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Show ;vrr C daily HED rtDI ltah ueporteu. MONDAYS KTERT MOBNIXO, CEP1XD. i Mt ' , 1 f b WEEKLY UTAH RBPC2TC3. V EX-- j. . f -J tkrvib or VBsciuPTiosr. Year , ..... - -- Mth Month. $ f1- jvr Wuk. (supplied- by the Carrier.) 50 20 Voi, . J. TOOIiY, C fir Ilf ml Uf, U. PASSED AT TKJt SKOOXD SESSION ' POmr-FtMCONGRESS. Pcblio No. provide for the creation of corporation in the Districtof Columbia eug8-0- m estate takeo, tbo ooort .may' direct th9 thooey to be paid into , tbe aaW court by detannine who the oompame t until it and to the shnll.direct to entitled it tame, whom the same shall be paid, and may, io its discretion, order a reference' to ascertain the facts in which yucb determination and order are to he made. - Site. 23. ind be if further enacted. That the ooort shall appoiut some competent attorney to appear for and protect the who is lights of any party In interest is residence unknown, whose or unknown, and who has not appeared in the proceedings by an attorney or agentf j the court shall also have power, at any time, to cr k . We GRAHAM, M. D., Examiner for Pensions for Utah. ' orricR, Center JFWriA emf Monisms Strrtlt, D. J.F. HAnniBON, Consuso. . TGKDIK OP SVDBCKIPTIOX, Yer.. .............. 5.00 Month...... ............ Tlirro Mouth.... ......................... IW V5 Single Copi.. -. !W s on importer and jobber of ( UTAH; CORINNE, - el-t- f ; Dr. ILTIBBITS, I PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office at Wulkmt& Me Knit' a Img Sore , 306 & 30p Clay Street, Owe S-&-2- Door , ASv Fivat, would repctfully call th attention of merchant and dealers to our UIOABH, manufactured from tha beat of Leaf, our faoUttia in being inch we can offer superior Inducement that Hue, and will gnarautea to aU bkttks ooouh, and oiaarss, than can be eold iu the Eastern cities. . A Hat of prices In currency will be furnished on application by malL Order solicited. PARKER, WATT SON, mtrtl-e- m I a p. It ALSI KT SKIM, p. k qp Michards 55 Jfron Works , CORINNE, UTAH, , GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, LIQUORS, GLOTII1NG, PRODUCE, Tubs, Washboards, Matches, Etc. no. 144 J STREET, and Oth, SACRAMENTO. aplS-t- f . HARDWARE, TINWARE, PACIFIC HOTEL, CO. BatTTOM PACIFIC IRON WORKS, klKST STKBBT, Cvwec. 8wki.vc,, 1 Hth 7 Chicago. . f 1 OF St, POQTADLE AUD 8TATI0C1AQY EtlQItlES, From to QOO.Horso Power. Mean Nm, Betary rxcps, femMaed Bm4 TBikI Fire Eabti, Wti Werfcs and Wholesale and Retail Dealers la Fall, lie tween MANUFACTURERS I -- Ete., or MAXvraorys South Jefferson 47, 49, 51, 5S and General A.gent for , ; COUICI, Brooms, W , TWMES, BRTS8ES, . PRANOI0OO. ST WARE, Five copliut, to addreee, Clcb IUtkTen copies, oue (tUran, 55. INVARIABLY IX ABVAXCK. No. 17, WOOD AITD WILLOW tobacco Ann cicins, by general law. Sac. 32. And be U farther enacted. That it there are any advene or eonflietiug " eiaimanti to the money, or any part of it, to be paid ae com pe weal ion for the real Attorney et Lew ' t Mkp olleltor in Ohenryt Belt Lake City, Uteh Territory, 1 8. B. Wat rwnt, Importers, Jobbers sad Maiinfncturer of AN ACT lo B. ROBERTSON, " ht. 