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Show WEEKLY RfeFLEX KAYSVILLE. UTAH the 'iSi Jftla . :23S A SON jC nrr und ext ..Ling ft t;l r: . I u matter Feb-1.1- L Kaysville, Utah :xh S, 1879. on application. ,ritioa $1JC5 per .year when $1X0 per year on i in advance. lions ft . irdoe or when not : subset, aid in advance. TELEPHONES W. C. . Crice, No. 10 P. Epperson, No. S4 A. Epperson, No. 70 DO WE MISS THEM tion and reflected great Credit on the teachers. There . vlere' numerous pieces of fancy needlework, beautifully executed, and also many other fancy and useful articles. 'Mrs. Sadie Clark and Mrs. Robinson of, Farming-to- n of the general board, spoke. Dur-- f np the course of their remarks tney endeavored to show the children wflat went for greatness and success ami spoke of the 'memory gems and the standard of knowledge they contained and also said that primary work was to develop and beautify the character. Following is the program: ..... Preliminary music Mrs. Lionel' Williams Song, "Spring .... Primary Children Joseph Dixon Prayer Mane Galley, Erma Gailey, Song , wered June Or do threatening clouds hang oer Story, The Read him. Casting round his path despair; He will tell you life is dreary,. None to bless him, none to cheer, Lost indeed a kind protector, Faithful guide and parent dear; Now his morning sun is darkened, Cares of life upon him hurled As he wanders a lone stranger In this cold, unfeeling world. The House of Good' Values state .The mosteliablefurniture house of Utah. Prices aj-- the lowest in the West All is goods are marked in plain figures and there but one price to all less 10 per cent discount for cash. In some stores goods are marked up to in-th- e e - Dear Miss Ruth:-You- r. RE- LIGIOUS LEARNING. Widtsoe was letter. to rend and commented Tjori in chafnd the other day". You are certainly a heroic gul and I wish to cpngratulale you uHni your stand. Not one girl in a thousand would have done as you have. The matter will be taken under adlev-to- r Duty of Christianity to Evangelize tho World. .CLINTON NEWS Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Frasier of Riverdale were Clinton visitor Su 'f p-- dav Mrs. Mor-tenso- trade, at a small profit, for our ain. Every article here is marked with its right price and called by its right name. Our aim is to give the greatest possible value for the money. , j3omo years ago, the question was asked: What is a college? The attempt to answer it shook the educational world in America from center to circumference. Another question is now beginning to be asked: What U a chufch? Without undertaking to give a definition of it, let me ask, in this initial paper, what the church is'lfor? The New Testament reveals three distinct tasks td which it is committed. First, that of evangelization. The church is divinely commissioned to hap-pins- s, rvachfor iheJQwestandtheleast n. man in the least land and offer him Girls Chorus, My Mother Dear sonshtp to the Eternal God; offer him a divine power, which lifts him out Topic, "Courage, ........Joseph Cook Mr, Andrew Iljerregaard of EphraiBenediction George Bennett m visited with relatives here on of the bog and places him upon the highest levels of human life, where LAYTON LOCALS Monday of this week. God and the sdul are in fellowship. NORTH DAVIS HIGH SCHOOL Mrs. Robert Birkm entertained a This alone were an immense privWe carry a line of America StanGRADUATING EXERCISES dard guaranteed jewelry. Leave ybur ilege. number of friends at cards on Wed7 order. Kaysville Millinery. nesday evening. All had the usual The North Davis High school closed Teaching the Art of Living. Mrs. W. O. Davis of Los Angeles good time and enjoyed the dainty the school year with a banquet on is commissioned also refreshments. church The Miss of this were There formerly Mary Pippin Wednesday evening last ' those who are Do we misethem?" Ask the maiden her., mother.. to teach and train number of --guests of -- honor quite The paraphenalia for the Stats road ith "Tti evitngeltstir iiieBsage. rich''w Why her eyes with team grow dim, present. Fine speeches snd toasts The term. Religious Education, has convict grading carnal arrived over L. S. Mortenson, the local blackwere indulged in. Following the banShedding dewdrops of affection, is in his shop again after a come to mean a specific thing in our the Bamberger on Wednesday. The Truthful pledge of love for him, quet, there was a program given in smith, of the six weeks' due to an injury country, namely, the training camp is located about twoniles north Who for; country nobly ventured local church in those of the meetinghouse by the graduates. UKtained while in the people Layton. shoeing horses. Forth upon the battle plain. Leo Willey gave the address of weldeep matters which pertain to the fscome and Miss Nora Parker gave the Hoping when the strife is ended Mr.f Wilford Thornley of Layton art of living. 