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Show THE VtTZIILY REFLEX KAYSVILLE, UTAH S, Gardner , - r Hours Office Phone UPPERS per cent IREBUC f Itlens, Ladies, Boys, Misses and Childrens Slippers WE GIVE Just the kind for this hot weather Jbr Our store is cool and Residence on Locust s near Bamberger depot. Calls answered promptly day or Office Bl,fe Kayaville flu TRADING Reductions on our fancy Straw and Summer Hats TANNER & ROBISCn STAMPS Physicians and Surgeons La 1'7'o.v, ctajj CLIS'TOX and HOOPEk i'T and inviting come and see us. tWe are headquarters for Fruit Bottles, JLids and Rubbers Phones, Kaysville H.J. SHEFFIELD & SONS Department Cash Store, Kaysville KAYSVILLE, THE MOST OF TIlE BEST FOR THE LEAST CASH 1 99-- J KAYSVILLE " i tf. The largest city in north Davis County, fine place for residence. Kaysville Roller Mills, vegetable and fruit cannthg establishment and great brick plant add steadily to the wealth of the city. General farming, fruit and vegetable grow ing for shipment and canning are Has the important industries. Davis County Central High school, churches and qew opera house. City water and electric lights are inducements for investment. Home of The Reflex and its printing plant. up-to-d- n The threshing outfit is threshing in the vicinity of Syracuse. Barnes-Gibso- C. B. Lott, formerly of Kaysville, now of Cache valley, is a visitor in this city. EdmundC. Phillips of Graham, Arizona is visiting relatives in Kaysville and .vicinity. MiasJennie Phillips IsspendnigTier vacation at the home of ther brother Milton near Felt City, Idaho, Miss - Julia Peters of New York City, sister of T. McClure Peters, is visiting with her brother in this city. Miss lone Phillips, daughter of Mrs. T. J. Phillips is suffering from a frac- tured forearm, but is rapidly recovering. Bishop James G. Wood of Clearfield attended the funeral of John Corbridge at Lewiston, Cache county, Wednesday. Mr. Joseph Jarman who is a member of the Ogden tabernacle coir, left yesterday with the choir for the exposition. Kaysville and Davis county sent a good sized delegation to Salt I.ake City on Sunday to take part in the Liberty Bell celebration. Mr. and Mrs. John Hill and family, who have been visiting with relatives in Kaysville, returned to their home in Logan Tuesday. The motored home and took their niece, Miss Marietta Blood, with them. 1 hog-grow- sixty-e- ighth Cole-mer- No Experimenting UTAH An Absolute, Definite e, summers most delightful treat to pasture. Call on or address Charles Barber, Layton, Utaha I -- ! sparkling -foaming!, -satisfying! the beveraqe 11 relish Drcfcrr Smiling &51allinja OODSM.UTAIiy ::z:H?JTCxCATtt3 All Kinds of New Strapping, thing in Strap and Harness at Kayaville Harness Shop Vice-Preside- nt Is NoneToa Cood J. BEST . ' by .test" , in Dr. Grants Place kayaville, Utah Phone 41 Kaysville Exchange, or Bountiful for appoin. meats 96-- A MUIR NOVELTY ms. Mur, Suits LAYTON They are going better every season. Kayaville First Class - Mark Barnett Phone 2 SNAPPY PATTERNS Co. Stewart-Burto- n' We 5-- UTAH Elecliii - Utah and Up-to-da- te .Work: ..Our ..Motto Quick KAYSVILLEMARKET- : Shoe Shop to LATEST MODELS fis. Hansons We have them made especially for you Sweets, Sours, Dills, Chow Chow, etc., at reduced prices. Utah & MACHINE Work Crack-a-Jac- k Pickes - DENTIST Office Best Home Rendered Pickle Specials - w. E. WhitaKer ! Now for f & M. Bldg Farmington, KEELEYS ICE CREAM .Best F. C. Office OUR SODA FOUNTAIN 18c. per pound KOVIffSQy -- MONEY SAVER Better than packing house stuff CLAYSON, Prep. Davis County We Always Bear This In Mind At YOUR HOME DRUG STORE LARD j th Liscenced Abstractor And Notary Public TELEPHONE 45-- J Kayaville, Util Alain Street Go to G. F. PATTILLO continue to post specials' for Saturday HARVESTING MACHINERY for your Stove Pipe all s'.zes sad lengths; also get your Tins are ssd Wash Boilers bottomed. I am slw prepared to make stacks for chi neya and eave troughs of tin or gd vanized iron. Call and see me beta going elsewhere. Utah. Kaysville, ". 