8ACnf.1EMT0, CAl'A. TRADE. GI880N, WALLACE Cl CO., PARKER, VATTOON & CO., 51. " UinUh Boom, Uf OF THE a. A Passks, p30-8- m CORIXKZ UTAH. R. SAX FRANCISCO TRADE. T WELLS SPICER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office In J OF THE UNITED STATES, T. , 1 IIUVCK A WILSON. comisnsrE, u. t., Tuesday, jitisie gi, isto. Q. omcui Attar wf MOKTAKA ST., COliIKKE, f On BIx PROFESSIONAL GAIIDS. DENNIS V- t, W , INVARIABLY IX ADVANCE. KATUHOAY, -- - copb......- gmgl PVBUSRED XTUT IMPORTER r 1IITVCK fc WILSON. 0 V , Corner of K and Fifth Streets, And Every Dcaeription of , amend any defect or informality in any of tbo special proceedings authorized by this act as may be oeeciuary, or to cause new SACRAMENTO CITY, Cal. l T. SiN FR1NCISC0, C1L., attended parties to bo added, and to djrcct such tar Cell from,. the. country prom tly aeJo-tfurther notice to be given to any party in f iiitereat as it deems proper,, and also to Oton and. Improved the place in oiherjcomtnwaiouerB TO appoint OMNIBUSES FREE" BUSINESS CARDS. ; of itny who shall die, or refuse, or neglect, i of We build all else, from 16 to 86 Inch diameter of atone. , V or urn uuublo to serve, or who may leave W resertfuUy call attention to our facilities or be absent from the district aforesaid. in ETC. both In rvsldsnt WITH ENGINES CHEST. REELS, BOLTING tra1. Having partners CONVEYERS, STEAM PORTABLE AND FROM TIIE HOTEL. and 8u Franeisoo, baying from first These Chest are to constructed Sec. 21. And be U further faded. That and shipped s' eouiT expense, eah tbt they can be takou apart BOILERS, saU at us our to enables uwa bands goods tiu- - iubcrvd. at any time after an attempt to acquire Any person can easily set them np. . vrhfIeie and Retail Dealer In, piece SCHAEFER. In HATH house this other I. L. than vicinity. any KUMIE, am tie by appraisal of damages, or otherwise, Baaides Gorin ne Hons w have well appointed m'chll-ti- a shall be found that the title hereby if it PaclfTo.'nd (diforol WINES, LIQUORS, &CIKARS attempted to be acquued la defective, the Every description of Quarts and Oregon R. lb's at MACHINES " M. T. PleaManteNff MIVII. A. M, Truokoe, Winnsmaoca, GrUn 4 Chioo, UVMK1MO, Mill to auew cr Machinery. acquire company may proceed These Machines are of the most approved patterns. Our Hand Bolster I Turner Paten Toono. and Anti Friction ROLLER, now lu nan In several of Potter Palmer buildings, on JWaSa Street ala Hernia A Co., Cels- - f'erfett the same in the same maimer as orncR & CO., principal agent for II re veer. CUMMINGS H. A. nnn Olart of ViaX, iiiteeeet the to made at buen and make by had it 'CS such ; Seymonr, Carter kotOo . F. O. Welch. nw building on Month Canal Mtrsst, I. Prl Ala amt Porter., VZ J Street, Sacrumento. Htreet, bratr.l No. na other. end to ra from fllty bn? M'mUtnn iduho upward and . purchase near OF ALL th R1YDS such 11 ncl-t- f WHOLES ILfi DEALERS proceeding , any atRge of BAX niANCISCO, States. court may authorize the .corporation, if rathi-- than in any of the o.Atlantis Circular Saw Mills, Woodworths Planers and Matchers w. rooo, 8upi ZZS Street. No. in continue to tn posseiwion, Clay