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Show 1 V x hi FUB1TITUEE Truokoo Rivor TRUGREfi RIVER 1 ' usm i: - ' f AND rent cwTica rinan. 1 urvaasrura. t IhMt rcS Iron (bo ri non of U Taatai Wi, that HMHtwia heretofore duuirtBl Iwn (which la rtbw W8 Fine,) and hurifnlly nmanA Uo Tuning butts" into tha frool sdg of tba Flank and ef-fsetuSy paalatatha twenty toaa train. I4 t.laa. iwaandparl with art of tha Iron UEDKB TB 0YEE8TBUBQ , UMataal atrtnfa ' ' ' BAfifi. t tiort y Tha Anon Wano la tha esaaruaT.tase tanlni u.does not ooimjcano. requires f aad gat eat of order, it is 4 kind, CHIOS, LOUNGES, S.V. IIC BEAUS, I) II ESS, WAtill, nod EIGHT STANDS. KITCHEN SAFES, BREAKFAST and DINING TABLES. the standard piano. YARD. Pair of Maw la 1MT tbs imerfcaa imitate agataot Matawaya. York, after a blindfold trial ChtJaaring'a and many otbar Ftaftea awarded tha Patent Artoo tba lint Premium. Writ for affidavits, Pamphlet aad Circular, and staU la what Paper you saw this advertise ment. , In every City and Town where we ready appointed them. ; , V f QiYOOMdt) la LORILLiARDS ' le an excellent article EUREKA t UNION 110 U. P. Railroad Fcr 1,000. 3,000 Feet San Francisco THEY ... ttcurrd v UTAH. COllINNE, Shaded Walks, Ice Cream. Lemonades, Strawberries, Arbors, Bowers, i EtCt) EtCij I i K twinge. Beals, , 4 I inch to scren inches In width, Sawed Shingles, . D. W. PAUIiHURST, EtCcy Proprietor. 4 Del&VEN&BRft r 5,00 ! Notice. t To Thsmss Woodland and all others Interested Ton are hereby notified that I will appear at the U. 8. Land Office, Balt Lake City, Utah, be- for the Bs1esr aad Beoefver thereof, oa the lath day of July, A. D., IMA to prove my right to enter, under the provision of the pro map-lio- n set of September h, 1841, the east half of M. W. sod wrest half of M. JL 1 of section 14 toweshlp 7 north, rsne 1 weak, el which time sod piece you can appear aad eoateat if you see i proper. F. WOODMAN - ' t I P017DER" GODPAHY iHOMTAMA Scut UU, hUwm and 1. i .HIRAM HOU8X, Kelipa MlUa. 11 1 r Split &liiiiglc& DisAnn noon ,M : -- ). EXCLUSIVELY, (.WHOLESALE, - A. W. TAYLOR, Agt., Manufactory, Stean PHrtirg, Lithcgrapkhg, rlt i f. MONTANA KIsIa BLAOHSmTH SHOP, W. H. A. Sons, nanofneturen, No, 108 West Randolph St, Frct Made of POOR RUM. WHISKEY, PROOF 8PIR ITS, AMD REFUrtK LIQUORS, doctored, aptced and sweetened to please the taste, celled Toe ice, Restorers, Ae. that lead the Appetisers, tippler on to drnnkenness and min, but are a true Medicine, made from the Mstivs Roots and llerUof Csllroruis, FREE FROM ALL A I. STIMULANTS. Tlwy sre the GREAT IHA)OD-PUUlFYL- a jK'rfect snocs GLASS HOUSE. t f 1 a f. & Digestive Organs. O.eanse the Vitiated IUood whenover you its impurities bursting threugh the skin in Pimples, Eruption or Korea ; clean so it btn you And it obstructed snd sluggish iu the veins; cleanse It whru it is foul, and your ftsllnv w bl Udl you when. Keep the bllotsl pure and the health of tho system will follow. J. WALKER, Proprietor. It. H. McDonald h uo. Druggist and Gov ral Agents, Shu Francisco, and Ti and 34 Cmnniercu htreet, N. ALL DbUOGXSra SA'faOLDRY j Gchgl Gchj! Ocbjfl WH a BEHZlfiNDT XX. TTow V AjzatZsd Ilcmo. ADAIR hmr - i 4d Ci LEY7I0, CL, ciRales at Auction J. IX 0b B. ADAIR. s. , , .. y, 4 ,, v f niiUfi m e sense (ODE t w. 1IAN L.1 t Vhi WMOtSBALl DryGtttds, HcUtrs Wetless, 100, 108, llOuiifl 112, ' i f i. i ut -- iSJO. UJj7t-3n- M HARDWARE, BAR AND SHEET IRON, C3 Boiler Tnbos, Gss Pipe sud Hose, end RAILWAY SUPPLIES. ALSO AGENTS FOR i5 f Importer of Frefich ''snd German Looking (Has Plates, t . . , . , CHICAGO. 