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Show THE WEEKLY REFLEX. KAYSVILLE. UTAH TESTIMONIAL MEETING FARMINGTON , The Roue City The Clean City County seat of rich and fertile Davis county.- Home of the Miller Floral Company, the largest grow-- . ers of flowers in the country. Location of the fam-- , ous Lagoon resort. Has waterworks and electric lights. A line - 'place for residence. uuer-moun-4a- - j-- r- :, HONOR OF DISH OF J. 11, ROKINmJN the kind that are being sold by peddlers at 18c. to 20c. per pound, we sell at j Ih'-ho- - liHHi. His gramltathet Joseph 1.. John Tuck is on the sick list with Robinson was our tirst bishop. Old an attack of stomach trouble, eon Brownell the setoml, ami iTestj John Preece is some better physic dent John . HesS Hio thiuL lhshop ally, but he perfectly deaf. Seertsi succeeded Ihslu'p Hess The committee foi last Sunday e Mrs. Samuel James ami daughter ot Salt Lake Cty are visiting Farming enmg uis I't auk SU- d, Millie Nelson Welling, Kstelia Wiho'C. Wallace ton relatives. s I ftv r -- , t o'ji: - .4 School 'teachers examinations will be held in the court house Thursday, Frday and Saturday of this week. MEN REQUIRE SO MANY THINGS TO MAKE A HOLIDAY, ANY ONE OF WHICH, FORGOTTEN, WILL MAR IT. Steed and family have John gone by team to the canyons of Morgan county to dwell for two weeks. -- Fit and Street, Ogden President J. II. Robinson and fam- ily are uruingmg to take an umo tip to tin coast, where they will lake in tne big fair. They will lean about I I INVITATIONS J We specialize in society The Reflex prints the best BUTTER WRAPPERS for the least money J. R. GA1LEY NOTARY PUBLIC. print- ing, thus assuring you of the est and most attractive examples of the printing art With Barnes Banking Kaysvill Co., lat- For the Most Goods For the Money LosAngeles and Return Direct or Through Round Trip San Francisco from Visit Both Expositions Limit 3 Months Stop Over as Desired Tickets on Sale Daily March Write t Call Phone No. 36 Now Open Kaysville 1 st to Nov. 30th for Exposition Booklets N For partscular call on nearest agent or write J. H. MANDERFIELD, A. G.P. A. Salt Lake City reduced prices ' 0 Summer goods, Aprons, Dresses, etc., at a. big discount exprv-'i.tst- i Gel our prices on Charles Barkdull is quite sick m the L. D. S. hospital, lie was working with his team on a ranch in, Idaho, when he was taken so seriously ill that it was thought beBt for him to go to the hospital for treatment making your purchases For morning and afternoon delivery in Kaysville Co-o- p, Kaysville Tlir All but two of the nine who were fined various amounts by Judge Ov-ia- tt for disturbing the peace at La goon at the Fourth of July celebration have paid their lilies. The two are being cared for by Deputy Sheriff Lamb at the expense of the city. Milburn L. Rose, who was so severely crushed Monday evening, July 5, while trying to repair the device that causes cars to slow 4wn on the scenic railway, as they approach the terminus, is mending satisfactorily us before stated. Four ribs were broken and one kidney so injured that it had to he removed. The county school board held - a meeting last Monday - iti the court house, at which meeting bids were opened for the erection of three additions to school buildings In the county. A large number of contractors were present and thre was much competition among them., No contracts were awarded by the board, taking the various propositions under advisement and will doubtless award contracts at their meeting of Thursday, July 15. Joseph S. Miller had a fainting spell Sunday morning, falling to the floor and was unconscious for a few minutes. Those present thought he was dead and the rumor that he was dead soon spread all over town, but M. Lamb and J. W. Cottrell, who happened to be near, rushed in on rearing the distressing cries rat the family. After rubbing him a short time he revived and was soon all atright again. He has had several as so severe none tacks before, but this. I i louse i,f Quality and opular Prices. J and Miss Kenua "Cruguti a piano solo, J. S. White read an origmul poetic effusion junl Mrs. Edward Welling, Miss Chloo- - Knowlton and Miss June Hughes gave selected readings. Frank of Morgan stake Croft, an made a humorous speech on The Funny Bide of a Bishops Life. It will be for future history to tell or Farmingtons further progress and the kind of testimonial that will he earned by the present bishop ant counselors. , Deputy Sheriff Lamb is looking aft-e- r the duties of Janitor Hess, who is enjoying a two weeks Vacation. The deputys bonds are not increased and whether his salary will be increased is a question for the county commission lets to decide later. y F ruit Jars before n i ( $35.00 g' earnestly thanked admirably sustain- l mg him in his position and the hope that they would .similarly sustain Bishop ,A. L, Clink, Bishop Clink also made interest nig venuuks, he- - and the other speakers paying high tributes to Piesnlent Robinson Counselor James J. Steed made the opening and Counselor James J Steed tho dosing prayer. Frank Steed was master of ceremonies. The choir sang splendidly. Alias Rhoda Clark sung a solo and Elljnh Gregory, Wul ace Cragun, G. Q. Knowlton and Welling rendered a select pta which was specially prepared tor the occasion by Mr. Gregory. Miss hay Lambert of Salt Lake City gave a v solo, Walluce Cragun u cornet solo Mrs, W'illie McDonald Budge lias Iso far recovered that she can- - now walk quite well. For six months, up j to one week ago, she was lontined I to her bed with a spinal affection. j . F.very-thlu- well, all doing their Ik .hop Robinson the people for so July JO. Clothing Co. Invitations for weddings, at home affairs, receptions and, in fact, for any