VICTOR CORDELLA, ponaesfion, a?;itn mb5W8m , Xhlngle Mllls.l nitdl all kinds Weed Working Maaklnsrp. to take poRaession of, and use such real Wholesale and Retail 30 Street, Sacramento, Pulleys and Elevator MachinRichard' Poiccr Corn Shelter, Shafting, estate during the petnluucy and until the AMERICAN EXCHANGE HOTEL Order. to ery Jluilt final conclusion of such new proceedings, , For California Fruit and Produce uod may stay all actions and proceedings send your orders to SANSOME STREET, . against the company, or any officer or 1VINES, LIQUORS, XX MOBTOX, poukt a. w iiJtox, A. H. CUMMINGS & CO., agent or woikmnu of such company, on TTV CNBTKXXK. YwwvrT beet cMoonrt. the bratuU) such on (of account thereof, company pavYext Adjoining the Bank of California, 30 vi , SacraiueMto. V A) aa the a sufficient sum, court into BANKING HOUOE roilACCO, CIGARS and GLASSWARE. ing METROPOLITAN IIOT'E. oourt may direct, to pay the compensaengaged In thle business for . v- Having Street iet'Msi Sacramento from Extending tion therefor, when finally ascertained ; to JTalleck Street. e 07 in every such case the. party interestor and cacBunsK & MILES, (lEltltlSll the conduct proed in real estate may at lowe.t market rates. SAN FRANCISCO. ' Dealers la ' Orders fitted by Express C. O. D., or Railroad , ceedings to a conclusion, if the company Between Third and Fourth Street, apl-t- f the same. freight. delays or omits to prosecute F. II. WILMblt, Cmekter. Hoc 25. And be U furllicr enacted. That Being centrally located It offers to bnainssa Hardware, Iron, Nalb, Stoves, time both to time, from men and families superior inducemeuta, such company may, HUSH It C&EEltrWiLH, freprlcters. Hliotit. borrow such sums of mouoy as they may as to convenience, comfort and economy, where VCIpflf.lt ANU TIN WARIt, WHOLESALE DEALEH IN deem necessary for completing or operat- ail the wants of It guests ar anticipated and issue and and American tbeir railroad, The Exchange Moutana Street, dispose cheerfully supplied. ing NON TANA STREET, CORINNE, Standard Tarlctlca of their bonds (or any amounts so bor- Onsoh, with Red Lights, wt.l be at the wharves , j This FIB8T CLASS XEW UOTXL le nw span fetlcctleM made mi rowed, (or inch sums and at such rales of and depot to convey passenger to the Hotel, to the public. The rooms are neatly and comliked mortand interest as may be agreed upon, furnished. The tabke are always supfortably and franFourth and Fifth,) iutf (Between EVERY the market OF DESCRIPTION, aflord. TIMOTUY 8AR0ENT. gage their corporate property plied with tbs bct com ASH 60L OlIT C0SC3T. Freeh Gyatera alwaya on baud and aerved np in chises to secure the payment of any debt DRIED on notice. AND short GREEN FRUIT, any style and the ; such contracted by company TIhe Bar i stocked with the finest Wines, CALIFORNIA cities f lb VL Draw exchange on principal directoia of the company mav confer on imtetf and Cigar. Liquors, woild. HONEY, NUTS, for issued bond money any holder ol any Tim Checks bought. I am uow receiving an immcuHo Spring And Other Agricultural Product, AUGUST LEVELL, borrowed as aforesaid the right lo con. Office hours irwm