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Show THE WEEKLY REFLEX. KAYSVILLE. UTAH 55! r BOUNTIFUL ftorth t Salt Ntn City. tab. urban and wnidtnta ton, etiy in Dari coaaty ; baa wabnraarbn. atrctrin atda I hghu and pawrr, uWybwaa, alb. Swnmdid by ncl torfct and trail landa, two alt trie nilrndn with tow tart, two tranarontinaatal railroad, brick yard, two baaka, road bowa, comnicmaj club, graded aad kwh achaola, to lira. A and lodraa. rood chorcht yiwao w rv t lvrt at tdni f a1 Hull Edith telegraphy. Miss Allred is rocal Relations ity anc studying Kenneth Pace and Cache Hampton have joined the marines. Jetta, the small daughter of Ira C. Holbrook, has scarlet fever. w Miss A Neilson of American Fork is a quest of Mrs. A. L. McDonald. Phinda Hatch has gone to Delta, Utah, where shewill spend the summer. A bink account not only project your money against theft and loss, but also protects it against temptation to spend. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Smedley of Downy, Ida., are visiting relatives here. . Mrs. Wm. Howard bf Malad, Ida., is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Wm. R. Smith. Mrs. E. W. Bird is spending a few weeks with her son Reuben at Camp Kearny, Cal. Mr. and .Mrs. Glen Eldredge and family, of New Castle, re visiting v relatives here. Why not start in a small way and save every pay day? Wm. Brown, Jr., returned home from Deeth, Nev., last Tuesday. He has a very sick baby. i Great .Oaks from Little Acorns Grow VV special! THIS IS HAT WEEK! I - Our entire line of straw 20 per cent T KAYSVILLE THE HOUSE C0-O- P OF-QULIT- t . I 4 i! Z . of the public without adequate revenues. So the public serve Its own with the. btsrests whsu It which the la effort utility utility aay make to produce revenues sufficient to moot the requirements of the u co-oper- ate J 1 I , i. I ' it 'tv The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Co. Miss A. Snowhall of Rondolph is visiting with her- - grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fackrell. 're Id; t i Mrs. Malcolm Lee returned to her home in EurekaFriday after spending Weeds Pelton. Dr. Stocks was called two w'eeks here. with relatives. and she was rushed to his office where Mrs. Jane Jacobson spent last week she was found to have received severe with her daughter, Mrs. Virgil Perry cuts about the head, face ami arms. of Murray, who is on the sick list.' Although Miss Pelton is in a very Norma Lampa is enjoying a thirty-da- y weak condition, caused by the loss of o much blood, her injuries are not furlough from Mare Island, Cal. considered fatal. He is working in the ship yards there. wssSkaB SOMETIMES Ernest Burnham of Farmington, but If times are hard, and you feel bluet formerly of this place, is in a hospital Think of the others worrying too. in Salt Lake City, suffering from Just because your trials are many. Dont think the rest of us haven't any. erysipelas. Life is made up of. smiles .and tears, The home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. J. Joys .and sorrows, mixed with fears, Harrison, Jr., is quarantined for scar- And tho' isto us they seem onesided, pretty well divided. let fever. Their daughter Irma having Trouble If we could look in every heart, the disease. We'd find that each one had a part, And those who travel fortune's road, Mrs. Ben Hapworth was operated on Sometimes carry the biggest load. for appendicitis at the St. Mqrks hospital in Salt Lake City Thursday. She NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS is getting along nicely. Sealed proposals will be received by Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Sessions left the undersigned up to 10 a. m. Saturday, June 22nd, 1918, for all labor Tuesday for their ranch in Oakley, and material required in the erection Ida. - Mrs. Sessions was formerly Miss and completion of a Grade School Zatella Funk of this place. Building at Kaysville, Davis County, Utah, according to plans and specificaDr. Horace Holbrook is in Phila- tions prepared for the same by Wildelphia taking an extended course in liam Allen, architect, of Kaysville, from whom plans and specificasurgery. His wife and family will re- Utah, can be obtained upon receipt of tions main here pntil he has completed the a check for $10.00, same to be recourse. s turned to bidder when plans and specifications are returned to the architect. Mrs. A. L. Hess entertained friends All bids will be publicly opened and at her home Tuesday evening in honor read at said time at the office of the of Richard Floyd, who leaves Friday Board of Education of the Davis CounDistrict- - at Farmington, fer Washington, where he wilt report ty Davis County, Utah. Proposals must for special duty in the army. be made out on bid sheet furnished by the architect; and accompanied by a While Portia Smedley, daughter of certified check on some responsible Dr. E. W. Smedley, was riding their bank for five (5) percent of the Shetland pony Saturday evening, she amount of the bid as a guarantee that fell off, breaking her arm.