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Show . V , FLEET CEffllllMCLE at might presents the WEEKLY .REFLEX. KAYSVILLE, UTAH' sene of beauty WHY NOT CASE off.lrs, HAH KC is pure. KC is health- Pinkh&zn Peclare Lydia Vegetable Compound Saved Her Life and Sanity. EL UNITED STATES NOT INVOLVED. N REARRANGEMENTS-MADEGO- CERNING COTTON CARGOES. T And you pay only a fair price for it. No baking powder should sell for more. falling, inflamma- female weakness, pains in both- - aides, backaches and bearing down pains, waa short of memory, nervous, impatient, I ! Brilliant illumination of the battleships CANADA sleepless nights, and had neither strength nor ergy. There was always a fear and dread in my mind. I had cold, nervous, weak spells, hot flashes over body. I had a place in my right side my that was so sore that I could hardly bear the weight of my clothes. I tried medicines and doctors, but they did me little and I never expected to get out good, again. I got Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound and Blood iWifier, and I cer- tainly would have been in grave or in an asylum if your medicines had not sav-- d ne, Pui now I ean work aTTday; sleep well at night, eat anything I want, have no hot flashes or weak, nervous spells. All pains, aches, fears and dreads are gone, my house, children" and hubLand are no longer neglected, as I am almost entirely free of the bad symptoms I had before taking your remedies, and all is pleasure and happiness in my home. Mrs. Josie Ham, R. F. D. 1, Box 22, Shamrock, Missouri. i SENDS MORE the Atlantic fleet at night as thev of MEN EUROPE TO 1m lu the iludsoii MISS MARY m u IV'lOll ruer It ' K'ii . Jill luj .i j'gui ti iiniiin i 1 U alih.i-iutlu- lt!i'iil lilt I'lll-W- . S' ,1 i ii t t' llt iiti' nn .! hill in. iH ' m i.b ll!, I I I.IUU M1U I i!t part , m To loii o iMr n uniuMviiitl (ho iiu'j' . TELL ABOUT IT The Canadian contingent has been suffering severely In the fierce fighting m Flanders, and a few days. ago 3,000 more men were sent over on the 5 new liner Metagama lo fill gaps in the ranks. . THREATENED EMBASSY AND ITS OCCUPANT Hundreds Praise Wonderful Remedy The First Does Convinces. j Hundreds of people in the West and Northwest have found quick deliverance from stomach trouble by the use of Mayrs Wonderful Remedy, This remarkahle treatment has established a record of proven results and benefits.- - It has friends Here la what two say: MRS. PETER L. MOCK. Dayton. I have suffered untold agony, Wyo. and twice the doctors wanted me to undergo an operation. Since I took the first dose of your remedy I have not had a bad attack. DANIEL SHEEHAN. Dubois. Idaho I have taken four doses and I think they have done the work. I am feeling nicely now and can eat heartily. Mayrs Wonderful Remedy gives permanent results for stomach, liver and intestinal ailments. Eat as much and whatever you like. No more distress after eating, pressure of gas in the stomach and around the heart. Get one bottle of your druggist now and try .t on an absolute guarantee if not money will be returned. Adv. every-arher- I s - JUlss Hukar daughtof .of Mr. and. Mrs. Botijamin N. I)uko, is to lie married on June 16 to Anthony J. lirexei Iiiddle of Philadelphia. , This picture of Alias Duke was taken at the time she was preiteuted at the court of St. James and shows her dressed tn court costume. e. Manufacture of High Explosive May Be Brought to Standstill, thlcugrt The Western N'trogljccr in met nssoclutnui Manufacturers heic Monday to attempt to dvtae some means of Increasing the production of glycerine, un essential ele Members ment In all high said the wur wus necessitating the use of so much glycerine that the en tire supply in the United Btute would he exhausted within ninety days They discussed plans for pooling the supply. if glycerine is exhausted it will not only have an"1 Important effect on the war, speukefs said, but much work, Including oil - development, - will - lie, brought to a dead stop No explosive' but nitroglycerine has the shuttering effect necessary said Albert for shooting oil