1 am not now speaking B is an admitted economic fact that, of the work of education in schools, To return to her again; in mana d and Miss Ella Terry of Clinton very pleasing valedictory can be no permanent prosperity work the but and thre universities, But he comes not! she is weeping ner. Professor lljnkley of Salt Lake their many friends when they colleges cona permanent agriculture. without the in of education at our floors, For the lost one and the brave City was the principal speaker. He weru married a week ago. Everyone in reach agency Every gregation. Who forevermore is sleeping spoke most impressively to the young joins in congratulations. should be employed to the utmost in In the patriot heros grave. people. Both young and old profited mission. Indeed, the Dr. Rodnson who has formed a this important local church could be made a sort of by his very able address and many Do we miss them? Aak the widow, valuable lessons were learned. The partnership with Dr. A. Z. Tanner, university for all the people, in which As she views the vacant chair; doctor, the simple, practical arts and virtues rings there have been slaughtered for musical part of the program was all the greatly-likeFrom the fireside one is missing peeves, 21,000 b8S. that could be desired. The following has located here, where he expects to of everyday life should be taught and the repast 13,000 2,000 hundredweight of this He comes has 4,600 here Who in peace presided there. enforced. sheep, Only recently highly are the graduates from the High practice. BD1 ther special phase of thaxhurcha work fe: poultry. ,nd other meat8- Yes, that circle now is broken, school: Mattie Walker, Charles Burof cereals bushels atten700,000 been like have celved adequate anything Evenihg hours pass slowly by, nett, Lena Parker, Nora Parker, RusThe little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. tion. The New Testament word for and b40,000,000 pounds of vegetables As upon the silence stealing . . sel Page, Guy Dahl, Gertrude Willey, John Johnson who broke her arm It Is Edification. prepared for the feast. , Multiply these Come the sorrow laden sigh; Leo Willey. serisometime is a quantities by one thousand, repreago having quite Thus bet days of life are flowing, School of Religion Needed. A dance followed the program. senting approximately the number of ous time with the fracture. The arm Floating memories of the past per annuity and wehayethe was mending nicely after tho first Of course, The Suiiday SchoOl ls thel-me- ala Come at times a joy bestowing. contents of the nation s larder. annual the all center this work, although for SYRACUSE HONORS GRADE bleak, when she broke it again and Then anon a gloom to cast. with all our immense quantity, But snould extend SCHOOL GRADUATES now difficulty is being .encountered in activities of the church and wide range of proSunquality the superb through the entire week and it to set again. Do we miss them? Let them answer American housewife, like the so ducts, be to cease should School The parents of the eighth grade getting day Nebuchadnezzar, Who have drank the cup1 of grief The School wIfeOfKing named. It Bliould be called the graduates gave a banquet in their honand she goes marketWho have tasted deep of sorrow. or on Wednesday last at 5 oclock. UTAH AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE of Religion or the Church School or longsin for variety , She buys abroad lands. foreign Whose enjoyment something else that indicates it to be ing brief; The long table was beautifully decorWEEKLY NEWS LETTER of farm proannum allthe-weethis $200,000,000 per an activity. During Lonely homes, gloom uninvited. ated with yellow roses in green glasses can and should be produced that ducts and clubs, various time classes, sundry Badge of mourning; funeral knell, and a centerpiece of green surrounded This Number of Special Interest to musical organizations, culture courses, in tte United States. Sighs and tears and hearts now with yellow daisies graced the table. Davis County Farmers. as well as distinctly religious meetings, blighted The whole length