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Show TIIE .AGE SIX TRI-WEEKL- ,1 JOURNAL, , LOGAN, UTAH. Y 22,, 190G. a witness for the state as did al- to The Journal the four publicaMonty looked fearfully at the lit- GRIEF KILLS WOMAN ' tle envelope the boy had given WIDOWED 43 HOURS so Theodore Jasperson,. Homer tions one year for . him. . $5.5( Brandenberg and Earnest Thom- Only .. .. .. .. Many happy returns of1 the Husbands Funeral Delayed That as. The states ease was injured is of a and It all $3.00, saving Loved One May Lie Beside Him materially from the fact that the are first class publications, such By day, suggested Bragdonr Jove, its sensible of you to get most important witness. Indian as every man of a family needs to Xew York, March 19. married on your birthday, Monty. I am Sam, to whom the liquor, was sold, keep np with the times. It saves time and expense to your coming dear John, to join you. was killed by falling, off a pfci-pic- e Wit friends4 hrthese words her in Lakes canyon while gather appointment. pon lips, Read it aloud, said Subway and with her hands clasped in ing horses, a few days ago and It isnt fair to me, Monty. ' that of her mother, Mrs. Mary E. consequently could not apear as Everybody would know us, and Smith. FLORIST AND CHAPTER XXXII. one1 from to Two . would its Nopper Marshall died last night at No. a witness. Wasatch Wave. every tongue wag. They SEEDSMAN 308 South Second street, Brookwould say: There are Monty Harrison cried Pettingill 1 . Its up to Jones nov, kept Brewster and Margaret Gray. Brewster's fingers trembled, he lyn. She had literally grieved ROSES Brewsters Spending his last few dollars on knew not why, as he' opened the herself to death over the loss of WASTED LIVES through running CARNATIONS AND train as he drove off to keep his her. You wouldnt have them envelope. There was the most her husband, John P. Marshall, VIOLETS appointment with Peggy Gray. think that? (Jesolate feeling in his heart, the which occurred on Sunday night. iN LOGAN The million is gone all gone. lie saw the justice in her pro- most ghastly premonition that ill She loved him too ranch to live WEDDING BOQUETS as Im as poor Jobs turkey. Its test. A quiet little dinner In news had come in this last hour. without him. Men FUNERAL DESIGNS Women and Who in Are up t Jones, but I don't see how some out of the way place would He drew forth the telegram and Marshall was the son of a rich A SPECIALTY Need of Helping Hand Cyrus he can decide against me. lie in- be joyous, she' added persuasive- slowly, painfully, unfolded it. No plumber, anj was himself a prossisted on making a pauper of me, ly. . one could ha ve 'told by his expres- - perous young business man. Four E. Napper Offers Way to BetFlower, Vegetable and and he cant have the. . heart to Youre righ t . Peggy, yo ure sion that he felt almost that he years ago he marriedMary Noonan ter Things. Grass Seeds. Potted Plants me down now. But what if always right. .You see, Im so was reading his death warrant, and throw There Is no more irritating or always an affectionate couple lie should take it into his head to used to spending money by the Jit was from Grant and Ripley and as time went g condition than that by and no little chilBoth Phones 178 S.. Main .be ugly! I wonder if I could handful that I dont know how to evidently had been following .him dren came to bless their .amion, caused by a weak stomach. It break-thI .will I .wonder iLI do it any other- , e about., town for two.. ...or.. three they.cQncentratedJtheir. love more gnaws and wears upon every Q couliLbeat him out in court. -filed it and more on each other. nerve fibre, in. the body and reIll let youuarry the pocket Jbook hours. The lawyers had -sults Peggy was waiting - for him. after tomorrow., - Let me .think. at 8:30 oclock. in sleeplessness, headache, When Marshall was stricken BRING ALL YOUR . Her cheeks were flushed as with He read it at a glance, his eyes with pneumonia, the young Wife backaches, rheumatic pains, furI know a nice little restaurant SCRAP IRON a fever. She had caught from downtown. Well go there and burning, his heart freezing: insisted on nursing him. She was red tongue, distress after eating, RAGS theu-t-- to. office JminediatfjyL tumsiarflLy-.ALlhibed