a. u. to 6 p. u. thcrcou MH-t- f end Bummer Btoek Consisting of or duo vert the owing . principal SACRAMENTO. FOURTH STREET, 8 & 10 J STREET, ibto stock of anid company, at any lira & STRAHLE JACOB CO., tho from dat UTAH. not exceeding flftieu years CARPETING, COUINNE, Having leeu engaged In this trade lu the etiy DRY GOODS, UTAH for fifteen years. I iiavs advantages poemwa-- ri by bend a vaMety of tlis beat Me!, of tau! bond, under such regulation ae TV-jK'iai MATTING, CLOTIUNO, BOLE AGENTS FOR dried beef, tbe no other house for securing and forwarding atieb com and Hams. i.nml ; may ii(r at pniipany f their iu season, &. Produce and General nyh-tretell. a Imleeale thorCROCKERY, BOOTS taken and aid Fruit, this house BIIOES, eu., eto., Having recently r. pany may sell their bond whenever they tha loweat fate aud lu the beat possible eondU DELANEYS PATENT CUSHIONS. HELENA, M. T. oughly lefltted and renovated it, I purpe to HATH t CAI'S, GLASSWARE, 8ui mchl2 tlon. , I aa a ( keep In Oold and 8ilverBara, Coin, Rx. Dealers ATUOMZK HOME INDUSTRY. aavalid as?f aucb bond should bo moM . SATCHELS, VALISES, on principal cities la L'tiMed (Mates and change at par value. But uch oorporallon shall FIRST-CLAS- S WALL PAPER. Europe. YIUIAMS & CO , HOTEL, Collections promptly attended to. myll-Sn- t not have power to issue any bond or to Ac. Ac. , tc., nd Boci. exacute any mortnge upon it property Received First Premium name fire-proIn (he the City, Only t of the or fraDcbisca until at least one-liaety 's Gold Medal at last State i BO. Proprietor of tbe VICTOR CORDELLA. PHILLIPS, TADEIi jlS-t- f been have abait Having purchased uiy stock very cheap stock fully paid. Fair held at Sacramento. capital U That be at it to soil Bko. 20. And fur oast, I tun prepared further emeba,priooa H. M. Cohkn, Bimqx llwuKBorn. if at ony time after the locution of the fail to' iuduco purchasers. that canuol in or ' whole track f such road, in VOlt INKS, UTAH. part, bet. N and 0, Sacramento. Prompt attention given to orders from OFttCK ANO HALE tUUlMH. and tha filing of the map thereof, it alml! n distance. to tbe director of ald company Anil Direct j of 503 MARKET STREET, Steam Eiifflnea and Main Always on hand Lumber, Lath and Shingles, appear Give me a call. Ogden, Lumber rough or dresstd f urnlabed at the lowest that (he line thereof may be improvod; to llu lit T7I3 HAXfiOMKi AXD BETWEKX BATTEBY Order, oc7t. ich dir elore my, from time to time .' Rest kept House in the City. 'wli Price. ter tbe Hue, and cause a new map to be nnt IHIfnm Sir rulk comer of 310 Froat Otroet. S3r Free Bust to and from the Depot. --C CASTINGS AND MACHINERY OF ny2Xtf filed in the said registers office, and may jfaiuucfoiy, S! rtfIt, JiSrerv. L. f BAUBEimKR k COIIKX. tuySl-tDelweea Commercial and Sacraeaela, lands of ui the take poiwe.aioq thereupon DRALEB IX Every Description, embraced In such new location lhat may T ana construction such for maSldlm HOOKS, STATIONEUY, NEWS be minlred Steamboat and Quartz tnaintainance of snch road on such new Corner Douglas A 12th St., WALL PAPER W1LKEB A EeRlITT, line, either by agreement with the owner TO