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Show THE WEEKLY REFLEX, KAYSVILLE, UTAH C. , (4 I OSes Cottrs 1 (1 MMeiWasMhfe s i wcniirpwt fea Gardner. Sm Phone 12-- ( R. M, p & J j Utah KayaviHe, Farmington ? Office, i Office like kalsomine effects, but want a wall finish that can be. cleaned or washed. I This is a frequent inquiry at our store because the : need replacing every year, up-to-da- G. D. P.utledj$e and Residence on Locost Str Bamberger depot. Call answered promptly day or night Kaysville j Office ' . p. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON WE GIVE demands a. sanitary finish that doesn't housekeeper ' te Hours 11:30 a. m. to 12:30 It ACME QUALITY GREEN TRADING & FINISH is a sanitary, washable finish. It is put on like paint, but drifs quicker and with a surface that is flat and velvety, in t'smies in shades and tints especially adapted" for interior decoration. NO-LUSTK- E 4ipH-:tr:to- ' COLOR SAMPLES t ON REQUEST STAMPS Z DR, A. TANNER Telephone 99-- R Office Hours 2 to 5 p. m. 4 -- Layton Building, Layton,, Utah R. H. J. SHEFFIELD & SONS Department Cash Store TELEPHONE NO. THE MOST OF THE BEST FOR THE LEAST CASH 1 J. HAMMER Voice Builcfer KAYSYILLE, UTAH X No Experimenting An Absolute, Definite Method Phone merit system, whereby the Scouts are resident penalized for acts which they perform which are in opposition dent of with the Scouts laws. They also receive merhome of Barrett. it for good acts. When a Scout loses all his merits he is suspended will recover. for sometime and if suspended three Mrs. W. A. Epperson and daughter, times is dismissed and is no longer a ltorothy, who were visiting with'the member of the Boy Scouts of America. Kaysville Kpjiersons, departed for Watch us grow, her home at Manitou, Colorado, Sun day. Mrs. Epperson is in love with and respected of Kaysville and an old resiUtah, is seriously ill. at the his daughter, Mrs. Benjamin It is not expected that he W. 1L Clow, an old KAYSVILLE The largest city in north Davis County, fine place for residence. Kaysville Roller Mills, vegetable end fruit canning establishment end greet brick plant add steadily to the wealth of the city. General farming, fruit end vegetable growing for shipment and canning are Has the important industries. Davis County Central High school, churches and new opera house. City water and electric lights are inducements for investment. Home of The Reflex end its. pr k ting .p Lant. Davis county. ' The Davis County Commerciil Club wilt-give- - Gilbert W. Layton will go to Bancroft, Idaho as agent for the Stude-hakpeople. Murray. Howard and family of Salt Lake City spent Sunday in Kaysville, the guests of Dr. and Mrs. G. D. Rutledge. There is not a vacant house in Kaysville. Not many towns and cit ies can make that boast in this year of grace. er Hay harvest ia now on. The wet weather of the early part of the week was not allowed to interfere with the it seemed to cutting of the crop be a race between the weevil and the farmers for posession of the hay. I tort of Sumner G leason isjncorp-hi- s ora ting fruit juice business un- der the name of the Utah Fruit Juice company. The company will be capitalized for $25,000, shares $1.00 each. With a dry Utah in the oflmg,.the Mrs. F. E. Butler of Ogden ia in enterprise has a very promising Kaysville, having been called here by the serious illness of her father, WilHoward J. Larkins entertained in liam 1L Clow. honor of, Mrs. Emily Sitzer at the Mr. George 11. Blood and daughter home of his mother last Saturday of lYeston, Idaho, who have been vis- evening. Members of Mrs. Sitzers iting relative in Kaysville, ' returned music class- were among the Invited home Monday. . guests. The evening wub spent in conversation and music. RefreshMiss Claire Gleason is home from ments were served and u pleasant evSalt Lake City and is recovering ening' was spent. from hep operating in a most Mr. ami JJIrs. Walter Cottrell went factory manner. to Salt Lake today to , attend the William and Alice Strong will desixtieth anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. part in a few days for Teton la, Ida- Charles Cottrell, parents of Mr. Cotho, where they will spend the summer trell. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Cottrell with their sister, Mrs. Milton Phillips. lived in Kaysville for muny years vfore going to Salt Lake. Mr. CotG. F. M. Nance will leave for Colorado about the first of the trell is 80 years of age and his wife month to be gone until fall.' His is 79. daughter. Leafy, will accompany him. TYVXK ANILXUEN ........ ,v Examinations for 'CcStihty 'teachers' GAVE Ell TO THEM certificates will be bled in the court Such was the fortune of baseball at house at Farmington on Thursduy, Sheffield park last Friday afternoon, Friday and Saturday, June 3, 4 ami DaVis when met Ogden High in the 6. last game of the season. Twice we ' The Kaysville Irrigation company had the world by the tail, with a have succeeded in securing a direct dow nhill could not save and then pull, right of way from their new reser. little ball measley game. In the Voir into Kaysville City and the ditch fourth inning a fiobody home stunt is now under construction. ontributed to Ogdens run column and Jed Sessions, deputy 'game warden,' m .the .last inning' a couple of errors planted 200,000 trout in th streams finished er up. Skinny and Mutt of Davis county on Monday of this seemed to have everything on the ball week. Fishermen should be able to but it warnt no use. Simp, tile and Mntt were thestar.tickerh Jug ...the fiud good sport at home by 1917. day. The box score: Arnold M.' Barnes will leave SunOGDEN HIGH day for a three weeks visit to the Pacific coast. He Vill be away three weeks and will visit Los Angeles und Dec, c ISiUt- - JVij'rcTScbTiefoVc'''' ' oiu bunt?. a, Collins, Constipation, if Neglected, Causes Serious Illness Constipation, n L,ec'eJ. Ic.ids to almost innunicr.it - cuni;.,ica, toons affecting tue genera1 luaith - sUt 'J i cases Many Vd tyThcid nrr. ajq t n jciti a n d O'l.cr secie a'i u it- - V rf p, Fuller, 1st L. Falck, tf Musgrate, rf Stanger, e . Marshall, 2ml Allison, If ... Fox, rf Derry, p . Maw, rf trans-continent- L- - St., t r , Sul " - and at ytari, Would become vi! j And TV, m tpt.,cr, S con-t- Franklin Ashdown was painfully injured Friday when a piece of baling wire, which he was- cutting, struck him in the eye, penetrating the pUpil and causing it to spread. Dr. Irvine George Dibble of Layton was a of Salt Lake City is giving the eye town Tweed a y medical attention, with little hope Irvin Ne,yWof- - Bancroft, Idaho is for the sight to be restored. visiting relatives here. NOTICE OF FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS Mr. Frank Yui'ka is confind to his In the District Court of the United home with rheumatism. States for the District of Utah, in refeBankruptcy, before S. T. Corn, Mrs. Annie Willey and family are ree. - ' In the matter of Newel K. Young, visiting friemfs in Morgan. Bankrupt. In bankruptcy No. 2015. Miss Mildred Kessler daughter of To the Creditors of Newel K. Young of Kaysville m the County of DaviR, Dr. B. L. Kessler, is quite ill. am) District 'aforesaid, a bankrupt. Notice is hereby given that-o- n vie F, A. Cowley and family moved in24 th day of April, A. D. 1915 the said to their new home the first of the Newel K. Young was duly adjudicated week. bankrupt; and that the First Meeting of his Creditors will be held at my Earl Spences arid Miss Florence office at Rooms 0 First Nationllermunson, both of this place, will al Bank Building, Ogden City, Weber be married June 2. County, Utah, on the 10th day of Jane A. I). 