141 LAKE 8TUEET, y , v 4 . gpSl 3m Proprietor. I v i T f, u t . 9 - fired, aesr Lite Cat Works, SACR AMENTO, CAL. Frent B f J UNION PACIFIC Won- I&AXIjILOAJ) tiik itiicirr and OF mise- - MOKMON1SM. Si r - f SECUHINDr SEA LING AND '. 4 . lil JonaI oAU . v , y and (be Through to Sou Francisco In Less Thun Four Da)! FINE A ART. Avoiding tha dangers of ths IM10BTBBU a C and Its RlCj ProrfrrsH and Decline Graphically anti Truth ally JUu trated in the forthcomina Work on Utah entitled LIFE IN UTAH, with Chicago and Northwestern. Chicago, tint Island and Pact he sud Ht. Jo s ti and Council Bluffs Railroad, and Missouri River Line of Packet to and from all princi- pal eastern snd south-- i1 era Cities. tg- - FIRST CLAKS HOTEW ASI) st convenient points on the OB HOUSES Pullman's THE MYSTERIES AND CRIMES lug-roo- m OF MORMONISM. BY H. BROWN a W. MEADE,Asst Genl - B. COOK (UCO DAILY LINE OF COACHES r IVAUON hi'AKINO, llOUKK SIIOKIAO, ' ? 11 4 Etc., ' n.ti druggists, . Montana Street, ; , - UTAH. OOUIHNB,.. ATTENTION! PUBLIC! 4 kited sui SSfu?. AhD EASTERN OFOJlWM EAST wi1 M AT KELTOSi. BATES OF 8TA0K FARE TIME. (evcii ,A! JSS and best sv Missouri River, of Con- - Fnm XudiM ppt. Cmk lo bolM Mxiikex BxttLEr, SAN FRANCUSCO. I- Unionbwn, Lagrsnd. Walls Wall. CmetJUa, -8 a , W.A.UODOMAN. c2-(1.- tu (Ou...- -' City, Baker City, Fortlabd, r f t it U PART TRilM BOHB and. 13, California Street, Avu Nos. 114 oho 116 113)4 , Maktpg daily connections 11 ' -- I TOJ19-t- t : Wholesale and ' t IDAHO TERRITORY HURLDUT BROS., - To and from the C. i THROUGH . ! work gnarsntacd. Wsgon Timber, Supt C, IDAHO AND OREGON UNDLUWOOD Near Steam Saw Mitt. ni.ACKauTiuNo, r SON, 0. HAMMOND, Genl Sup I, (hush J. BUDD, Genl Ticket Ageut, Oirsl. BLACKSMITH & WAGOV SHOP, V - General Freight Ageut, ouiska HOUSE, COOK & CO., ,1 Palae. Klerplag fe lrw Can accompany all train. SSr For through ntea on freight to Muntaot, other paiuta, ply Iu Agent for Tlah Territory. L EATiW line. Swevtwator Minas and - a sv, ' j nwr. DEALSR8 IN t f HIKAM HOt'NR, son. fees. Direct Counections made at ft f .Cj ItOVTE iAOIFIO COAST i OEMERAL OUTFITTING MERCHANTS, -- VALLEY Rail Route to Callfontia O. II. ELLIOTT. f oiiKAT Is now completed and ninniiig dully ) w it U trains, ntrming in lomn-ctimthe CenGsl 1 act he Raiiroad and ill SEPARATING t I i Titlo changed by the publishers. tub. COltlNVA - PLATTE & CO., nontona Street, Certnne, HENDERSON, AGENT nolS-t- f J. II. BEADLE. GREEN City, Good Slock, New Coaelic (otirl, Reiigloit, and Harem K Street, Sacramento. J & CO'S Connert with PassenRrr TmiiiM bolh' ' wajrg ou the U. 1. lUilnmJ. TIM BXUGXIArvlS ORIENTAL POMDEU CO , OF BOSTON, SAM FRANClSOO CORDAGE COMPANY. p!4-t- 1 and Quick Time. nceptiou to tbo iircHent day. Fitting, Belting, a3-3- 5 A chronological hislnry of the Minors TooIn, Steam Flour Mills, DOOnSj bSYJirJB9l70 And BIinds, CARKOLL, SS1ITII A CO., D. W. PAKKI11HST, CHICAGO. Orders eollcited and eerefuny filled. $rr ftS Ohtcet Mouse la Chicago- - eaUbllnhed ia n or B23DITON WELLS, FARGO der of the nineteenth century fiotu it Market) Steel, Coal, Smith9 