wells, Oppenheini of a Marietta company.' IN THE WAR From" information Hague. The Hague ItTTs understood that the Germans and Austrians have 860,000 concentrated approximately troops on the Italian frontier. They have occupied strategic positions In order to meet an attack or to attempt to strike the first heavy blow In an endeavor to diaheurten the new combatants at the beginning ot the camThe Teaching CLEAN SWEET SCALP May .Be Kept 60 by Cuticura Soap and OlntmenL Trial Free. To have good hair clear the scalp of dandruff and itching with shampobs of Cuticura Soap and touches of Cuti- - RECRUITING Our Own Personally Conducted War. You are a confirmed dyspeptic! exclaimed Friend Wife. "No, we remarked, sotto voce, or words to that effect, a contradicted bane west war hospital for wounded in England is one especially for soldiers who have been blinded in the Queen Alexandra particifighting. pated in the opening of the hospital. An Inmate who was blinded at Ypres is seen being led about the grounds by one of the London society women who helped establish the hospital. dyspeptic. Backache Spells Danger Census records show that deaths from kidney disorders have increased 73 in 20 year. People cant seem to realise that the first pam in the back, tha first A Utah Case e Mrs. O t fW. JofBso fWu.sisrjr- ,7n Tuckey, 'Gfh Sixth St., a. Salt 464 Lake City. Utah, I had kidaaxs: -- FOSTOAOJKJC CO. BUTFALQ. IFYCUKAVE appetite. Vtoto4 au Mil Hto, !tlO" T. x ui My o(T w tobacco on artive serv well, esteemed by th military authorities thut today one Mithe British government doing vOuti it bud never done before .tree tobacco to the troops. On!ivU4tln comparatively - recent liimK however, has this necessity -bi'cii Itlri i.illy rcoogpUed. Wellington i oiub mind the practice of smoking as tn mg a HpeeletT of intoxication bv the fumes of tobacco otlu'inl efforts to diHiourage the us ot titiacto were completely negatived in tin Ciimeun war. '1 be pitvatlons reunited Hu fit ted then by the troops s tn office! and men ticking pumuea adopted by their ITench and 'IuiKit.lt alluH, nrrd by its aid their diHcomfoi were so alleviated that ever since the practice of smoking on active service has been countenanced bv those in command. lu (ouaequeuco tobacco has played' a nut tilde and beneficial part in th wars of the past century in fact, from Waterllio to South Africa. Probably Its solacing and inspiring quall-tle- s were never so strongly manifested as in the war of 1870. It might be said, indeed, that the crushing defeut inflicted on th French was due largely to the soldiers lack of tobacco, added, as it was,- to the breakdown to the commissariat, whereas on the German aide th did all they could to Inaur the troops being plentifully supplied with the weed. ' I HOW SHE ENDED TEN YEARS OF I had eciema on Oct. 28, 1814: my fane for ten years. Little red pimples formed in n small spot on tay chln iind Gien spread all over lay fac.v' They Itched and burned m awfully. I tried almost every remedy and treatment that could be need for this trouble, but nothing did ms any good. I used reeinol ointment and retinol soap, and was relieved in a day or two. In one month 1 waa cured. Thia waa alx months ago and the trouble has never returned.(Signed) Mr. C. C. Roberta, Weatherford, Okla. Every druggist sells resinol ointment and Yhslnol soap and doctors have prescribed th resinol treatment for more than twenty years. Adv. sup-plu- occa-nioTit- -- 1 to new Recruiting officer of the Devon regiment wearing in Devonshire village through which the regiment was passing. WHY WE TURN TO RIGHT? First Law on This Point Seems to Have Been Paaaed by Mary- land. . that many automobile manufacturers are constructing their cars with the drivers seat on the toft. Interest is naturally aroused In the question aa to why vehicles keep to the right In some countries and to the )ft in others. and aa to where oar laws to this effect originated. Now . . f. men in Poor Hen Had to Die. One Friday Mrs. C. P. Watsner bought a hen at an Atchiaon grocery store, intending to kill, dress and cook it for