secretthe post to become full-tim- e ary-manager of the Weber disBasin Water Conservancy trict- The appointments become effective November 15. Headquarters of the Assorted Civic clubs will be changed from the Ogden Chamber of Commerce to the Box Elder Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Accepting Fjeldsteds resignation and appointing Mason was done In a dinner meeting at the Howard hotel by the' executive committee consisting of Leo C. Nelson, Smithfield, association president; John W' Howard, Brigham City and M. C. Harris, Logan, Named to the roads commit-- , tee of the Associated clubs, from Brigham City was John W. Howard. Named to the irrigation committee from Brigham City were Orsoji Christensen, chairman, and Alf N. Olsen. manager '4 . Offered Food At Park Valley Deer hunters going to the Grouse Creek-ParValley hunting area will find lunches and refreshments on sale Friday, October 27, from 10 a. m. to 7 p. m. at the Park Valley store, it was learned today. School students and the Donna Black eachers memassociation an LDS . who will serve bers are providing box lunches, to mission the Northern pies, cakes, beverages, etc. to with be sold at the Park Valley Hall States mission field A next door to the Park Valley headquarters at Chicago. testimonial in her honor will store. that be held in the Brigham City Also, it was announced grounds in this area will be Third ward chapel, Sunday, posted this year and as hunters October 29, at 7 : 30 p. m. stop for their permit they may purchase a few extra provisions WCTU Speech Contest for the hunt 3 Openings Listed In The funds received from the Scheduled October 29 Local Army Reserve Unit sale , will go to the school for Pearl Medal A W.C.T.U. needed equipment. Theie are openings for three speech contest will be held at D. S. ward enlisted ; men, with or without' L. River Bear the City Second Central Grades chapel, Sunday, October 29, dur- previous military service, in C. Hear Bee Lecture ing sacrament service, according Battery 363rd Field artillery; Treto. Mrs. Axel Fredricksen, Brigham Citys army reserve The three second grades of monton, state director of the ac- unit, according to Captain Keith Central school heard a lecture tivity. Boyer, commandant. on bees from Joseph Peterson, All young men who have not Participating in the contest, Monday as part of their regular winner of which will participate taken physicals for selective classes. a "diamond medal contest, are: service induction are eligible Mr. Peterson was faced with Leona Rucker, Tremonton; San-tr- a for membership. Captain Boyer many questions by the second Sylvester and Pauline Davis, said. This includes men in One youngster asked Riverside and Louisa Reed, graders. other branches of the service ' What happens to the bees in who wish to transfer. the winter time? and another Men belonging to the unit Each of these girls have won of a previously in silver and gold receive pay for the questioned the validity statement that each bee works medal contests to reach the next meetings. on one flower a day. event Also, there are openings for . .... It must have been a bumble two reserve WACS in the unit. bee And not a honeybee, Was The They would not be called in telephone Mr. Petersons answer. case the unit is alerted. number is 1,000. k Parent-T- , ; e. twice-monthl- News-Journa- l, - y |