of the table, at inshould be held. Thickly settled neighTruthfully the story telL tervals, were triangles of green and An unusually attractive course in borhoods. as we shall see, offer fine yellow satin sticks. The plarecards nuture study will be offered at the 6pportunitlv8 for the development of were crayon work on unite with a Utah Agricultural College Summer things spiritual. The third task to which the church tiny bow of green ribbon. Tne favors school which begins June 7 and closes is committed is that of Christianizing at, each plate were green and yellow July 16, 1915. In this work a study the social, order; that of infusing the A prosperous farming and rich ribbons. will be made of many of the common Wholesale and Retail spirit of Jesus into every nook and community in the northwestern The gradufollowing grade eighth be to found around such is corner our life. of things us; Davis of foreign Nothing Fine Dealers In portion County. farms and homes, wide fields and ates and guests of honor sat at the as; flowers, grasses, trees, shrubs, to the interest of the church. high grade stock are important first table: Eyelyn Barton, Mary Ann grains, root crops, weeds, alfalfa and features. Has two canning estabNeighborly Love Essential. Walker, Elsie llanson, Lena Tree, clover, birds, insects, bacteria, etc. lishments, artesian wells. North Milton Steed, Ida "Hanson, Laura The object will be to become familiar If religion pervades and colors the Davis High school and beautiful orchards. Branch of 0. S. L. railSmedley, Claude Nalder, Laura Cook, with these, not only from an agricult- whole life then ours is serious busiLulu Call, Carl Barber, Vera Nalder, ural standpoint, but also from an ec- ness, for it will let no corner of the way from main line to lake shore furnishes shipping facilities. Irva Walker, Ella Knighton, Andrew onomic and aesthetic. Lectures, reel w orld escape its influence. The sooner tations, laboratory work and demon we learn that Christianity is not a Williams, Mr. Delbert Bone, Mr. corner the Mrs. Charles Barber is visiting in Burton. The following guests of slrations will also be given on the thing to be practiced in a club projects, which the boys better for the world. The question of various ' toner sat at the second table with the and girls of Utah are following, such the Ogden. eighteenth century. touching ChrisMrs. Graham of Bountiful, as potato beets and tianity, was. Can it be made to square parents: sugar growing, Clean-u- p Day will be observed in Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Barber, Miss mangel growing, garden work, corn w ith the human reason? Of the Syracuse on Friday. Maud Walker, Mr. T. E. Williams of and jug dub work, poultry industry, Can it be made to square with bread making, flower gardening, canof scientific research ? Of the results Mr. Edward Tree leaves for Fark the Board of Education, Mr. George ot and fruits vegetables. ning What. can it do? We the Bennett. twentieth, City for several weeks visit. Control of Alfalfa Weevil must learn to enforce not only love of Mr. Walter Steed, Sr presen ted a LAYTON Mrs. Joseph Young has been visit- vote of thanks to Mr, Bone and Mr. When the first crop of alfalfa shows God, w horn w e cannot see, but love to w w w e are living signs of serious injury, it should be our neighbors, ith horn ing in Idaho for a week or two. Bone extended a vote of thanks cut and removed from the field as In constant contact. Neither without KAYSYILLE ' Mr. and Mrs. E, Gregory have been to the parents. AflcrJLhe banquet Jill rapidly aa possible.- - Then go. over the! ibeother is Christianity whateverelse ... field for the banquet halloaaawvuR . with a spring tooth harrow or it 'may be. Everything Jtaat Interests visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tree. left left for the metinghouse where a pro- alfalfa cultivator, following this treat his neighbors rau9t Interest him. If be Mr. and Mrs. T. Young motored to gram was given and which was fol- ment with heavy brush dragging. If is a genuine follower of the Christ. the field is heavily infested with Best Fresh and Salt Meats, Salt Lake City Sunday, accompanied lowed by a dance. is the mission of the church the it worms, it may pay to cross drag it. Lard and Sausage to evangeby their son, Lea. This treatment, if pro;erly earned rural as well as the city to to the train whole lize world, leave should the the field with a fine out, REMARKABLE SACRIFICE Charles E Mabey will address the dust mulch