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Show Thursday,! March 22, 1906. .iouhxnl. log an. tnKrnr-ivKKK- utah page Timer. WILLIAM IN : LEWISTON. RUNAWAY JENNINGS BRYANS NEW BOOK Since Mr. Bryan's European tour a year ago lie hag been besieged by requests for copies of lis letters describing his travels With Lady in Mail (Carriers- - Team abroad. The letters, together with a number of his Jeetures and -Business Notes. The ingredients that enter into S. S. S. and the method of com- other public addresses, have been Buggy gathered together and published bining and preparing them so that the build up. and strengthen in book form. The European letevery part of the body, make it the greatest of all tonics. S. S. S. is natures Mr. Bryans account remedy PUREL Y VEGETABLE and while - it- - is - restoring - the lost appetite, ters contain 18. and he a Robert of saw in March and learned while what Lewiston, finally stopped highl overcoming that tired, run-dow- n feeling, and other ailments common to Spring, which Egbcyt, the mail carrier, is in the grove of trees. Mrs- - Wilson had warn ns that it is necessary to take a tonic, it is purifying the blood of all poisons and waste in Europe, and present interesting habit of leaving his team standing lots of nerve and stayed in the matters so that it can supply to the system the strength and nourishment needs to keep it views of Ireland, England Scot-anwhile he takes the mail into the buggy and escaped injury. She in perfect condition during the depressing summer months that tire to follow. France, Switzerland, Geroffice, lie had Mrs. Wilson in his got, a .good shaking up and a fast . many, llussia, Holland, Belgium Spring is the season when most every an . and the Netherlands, to pull through the day. hack with him. Egbert dropped ride. one needs a tonic. It is natures time for together ha? usd s. s. s. quit xtensiviy and unhesitatingly with a description of . his visits the lines and left her sitting in Business is very quiet at pres- renewing and changing ; and as everything it a the best blood purifier and tonic made the hack seat, while he carried the ent in Lewiston; nothing much puts On new life, the sap nscs m vegetation, Irecommend am a machinist by trade and at one time my system was with Count Tolstoy and Pope Leo. 11111 down that the earth thaws out from Its Winter freezes, mail in, as usual. A learn driving stirring. by 10 oclock every day I would be com- - His Thanksgiving addrw, deliv' and it was with the greatest effort that pletely exhausted, is to to in The S and all respond the big mercantile project up the road with a box purge I oould pun through the balance of the day. Spring call Since taking ered before the American Society - 4 am a strong. in London, Jr903.ia also included. back of the wagon, frightened the still being worked and as soon, as and punfy z themselves, there is a great S. S S.t however, all this has disappearedvieorous man" abtmdftnt,v h, to rtA H,u,'a rk mv team and started them to run. the weather will permit work change also takes place in our bodies. The In this volume appear Mr. Bryoff blood the endeavors to throw Mrs. Wilson tried to reach the will commence. ans accounts of his visits to Cuba poisons and in formed which have in the accumulations our We have force a of and Mexico, and he writes enterstart the the but lines, from the .been buildand absorbed located is in the by it, system, tainingly of the Birth of the jerked the lines out of the buggy. town. He and calls inactive winter M. He also of E. Stocks south Cuban Republic. life, every down the street, ing just The team ran upon member elimination. in the The assist to A on lectures his turned a corner and almost upset butcher shop. 011 two oooasiona 1 have used S. 8. S. In the spring wtb to the is often the Struggle, -- We need another- painter and system. Nation." and The Yalue unequal - fin reult - tonic etnd heart iiyreeemmni 1 thtTbuggyl They' ran nfo tickle With the I blood was One in troubled Lewiston. of an headache, indigestion paper-hangpurifier. energies give way, appetite grows Ideal, both of which he has Jbreakingpff two or eant -- and e.