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Show the WEEKLY REFLEX. KAYSVILLE, UTAH REMARKABLE AIRPLANE VIEW OF THE CITY OF REIMS. LIQUID FIRE MACHINES CAPTURED BY AMERICANS IN RAID V. H II iI i&'Jd y Mt ' - the American troops make a raid Into the trenches of the Huih they always carry hack trophies of some In sort, risking their ltes to obtain them. These men are shown carrying liquid Are machines which they captured then - V" , a raid. Here la an unusual airplane photograph of Helms, France, where the allies put up a desperate defense against th Is seen the famous cathedral, whiclfTTns been made I BATTERY; OF ITALIAN ROYAL MARINES ON PIAVE FRONT drle of the crown princes armies. In the center of the picture target by the German artillery for a long time. I r jf s t , TRAINING SCHOOL FOR ARMY CHAPLAINS AND ITS COMMANDER i U 1C .1. ytc t i: rcmurkuble camouflage on the This photograph shows the small calilicr guns of the Italian ltoyal niarliio under a l'lave front. LJ look after the spiritual welfare 'At Camp Zachary Taylor. Louisville, Ky., there Is a school where the menof who military routine, and upon qualifying of our fighting boys are trained. Here they gain the neccessary knowledge mess hull, and inserted in the are commissioned as officers. The photograph shows the chaplain students trait of MaJ. A. A. Pruden, commander of the school MILITARY RAILROAD HAS RIGHT OF WAY .SONG DIRECTOR FOR A. E. F. AMERICAS VALOR CROSS PRESIDENT WILSON DRIVING FIRST RIVET S'vr.rM K, trZZUit r '-- j -- K , 'igr . .. j. i j'V-f-- . - T. A , X'xsm's 'jr ' i 4.' A This Is the new .distinguished service cross of the United States. It Is the highest military honor that ean be awarded by the president. An American soldier can win but one higher decoration, the medal of honor, which can only be awarded by congress, w A Barnato's Dilemma. Barney" Barnato was a member of the Cape Town assembly and was delighted In scandalizing the members of parliament. During a debate on- the Cape llquor lawTwhTch prohibited the sale of Intoxicating drinks on Snnday except as an accompaniment of a substantial meal, he said t Ihinvardat President Wilson Is here seen driving the first rivet In the steel ton cargo carrier, this being the first keel to be laid ' . . , Alexandria, Ta. SERBS BUILD CHURCH OF EMPTY BOXES - - western front, so a Military railroads have the right of way on the The line. pierced both block this to engineers allowed ruined house was not filled with troops cars now the and them over, and arched house of the walls run right through the bouse on the way to the front Unea. Send the best song director avail able," cabled General Pershing to the powers that be In Washington, so Washington picked W. Stanley Haw kins of Albany to send over there. lie has been. tlnTsobg director at Camp Dlx, where his stirring march melody, Keep the Glow In Old Glory." imbued the men with the martial spirit that will lead them Into battle, and before going to Wrlghtstown be was the aong director at tbeIiattsborg hAkera training camp. EXAMINING A CAPTURED GERMAN SOLDIER tx Taliamana and Amuleta. truth Is that deep down in the The A few Sundays ago I walked some complex nature of most of us there Is distance from Cape Town, and being a certain regard for the occnlt, of busily engaged in mentally reviewing which, however our Jilgher Intelligence. ffte course of ha'dness tn the honorable may disprove, we find It difficult to rid house I went further than I had In ourselves entirely. tended. I retraced my steps, and While the word ,macot , has long hot wml thlrstywent Into a most cointimjT in Provence and Gasrespectable hotel for refreshment. I cony to denote something which I wonted to quench tny thirst, but ac--I brings good fortune to a person or cording tolaw a drink eouldonl ybe hnusreheldrtr 1 spn!ywmmrthe' fltst '"'"supplied as an accompaniment to a 30 years of so that it has imssed into Mine host set before f bona fide meat -- TneatiWTt0fbet'B3'XTeTcrr roas1 Introduction largely to Edmnnd An- pork. He had po other eatables.-Wha- t comic opera "La drans' Ttyt V,as I to do? If I ate the pork I broket Mascotte," I rf the law of Moses. If I drank the beer I- But only the word Is modern. The j without eating I broke the law of the ue of talismans, amulets and charms, ' land. Between the chief rabbi and the which were really prototypes of the , chief Justice I stood in a very awk-- i 1 mascot, goes hack to a very remote ward portion." age. The ancient Egyptians wore nmut-tfashioned In the Shape of Ice Formed." the Their animals, and Insects. The men, gods, -C ft9T9 Wr t She (tenderly) When did you first stones in the shape of beetles often are campaigning know you loved met found In. Egyptian tombs gave courere rather scarce where the Serb forces m.,tpr He W hen I began to get mad when age to the wearer. Figures of frog 7l!. la tbe'lialkans. so the soldiers had to people said you were bralaless and were also bdd In particularly high re arahab.e they gatherjl out constructing a church. Nothing ele being unattractive. nte. ths ei 0 , be-in- Im-v- i . lO , f zn urttMUjaviBfcwee.wuiess"10 ( I well-know- n te s ( These intelligence oihoers wi I lmru from the tnptnuvl BkS t tell of the movemenU of the enemy before tbej send him to tba ; h I - |