- - At lad. the bidder will enter into contract and pive a satisfactory bond in the amount accounts she was doing nicely. of fifty (50) per cent of the contract price, within one week after the said work is awarded, otherwise the amount of check to be forfeited to said Board of Education. The time required by the contractor to complete the work . shall be stated in each proposal. The t health are .doing all m its po is reserved by the undersigned ' check the disease. to reject anv or all bids, or to accept i . , any bid it may deem best, or to waive Funeral services over the remains of any technical defects or informalities Mrs. Albert Shirley, were held Sunday in any proposal. (Signed) THE BOARD OF EDUCATION, ir. the First Ward tabernacle, Mrs. Shirley died Thursday of general de- Of the Davis County School District, Farmington, Davis County, Utah, bility after a few months illness. In- June 5th, 1918. terment took place in, the Bountiful R. RAMPTON, By JOHN President. Cemetery. TIIOMAS E. WILLIAMS. Clerk. Jajnes Smedley, Jr., won out at the Mutual debating contest held in the NOTICE assembly hall in- - Salt- Lake- - City SatSale Sheriffs He received fist prize, urday evening. which was a gold medal. Mr. Smedley of of sale to me an order virtue By is now the champion orator So r the I directed from the Second Judicial District Court, Davis County, State of D. S. church. Utah, in favor of E. V. Pratt and At 6 oclock Friday morning th?j against Annie E. Martin and Eminae i irfeMm HJi USE PAINTS MARNOT AND SCAIINOT VARNISHES DECOTINT FOR WALL COVERING SHERWIN-WILLIAM- S -- 17 riht HU!HI YOl . Large, Soft, Clean COTTON RAGS To The Reflex Office SOLD BY Co. Stewart-Burto- n GENERAL MERCHANDISE KAYSVILLE. UTAH f ' The Strength of Business Will PajrY ou'5 c. Pound MYRON W. PHILLIPS BAKERY and CONFECTIONERY KAYSVILLE UTAH depends largely on the banks. A bank that ia not strong, welt directed and thoroughly able to give the best service to its depositors is a hindrance rather han a help. Bring Your Deposits Here and be convinced that we canand will be of much help If courtesy and judicious accommodation is of value. Your business will be better for it. Union State !Banf BOUNTIFUL, UTAH . f balk caught on- - fire, burning large hole in the roof and damaging the pool tables. The fire department tret mit rh bW. .Xxxa.HyTrird The fire j s said to have been caused by acigarftub which was carelesdy throwii on the floor the previous evening. Some insurance was carried pool Wade, tq satisfy a judgment and cost-'- U 4 Known Everywliere As The VERY BESTee- e- J! , 17 I have levied upon the following named AH of lots 1 and 2, property, Block 21, Plat A, Kaysville Town-sitSurvey, in the County of Davis, - to-w-it: e, Annie E. Martin and Emma Wade, and .will expose the same for sale, or bo much as will Fafikfy ptarntrffs demand the H and coats,- - aCthe frontdoor-- ? County House in Farmington. Davis An automobile accident which might County, State of Utah, on the 20th day have proven fatal occurred Monday of June, A. D. 1918. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock noon. evening on the Woods Cross street just Terms, cash. one block west of the Bamberger line. CHARLES E. NALBER, Sheriff. A car driven by Dela Mar Felton col1918. D. A. 29th, May lided with one driven by Clyde Hatch, By A. M. L MB. resulting in seriously injuring Miss Deputy. j FLOORLAC FOR FLOORS "LIQUID GOLD" ETC. FOR FRAMES AUTO ENAMELS -- Y ?ni i Tt No utility cun moot the expoctatkma - r w Until adjustments are made that will correct this condition, the telephone service upon which the publk depends wiU remain in jeopardy. A Algie Barlow h&6 just graduated from the University of Utah and has received her B. A. degree. KAYSVILLE, UTAH and canvas hats discount. Hence the question of adequate revenues for the utility is one with which both the utility and the public are mutually concerned. Miss Luttie Edmunds has resigned her position at Joseph Knightons cash store owing to ill health. BARNES BANKING COMPANY 1 ity is not prosperous, the citizen loses through inferior or inadequate service. i : The year 1917 produced in Utah alone a deficit of $244,073.10. If the citizen does not prosper the utility loses its patronage. If the util- Aaron Jones, who taught school in Southern Utah last Winter, is visiting relatives here. I The Telephone Company is carrying a terrific load of abnormal costs of material and labor. In view of the fact that our revenues are going along practically on a level, not increasing with the increased costs service, theburden Jha grown too heavy for us to carry alone. But no utility can be successful withof the public. In out the a of fact, relationship reciprocity exiits between the utility and the public. The duty of the utility to the citiien and the dut of. the citizen to the utility is reciprocal and each is interested in the welfare of the other. , Every man owes himself and his family the protection of a savings account in a good substantial bank like this one. the ow nership of a is lodged with individutility uals, the service which it tenders is for the use of the public. The public is, therefore, justified in expecting that the service shall be of a satisfactory quality and adequate to meet the needs of the community. J a a 0: D KJ Made of Choicest Utah Wheat Milled in the most modem mill , Packed in the neatest manner , EVERY DEALER HAS IT. - 4 1 |