-for? deliver people small a over then dOWU three posts, Condition IS tne result. have to wait for months for 'Anhelped, I can eat anything I want now without fear of in-Chautauquas and other gathblood has been thoroughly cleansed of and my digestion, assistance have the Then must body feet of about a four derson to get around to them. stack, part , all lmporltlea and made rloh and strong again. As a tonlo erings. , , . , blood purt it is anyou claim fortt, in itmusthestrengtheneci and aided Dy a tonic, &nd mrs. g. wiegel. hisOther articles the volume arr we. Main st., springnid,o. and S. S. S. is the ideal one. 'Being made addresses on Imperialism, " are reduced to skin and bones. from roots, herbs and barks, it does entirely on the notification of his delivered On Cumbres pass, the highest tonics on the market, not disagreeably affect the system in any way as do most of the The Atpoint on the narrow gauge road which contain Potash or some other harmful mineral ingredient to derange the stomach and nomination in 1900; written tractions of Fanning, Correspondent Bursts - Out Spon- from Durango to - Alamosa, a affect the bowels, "or otherwise damage the health- .- S. S- - S. tones up digestion, unfavorably trainload of passengers is ma- the stomach and taneously Because He Can't and assists in the assimilation of food; it rids the system of that for the Saturday Evening Post; digestion ' Help It. rooned, dependent for warmth on always-tireworn-cu- t and imparts vigor and tone to every part of the body. It re- Peace, the address deliveredin feeling, at the Holland Society dinner v7a meager supply of coal in the establishes the healthy calculation of the blood, stimulates the sluggisL organs, and calms 1906. Logan, March 17, enfcatender, and for food on the unstrung nerves which make one feel that he is on the verge of prostration. S. S. S. 1904; his St. Looifl convention what hardly mountaineers on Editor Journal: seconding the nomination gives an appetite and relish for food that nothing else does, and by its use we can find our- speech Naboth V Cockrell. of Senator You in snowshoes can bring them. done wrong riten what , selves with as hearty, hungry an appetite ju Spring as at any other season. Railroad traffic is paralyzed you did about poits in The JourIt acts more promptly and gives better and more lasting results than any other remedy, Vineyard, British Rule in Inand telephone and telegraphic and is absolutely safe because of its vegetable purity. Dyspeptic, irritable, nervous, debili-tate- d dia, the address at the grf vf nal oftf March 15, A.page 4. Us poits f ritnwnM II Philo" Sherma6'Beunetb'"And at cant no more quit riten poertry communication is intemiptedov people will find S. S. S.- is just the medicine that is needed for the purification of than the birds kin quit singin, er at least half of the State. the blood, which, from its diseased or impure condition, is causing their trouble, as well as account of his recent trip to the er the trees quit buddinh Thare The body of Edward Kleckner, for toning up and helping the entire system. When you take your tonic this Spring do not Grand Canyon entitled Wonder The book is illushaant no use tryin. When spring a ranchman,-age-d 27, was found experiment, but get the best the tonic with forty years of success behind it, and the one of tbeWest road endorsed by the best people all over the country S S S THE GREATEST OF ALL trated, well printed on good pacitms, we haf to rite. Thares today frozen stiff in the I something in us that swells and three males from his home, near TONIGSm It is necessary at this time, when the system is depleted and weakened at every per and substantially bound. One of the features of Under swells. I dont know weather its Pagosa Springs, Colo. point, that the right remedy be used one that is especially adapted to the condition, and the hart or spiret ; but I think its Earnest IVarnes, aged 30, who S. S. S. has proved itself to be this remedy for mknyyefirs. If it is taken at the first sign Other Flags ia the Notes en live spiret and it keep a swellin jleft Waldon, Colo., on horseback of Spring the system will be so built up and strengthened that tbe disagreeable affections of Europe, written after his return Lom abroad, and giving in brief till it runs over like water from jin the blizzard last Friday, has he season will not be felt as wanner weather coines on. v from a resume of the many interthe College ward flowing wells, not been heard of since, and is THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, GA. Thats what makes spring poer- believed to have perished. esting things he saw. Xo we thare Cloth Bound. 