Sunday dinner. She took the hen home, where it promptly laid an egg. Mrs. Waisner was pleased, and did not kill the ben that day. Saturday the hen laid another egg. and Mra. Waisner decided to spare the hens life as long as It laid eggs. It laid an egg every day for a while and then showed a disposition to set. By that time Mrs. Waisner had grown very fond of the ben and ntmed it Emma. So she set Emma on 15 eggs, and in due course of time the ben came off from the nest with 15 chickens. Most of the chickens were roosters, and ss they grew np Mrs. Waisner ate them, and finally ate, Emma Atchison Globe. The Massachusetts Mercury, published in Boston, in its issue of Friday, April 11, 1800, gives the following item , among its general news: A law has been made in Baltimore, that the driver of. a vehicle with wheels, in passing .another in any street, shall keep to the right-banside, under penalty of three dollars, for each offense. And1 likewise a law granting a considerable bounty on the use of bread wheels. From the wording of the item and the prominence given to it, it seems to d have been the first law in this country. act passed in England in 1835, established a penalty upon drivers who failed to keep to the left or near side of the koad, when meeting any other horse or carriage, so that this country seems to have keen ahead of England in this respect. The-H4ghw- ay 'd to-th- uuuuit 1 f Influence My Lady Nicotine" lu Fully Appreciated by the British Government. lion I THE SECRET of gooil coll or lx In (irt ptm1, miliml rolToO It OU link Mini llo.lllH Ilf Will toll Mill thill all toil IiH air tliio, aa tho luw pio lilltlla tllO anlo ol aulixtllulon a Ontlof. Not ull appli'n uic pute although thoy me. tipple. Nhuo ot them me otien rotten. Some coffer art wmdtalL, mol wluNt tho law-- allow them to bo ealleil eoflee thev are impure ami Imre a IihimIi taatr. Deiuaon Codec mo pielCoii coffee, the lieinra picket! I't hand flout tho tree, purr and iniiaoigient ly thoy are alwn round in rwry trinr of the word, rojialile and dobciou. ItouiHoti' Coffee an- - a1w-parked in eiirlima, bag or ran with the name oh every hiIuiko. 'All other are mutation. If your (iroeor doe not v.ock Denison's Coffee, wrne tho DouiMin Coffee Co., Chicago, ill, who will tell you where they can lie iditamed in jour vieimty. Adv. a t Franco-Germa- n - es Tlt-Blt- s. SKIN-TORTU- Four Days In a Well. In Georgia a colored man employed bv a' doctor to do general chorea has a hublt of going-offiuhtliig Tor a'fevf days without giving any notice of his Intention, so the other day when ho did not show tip.1 no inquiries were mude. But this time bo was bunting for help Willie punning, through a field at night ho fell Into an old' unHe covered well, forty feet deep. could not climb out, so ho punned the night yelling for help. The next duy he yelled somer more, but no help came. Fortunately the well was dry, no he got sleep, but his situation was sufficiently desperate, it was ontbe afternoon of the fourth day that some laborers heard a faint Hello, and What Bh Thought frucing the sound rescued the man from his queer prison. He looked Struggling Author (who baa Just weak, but was not bodily injured, and read his luecst story to his wife) a hearty meal set him all right again. There! Thats the best thing 1 ever i , f " - . did. Thought for th Future. The universities of Oxford and Pant f TtriageTiiive contributed about of the men who have given England leadership In government science of their and letters. Now students have enlisted in the war; Trinity college has been converted Into a military hospital. Could wp not select from those who would not otherwise have the opportunltty men of ability equal to the students who have attended the English universities and prepare them for work equally Important? And could we not give opportunity to foreign men and women of ability to continue her work from which they will be debarred by the conditions following th war? Popular Science Monthly. His Wife-Y- es, dear. What magazine shall you send it to