and f v T? ABASH AV LEWIS. Jl3-l- f 6 r i Mrs. Spencer will soporiatend tho ladles 520 Front st., San Franeisoo. slfftaaeats. Md look before you buy. Viator. Fmtk 5 -- ; Tho most impartial and best Authenticated Work ever pulilifthcri on MoriuoniMit. St. Louis Barber Chop. JOHN V. FARWELL ft CO., i ( CpUet, 9 , ' --o- former resltftLl of Ulahefuul Rtlilor of JRtir.S HOT AND COLD BATHS JelS-dftwl- r Ir rM f itulwi. Ponrys, Wsgoas end . (roods, ready mad Clothing bought and w4d. Adviscswrut, Mod ma Cwn A the Bkpoutku, AT - JDaily K- - 1 city, Leavo Corinufl iluily for Virgin in llelouu aud Fort Bentou. 6 Sansome St. UffOBTUss FORT J. II. HEADLE, Wlioiettale Manufacturer f AcSimMai Prerira Bxtrect cf ; i and XXBLXSDTA AND BY Cl CO., Tii n Work done wiUmtnes and dispatch. Onlers It ft st Walker ft McNutt's Drug Store, wttt receive pmu-- t tent Ion. ep'JWtf Aiao, KurmrsorosEM op toH ft DEALFIIS. Spll 3nt HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER, t , i Glazier raptr-hangf- r, TUc., ta 3,C7i3. . i CWcsgu. vmomu TERRITOKY, An I ii. h. shephekdT CCTicroai CKiai GAITCafg LUMBEH1KBPTC0ASTAKTLY 'Montana, &rtcY, ROASTED & P0URD COFFEE. th Storms, fir(teern JbwriA and SOOTS, AI7D i -- CARRYING TIIE PIHN-C1PI.- G snd Invlgorstor of the System, carrying off all poisonous matter, sud restoring tho blood to a healthy tomlitlo . Mo porson c.n take these Bitters according to direction and remain long unwell. S lOO will ls given for an incurable case, pro Tided the honrs sre not destroy el by mineral poisons or other means, sud the vital organa wasted beyond the point of repair. For Inflammatory su4 Chronic Rheumatism snd Gout, Dyspc pla or Indigestion, billons, Re raittent, and Intermittent Feters, Diseases of the blood, Uver, Kidneys and bladder, the. BITTERS hare la on most successful. Hurh Diseases are caused by VitiaUHi blood, which is generally produced by dorauguscut of tha 1 S, k1 conzrmB, AND TIIEIU Baddies, Bridles, Tents. Camp Eqttippsg. snd S (Uneml Assortment of Merchandise nstsnlly ou hsud snd for ssle cheap, r than the cheapest. 14UILD1NG & DRESSED GAGLQ CC7F23 DitlC, EMIL, LOEYEN A CO sad UUil Dealer in LIEE-OIV1N- sT-t- : Ybolemtla snd R axdu RES ers will find it to their interest to give me a call before going eleewbrn Don't forget the piece. mytttf JACOB STRAUSS; Chicago A LOOKING J & EJIPflESS lb AVGTUIf, CORHlliNUiN, C. HUACHVOGEL, Street, C0BUV1VE, UTAH, IL J. OSDOBK, Proprietor. Roads f Ranks , Etc. Fitts PICTURE ' JLUJTJS, MCIIICW SAIYTS a sv FANCY DRINK, CHICAGO. 10G Eahe Chicago, 111. finppfivt for PubUo Offices, Min now prepared to do sQ kinds of work, at Merchants , Rail Saxn lowest inrj Companies price. Teamsters and freight- i They are not a vile Je0-2r- a STATIONERY HOUSE OF 5e cation. Nearly fifty of these machines wrers sold la in IHCO. Lowest freights can be hod by ordering car load! four complete machines shipped to one address. Information furnished by Utah-Territor- Offioe, Mouteas 8treet, oppoelt Uintah House, OORINNE. Isbfttf ' AMD general on hand. IIUNTINOTOfl, HOPKINS & CO., ft Above machine has been made by subscribere (sons of and successors to the inventor and Patentee) since the year 1881, st their present lo M. i't 4 ft Ornsha. G. L. DUNLAP Geu l Kupt., Chicago,,, Instruments always Threshing Machine Per & TO Quns, Pistols and Mu&ical A. r ; ,:K Also Now York Price. assortment of Han Francisco. Cal. rabSLU 04,5 v 4 f AT FOURTH, 4A myl7-t- f Howard and Waltham Watches FACTORY Kin g Street, biluct.fi MORMON ISM AS THIRD AND . ?1 GILMER & SALISBURY'S Lav the The finest Watches now manufactured. (Two doors from TRADE SUPPLIED. W are sow prepared to furnUh psrtie with the fianet Flrw. Proof Brick ta tho west, bsvir g oa head over Mm Awndrwd UmmikL bo kft el the Ututeh Hone. Nr Order toHULL JS-t- f ft HAMILTON, Props. ! THE CHICAGO PITTS && f' Agent, Connell Blnffs H. P. 8TANWOOD, Geu'l TkL Agent, IDlin WaitolieN, StAGE WJIAT ARE THEY Salesroom, ; FOB THE mLLIOlT. I 1 Union Paciflo Road. M il. B. STRONG, of (he celebrated SOLE ICFVCY Curative Effects. TRAVELING IIAGtr, 1 Mining, Blasting, Ac., Ctsstaaily ta Cni Famtliee. fialoeas, Stores, ste. supplied at short lee la the city. Wholesale notice with the orders from a promptly filled. 4 In greet variety. PERSONS aa c S g Bear tentimouy to their Wonderful -1 BRICK I CRICK 1 1 CHICK UTAH. f Sporting, THE HILLIOin I0R-P0- R SOT Through Tickets and all information ln gard to Freight obtained of DaviuO. Csuv. Co., A genU. Malt Lake City, or of Ag,u r.1088 AOATE JEVELRYI u u,V geatteasen, r : , EASTERN AND SOUTHERN ROADS, Bayers will do well to exsminemy stock before purchasing elsewhere. solid New styles silver sets, gold chains, rings, pins, sleeve buttons, eto. flsmstlon of the Liver, and ail the Visceral Organs. In BiUlotts, Itemitb-Ji- t anl Intermittent Fevers these Bitters have no equal. Forfn'ldi rections read carefully the circular sronnd each butilo prluted in four languages, English, German, French sod Spanish. HOKE THAN 300,000 a Trunks, Valises and Standing at the head Beat of Wines, Llqour sad Cigars la greet variety. Watt right in, aad help youreelvee, noB-t- f ' i ' - CORINK, Thm art a OeniU Purgative or well at a sleo. the peculiar merit of acting as Poaie.ilng, a powerful agent in preveotiog Congee! ion or in GUN-P-O nzAnoHD oziaxxj StretU. COIIINNE. UTAH. 1 Dealers in Government fiorurities, Philadelphia. Union snd Central Isi lAo H. II. First Mortgago Bonds Bought and Sold. ' U. 8. Bonds bought Hold snd Exchanged. Gold bought and Hold at Market rates. Coupons cashed. Stocks Bought snd Sold on Corair I'kion only. Accounts received snd Iuterest auowed on daily uo2-tbslsnoes, subject to Check st sight. in the country their celebrated STREET, itA M. OMAHA ft COICAOO. BETWEEN - OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FINEST GRADES OF WDER RAFFERTYS REG SAL00N fft Per Manufacturers of the agn t (between 4th sad Bthl ; Tonic . pr cent. i apn-s- m S'L'U'E.VYHCk all the NORTH SIDE MONTANA STREET, Till Being all the Lends which the Union Pari Ac Railroad Company now have or sbsil hereafter acquire from the .Totted Stale., except the lands which are or shall he included in the Railroad and Telegraph Lino of said Company, or used for the coast ruction or operation (hereof, or for the track, yards, depot grounds, building, or erection thereof. The Company receive their Land Grant Bond for their face and socruod Interest in pajmentof all leads sold by thorn. one-ha- lf i the above Ilavln lately fitted ad and well known Summer Rueort, we are prepared to aooommedate, the pleasure-eeekln- g public Ins manner never before equalled In the Rocky Mountains.! Don't leave