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Show -- 'I r Don't be deluded with the idea that its the amount of matter in a paper that gives it worth. Its the quality and the way VOLUME its put up. xxvn. LOGAN CITY; UTAH, THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1906. NUMBER 82 THE B. Y. C. TRUSTEES MEET LOST HIS WAY IN STORM 4 , But do Not Transact a Great Deal of Busi- -. William H. Thomas Has a Narrow ' 4 ness Leaving it Until Next Meeting. The Board of Trustees of the Brigham Young Uollege met. .on Monday evening, and disposed of a few' matters that demanded immediate attention, leaving the other business until the April meeting, by which time the size .of. the board will have been in- II t)f the were-passe- low From Death. late Apostle M. W. Merrill The resolutions fol d. : Whereas, in the economy of an alwise Providence, one of our Marriner W. Merrill, has been taken from our midst, and, Whereas,. jn his demise ihe A Brigham Young College has lost creased from 7 to 11 members. mee tin g w ittheea ttedf or ' A pril 9 for the purpose of amending the articles .so as to permit this. "changeT The action of the Executive committee in handling the Wolfe case was approved, and Professor Fred J, Pack was engaged to fill the chair of Geology and Mineralogy vacated by Prof. Wolfe. Professor Pack is now at Columbia University completing the work for his Masters degree. Instructors John II. Kemp and P. P. Petersen were each granted leave of absence for one year. ResolutTons'of 7especfnf honor ' fellow-trustee- Escape X s, on e"Tf'itsmost"faithfuIofiIciaIs7 it is hereby resolved that we express our deep sorrow at his ffnd' "our heartfelt for his bereaved and sympathy stricken family. And while humbly bowing in submission to the decrees of our Heavenly Father, we feel that in his departure the College has lost a loyal and conscientious official, the cause of education a champion,' and the state one of its best and most worthy citizens; Resolved, that this action of the Trustees be conveyed to the family of our departed brother. 1 to Boise this afternoon and placed in a cell In the county jail far removed from other prisoners. f:' William II. Thomas, of Para- was raging-'ahThomas soon lost his way. dise, a somof as, is lying at his home. with hist He wandered about until ex- feet frozen so badly that amputa- - hausted, and then fell in the snow tion may become necessary, and, upon what is known as Big Ilill. in any event he will he prevented Hi?' absence from home alarmed from getting about again for a the folks, and a rescuing party formed which found long time. lie lost his way in the Was mountains east of Paradise on jhim on nfter- Monday and dead from ex- Sunday, nearly perished beJnoon, nearly vv fore-he- lp reached- him.poswre. Forem an: James Olsen of Mr. has Thomas been as the La Plata mine, also went acting i for the camp down to look for Thomas, wonprivate at La Plata for some time, and on dering renehed-cam- p at the customary time. He Sunday he started for the mines with Inis usual batch of. mail, ne assisted in taking the injured man rode" a horse as far as Bear Gulch to town. and then dismounted and pnt on The latest report from Thomas FIRST TRAIN THAT PASSED THROUGH ?!vPtON TUNNEL: snowshoes. It was only three is that his feet will likely be savThe Simplon tunnel Is the longest In the word, hem li'xuit twelve ni'li- - miles to camp, but a furious storm ed. . ' from Its Swiss entrance to Its Italian exit . It was but recently completed, ml the passage of the frst train through. It waa wad n gala event. As the train it was greeted by cheers aiul emerged from thAmwtb of the tunnel at to ' appear on George WARRANT ISSUED FOR grin u tunnel Is 250 feet ahore the sea on the Swiss side of saluter. The SI: Dones face; then he whispered to DEATH VALtiSY SCOTTY mi the Italian side. the A'ps nml V,0 f us that it was a boy. The mother I is' getting along fine. Cowboy Rough Rider Miner 1 of Assault Y7ith DOTS VOT I TOLE YOU. Deady Weapon. t . I 'T 'n 'n 7" 1? d Judge-Wr-NkThora- --! i mail-carri- er why-hehadn- ot '. . Ac-j;use- L. SMITHFIELDHASSURPRISES os AnS'dcs Cal., March 20. from . San Bernardino special warrants have been sworn Numerous Events of .out there for the arrest of Walter Nature- .mine ' t ,Scott the mysterious miner v 'of Unt never tolt some lies Drath Valley William Keyes and Must Attend School. Vot says he follow Yesus Shorty Smith, charging them. Who vonce was kilt by Yews .with assault with deadly weapons Unt dinks he purty close come up 'on Dr. Johnson, president of the To stepping in nis. sho'es. " . 