over the surface and the highest degree of efficiency those Mutuals here the third Sunday in The following correspondence has alfalfa stems bare, all the leaves be- - whom it evangelizes and to seek to been submitted to The Reflex by Pro- mg torn off them, June. All are invited to attend. make the spirit of Jesus the absolute Kaysville 5--2 Several benefits accrue from an this, human relations, fessor P. J. Sanders, head of the Boys in treatment. The Memorial Day will be observed here is in betters and Girls club work in the Davis condition to carry ground a second crop and on Monday. .There will be a service county schools. It will be remembered the harrow ing ana dragging has killed at the cemetery at 10 oclock. that Miss Ruth Bybee of Hot; per was many of the larvae and tender pupae. survive the treatment warded the sweepstakes prize in the jP,ea.nae The Frew boys are enjoying the have to crawl through hne dust to . , new Pierce Arrow automobile which boys and girls contest at the Statcrv,u,.w lhe btemSf nd the few that Fair last fall, and among the prizes really get to the stems find little they purchased several weeks ago. her was a trip to the Pana- - ion which to feed. A few hours in the and Return ox unprotected on the stems by Everybody in Syracuse is picking exposition at San Francis- dust Directjof Through and enjoying their strawberries. The co, and now Miss By bee comes for- shade gives the hot sun an opportunto kill many of them. It is well beets are all looking fine and almost ward and asks that the funds neces- ity not to irrigate for one or two days all of them are thinned by now. sary for the trip be given to children in order to allow the sun and dust to who are suffering from the great war get the best results. The second crop Mr. T. Knighton of will now start quickly and grow pracSyracuse pro- n Europe. The letter, of Miss Bybee tically unmolested vided strawberries from his by the weevil. Un garden to Professor J. C. Hogenson, director land treated by this simple method, for the strawberry sundae used at the work in Utah, nd his answer is the gain has been from 14 to 34 eight grade banquet, which was given of the Now Open tons P acre for the full two cutthe by parents. tings, a result produced at an outside cost of $1215' per acre. Circular The Syracuse Primary associations No. 10, Utah Agricultural Adv.-5-2- r , lay-of- f, sur-rise- d mid-coun- , This is not beating down. the case here. We mark only a fair margin of on-t- he volume of profit on our goods and depend .Rev. Jno. A. Rice, D. D. Pastor St. John M E. Church, South, St. Louis, Mo. i make allowance for By visement here. Wishing you much success and I remain Sincerely yours, J. C. HOGENSON, ' State Leader in Club Work. .... , S V- - ty J a'Otngj Recount Its of most benefit when misfortune comes. Then it is ef mighty strength, and you are thankful that foresight prompted a persistent effort to save s "penny here, n dollar there. Department OurSa-tiini- t u alboay ready to eerxfe you. President JOHXR-BARNE- S L. S. HILLS, BRUCE MAJOR, KA.y'SVILLE. CAPITAL, $25,009. I MEAT Ilu-ie- rt --- 2 nine-teont- Markets 2 a Phones ed ma-Pncif- ic $35.00 John W. Gailey L. S. Hills, John R. Barnes, Royal C. Barnes, John G. M. Barnes William Blood, Henry H. Blood Interest paid on Time Deposits. ..We always have Money to Loan on good security. Drafts sold payable in all the principal cities of the world. Tour business solicited. Interest payable quarterly. Notary public in Bank, Ybat Is Vorlh Doing is worth doing at once, so we say start a bank account today and then take pride in watching it grow. San Francisco from Visit Both Expositions ! Kaysville . T nt -- 1 Si'UT.SS IS hen they have their broods they are still more so. The freshly plowed Jlir5 fre, places for hens T.hey should ot how ! S t0 far ?;rts are ap- -i siderable amount of money to be spent from ft aLl0Wed house, for a sudden the work for my pleasure while there are so might arise causing the hen andstorm brood much discomfort The her J sny children in Europe who best thing to do with a ben and a brood is tf o 4- Limit 3 Months Stop Over as Desired Tickets on Sale Daily March . WE OFFER EVERY INDUCEMENT that is consistent with safe banking as well as courtesy and personal interest in your account at all times, and respectfully solicit youf patronage. , Jnion Staie HanK BOUNTIFUL, UTAH. NOW. IS HOUSE - CLEANING TIME Youll need some new Linoleum, Carpets, or Rugs for your floor-- Y oull need Wall Paper, Dining Chairsra new Table, or anything that goes to furnish the home.