side, day poorappelite.md.4:eDeral weakBOTTLES . occasion. and his wife are to be in my box, Will wait all night for you if ne and night. She worried so much ness and debility. AND RUBBERS Come, Peggy! he exclaimed and were ll going up to Pettin- ccssary. Jones has disappeared, she could not eat or sleep. As the As we may look to a weakened to the ' eagerly. -- This is our last holi gill s studio afterward. Im to and there is absolutely no trace husband "sank and his condition stomach for most of the chronic LOGAN JUNK HOUSE day. Lets be merry. We can give the Little Sons a farewell of him. became critical, she was overcome or lingering ills that weaken and 146 S. Main Street GRANT & RIPLEY. forget it tomorrow if you like supper. If my. calculations dont with despair, and when he died rack our lives, it is of the greatest Telephones when we begin all over again, bat go wrong that will be the end of - Brewster sat as one paralyzed, she threw herself' on his body in importance to know that a remIndependent 337. Bell 162 Z maybe it will be worth remembe- the jaunt and well go home hap-- p absolutely no sign of emotion in a paroxysm of grief. stomach troubles is for at edy Or call us up and we will ring4 lie assisted her to the seat his face. The others "began to "cannot five' without him, last offered by a reliable druggist I Call for your stuff and then leaped up - beside her. At 11 oclock pettingill s studio clamor for the contents of the she cried. ' In Cyrus E. Napper under a We re off hg. cried, hisvoice opened its doors to the Little Sons telegram,-bu- t his tongue was stiff flier .mother took her to her own guarantee that it- costs nothing and their and the last quivering. guests, and motionless, his ears deaf. Ev- home, hoping to relieve her dis- unless it cures. CENTRAL COLLECTION is absolute madness, dear, "It Dutch lunch was soon under ery drop of blood in his body was traction. All her efforts were unGyrus E. Napper, knowing the he 6aid, but her eyes were spark- way. Brewster had paid for it stilled by the COMPANY feel that it O shock, every sense availing. The widow took to her formula of 123 N. Main Street recklessness. of with the ling joy early in the evening, and when he given him by the Creator was bed and kept calling for her hus- will be successful in every case Away went the trap and the two sat down at the head of the table centered upon eleven words in the band. The doctoTcould do noth-ing- 3 where it is used in accordance turned H, C: VAN METER . light h5 rt s. - M ay with directions, that is, xrae tablet for" herr She quickly-passed handwriting'of''a,trarelesstelei from a window in the house with Manager before each meal, and he offers to graph operator, Jones has dis- away.' tears in her eyes. To her troubled The husband was to have been sell it under an absolute guaranappeared, and there is absolutely mind they were driving off into OLD ACCOUNTS no trace of him. buried tomorrow. Arrangements tee to refund the money if it does A SPECIALTY utter darkness. Jones has ' disappeared! were made last night to bury them not cure. The queerest looking man Get We Em A large box of a Those were the words, plain and together on Friday in the Cypress tablets See Our Clients came to the house to see you this terrible in their clearness, tre- - Hills cemetery. the costs but. 50 cents, if it helps you ; Ofiicially, afternoon, Monty, said Peggy, Logan Utah mendous in their brutality. .Slow- - death certificate in the wifes ease nothing unless it restores health. lie wore a beard, and hg made ly the rest of the message legan savs heart disease. me think of Remingtons cowto urge its claims upon his brain. Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Itch, boys, Lives Lost In Earthquake. Come to our office immediately Ring Worm, Herpes, Bar60 YEAR8 ilWhatjwas bis flame?bers Itch. and Will wait all night battled London, March 19.'The Daily V experience If lie told the maid it did not All of these diseases are attend- for recognition. He wns calm Telegraph's Tokio correspondent, matter. I saw him as he walked because he had not the power to concerning the earthquake Satur- - ed by intense itching, which is away, and he looked very much a express an emotion. How ho day morning in the vicinity of almost instantly relieved by apman. lie said he would come tomaintained control of himself af- Kagi. island of Formosa, tele- plying Chamberlains Salve and morrow if he did not find you terward he never knew. Some graphs that the railway lines wen by its continued use a permanent Designs downtown tonight. Dont you 4c. Copyrights powerful, kindly force asserted it- - twisted, teleirhaph poles thrown leure may be effected. It has, in Anvone nketch doarrtnl (on nmy and muting him from the descripm our nurarLitii 4 wntoher opinion free with the 'down ami houses destroyed fact, cured many cases that had it kty ta probably fuUmtlurile. self, coming to (otumuntt. tion! HANDBOOK on Patent Monrirt1ycmifl(iPn!ial. Mii frp. oi'UV't mtenry for Tin cornspmi(ltnt viyx that tin resisted imeliness of a irenie. Gradually it all other , treatment. aAcunng patents. 1itPMtq taken throueh Muttn A Co. ttetitt Notat all. " Cant' imagine Hhout in the cnMrffc. to him Price 25 Nielli dawn the box. sale Shimhun cents tj'nu For that states Uri li tter nut in in ;i.( ml (V the that upon per )egan who he is. there was not a penny in his others were waiting for him to ea.siialites exceeded 1(H) and that bv all druggists. Scktuific c , Monty, she said after hanri'oitriv !1lnlrfv1 wmk!r. pockets. A year ago at the same read the message aloud, lie was the i j i Shhiipo placis them as I'u.anoM f n? jnetmiic foiiruttL Irart Tera a. f.t a fivur months, L Sold bf all nawadraler. .bents painful reflection. lie lie place and at the same hour he not sure that a sound would h as SOI). is An a ofiiei.d Here Snap. dispatch comejhi TONv &Co.3G,Brofl8wY3r"jf couldnt have been a and the Little Sons word having orth when he opened his lips to Ik adds, reports sixty It is not often that we push a and Wiaithtnaioo. ' .!!.. I know what you mean, a birthday feast. A million dola were but the tones clubbing proposition, for as steady, many more persons mjuiv speak, officer sent np to attach my lars came to him on that - night. natural and eold as steel. 200 houses destroyed. rule they -- do not amount to jie longings or something of the sort Tonight he was poorer by far I. am sorry I can't tell you Kagi is on the railway line, much, but here is one that is cerNo,, dearest; I. give. you i on the other occasion, but he about this, he said, so gravely a Unit fifty miles north of Tainan. tainly a bargain: "xf lioimf'T do n 6 f dwiTad dlla r in expected a little gift on the new that his hearers were silenced. On some ' maps the fowji is given The AVomans Home Coin- the world. Then he recalled his anniversary. It is a business matter of such as Kiavi. $1.00 panion peculiar indebtedness to Bragdou Around the hoard besides the vital importance that I must ask The Review of Reviews $3.00 -and Gardner: or nine Little "Sons-s- at Exccpt-jInvaluable for Rheumatism. The six guests, you to excusc me- for an hour or Make tort a yield of quantity aad Cosmopolitan quality. When youf father planted two very small personal obliga- among them the DeMilles, toso. will The I wry's, they were the beet on the I been Journal have Peggy (our paper) ..$3.50 explain everything suffering for the market, but they have been lmprov-lDont ever etnoe. We are expert la and r. tions, Valentine. Nop-pehe morrow. Please Gray" Mary hastily." dont uneasy. past few years with a severe at- flower and vegetable seeds. out-fo, worry, about.iL dcart.we are, lM6 8e4 Annaal, beautifully Ulge JIar.rLm.w2 Jhc. cmly,.absent . .$8.50 . tak-- ol rheumatism- -, and. found Regular price. trated, free to all applicants. a good time, , and .we must Little Son,, and his health was .H.eu3'ilLddjihLlo.uQfq D. M. FERRY 4 CO., Detroit, Hid. For a short time we will furnish grace the board of an absent host that Ballards Snow Liniment make the most of it. First we proposed by Brewster almost e Ill be most grateful. It is imper- was the only thing that gave m every paid up or new subscriber drive through the park, then we the echoes of the toast ative that I go and at once. - I satisfaction and tended to allevidine at Merrys. the bride and groom died away. promise to return- in nn hour. ate my pains. March 24, 02 But we must dress for that, Interruption came earlier on He was standing, his knees as stiff John C. Degnan, Kinsman, Ills And the cha- this occasion than it did that as iron. dear, she cried. 