Show COMING TO T t TILE THE FRONT I Young Salt Lake Lako Architect Prominent In Itt Work in tho the Philippines PhIlippine Hugh Andersons son IOn William is II a rill nit rising ing In young architect He lie Is I associated with I J fl H 11 the Ih noted Chicago architect who ho designed this the fourteen union passenger station I at Washington D O C and Mr Ir Hum ham has hai h been selected to 10 build n II sum aum summer mer macu capital of the th Philippine Islands leland hoc muss miles north of ot Manila at it t a location known ai as A 4 feet Ceet above sea sealevel sealevel level Mr has hal selected young i Anderson as al Itla hi special assistant In lit Inthis this Ihl project and anti the latter will sail U for tor forthe forthe the Ih Philippines Nov 16 It on this the steam steamship steamship ship Manchuria the Tb new summer capital will be handsomely laid out and provided with everything necessary for governmental operation and all the tIme conveniences of modern life lIt Including public parks park museum and library Mr Anderson Anderaon graduated from Hammond hall and anti later from the Mill Mili Military tary tar academy on the thu Hudson whence thence he went to 10 Harvard and n then lien to 10 Johns Johnl Hopkins university HU Ills III specialty Is I architecture and nd electrical engineering He lie hiss hu many man friends In this Ihl city who will learn of oC his hll success with great pleasure |