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Show S Good Old Days Boston (UP) Back In 1825,1 'Bbeton coal dealers offered a iree grate to anyone who would buy anthracite. nCB SEV -- HEWS Woh i CltT- - October 25, 1950 K Central School First Grach I1IW 9 tt IN THE j'h. AGAIN i ? , i. "4 9S IBhM i wild tyt&Kqei ( The 50c Dollar ) Pfr: ipf iA , I f; i I I V - if i r JlS-- l "v'-t nili iy y. , Back row, left to right: Nelda Rasmussen, daughter of Mr. Weldon Rasmussen: Matilda f Mr- - and Mrs. Monica Morales; Dixie Lyn Knudson, daughter of Mr. M0!vrS a wen Knudson; Susan Petersen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman R. Peter-seMerle Pouisen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Petersen; Stanley Kaiser, son of Mrs. Yvonne Kaiser; Dennis Hansen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonda Hansen; Delose Anderson, son of Mrs. Lola Anderson ; Patricia Bidlack, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M, L. Bidlack; Kent Seely, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leland Seely; Richard Oldroyd, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Oldroyd; Karolyn Knudson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Clair Knudson. Middle row: Susanne Buist, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Buist; Alice Cosgrove, daughter 6f Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Cosgrove; Dora Morales, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Monico Morales; Sandra Gordon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gordon; Sherry Lee Ingram, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James D. Ingram; 'Vicki Larsen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Larsen; Jean Ball, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wellington B. Ball; Rita Ann Palmer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Oleen Palmer ; Evelyn Keller, daughter of W. Dean Keller; Alice Hamilton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Odell George. First row: Scott Reeves, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glen W. Reeves; Blair Woodger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Woodger; Allan Jaggi, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Jaggi: Jimmy Felt, son of Dr. and Mrs. J. Gordon Felt; Willard Hammer, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Hammer; James Fryer, son of Mr.' and Mrs. Thomas J. Fryer; Bobby Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor; John Hess, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Hess; Harold Russell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Russell; Larry Bennett, son of Naomi Bennett. auer n; - I , Is SAVE MONEY Ti BY PURCHASING ONE OF THESE OK USED CARS OR TRUCK VALUES J 1947 Chevrolet Fleetline Aero . . 1948 GMC Pickup 1947 Dodge Pickup 1935 Oldsmobile Coupe 2 1946 Fords 1 Vi Ton (without cabs) 1946 Chevrolet Vi Ton Panel 1942 Chevrolet 1 Vi Ton 1937 GMC Panel (UP) Republican Candidate A DRIVE-I- t r ft i'P N $1195 ..... $995 $745 $50 $345 . $595 . . $495 $145 $595 .... ...... Allis-Chalme- "B"' Tractor rs . . . . . . . . . . . Prices Good During Automobile Dealer Week YOU CAN DEPEND ON THE LEADER For the Best New or Used Car and Truck Buys Zluntto-n- n U.S. Congress 1st District . . . ... ..... ..... Peder-cin- i, s&Z&Simsssm PRESTON L. JONES flat. Every in the federal government can reduce expenditures and e the general efficiency if the voters of this country de- jit. The quicksand of more and more debt is no solution, and honest with our ne to be realistic with ourselves lys WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. (William and Frederic rmmmm Amer-ol- us all I'nm of the Philip The Republic : pines was proclaimed July 4, ' 1946. , ? an ABSOLUTE and right now the Tornado of Infla 0 twin brothers, have always dressed alike and done things together. They passed their draft board physical examina tions at the same time, too. - 4 of the -- Equal in Peace or War To Open Exhibit ution now Small clay tiles for bathroom Microscopic mushrooms floors are shaped at a pressure grow in tanks of broth equal of about 2,000 pounds per square in flavor and food value for ST. LOUIS (UP) The smok- inch, and a single press can soups and other foods the cusers problem of what to do with shape as many as 64 in one tomary kind grown in woods and caves. wet match books has been solv- operation. ed by the Universal Match corporation. The firm. has developed a new striking strip for Its book matches which will not deteriorate from water or percplration. HOUR SVlCJt 2 . Universal says the striking surface can be saturated with . water and will light a match. The strip was developed after 15 years research In an effort to develop water resistant matches. 