'National Insurance Smilhfield,' March "21, One of misfortune to' have' a horse fall on company of the noted social events of t lie his Toot Saturday last, freaking Who Valks himself - the church Tork;.A. W. St. Clair, War-va- y week was the birthday party the bone and his foot spraining ,IIPr' Scott, A. Y. Pearl, J. W. Ow- down given by Aliss Flora Read on the badly. ; Unt dinks lies the 17th. The guests were the Miss' Monday night the taxpayers pride ; Olive Rukellev, Annie IFTyad. met and voted a 2 mill special tax Bht deffel hell take care his th alleSed ambusl1 occurml and the Vellie Nelson, Florence Wood for the purpose of a hot in which Warner Scott was seriputting own Florence Roskeiley, Ad lie Wat - - air plant in' - our new central ' Yen some day he vill hafe died. ously wounded .sji Gladys Farrell, Jane Merri.. school. Six dissenting votes were ,Scott isnow in Portland and and Messrs. Roy Roskeiley, Leon- - east. Up much he writes bout noddings said last night that hp thinks the ard Olson, Arthur Pitcher, Lyman The ward choir met and reor Unt sends it to the Trib. charge to be trumped up by cer.-Hanson, Theo Chambers, Virgil ganiml on Monday night, as some Unt then all up mit.bigness swells 'tain Los Angeles men who hold a Merrill. the officers were absent. from Unt dinks himself big scrib. jgrudge again.st him to defame his Our fow.n has the surprise fever home and could not fulfill their edaro8 Uiat there cbrac!, this week sure. On Monday IHisitions. Wm. ITlkington was Then hikes himself to Vashington n0thDS t0 the aUcSed Unt Yurt vatch me hoot Social Dero vas in this hare town a man Who dinks he s . von drous .vise Unt business knows he, yours tint This I 1 His Bluff Didnt Work Aeording to street rumor City Electrician Daniels recently made an ineffectual attempt to run a huge bluff on the electric light committee of the city council. He wanted an increase made in his salary and so submitted an ultimatum to tbe committee, to the effect that unless his monthly stipend were increased from $100 jto $125, he would resign in fact he tendered his resignation, (to take effect May 1st unless the increase was made. Now, some members of the committee, it is said, like a good many private citizens, cant see what Daniels is doing for .the $100 he already gets, and they didnt Propose being bluffed out by Mayor Robinsons importation, so they voted to accept the resigna- Truants night -- the of Mrs. Mill ie unanimouslyehoseuJieader Ji-iend- says: i-- birthday. It A,n' ibnsh' whicb be statJ8 ia but Part nrsombdrnkrvlsrY'tTo'nrr Plowman met to Dot vill oust oud Mr. Smoot. was i i- -l : programme of , persecution -i Those fortunate enough to counselors; Annie Miles For Rev. the Yentleman secretary pleasejwbich he has 'endured Rinee he be invited claim they. had one of and treasurer; Mrs. Flora Haven . now make yay 'discovered his mine. ' tion the 1 imes -- you reed .a bout, IJe:or?anist rrs-Ann- ie 'Smithas '''irevassomMih'gs'gdlngTertell .The persecutions according to Thereupon, Daniels promptly freshments, songs, games, etc., sistant organist.--'- -Unt give some informationings Scott are to frighten him into disbacked water and decided,, to were the main features of the Dot vill be Smoots fare-tlie-- " Sunday is our ward con, closing the location of the mine. withdraw his resignation, which ' " ference. ' " veil.1' Scott says that when the he. was- - permitted To do. - It wag AMiss.Facnie-.ChaGibersrwhoh3ssaducting so ill with heart trouble and Yaw, he goes unt make a grea Dr; Johnson and recipient of a surprise 11 Wednes-dee- n party to mining big spiel rheumatism, is slowly improving, day night. in Inyo county belongproperty Unt says : Im from Utah, Mr." and Mrs. Solymap- - Merrill, r Richard1 Roskeiley, Mrs. Wil to who was not a memKeyes, ing who left Smithfield this morning liams and old lady Gyllenskog Unt mighty much it is I know, ber of the party nor in that part Im the Presbys big Pooh for their new Idaho home, were are reported ill at this writing. of the country at all. Bah. also surprised at the homo of their Mrs. Alice Saunders, of Col ne declares that Dr. Johnson Unt then he tell his little tale daughter, Mrs. John