social event1 may be procured at The Reflex office: 0 RiiowfumT lly-ru- SEE US FIRST 374 2 ith i. olT line of Low' Shoes at greatly Wl, Mr. pnd Mrs. L. S. Mortonsen of Clinton and Mrs. Lucille Rogers Barnes of Kaypville spent Sutuipy with Mr. and Mrs. George Rogers. And, topping all. the right suit. er Cruguti ami went Mr. and Mrs. Henry Soule of St, Anthony, Idaho are here for a 'few days, the guests of Mrs. Soules parents Mr. and Mrs. John W. Steed. Enough shirts of the right sort. Soft collars, handkerchiefs, neckties Cool underwear and pajamas Flannels for tennis and golf Sox for sport, walking and dancing A similar variety of shoes A new straw, white cotton hat and cap A bathing suit, a beach sweater We Have Thenf All, in Sufticient Variety to Satisfy All Men, Quickly. A - '! v.,-i- - Watson-Tann- I6ic. Per Pound N ll , Hams Picnic The meetinghouse wascioviiled Suu- ilav e emng at the meetuig ral1ed to shim the nppieli.ition of the n.tul members of the labors of fonm-- r Dish- p Robinson op J 11. Robinson. t succeeded Bishop Secrist, w ho died lit - f- IN Known Everywhere As The VERY BEST oUr ereTsecubities J. Peter Radford, Much has been said and more written about the evils of watered stock In big business conueniB and the farm ers of this- - natiou believe that every dollar written into the life" of any business organization, should be able to aay I know that my Redeemer but farming Is the biggest llveth, business on earth, and there is more water In Its flnauclal transaction than that of any other Industry. There is as much water In a farmers note drawing eight or ten per cent Interest when other lines of industry secure money for four or five per cent per annum, as there Is In a busluess pay lug a reasonable compensation upon the face value of securities representing an' Investment of only fifty ceuts on the dollar. The ouly is, the water Is in tho Interest rate in one Instance and in the securities In the other. The promoter ofttlroes takes chances and Ills success is contingent upon the development of the property In volved hut the usurer, as a rule, takes no chances and his success cripples the property involved. There may be industries that cry louder but none that suffer more severely from flnan clal Immorality In both law and cus tom than that of agriculture. The farmers of America today are paying $200,000,000 per annum In usury on real estate and chattel loans, and this interest capitalised at five per cent, .represents $l,OOQ,flOO 000 of fictitious values which the farmer Is paying, interest on. This sum of money Is almost equal to the annual value of crops produced in the United Stales. ' The earning power of the fanner's note based upon his Interest rate very nearly divides likes the earths surs water and face land. The largest body, of water that floats upon the financial hemisphere now rests upon the farms and Its waves are dashing and Its billows are rolling against seven million homes threatening ruin and disaster to the prosperity of the nation. Will our public servants who understand how to drain the liquid off Industrial properties turn the faucet knd let the water off the farms T By one-fourt- three-fourth- Made of Choicest Utah Wheat most modern Mil)ed in the Mill 7 Packed in the Neatest Manner, EVERY HAS DEALER IT. From The Housetops . to proclaim the advantages of having a bank account with ua. Safety and carefulness, combined with liberality, courtesy to all, and aj desire to be of service to our customers, the high position of our officers and directors in the estimation of our merchants are a few of the reasons why you should have your account here. we wish Union State "Banl BOUNTIFUL, UTAH. Butter Wrappers at The Reflex BEST QUALITY, LOWEST PRICES h Three Registered Holstien Fresian Bulls, to sell or trade. Ages 3 years, 8 months and 3 years. This stock Is from A G. Adams' herd. Also Goose It is an admitted economic fact that leathers and Vacuum Cleaners for Cole G. IL there can be no permanent prosperity sale at reduced preen. without a permanent agriculture. mere.- - Adv. -tf yl J a-Vin- yiccount gs of moat benefit when misfortune comes. Then it is of mighty tostrength, save a and you are thankful that foresight prompted a persistent effort , penny here, a dollar there. - OurSwOm&4 Department u altvaye ready la eernie you L R- - GAILEY, Cashier JOHN R. BARNES, President Ua L. S. HILLS, Vice-Preside- nt Barnes BanKjng Co. K.A.y'SVILLE. XTA.H SURPLUS and PROFITS, $65,730 CAPITAL, $25,000. Jtirteteret John W. Galley1 Royal C. Barnes, Henry 11. Blood John Gl M. Barnes William Blood, Loan on goo Interest paid on Time Deposits. .We always have Moneyof to the world, Your cities the all in , sold principal Drafts payable security. business solicited. Interest payable quarterly. Notary public in Bank. they are built" to last forever. Their first cost is their last cost; they need no painting, no repairs; are fireproof and ratproof, unaffected by time or weather, at enduring as the granite rock. You can have such structures on your firm. Whenever you replace a farm building, build an enduring concrete structure. Whenever you add anything new group, make it a concrete improvement. Always use the best msteriU tour farm Be sure to ask your dealer for construction. Concrete Structures Like The: L. S. Hills, John R. Barnes, Never Need Replacing Try Conley's Fly Knocker FOR 15 DAYS , , . PORTLAND 'CEMErr.: IF 4T DONT SATISFYJYOU YOUR MONEY BACK QUICK' It has been tested and Its superiority proved by years of ttes 1 ers, large and small. Our lat'est book, Concrete in the C any farmer on request. 1 QUART 35c; HALF-GA- 60c, 1 GAL Sl OO GET A CAN NOW LAYTCN DHUG COMPANY LAYTCri, UTAH Prescription Druggists The Ogden Pcrtlr.r1 C " , r-- k. A v - j v |