4. HcCORMICK AND Everybody will be There JOHN DEERE GRAIN Oak Leaf Poultry Faro CASH PAID, FOR POULTBT AND EGGS. Try a can of Fly Knocker or Li Liquid and rid your stock poultry of summer pests. It will be held during HOMECOMING WEEK and wih include PIONEER DAY CELEBRATION HARNESS REPAIR; OR MADE TO ORDER RALPH E. HOAG, President A. V. McIntosh, Cashier Paul M. Lee. Asst. Cashier THE KAYSVILLE PHARMACY Here a Special A Loose :tta EVERYTHING STRICTLY SANITARY Agents for HEADERS AND CORN BINDERS . and GRAND CARNIVAL. There will be GORGEOUS ELECTRICAL PARADES We the famous RED TAG BINDER TWINE, made from the best Mexican sisal. You better buy your twine to day as it is on the rise CIVIC, INDUSTRIAL and MILITARY PARADES SPECIAL PIONEER DAYS CELEBRATION and DAILY STREET CARNIVAL. Conkeys Poultry and Stock Remedies. Pttbi " 3.000 and Hnsucal CIRTTTRY EDITION, m tit tvs at mij ! pnresdbc to $.. . 1 or Toarbt money koee. erCemcretuee. ytryjtmst t am Fmetft tad Ammirsr cornea W'canrtelMMe further particulars. MACHINE CO: BEN C. SNYDER, Agent UaUer-- w. Layton Drag Steve LAYTON, UTAH The mint makes it and under term of the CONTINENTAL M01' GAGE COMPANY you can secures at 6 per cent for anyjegal purPT on approved real estate. Terms tell us your wants and we win er operate with you. PETTY & COMPANY 513 DENHAM BUILDING. DENVER, COLO. . Best Butter . l. Ureters d The P.23 . MONEY CONSOLIDATED WAGON Will haVe excursion rates in effect from Utah points July 21 to 24 inclusive; from Idaho. Wyoming and Oregon points July 2tt and 21. See. any O. S. L. Agents for amdud tbd as harvest will soon he on Line UTAH E3BHH32H sell Place your order for harvesting machinery OregonShort . . KAYSVILLE, t The ORDER FROM 24th and Wash. South East Corner V ' Dvstille, The UTAH National Bank Vice-Preside- nt TiHIE Law. - NATHAN Adv. Salt Lake City, July effervescing W. J. Peery, J. Parker, a Wizard of the Wasatch 21-2- at fer our depositors a highly desirable BANKING CONNECTION UTAH PIONEER DAY Co-o- the cart were bent so badly that the wheels would not turn, but the boys snaked the; cart and hose to the fire hydrant at the corner of the Kaysville' Cannery with the assistance of Daus Layton's outfit. The hose was layed when it was found that the wrenches and the nozzle had been lost in the wreck up the street. A Stillson wrench was procured at the cannery, the water turned orf and the fire was out in a iiffy. The garage was a total loss, from bin. the fire was prevented is one of the features of our business of whiehrwe are justly proud.- - Combined with the element of SAFETY afforded by the years of experience of our officers and directors, we of- II. ITah Attorney and Councelcr V fire-fighti- WANTED--Horse- the! T. McClure Petenj SERVICE The fire hoys were unfortunate in getting to the fire through accidents which could not have been avoided, but they kept trying to get there and rendered good service when they arrived. It may be depended upon that they will see to it that such accidents will be avoided In the future. maThe team has good terial in its ranks and they will make a record as fire fighters by saving property from the flames. The department is in need of additional material and it is hoped that hte city council will find a way to procure it. Excursons Via Oregon Short Line Tickets on sale between local' points in JJtah and Idaho east of Bliss, Idaho, July 23 and 24; Limit July 26th. See any O. S. L. agent for further details. 2 M 109-- KAYSVILLE, wrecked. fire-fighti- TRY IT ! -- er spreading to the near-b- y residences of Mr. Yaunt and Mr. Greerj,, - Fortunately the car belonging to Mr. Yaunt was at the residence of George Swan and only the building and and some auto supplies were lost. The loss will 0 The, reach $150 with no iiTsurgn hose cart is not budly damaged hut the 'Co-o- p delivery wagon' was badly , Voice Builder Phone Get a can of Conkeys Fly Knocker stung at the . hands of a couple of at the Layton Drug Store. Get It enterprising peddlers a few days ago, and it is safe to say that mast of these today. Adv. who were taken in, still think they Mrs. Maxie Simmons, nee Owen, got a bargain. The particular deal was visiting with Mrs. II. J. Shef- referred to is the bogus ham deal, field, Jr., a part of last week. Mr. wjicre peddlers made calls from house Simmons was here also for a short to house, offering smoked hsms at visit. 