first? Life.. one-hal- two-third- s Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOR1A, a safe and sure remedy for infanta and children, and see that It Heart th Signature of In Dae For Over SO Years. ( Children Crjr ior Fletchers Caxtcris Recipe. t Jack glrla." la such a favorite with (ho Yes; he handles them with gloveo about ten pairs per year." Puck. Quit So. "What the flrat step necessary in cultivating aa artistic temperament?" ' Finding somebody to stand for ft 1 Always Da libs rat Work. All fine Imaginative work Is and deliberate. No poet sings because he must sing. At least A great poet no great poet does. TLe General Say Mngs bccauiw he chooics to stng Tos ass bar tha tmM 5 Oscar Wilde. m to uriSavasnaa inti motto fnuna hn Eruption Change Creeks Courts. Redding, Cal. Another eruption of i LUssea peak begaa at 11 oclock Mon-Ss Mf day. All fences in the Lassen naUye UB U lBlt tional forest are reported to have been destroyed. Logs swept down the side Dentist Versus Undertaker. of Lassen peak have been piled in a , I am convinced, said Mrs. dam ten feet high, which has caused "that we should save largely Manzanlta creek to change its course on dentists bills if we should buy each of tbe children one of those new pyChristianity Gaining in EaaL Christian rotechnic toothbrushes. Washington. Sherwood Eddy, sec Register. Tnar local fcaiOwara Wlntor Mar aaa Koul t ?u who Gortsl retary for Asia of the International FI (appl? UwiuImI t H or tt iron tawidiM to a to UUoaa. 1MI hn committee of the Young Mens Chris A Vague HinL ROOFING UFG COi tion association, discussed the Chi on gCENERAL He When they put the J situation with Presimy head, they didnt find anything. dent Wilson Monday night and told She Probably they didn't expect to. him that Christianity was gaining a L firm foothold in both countries. mi fkaa Twlck-embury- I a. d disorder of the unne, demands instant attention that it may be a signal of cooling gravel, dropsy or fatal Bright a dneaae. The best prevention of serious kidney disorder is prompt treatment the beet medicine is Doans Kidney Pills. DOANS S',D.T It Baptist Debt Cleared Away, Los Angeles, Cal Tbe debts of Baptist missionary society were cleared away Monday by the Northern Baptist convention which raised the last f 14,000 within an hour, following the announcement that 1305,000 had been paid off In tbe last year by John D. Rockefeller contributing f 100r 000 of the amount. ambassador. cura Ointment to dandfuff spots hpd itching. Nothing better than these pure, frag rank sapercreamy emollients for akin and scalp troubles.!' , Sample each free by mail with Skin Book.' Address Cuticura, Dept. XY, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. ney complaint for eight years and until I used Doan's Kidney Pills I had taken near- - every kind of medicine in a vain attempt to The relief. find least exertion waor cold slightest enough to bring on I attack. ' My back got mobadtome headcould hardly use It and I had 1 felt weak, aches and dlsxy spell. listless and run down. Doan's Kidney Pills cured all these ailments. Get Den at Aar Saw. SOe a Bea paign. Owing to a rumor that the German embassy at 1433 Massachusetts avenue, Washington, of which this is a photo, would be. blown up in retaliation for the sinking of the Cunarder Lusitania, a cordon of plainclothes men is on guard around iL The insert is Count von Bernstorff, the German -- It Along not swallow U, but boss usod to hoiioi II was a kid " it j German Troope on Frontier, The Cautious Investigator. You say this summer hotel you recommend is only a- - stone --throw from the station? Yes? By hand or catapult?" t,''-- Ailv .ur-lli- mr 'U 'I may Launched for Intervention War Against Russia. Tjondon. 4 message to the Exchange Telegraph company from (he petihuijren says pamphlets are being distributed throughout Sweden to further a movement for the Intervention of that couutry in the war agaiimt RuhsIu. These pamphlets urge thut Sweden Step in at onc to secure the Independence of FTnlaud by an attack on Russia or by other means. In !! gi utuij.it lior was iloml uso " hwiillow ibal olJ STRIVE TO INCITE 8WEDES. satie-factor- y - AI n- BY TOBACCO The ( tune of in- - In now no "Saul bis Movement BLINDED liuau t Hlia-I.