1915 at 10:30 oclock in the Mrs. Helen M. Wright, who has been forenoon, at which time the said creditors attend, prove their may school at the Bliss hall, left teaching claims, appoint a trustee, examine the for Lehi Wednesday. bankrupt, and transact such other Mrs. Alma Hardy is in Ogden on business as may propery come before said account of the serious illness of her Ogden,meeting. Utah, May 26, 1915. S. T. CORN, mother, Mrs. Collins. Referee in Bankruptcy. Mr. Harold Palmer arrived home . OT1CE.,TO .CREDITORS week-frotj),e Cpringvilie; Estate of Robert Ure, Deceased. where he has been teaching school. Creditors will present claims with Miss Evu Feller, who has been vouchers to the undersigned at the office of Young & Moyle,- attorneys, teaching school in Brigham City, re- Deseret National Bank Building, Salt turned home the first of the week. Lake City, Utah, on or before the 15th D. 1915. Mrs. Israel Call and Mrs. Chester day of August, A. RACHEL URE, Call, who have been visiting relatives Administratrix of the Estate of in liewiston, Utah, arrived home Robert Ure, Deceased. vis-itir- iimo fur Mm Ul(J unconjous j U!B B0 Laxative them tounJ 1 TaU-t- s, a fish habitual OfcsiLly of constipation realizing In-4h- - Tbe. M. T. ..A, cf- - 000500 2 Ogden Davis 2 0 BOY 1 1 0 0 4 0 0 410 SCOUT NEWS 1 - ,v County ' F. C & M. Bldg. - Utah Farmington, THEN ACT. Office W. girls., donated a large . Now for Francisco exposition to decorate the Utah buildimr . . . ' A day evening at the home of Ward llol- brook by the high school elsss, 22 pupils being in attendance. Dainty re- - Theo-boqu- et I. DENTIST in Dr. Grant's Place Kaysville, Utah Office - or Phone 96-- A Suits Crack-a-Jac- k 41 Kaysville Exchange, Bountiful for mppbtntmenta. KOVELTY THOS. I.IUIR, Prop. LAYTON UTAH They are going better every season. tar r Hansons I We have them made especially for you Electric Shoo Shop $151? to $28:50 Kaysville - 1 Utah First Class and Quick -- Work: ..Our ..Motto TELEPHONE 45-- J Up-to-da- te LATEST MODELS SNAPPY PATTERNS Main Street Co. Stewart-Burto-n We Goto continue to post specials for Saturday G. Kaysville, Utah F. PATOLLO for your Stove Pipe all sixes and lengths; also get .your Tinware and Wash Boilers bottomed. I am also pnar Beys and tmkf ..etackx ear troughs of tin or gal- vanised Iron. Call and aee me before going elsewhere. Uah. Kaysville, . IteUTAHNitioulBiA - Concrete 24th and Wash. South East Corner Farm-Hous- es present advantages found in no other style of con- -' struction. Most farm houses have little or no fire protection. Concrete houses are absolutely fireproof' wlla( floors, roof, etc. They last forever. Their slight additional cost is soon saved in paint, repairs and insurance, when built of Vice-Preside- nt 5k KAYSVILLE, At ...Your dealer- - tnows w hy KEELEYSICECRESMT tia best; let him explainT" Best by test c EVERYTHING STRICTLY SANITARY Ogden Portland Cement Co. 23 For The NATIONAL TEA BP03TXNG CO. Address, Salt Lake Gty a MONEY it The mint makes and tinder terms of the CONTINENTAL 6 you can secure -- operate with you. PETTY & CC -- nr G. DENVER, CCLO. C- -l tJlu Urrr: d ltd the HG-T-G- AGE it per cent lor any legal purpose on approved real estate. Terms coty, tell ns your wants art --v wii co- at 613 DENHAM L THE KAYSVILLE PHARMACY UTAH Local Affest Wanted COMPANY 9 . -- OGDEN CEMENT Inlind - - aj: K Concrete farm houses are bound to please their owners. Warm in winter, cool in summer, sound proof construction; they make the ideal homer But be sure Ogden Cement is used. OUR SODA FOUNTAIN YOUR HOME DRUG STORE Breeders of Comb White Leghorns, Single. White Pekin Ducks and Toulouse Geese V Stock and eggs fsr sale. Also agents for nil kinds of poultry supplies. Cash paid for poultry sad eggs. r- RALPH E. HOAG. President A. V. McIntosh, Cashier J. Peery, J. Parker. Paul M. lee, Asst. Cashier We Always Bear This Led Pczltry Farn Ock Vice-Preside- nt Is None Too Good. WhftaKer & f.lACHlHE Works e t)f the Esta'te of Carlos, deceased, are hereby rpiluested to present their claims to .the undersied administrator, at the oflice of W. ft. Skeen, 826 David Ee- cles Building; Ogden, Utah, on or be- Seftrfiiber. lSlS: R. W. Adams, j Administrator, W. R. Skeen, a ' I)ute of first publication May 2ofm& Date of last June 17. 