F. Hillyard. linston, returned home after has no part in the swearing out From the appreciation shown, Jthc pleasant visit with her. mother, .Bout Smoot more wifes haf of the warrant against him and amount couple left here feeling that the Mrs. Emily Smith. got and he that Johnson ere personal Mrs. Sylvia Low Jensen, . of Unt took them already yet so late friends. Scott added people regretted losing such that he has ' people. Mr. "end Mrs7 Preston, is But mixed bimsclf whole lot. no intention of running away. visitittg he i sister, Mrs, Merrill were among the first set- Jos. J. Richardson. Quite the contrary, he intends to tlers of this town, and can- - teU - Miss Mabel Uolladay, Miss Vi- Yaw, he make himself von yack- go to San Francisco next week BSH many interesting stories of pio- da Chambers, Mrs. Ida H. Peteror if that is not enough he will ! A braying neer life and Indian scares. son and Miss Maugban, of Logan, extradition or furnish at waive Brother. Merrill jreceiveda wound were Smithfield visitors on Satur- I dinks dey very much two time cash bail ta the amount any alike ; in bis right arm in the same In- day and Sunday. of $25,000. Yaekass unt big Pooh-Badian' skirmish that his brother - The Home Dramatic company was killed in; but so undaunted played to a full and very appre- Some beobles call him. von The Moonshiners Daughter, big was he that he fought tbe Indians, ciative house on - Friday night. - roduced at the Opera House on snake, - Rosa May, the three year old throwing rocks with his left hand, The Unt maybe dot vas right; company is certainly far Monday evening, was a first rate eecur- - ahead of the average daughter of Joseph. Leamaster of and. prevented them-fro- m traveling But snakes dey gif llery show; .with plenty of 362 south State street, Salt Lake, ing his brothers scalp. troupe. Tonight they play the Before they yump unt bite. g shooting, some warm in trying to avoid a team in the Mrs. Parley Bingham was also pleasipg' drama A Noble Out- and a number of good specialties. Ven baek becomes to Utah -17- prise. -- 1 . others appikation... to. , ad rmtMhem. to bail was made and was promptly denied. Judge Smith then announced that the Canyon county jail was an unfit and an unsafe place for the detention of these prisoners. He issued ah order for the removal of Moyer to the county jail at Boise, and it was stated that 'he will sendj Haywood to the county jail at Weiser. Pettibone will remain in the jail at Caldwell. - Attorneys for the defense objected to the order of removal, .maintaining that the county jail at Caldwell was satisfactory. Counsel for the defense have steadfastly opposed all plans to separate Moyer, -- Haywood and Pettibone, and it was to keep : these officers, of ...the Western. Federation of Miners in close associ-atio- n that they hadjhem oonfine in the little jail at Caldwell. It has been claimed that the detectives wanted to separate the prisonerstheir-ob j ect - b dbg t6 work upon them individaally in the hope of securing admissions that co"uld be used to advantage by the prosecution. President Moyer was brought -- ' K -- i - i i 9 s -- ; ( res-pccte- d" haw-he-ha- w h. , . - . , -- some-varnin- g love-makin- street ran in front of a street car and was knocked down. The pnt on the brakes, so that the car, waa .running dowlywhen it hit the child and she sustained no further injuries than a bruised head and leg. The) conductor carried Rosa to her home where Dr. Richards attended her. mo-torm- an treated to a very pleasant prise on her birthday. Some of our citizens have at Hyde Park. John Plowman is at work on Maybe he lose his grip' Ay should dink he feel like pisant rec- an bam. .It will Unt crawl under buff To clip. eived-letters Waly - anything .in ters notifying them that they the town, if not in the valley. Ay bet ven he goes to heafen Vim. Thornleys must send their children to school blacksmith Unt haf to the big gates got, the required time, 'or the cases shop is .nearly completed. etcrll say Youve ben von liar, We ne jound out until Friwill be handled by law. Go down vere its dam hot. Mr. Ephraim Weeks had the day what the widened sur- - up-to-da- te Florence RobertswHI boTgrctted by a large audience of old frieneb this evening. from-Atiorne- Cad Newspaper Changes Hands. William M. Reylanee ard G A. Stom of Trovo, have prr;' .a the plant of the Utah C. Democrat from V. R. ?NT'.' ' . |