397 pages. Price, cant sir, try. quit; Always Keeps Chamberlains' An Exciting Runaway. haint no use tryin. You mite $1.25, Postage Prepaid. Cough Rmedy in His in a A to attaehed team to as dam well hack, To our subscribers we will furup Logan just try House. L. L. Mrs. Mr. and were river with a fire shovel. You which nish the book for $1.00 The School officials state that, We would not be without dont need to rite the inclosed .Nunn, of Telluride company fame notwithstanding the ostensible chamberlains Cough Remedy. It poem in your paper if you dont .and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Biersach, friendship ofa Governor-Genera- l kept-ohand continually - in want to. but it eums frum my jran away in Salt Lake while re- the school has-beand plundered W. W. Kearney, 0Ur home8 hart or spiret. turning from a funeral at Mt. burned by theen Kurds in the' pres- - f(jitOr of thesays Independent, Lowry Olivet cemetery, and for a time it eneeof Turkish officials and sol- Spring Has Came. is just what ev. That jIo City EDITION Spring is here, Im shore of it, looked as though certain death diersdo.- When should family cry kept of the more one or Tbo of corse I haint no profit. would come to Fruit trees have been cut down at haDJ for instant nsCf a Read Wherever the English LanI dont go much on bear day little party that had just left the and breadstuffs purchased by cold be cbecked at the outset may guage Is Spoken. silent city on the hillside. Just, American missionaries for the Nor care what almanacs say. and cured much jn jess time than I haint studied the stars nor as the driver turned westward on American have k World become orphanage after The hag it settled in the moon pastSouthTemp!e""8nd Eleventh fieETby the TuikTshTGovermneiit ,Ts In be belter 1906 a This to also hopes paper remedy But if taint spring itll be rite East streets, one of the animals for more than four months, lly system. a peer for croup in child- - to December 1906. 'The price of than it has ever been before, and without . was struck by a, loosened. tS.. anl the soon withholding of the breadstu ffs Yejl-anj--wni "pre venFWatta'ck this splendid Magazine is one dol- it' has made its arrangements lac- the thereafter faith has immediately came; Spring my and the intimidation and imprison wben given ag goon ag child lar a year. See it and yon will cordingly. Its news service cov- was se en to be flying down strong. mentf the ntire-globe, November and Jan ers-th- e have aud-4t re- And every-dathe inclined pavement at a terrific them, the cost has been increased gits stronger Rev numbers the jcr0upv cough appears which can nary containing portae very thing fully', promptly all the tugs Kuz th winter has been so hard rate of speed.-S- oon least 21 per cent. . at the forecasts R. Irl Ilicks for be done when the only and, accurately. Itt is tbe only is remedy and long became loosened, the tODgue of A herd of live stock belonging whole and more at hand. For sale by all complete paper, not a daily, which will year, .kept That It shore eant last mneh carriage became misplaced, but to the valued at $150 than orphanage, ever, can be had by sending keeja you as completely informed fortunately rested-- u aflbnceScentstoWordani amTupM" of whatTs happening" tlirougliout J. R. C. of the ncckyoke, and the lines depending, has been driven off by Works Publishing Company, 2201 tbe world. held by the driver alone connect- the Kurds. Locust Street, St. Lonis. Mo., or World is The Thriee-a-Wee- k Miners Face Starvation. ed the frenzied animals with the " to this office. William J. Bryan sailed from fair in its political reports. You 19. By the vehicle. Mr. Nunn, at the peril of Denver, March Woman Dies in Fire. San Francisco September 27. Mr. can get the truth from its columns loss of twelve lives in a snow-slid- e his life, opened the door of the Kansas City, Mo., March 19. Bryan will make a voyage around CHEAP RATES TO MEXICO. whether you are Republican or near Silverton today the hack and climbed upon the seat Miss Agnes Inman, a corset ma- the world. In the course , of his Democrat, and that is wliat you death roll resulting from the with the driver, where he aided who came here three months journey he will visit Hawaii, Daily until April 7th the COLO- want. ker, great storm of the past week in in steering the runaways clear of ago from St. Louis, was bunied