M. MATRIXM,) (SUCCESSOR as authorized are ueh or proceedings by LOCKET CUTLERY, NEBRASKA. OMAHA, Wholesale sad Retail uuder the preceding sections Of this set, mrosmsis aid nmrACTiRuu of Constructed, Fitted np or Repaired. X have row on handand ba1l kmp.dnrin AMD VAN A. D. NAMEE, and use the .same in place of the line for apltt-t- f Proprietor the eutiro season, a fuu supply of the e NOTIONS OF ALE KINDS wbi :k h new is substituted. new and In complete order In all its apIs CHICAGO WAGON, 8CHUTTLXR P. bzo. 27. And be U further enacted, Thai Comer of ilh, and Montana Shvets, B. W. Wilcox. Which will be warranted in every respect and pointments. L. Powers, tie in every room, and Cha'iner Anunncla FRUIT AND COnFECTIONERY. whenever the track of such railroad shall at reasonable sold very Front price. 232 tor Nfts. 230 and Street, such oommonicatlng with each room In the House. COUINNE. UTAH. cross a road or highway, The Sehuttler Wagon ia known through the CM 0O (Uk such MMk,, my be CORNER SACRAMENTO, ault-lWest aa the beat and nioet reliable wgon made. or road may highway pi4-t- f Also for sal carried under or over the track, as may Importers and SAN FRANCISCO. X. M. FITCH. GEO. WELDON. p0 mo,t expedient ; and In cases where I Spring Seats, The best of reference, YflOUSALE CIAIXR8 Id an embankment or catting shall make a and - J 1LMNOIS. 1IYGKIAN HONE WATBO-CVK- B Wagon CHICAGO. 3m. uhn or highFITCH & WELDON, change io tbe line of such road more CowersOne of the largest and beat Hotels tn tbe WeC AND PHRENOLOGICAL IN8TITUTB, Wagon easy Office near tha Depot. way desirable, with a view to a I inbuilt, rtimodled. and refurnished in tha GEO. A. LOWK. ap!9-2or descent, the said company msy U7 Ca tUnin KnK, richest and moat luxurious manner tn 1M0. BLifKSMITll S WAGON SHOP, ascent construction Xnmeroua salts of rooms with Baths, water, take additional lands for the m Ac. Opjxsits St. Mary's kxthdral, of such toad or highway, or suchjoew line I of Atwoods One Elevators passenger Improved CORINNE, UTAH, dlreothe as msy be deemed reouisiie by SAN FitANClCCdi. has been Introduced lor conveying guests to the v spli-l. , Unless the lands so taken shall be I f ' tors. different floor. V r ' P. R. R. Freight Depot) (Near for the. AUCTION, or U Thl the given in Ban WatoaCue voluntarily purchased only regular JNO. B. DRAKE, Francieco. and by far Uta most exteoelv. aod CUlf0fDl9 DtTCBT, 314 aforesaid, compensation therefor purpose Proprietor. CLACKSMITHING, complete Hygienic Insttiuta on tba Pactfie Qeael. shall be asccrtainod lu the manner in tbia Co, Aud we offer to Mtuitr, Lowyeeu, Uinara, and HORSE SHOEING, ss act provided, ns nearly HAN1 may be, Mechanic, Fannera, and all worthy for-soK 47 and Nos. 45 Street, 43, who desire to try tbo advantage or ibta WAGON-MAKINduly made by such corporation to tbe ST rational system of medicine, tbe beepttalMeo of owners and peraon interested ia such Manufacturers, and have Constantly SACK JUDEA TO. .Second and Third, 1 our Hygienic Howe and Cnve. Yooaw ma wbo Cor C. LORRIt B. on hand " have become dabliltatad or have loettbatr baaHb A 10 OCC mT p "It Proprietor. i ,JI componation t . ,h., by exeacatv toil, exposure, at dtue with IBia,, nestuce and deepatt'h. The anto leave make tbe proprietor beg contracted through ignorance of pbyataal Iowa, 207 i We also west Large . nouncement Post door Office Second du hand a complete assortment eucii iutrseotlng rond hr highway, in of new that have their they opuuedi sale may with tu find more of tbe iwrumnm of 4 V such mahneraixl by wtoh torrn aa tbo SFOItTING, and ar prepared to serve a cliolce Meal they need, and tba maane that wlU reetere tbcca Thimble-kkeiubo to 8 a uoh seai-ltrn Inch la Y of from cent may ATI. mb 8L1CLE R009S, IE cpionresn style. highway ' DRY GOODS, fTRKIKHED, to health, than else hare in California. parte MINING, HARDWARE, inches; Iron-- alleUia; 8tecL Iter aud OcocoMaMcaa hi rehold for highway pu jpoees. . on , BLASTING GROCERIES, run : month. ,s AND TINWARE, nr wexk Spring i flora and Mule Bhoea, Uoreeiho r, da gard to health, free, from 10 . m. to 8 r. M. ' . 7b ho cowfinurii GAYS WHO ! ! FOR NOT nail, Kllptte Spring. Door. Hash. VeW JOE have tha Etactro. Btualan, Tnrkieb sod CLOTHING, QUEENSWARE, ) The Table always supplied with the beet netian Jill lid, lUo., Ete,, Ete. Thermal Baths, aud every font of , Medical market afford. Give ua a call before purchasing elsewhere. f"r bdSa, D Gentlemen, from Itoij Tba public are notified', that Jo Bemmo, at I PROVISIONS, W. 0. JOBLXOOX. . ou Sunday from T a. auto I r.ii. , and UK V ERE HOUSE OALOOX, Mir Breakfaat la time for the Oars and Boats. the myiotf , . , j. WIUOHT. 4tLkeCUyi f. HARNESS, taking Booms will be called in time keep tbe beet Of BtTPERIOn QUALITY, FBE8H FROM forpassengers t 8, R. JOI1X8UX, . the all Public ' City. leaving Oooveyaneac l. M. 8TEKI.K.;' ! i Eto. end Eto., Great Redaction TUK MILLS. It btring Eta, 4 per week.. Meals, 36 eta. Single Board. Oyitcn, rted lute the Interior, i a delivered to the gtaemr matjamta to ' fttteotioa Commission trauept ' gtrict paid 50 Busins, ytwa weekcJCygiente cl. of Its Booms, STEELE & JOHNSON, Blacksmith and Wagon Shop consumer withit a ialew daya of the timericr end liberal advancement made on consignments, 1C in and Tl aerwaHU up MO every N. D. wy manufacture, aeaeah (In ordinary ftuiL TIIAYEll, STOCK BOICHT AID SOLD. grp- Call and see him. j j Wholesale Dealers lJ other Powder In Market. with Ream, from 37 to is apl6-t-f Second Sired, bdveem B ont ond Montana, any Mbs, , mv21-tK. f THUMBO, J. awarded We have been eucooaaively from M casta to Sleach, or It fog gtSia. M Cl J?cncy t for gift. . t Go UTAH. "COUINNE, Wa. have soon LEIVVES, IL,. THREE GOLD MEDA1 8 which la sttpdti by a ll f All kind of Blacksmitblng and Wagon "Dealer tn I iSST tba Mw , wotasn, wbfie I . ' rateo. , inr. aUUe , work dona (;beapfKt Smith, wbieb taeonn e IXSTITUT and MKCHAXIC8 the By I CORINNE MONTANA STREET, KAITADY ft THOMAS, rhlrfly devoted lo MiO i SOCIETY for tba LIqaors,Flour and Daccn, forgat to give na a call'll , STATE AORICULTUBi Lover din desiring Hygienic tmtnwt Wholesale and BetaiL Are tn dally receipt of Fresh Vegetable from ail onr other. of product Is not on female InvaRd tn GO Main fc 7 you want a lgood Cigar or a hasThere WBlGnT & JOHNSON GiUfor&iAi Wa eao ceil attention to ear tf been itiMtai from4 Hires P-- ltf CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Smile of Pure Cutter t. Beet. Lrttaca, t FAMILY SUPPLIES. Ogden, t. oo., GODDARD & , Bumcnuiu S. L. TIBBALS, 80-ramsn- Fes Crist Portable Burr Hills. Richards 1 to bt-ln- g for Steam and Haint Power. a HOISTING 1 i r Brviit and 3?roducey ) J GUOCEK-IES- ANOTHER Jsl7-44wl- HOTELH. 