18 urul 20 cents per pound, the sumt ss are sold regularly over the counters The summer school at the Universof Davis county stores at 16 cents ity of Utah will' close today. Among pound. But as a matter of fact, those of Kaysville who have been in perwas not ham that was being sold it atendance are Marie Blamires, Marie it was Picnic ham shoulder ham. Openshaw and Arthur King. It is reported that a young man of The W. D. Major family of Bourtti-fu- l Kaysville, one interested in one of the at held a family reunion at Lagoon best stores here and a and fell for the purthat, stranger Tuesday afternoon. It was the chased a shoulder ham at 20 cents per anniversary of the birth of Mr. Majors birth. About twenty mem- pound. As a matter of fact, it pays bers of the family were present and the people of Davis county to read all enjoyed the occasion immensely. The Reflex and keep posted on the bargains which the merchants are offering. Three Registered IIolstien-Fresia- n Bulls for sale or trade. Ages, 3 years, YAUNT GARAGE BURNED 7 months, and 4 weeks. This stock , N. is all from A. R. O. dams. Also Goose Fe'athers and Vacuum Cleaners for Fire Department Had an Awful Time sale at reasonable prices. G. II. Getting on the Job. Kaysville, Phone 18N1. Adv. The Kaysvitle Volunteer fire department received its inbrigade The hot weather of the past few itiation as a days, about as hot as it ever gets in Tuesday evening about 5:30 oclock. Davis county, is ripening the grain At the time the fire was discovered lovery fast and harvest is now on. The in the garage of Frank Yaunt, cated of residence near rear his the grain crop now being harvested is the best ever gflown in the county, ac- on West Locust street by a neighbor cording to the oldest inhabitant. Two lady, Mrs. Green. Mrs. Yaunt sent in or three threshing outfits are already a phone message announcing the fire and the fire boys and business men reat work. sponded to the alarm promptly. In William II. Beezer, who is farming some manner it was reported to a part part of the John R. Barnes company of the firemen that the fire was at the farm - at Syracuse, is harvesting one residence of Robert Blamires and the of the best crops of wheat in that part hose cart was hitched to the rear of or the county and is threshing at the Daus Laytons hay wugon and a start same time. It is reported that he has was made for that point. When opposold his wheat at 75 cents per bushel. site the Peterson garage on Main William Thurgood, who also has a fine street, the rope attached to the hose crop on the same farm, is also har- cart broke. The cart was grabbed by p vesting and threshing. The Jim Hill the boys in the delivery wagon threshing outfit is with Mr. Beezer who had learned that the fire was at and the Stoddard outfit is with Mr. the Yaunt residence, and they proceed to that point. When crossing Thurgood. f of the Larkin west street the just The people of Davis county had betinto the the swerved residence, wagon ter get posted on prices before spendside of the street, ditch the at heading ing their money with peddlers. Many the wagon and spilling the citizens of Kaysville recently got wrecking firemen. In the mix-u- p the axles of iH Ogiieif jt J. HAMM EH R. TELEPHONE NO. k PHYSICIAN and SURGE0 GREEN 5 j a. to i; Futledc G. 7). Have special baskets Mens, Ladies and Childrens Slippers we are offering for 50c, $1.00 and $1.50 50 per cent. Hours 10:30 a. Office WE GIVE GREEN TRADING STAMPS 12-- R. Kaysville, Utah for 49c. $3.69 for $1.85, $3.29 for $1.65, $2.89 for $1.45, $3.19 for $1.60, $2.49 for $1.25, $2.19 for $1.10, $1.89 for 95c,. $1.79. for 90c, 98c ? .' 5 pt Farmington Office, Alexander Residence. Pho ' s f to 2 C. 1 Women who haw Keadah a4 Dr. JIIW Ar.ti-Pal- n PUI- 1 I ' |