China, the k A special feature of the Philippine Islands, In- RADO MIDLAND will sell tickthe San Juan mining districts has obstructions. The animals, how-eve- r, death and five other women dia,to, New Zealand ets" Ogden to" City Mexico, and World has always, been Australia, been increased toat least fifteen! were not brought under con- were overcome smoke in a fire Egypt, Palestine, Greece, by its serial thereof for fiction. It publishes north $44.60. Turkey, points At Silverton, at the Camp Bird trol until Fourth West street was in the annex of the Altman build'GerItaly, Spain, Switzerland, Sleeping cars thru to Denver novels by the best authors in the mine, a few miles from, Ouray, reached, nearly two miles from ing in this city last night, 1 - Now is the time world, novels which in liook form and at Coal Basin, on the western where the wild ride began. Just Most of the tenants of the build- many, France, Norway, Sweden, without change, Holland and Mexico. sell for $1.50 apiece, andHts high to visit historic old Denmark, Russia, slope, hundreds of miners, their before the team was brought to a. ing are professional women and the British Isles. Beautiful illustrated books on standard in this respect will be wives and children are facing standstill, the driver was thrown In many of them sleep in their each of these .countries Mr, Mexico and its people free. Write maintained in the future jis in the from hia place, as the Short Line 'starvation: ; Bryan will write for his paper, L. H Harding, General Agent, past. Mills end other mining prop- tracks were passed, but he, esMiss Inman, was sleeping on The Commoner, one or more let- Salt Lake, for farther informaWe offer this unequaled newserty estimated to he worth a mil- caped injury. Mr. Nunn had the the fourth floor and she was dead ters describing his observations. tion. THE - MIDLAND ROUTE paper and The Journal, together lion dollars have been Bwept to reins' in hand when the horses when the firemen found her Is needless to say that Mr. assures yon the best service and for one year, by mail for $3.75, er It ' destruction in the deep gulches. were finally quieted, and the The other five women were n Bryans letters will be interesting scenery. by carrier for $1.25. , The qattle.on a thousand hills frightened occupants of the closed down on ladders by the fire; to men and vroxnen, regardless of carriage were soon once more in men from the fifth floor. They To Cure a Cold ia One Day , A Guaranteed Core for Piles. political prejudice. Those desirthe open air, entirely unhurt, but were all revived. The Best Cough Syrup.' ing to avail themselves of the opwith no desire whatever to ever The part of the building in portunity to read these letters ing Piles. Druggists are1 authori- Take JaAXATIYE BROMO Quito so. trying an S. L. Apple, Judg, again be eubjected which the fire occurred is without should lose no time in subscribing zed to refund money if PAZO nine Tablets. Druggists rtfarl " . writes: This ordeal. OINTMENT fails to cure in 6 to money if it fails to cure. E. W. stairways and was shut off from for The Commoner, . is to say that have tmeiTTiaP 1 GROVES theTmiun toanran-nouneemenAttention i3' invited signature is en 15days. 50e ir Turks ' Seeking Trouble. ards Horehotmd Syrup for 7 t ' door. ( jox. 25o. relating to these letyears, and that I do not hesitate Boston,. March 19. A comters, printed in another column of You are not a good manager to recommend it as the beet cough plaint from the officials of the ALL KINDS OF JOB WORK this issue. ADVxr.Ti: i We (are able to offer nnlrf yon are a regular reader for store tbe 25c, American school at Yah, Eastern money ads., syrup I have ever used. your pf ADYE7.Ii: ;u DONE NEATLY special inducements to any of our will not 50c and $1.00, Sold by Riter Turkey, against 'th$ treatment go nearly so far if you AND PROMPTLY by 7!!! who to desire read Mr. .re a little patrons abyi: f on prioxi, and Bros. Drug Co. rusty b the Turkish officials andtheKurds AT THE JOURNAL OFFICE i T Bryans articles. .laces and times to buy. OF ALL Sprints -- -- -- -- it d, effort -- shoe-mak- er ed Con-queri- -- ai $- er do-all he-work, Ihpirits -- J t Poetry Irrepressible so-call- ed d, at win -- I ... n MlMMf&i THRICE-A-TO- - K - ht-e- Thriee-a-Weo- rrr ve-hic- le itThe -- y pen-the.-to- -e- -- p , Thriee-a-Wee- -- offi-ce- s. -- ta-ke- Co-Eans- as. t, L , jc: f v |