-W- e have an excellent line of Utah-Mad- e Mattreses that cant be beat. Come in and let us figure with you-w- e can save you money. Los Angeles Round Trip College. Hens With Chicks Hens with chicks must not be al4 lowed to have too much freedom, a U cording to the Poultry-departmeof' the Utah Agricultural College. V The have great propensities for rum a piece ,aR,J $65,730 2rrc teres k j XJTA.H SURPLUS and PROFITS, en SYRACUSE GAILEY, Cashier Asst Cashier Harries Han King Co, has-be- ADAMS BROS. J- - R-- . Vice-Preside- nt - held their conference here Sunday. The meetinghouse was crowded to its utmost capacity. AH the children who took part in the program were tiny tots, ranging from the first grade was awarded sweepstakes prize in the to the fifth. The opening prayer and Boysand Girls Club Work. This w Jwdiction were both pronounced by prize entitled me "to a free trip to the 11 f AH took their boys. parts World, Fair with ch,p.ron "y and great credit is due the for me and our expenses to be paid. rg- Edward Tree and (I think by the college.) - - v j Hve I would appreciate very much to go, long the children in but I have thought that it is a con- J r ! for me by you. Jentry of Canada has been Portia Holt visitmgwith her cousinrMrsT-A- l Littlest Child of OGDEN BOYLE FURNITURE COMPANY The Reflex, the live paper. Sincerely, TRUTH BYBEE.. Hooper, Davis County, Utah Ixigan, March 25, 1915 Miss Ruth Bybee . We- -t Point, Utah. SHOULD BE UNIVERSITY OF. (The following poem, written 18C8, by William H. Clow of this city, is especially appropriate on May Bodily, Vedda Bodily the eve of Decoration Day. Mr. Clow Kaci ament music is 89 years of age and is seriously ill Mrs. Lionel Williams at this time. Editor Reflex.) announcements Do we miss the patriot heroes Address of welcome Mrs. Ida Hansen Nii nu.ry gems . .. .Entire Primary Slain upon the crimsond field, Bone and sinew of the nation "What "We Do in Primary" Silva .Waite Freedoms priceless battle shield? i Yes, indeed we miss them truly, Piamatic song Tho the night of perils oer. First grade, East Primary Ross Bodi'y And no more within our hearing , Poem, second grade Sounds the mad artillerys roar; and Example Topic, Companionship Tho' the foe no more before us .Mary Ann Rampton Stands arrayed in' deadly strife, Boys Chorus . Fourth and Fifth grade Yet we miss the braves departed , Life of Elder John Henry Smith Mid the scenes of peaceful life. RadfordWagslaiT Poem, "Life's Mirror. East Primary Do we miss them? Ask the orphan, Song .... ... .........Mamie Nailer, Roda Does he miss a fathers care. Walker, Bessie Smith in to provide a small coop and move It often to where the ground is soft wad freshly spaded. It tf also well to pro vide a little lath run into which the hen may go also and she will assist the chicks in securing their food. starving and have been made homeless by the cruel war. Would you think it wise for me to send the money'(o them or to someone who will spend it for something for them to eat. I feelthat I can give up the pleasure and sights of the trip rather than have children starve. This questin which I have pondered over m long will be satisfactorily ans- 1 st to Nov. 30th y Write for Exposition ooklets For partsculars call on nearest agent or write J. H. MANDERF1ELD, AG.RA! Salt Lake Gty rrTfV Preshyterisa Church, Ksysrille, Utah provements, or will sell either half Rv. W. M. Porter, pastor. Preach- with or without improvements if taking at 11:30 oclock every Sunday en at once. C. L. Smith, Centerville-Adv- . morning, to which the public is cordially invited. Services at Clinton: FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN Sunday school at 2 p. m.; preaching at 3 p. m Going at a bargain of taken at NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Charles Secrist, Deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers attached to the undersigned at Farmington, Utah, on oi before the 29th day of August, A. D. 1915. GEORGE LEANORD WELLS HESS Administrators of the Estate of Charles Secrist, deceased. . First Publication April 29, 1915 Last Publication May 27, 1915. washing machine and wringer, tubs, U ilerebc. Also mower snd garden tools. HANS J. PETERSON. once new The Kaysville Millinery has just received a new shipment of summer hats. Adv. FOR SALE 7 shares of Haights FOR SALE A 40 acre farm in Creek water. Price $75 per share. Clearfield with $4,000 worth of im Jos. 2L Ratchet; Kazr-L- a. Adv-- 1L |