- i nut ii it STOCK OF GLYCERINE SHORT. mniiinaMuiiuamaaraHHUtHtiMittainuiUMaanmmnMtiiMuiuniniiiM , BATTLES. WON -- Kvw Knew Pjsing William I Km i a o oi lo lo p ,v lo tbo p it,, prit Miiitiip A lorm.tl oii!t loplv sHoi'h will bo hi nt Whlio mnlor Ho i.i ui in laws tbo ai lion o! o pii. i u ii lu Issuing tho imition is impoiallvo ii tula'll imlopt mb nl . ut iliplo liiatH nogotlatn ti - Not What He Expected. tho III allil Mill lot Plio pillti o Itov i ltry ftrt Hi 1 ItIMHV. rn it I aal P ..t Pi- ttv a i I. tula Inin mini sir .i.llHttp.tu Itfiu unl la In I in mail ttlttl A afl 1ihii'h tvt 1,1 n ir.l, thr I hr 4 rant mailt rr l tn a - ami iimn.'iiH Inn -- tiillili 'h t.tOf maura iMiilri Hi In alnl ai nr aaiviis llun'l ti-Inll- - . h Saul .P'i U.'lllA pi is i ui A rlj t g IAM1 lllVUiHl pa, k.iM . I,r .I'OII ma M.LUll i,t I I a VV aripiirf.l ii ('uiiflmit il iiml talking m,a limn u. tli t VI 1 In N Ni tly i H iii-- r tt1 pt;i Mat riiHl HU r lirjl I lu llu L WESTERNERS GLADLY I hl kiftrui !f -- l i s in'tml Iinkhuin Medicine" Co (confidential) Lynn, Mass. If the boss knew as much think you know hed have fired you long ago. Kvv tuu t r? h A. from ilit- - Atni-ri- i an ib rim c lolU'ii I oii ipn o bn i' i.i Lydia I do. Mnrtue ami t.iminuitslv hut .mt'ii' p shipnuiil T!it stall annoumvtl If you want special advice write E. bb you iiiin.i.i'i(t. Mill II n VOO -- than the boss. I guesB thats so, all right. Im glad you agree with me." oi h mi TV? Her i b ini n nn miiij ' i n llig Int. (! i ,ii ,Ui t.un s huM ipp.Mt to priiitm lr tin kt pt II atom , nmpi I it ! i built i iil lo fat trn.hjUi'i Hiuompuiii than .11 up o tug -- tli bln i p ill ami ( ill till- - Sir Pa lb iii si ih.i'iuv ot !in J.uir pui.kit'x litim.i! nullll 11. Hi if niulit!,. ; j s lli'mlt mi. an tit ' luntt ' i.hifu ill .illgilllrlif 'Hi vi mlvi-fi- infill - iiKiiriliug ,u, !u t'li Ii.i'.'.t'b ! - j ! tlu ht.itr WH-- . !l'(.lli mi M.uuia' - s.ii-- 4 mi luuift'stdiul i. uuiign trmlf timni.b 'o'fiij.i l.irinui LDUKE icrmal Hshuuii'iv tv 'IliTu Ins over :hr p.ii lu lf - baking powders; Ship- Bring About Release o ments Valued at Million. )) )b 4a$hioried single acting of .American Meal Representative Packer Are Now Attempting to tion and congestion, - I It really does .make Jighter nicer biscuits, cakes and pastry than the old ful. Shamrock, M- o.- I feel ft mV doty to toll the pubUc the condition of my health before using yourmedicineTI had passed 9 us 1 y nese-Japane- rReaders Give Pledge of Loyalty. Denvor. Resolutions appreciating efforts of President Wilson to "preserve peace and uphold the dignity of naemf ila. bad is hi colsaea aboiM ias epsw hanag whal thoy aJk lot, wiaaag aJ the' Dotted States were adopted at tbe annual state convention of the Knights of Columbus held here. Italy in War to Finish. London. Italy has given her adhesion to the agreement already signed by the allied powers not to conclude eeparate peace. The signature of a formal document to tbL effect is imminent. Franc Welcomes Italians. Paris. The news of the Italian dec- laration of war has caused an outburst of enthusiasm throughout the length and breadth of France. Everywhere th Italian flag has been added to the three allied flags. Petrograd Rejoices. Petrograd. Italys declaration of war ' against waa Personality is a particular combina- celebrated here by a big demonstration of human traits hound up in one tion, men and women marching in package. Brains add nothing nor procession, carrying the flags of the allied nations. Austria-Hungar- -- DA1ST Grape-Nut- FIT KIUI.3 g J STTi Tl s with cream or good tnillc, supplies the food dements in excellent proportion (or building brain and muscle tissue. Tbereg a Re agon' K a- gaaoLS sokim.m r.:o l tzzizi Sc; nmnipmial Load vUla. OcLa. Pure Hop i&gr ber )U ruof-tow- 4. W. AC K to. DtzrT H Hfuirt1' 4 y prrtxI urjri3 ir ' Gold. SHvaa. I ee. f Me; raneerOoppae.to- - k (nil pcinUMintgat' gynctaw pries Gold. Bilver, - H, i L r x I - |