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold by Riter peron! night a year ago. Ellis did not b What! Has anything hap- Bros. Drug Co. lie turned very red when she deliver his messages to Brewster 1 came in halting, fright- I m ash amed until 3 oeloek in the morning, pened?. spok e df dressin g. An Accommodating Indian. tones from Peggy. nud to confess it, Peggy, but I have but the A. 1). T. boy who rang It concerns me alone, and it In Justice Cleggs court yesteruo other clothes than- - these Im the bell at Pet tin gills a year la- is purely of a business nature. day the case of the state vs. Richwearing now. Dont look so hurt, ter handed him a telegram before Seriously, I cant delay going for ard Burr, was tried, resulting in dcar. Im. going to leave, amor 12. oclock . .. another minute. - It, is vital. - In the defendant being dismissed. der for new evening clothes" toCongratulations an hour Ill return. Peggy, dont This was a case charging whiskey morrow if I have the time. And in, old man, said DeMille as be worried dont be distressed selling to Indians and the defendabout jme. Goon and have ant was brought in from Theodore Is an ordeal which aQ good time, everybody, and youll two weeks ago by Deputy Sheriff women approach with find me the jolliest fellow of all Jno. D. Clyde who appeared as indescribable fear, for when I come .back. Its 12 This is a picture of the PAGE WOVEN WIRE FENCE 'COM. nothing compares with oclock. Ill be here by 1 on the - Afflicted With Rheumatism. PANYS plant. Tbey are the pioneers in woven wire fencing and 23d of September. I was and am yet, afflicted . their patents cover many improvements that other companies do of the suffering and danger in store for her, robs the expectant mother Let me go with you, pleaded witll rheumatism,saya Mr. C. nor have. Every HORIZONTAT WIRE in their fence is a -- high of all pleasant anticipation of the coming event, and cast over her a Peggy tremulously as she follow- Bayne, editor of theHerald, Adshadow of gloom which cannot be shaken off. Thousands of women spring-stee- l carbon,, basic,- - open-heart' wire, and as strong agaiu into the hallway. Indian him ed but dington, .Territory, have found that the use of Mother Friend during pregnancy rob Bessemer ta fence same of wire the size, and is so coiled together I must go alone, he answer- thanks to Chamberlains Pain confinement of all pain and danger', and insures safety to life of mother that should a tree drop across it, draw the staples from the nearDont worry, little woman. Balm am able onee more to at- and child. This scientific liniment is a d to all women at the ed. by posts, and stretch the fence until lays pn the ground, A of thcir mtfsrrrttlcal trlal.Nor onlr doer Mothers- Friend Itwill be all - It is the best teod- soon as removed fence would tree the the be would spring- back 7JWomensafelythrpughthejperilsPL.cbild-birthbutits..jU8e.- , His.kisa sentA.,chiLUQ.lhe-rex- y lot ..liniments, If. troubled with tnt prepares the system, for the coming event, prevents morning bottom of Opposition" rheumatism give Pain Balm a a Peggys heart ' sickness, and other dis- trial ani you are certain to be comforts cf this period. be Continued.) (To Sold1 by all druggists at I f ly more than pleased With the ' . 4 $i.oo per bottle. Book which if affords. relief prompt 506 North 5th East Street, Logan, containing valuable- information free. If you get The Journal you get On application relieves the pain. is L Ti CradfielJ Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga. tgent for the fenee. - CfcU on him lor priees nd see the fence. rU e the pews. For sale by all druggists. , about the People chaperon. wont be. talking before tomorrow and by that time No, Monty, Merrys is out of We cant the question. go there, she said decisively.1 Oli, Peggy! That spoils eiything, he cried in deep ; k iBenjaminCarlisleS . -- .$ nerve-rackin- way-l-I-beli- 4 ( the-theat- er o $ eve s Dan-DeMil- le - - Mi-o-n- Q$$9 9 9 a, rs.-Gr- Mi-o-n- 9 99 i f his-relie- m JlDierim a-- I : - my-woj- me n le-for- - w n H31 UbLlfi r buJlWU J&iSztgsz -- -- h" . god-sen- jt to-busin-ess. SB - - R. .; Hyiiiip!liirey - ' ' : 1 - rt i |