Show local O Will Hi 11 Kill idil ln In log gilD In the Dare nare Devil Jed hae h ha quite quit the Ih tl busnes From Kram now itow IIO un on it will be Dun Dare Devil Bert Fuller hat has ha sUcceeded I N Ne Nw MrK In tin the Ih and will drive the Ih m Pitt decided to ie 0 aban don the tho jump game l his hll mother oth requested It II and ami d Immediately tl IlIon his hi of Ms his hi decision b made mide a proposition to Fun Foil which 11 10 the th latter accepted cee led ledu Fuller u hs tied 1111 the tg ev I tint lIal and au thoroughly understands its It workings lie He I will WI dally daily dall with will It until th tb of ot r wh n he will KIll taco race Barney Old her |