Show I I i I IlI HIU IS CHAMPION CIL tM In hy h Dentine French Frenchman man milan Paul Sart rl Iwon New W York Oct Ocl won tim the track champIonship hh of the world wand today nt at th the EmpIre ity track defeating lauh Inu Barton tho the tiny er en r of nr W IV K IC J It car ar In th heat of it the tees race HI JI ills time woo Will wa a all worlds records for tor ten tn on a track from train a standing dart by of A ft a 51 45 5 hued had defeated heroin and an had heat heRt rn en Thery In iii the Ih final heat h lIl pot got the th better of ot the start stunt but wits by b hoi o time nt lit atthe the tint mile ml ht e was wat tf I r n a worlds recerd for a standing start time was WA 11 25 The fifth mile was wat finished by lv l 1 Ml at Il BartOn time was The rhe diet NIt cent t 11 on nn the program was WAR A exhIbItion run by Kulick In n II machine I Kulick made the first mile m nub If In i 39 35 seconds ami anti established ft fl worlds world record r fr r middle and lightweight machine Hn lie covered cOIre 1 the two tito miles mil In 2 25 and the three n mIles I III U 15 14 Hoth one nrc i records The Th t f mIles were Ire in III 3 au 15 2 35 th the five miles mil Ill In breaking the tho pro record of oC |