1tV J street, k .. b-e- n to m moBtaaa Street, TTiioon ci raonccrj, ( Iro;i ,,V UTAH. LOUIS REGGEL, COUINNE, w. n. othotjo, Tr. COUINNE, Utah f m. in i,b( b SEEDS, r7-3- oxlmt MEAT W1ARKET, j UKJTAII HOUSE, , UOIIM Js AUB,V b a. CORINNE, 'tlwiia II. iEtm -- !iJ . l-IOXT1-3,- Union Iron Works, lf - LCLIPHE SAW. MILL of ft - WHOLESALE Front Street, lloilert IIOLT, (JEOllGE fir ft Importer JAPATJ AO, 8t,, , L. REGGEL. , 7-- 5 G. COHN WHITE HOUSE, SGHUTTLERS Metropolitan Hotel, CO., FILANOXSOO. S-A3S- - ' CHICAGO VAGOHS. f , Cigars and Tobacco, I It. FOWBIU3 Cba, ; & Co., m I Wines and Liquors, 73 Front Ntroot, Sacraraen to POWDER W 0RK.S THE CALIFORNIA m SOSXIEjaJilN. WOT&T 1 WAGON-REPAIRIN- a A Family and rou7Dnn at, m n , V . i ri. HENRY Orocoxies and Liquors, MILK! MILK!! MILK!!! HEBGULES FOWDEB, SWEET MILK, , ' SOUR MILK, . P. It. It. SITING II0U5E i BUTTER, MILK, 'r BRYAN, W T. BUTTER, Etc., . W.s gyIS-l- y i ELLIOTT, Prop. Mcala oo arrival of all vraln.- J3. ADAMS, FARMERS MARKET, i svi.ooti i If Pearl Slq COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. AS Afcalt far (hi grlaatal Pavtlrr Ca. , lo he ' ji-Do- . GldM Crwn Cigar. Propr. V- j, -- O la Prka, ,1mh Fifd Keetand n-ce- n't tf i Phrtno-Examinatio- GReEMIES,' d1 hi . Otaplo ;J, nt. nnc, . t OAiirorirjxA t Her-cha- Montana St., e, rt ! us kp 3 k FRANCISCO, -- Dr. SMITHS i m a Tremont House, liowi - at Always on band and delivered in tha city reasonable Patronage rmprctfpUy solicit-eKAMI ART k EIXIS. my0-t- f rU. which combine nil tbe fore et other riron and tha liftinr force of xpioeivee now In the Boar xuiriM rowrutB. tboa making it compound now in vestly anperior to any other f iw , use, A circular containing a rtru, rucwmox of this powder can be obtained on application to otu Office, or of any of our Agents. iu, 4th street, corner of Montana, Cortnne. angis-t- f a5 ly JOHN F. LOUSE. Sccrflacr. Carrots, Cellery, h Oabbena, Cauliflower, Onions, Green Parsley, Peas, X :w Potatoes Radishes, Rhubarb, Tnrntpe W ar prepared to Mppty Hotels, Rastauranb and pilvate families on abort notice and reaeon t , able terms. ppgo.lm . . A. D, ElwkMm ELWELL . t PwO.Tii.xoii. TILTOH, FRUITS, SODA WATER and ICE . ARCTIC, Partner Wanted, J COX FXCTIOX ER Y, CfU-A- at the Mon land VI.; Cortnne Utah, partner la s well paring buslnae can be had by addreeelng I!. L., Reporter Office, Corlna. Utah. Capital required, between Sl.foO and A 1,800. y 1 Whisky, - .p&- Try for youraelf. union Mcatmia , DEALUM IX 1 d. Asparagus, Arttelioko, i mywf j -- tsp ' ' my31.tr CakaS, Pi, te on Hand. Kept Constantly f 080. , . ; and obe-tvati- oa i, is ft the Inet BAKERY, jawagyiB t., Corliine, Presh Bread,7 Graham JeJ-t- renllar - BAXP, Propr, ter t |