1915. publication r- . MR and s FIGURE IT OUT Abstractor Notary Public-Da- vis Liscenced -- And Best water right for 53 acres of the finest soil you ever Raw. Balance grazing, pasture and vineyard land. Two mpuntain springs, water piped to house and barn. Splendid orchard. Fine trout and ice pond. Profitable crops all planted and grow ing. One mile to school and interurban station. A splendid farm. A beautiful place. Only $9,000. Terms. Think of it!!! . The best all around combination farm in the county and by far the cheapest. See me at once. Z. HENRY JACOBS, Agent 63 West First North Street, Salt Lake City T1HIE 09 All Kinds of New Strapping. Anything in Strap and Harness at the NATHAN CLAYSON, Prop. 112 acres. within and plfsq llflTO F - Credttors of flowers to be sent to the dore W. 1 C Judicial District of . Utah J. E, HOMtSOfl Chris Boyntons Beautify Farm In Kaysville. The Best Buy in the State. Utah, school, returned to their home m Sun- - for the County of Davis. J nyside, Sunday. matter of the estate of The- - 1L Thousand of people are sufferers v Attorney. Lai. OR MADE TO ORDER FOR SALE! NOT1CE TO CREDITORS ' ' In the District Court of the Second Sessions, If At the opera house last Thursday night. Dr. Gardner gave a very inter--t too long to employ proper esting- ectU'rt'on'"ft rstaif worT It vative measures until hi- -' helpful to the scouts in their often results. The serious adv.ee of first aid work. Dr; Gardner told t physicians JS, -- keep your bowels what to do ih the ani its good adv.ee. following cases: , h Vli1's' snake Tablets are cuts Lite, drowning, broken bones, and bruises. He also showed the druggists, at, 25 cents a 25 doses. If not Scouts how to do some roller bandagaing a dory, your money is ing and he also showed some of the uses of the tHangular bandage. iwu The Scouts have introduced a da-' i-- 2455 Washington Aven Ogden, Utah 1 ... Ul LVmy STAFFORD MILLINERY CO. - T lTAH HARNESS REPAIRING first-the- YOUNG, & MOYLE, . Kimille, 309-31- fer our depositors a highly desirable HANKING CONNECTION box and t , .ad Dever ' su. h a art,'d zuild and eBettne manner. I belsete fOUnd th remfcdy -- alter T7i SERVICE bi.mpson, c . CurtonT tCp, Phillips, p, it each. j TOrm'," .many thin,. Fhjalclan did not Bv.m, .to .e el,;.e to any rood, r would and for dmvs t a time Wron, do wIl of Stv.is?t one-four- th I is one of the features of our business of which we are justly proud. Combined with the element of SAFETY afforded by the years of experience-o- f our officers and directors; we of- rf up-to-d- ate m ' ' - lllornsy zsj Conncelor Trimmed Large line Hats off to one-ha- lf . regular prices. Special Sale on Panamas. Clearance Sale of Trimmed Hats regardless of cost, READ SLOWLY W T. McClure Peters 355 ON MILLINERY - , Swan, i Israel Barlow, who will leave on the seventeenth of June .for a mission to Europe, Prior to his departure, Mr. Barlow and Miss Myrtle Ford of Cen' terville are to be married. freshments were served and all had an time playing games, etc. aVe to pr jh rd ciogwi.g ot the boa 1 kcMiJ-th- t t everihigr'MF"28r1n honor of Elder REDUCED PRICES 109-- - KAYSVILLE. al enjoyable !.-- of A missionary farewell dance will be given in the Everglade hall Friday Nine' miles north of Salt Lake City; subuibarrinrd'rrsidcucetown;' largest city in Davis County, has waterworks, electric lights and power, telephones, cement side-- . walks, surrounded by rich market gardens and fruit lands, two electric railroads with low fares, two railroads, brick yard, two banks, good business houses, commercial club, graded and high schools, churches and lodges, A good place to live. r San ft day evening. -- at-th- - V Miss Myrtle Call returned to her home in Wayan, Idaho Sunday. She has been attending the Bountiful High school and stopping at the home of her unde, P. P, Willey. Her school chums gsve her a farewell party on Satur- BOUNTIFUL 1 band. a ball eKaysville opera house this evening. The proHome grown strawberries are now ceeds of the ball will be used for the coming into the market in small benefit of the band, Boost the band i by purchasing tickets'., quantities. Man-ass- this vicinity. The melon patches have all been plowed up and replanted. v up-to-d- t rains of the past few days have destroyed the watermelon crops in The Kta' Cl:: i 'm ram, mtw Or. who Mtn. k AsM Px i J f jt ' t -- ' |