Oorinne without calling on Blake and Jack, at the Willows. myltf I Wf PLATED WAKE, y on about gage AND war Repairing carefully dune, snd satisfaction spitt-lguaranteed. Mort- -. t PULLMAN PALACE, DINf.R I Co. 12,000,000 ACRES OF LAND. (Opposite Steamboat Landing.) t bya-h'tn- Tbs Celebrated o . Coupon Bond qf One Tltoueaud Dollars (iRl,000) each , and art REDWOOD H0ULD1NGS, From Us I Trains In connection with Train WATCHES, CLOCKS, &c Two Daily UNION PACIFIC It AILUOAd In Town! LarcMt Stock Make sure connections at Chicago with sasy art They coon &:onrinJtin; - ALL TO XM nd pny 7 20 Year INTEItl :KT r. tcaiu.iat, ci, ink. EOt FOB THE WILLOWS. "..j AMOUNT ! in er in procuring their supplit. Ousst 0 , 10,000,000, llun United 8tMe over SNUFFS year .snd. atfU acknowledged the heat' t SILVER purchasoffr st such rates as justify on the Iaclflo seleai best market prices LAND GRANT BONDS or TH I wbetoeer used If your storekeeper does not have these art!-e- e tan solo, ask him to get them they are sold by reepectable Jobbers almoet everywhere. Circular of prices fow fded cm Application. DIAllIOIVDS, r Etc., Era, Line Put Trsbs and tere ftcaettls, Fine Gold Jewelry, A CENTURY J I llanufsctnres to erdor PATENT MEDICINES, g EsUblIhd The Old Land Grant Bonds. Fcr Thousand LORILARDfl LORnXARDS 99 Shortest Line nehveen Oiua. ha and Clilciigo. PERFUMERIES, TOILET ARTICLES, DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES Bgi! We are offering for McfJULEiWAW CHEMICALS, , Worth Western sr DRUGS, RAILROAD PACIFIC the rtnn t IO iv A LARGE STOCK OF C Yacht Club ; CORINNE, UTAH. J. w. LESHER. no23-t- f DORUXARD'S ,1 Olfico,) 5fl,8U)0 feet laskbi Ttkttte SALE ROOMS: Montana Htrcct, (Two doors above Post Sixty dollars of graanlated Virginia j wherever introduced ills univerf BMklsf Tnkaee, sally admired. It is put-uia handaocna muslin bags, In which or- p fur Meeraoheam Pipes are daily packed. classed by all who consume it ae tha finest of aU It U made of the choicest leaf grown i it Is an In It effaets, as tho Mlcotlna hsa been extracted ; it leaves no disagreeable taste after and smoking it la vary mild, lightasin color as three weight, senoe one pound will last long of ordinary tobedro. In this bread we also peek orders every day for first quality Meerschaum youreelvef it la all Pipes. Try it sod convince or It claims to be, tm all. This hwtnd of Fine Owt Ohewmg tobacco has no equal or suany where. It perior Is without doubt the Chcwlmj TchMCfi beet chewing tobacco In the country. ', . Situated West End 0 P. R. Freight Depot, oetlt $ COMFORTS, BEDSPREADS, ETC. a) Wareroonas and Office, Mo. 684 Broadway, Manufactory, 181 ft 180 Bowery, Mew York, I t , OWCrWCL GO VEIL Cl GO., I 4 hat not 4 MOSS PILLOWS, AND t. w murcGias Which we ? fST AGENTS WANTED IHPIS CIJIOAGO JOHN ICUPFER, CONSTANTLY ON HAND, CUPBOARDS, lur 1 ul iu great vuileticn, BEDSTEADS of all s KV. ssnort-ma- HOOKERS, ETC. LUL10ER YARD. - -- t '1 OFFICE, CmiNME OORINNE ui Fmi 4 WOOD, CANE, PataM Oompatpri Wrest Flank layara of which hoUU Tuning Pins, la MtpK oitM ronniim iUhrwUft-- na U-- ' j sib receiving end setting up s largo of furniture, ee Cl I AIKS, AND ynwi Banna Wm4i Agraflo ErUgs IkrowlMt, wnAim the iwwtoiii of ths old voodImIii, tod oannu the toUdlij of Mmi. Agraffe, without its owaonoM. . -- a ! s M1 U5asft , JOIlS HSjVfS L |