'Research still hasnt found a way to make the matches them selves waterproof, but Universal A GOOD PHONE NUMBER to remember ia TWO ONE (that's and when you're in trouble and need a ) said Ihe, new striking surface is right twenty-onewrecker in a hurry you'll find it ready and waiting for your the next best thing. emergency call. At night on Sundays and holidays, call The new striking strip will be 906 or 541 W. colored gray to be identified from others. not waterproof. Finds Remedy For Soggy Match Books Miss Ard el I Roylance, Teacher THEATER Tonight And Thursday FAMILY NIGHTS "DAUGHTER OF ;THEWE$T" v ADS (Paid Political Adv.) - RESULTS GET in color with ; Martha Vickers and ''4' Phillip Reed ALSO "RUSTY'S Mrs. Alverta Jacobsen Utah artist, will be first to exhibit paintings in series of exhibits at Brigham City library starting November 1 and continuing throughout the winter months. Manv famous artists will be included in the art exhibit. ... 18 North Main Street BIRTHDAY" OPEN well-kno- 7 TZ Washed Glass Destroys Wise Old Owl UNTIL Phone 21 P. M. Ttdoetfon SANFORD, Fla. (UP) M. W. Evidence In Robbery Castle, Jr., was driving on a back CHICAGO (UP) Police were road in his station wagon when certain they could identify the owl a screech the back of his headr and raised Tobber who held up a tavern for $65. His fingerprints would be on a huge welt. riding case ; . . drivsng ease dive-bombe- d I Rome began the first War against Carthage Punic in IVhif ive sciif 01 U "PICK O 264 - B. C. the glass from which he had drunk beer before the robbery. . The crime detection laboratory reported that there were no fingerprints on the glass, however. Police went back to the tavern and asked Miss Wanda Haman, an employe, if she was certain it . was the right glass. Positively, she said. I washed it carefully before I gave it - - . ,1 to you. THE PICTURES" Wed.-Thur- s. three million times - HIT NO. . JOHN WAYNE GAIL RUSSELL in ad ai... When the In operator says "thank you WAKE of the RED WITCH handles your call, she is following a telephone tradition for courtesy. And every the states our Company serves, words are repeated more than three billion times by local and long distance violent struggle for gold in a lawless and women drama sweeping half way across the world! From Garland Roarks book that sold a million copies. HIT NO. 2 A flay, in those king all they cheerful TODAY & THURSDAY , 2 Big Features ; THE SLEEPING cur os she operators who 1 I are as always can fo give prompt, ... It It rides more smoothly Youll glide smoothly, steadily, safely over' most roads in Chevrolet-on- ly car combining the Unitized Knee-ActiRide and airplane-typ- e shock absorbers. with Richard Conte and Collten Gray low-pric- ed on It driving at enjoy finest lowest cost with Chevrolets famous Youll no-sh- ift Powerglide Automatic Transmission . . , or finest standard driving at lowest cost with Chevrolets Silent Synchro-Mes- h Transmission. T service. J starring j toward DUFF Marta TOREI Youll enjoy performance and save money , too; for Chevrolet is car with a the only engine trend setter for the industiy. extra-fin- e Valve-in-He- low-pric- It lasts drives more easily Its better looking all around operates more economically ad longer, too. Chevrolet is built to outlast other cars. Thats one reason why there are over a million more Chevrolets on the road than any other make and why Chevrolet is Americas most popular car, year after year. Come in see it now! Youll know its more beautiful from every angle, inside and out; for Chevcar with rolet is the only of standard Fisher the Body by low-pric- ed ' It offers more for less throughout Center-PoiSteering; Curved Windshield with Panoramic Visibility; Fisher Unisteel Construction; hydraulic rivetless linings. brakes with Dubl-Lif- e You get all these and many other features in Chevrolet at lowest cost. Think! nt Comblnatton of Powerglide Automatic Transmission and Engine optional on De Luxe models at extra cost. 105-h.- FREE SHOW THURSDAY 7:00 P. M. y"1 if ). n. r .. Contain ksa ' ADULTS ONLY - -- REPUBLIC PICTURE t - :: r States Telephone $ Plus Selected Shorts The County Democratic Committee has bought out this theatre for Thursday night and are offering a combined FREE show movie program and introduction & Telegraph C- - t AMERICAS DEST SELLER! of candidates. - 18 North Main Street ftgTI AMERICAS BEST DUY! CENTRAL CHEVROLET COMPANY Phone 21 |